1000 resultados para convex geometry (CG)


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This paper presents a convex geometry (CG)-based method for blind separation of nonnegative sources. First, the unaccessible source matrix is normalized to be column-sum-to-one by mapping the available observation matrix. Then, its zero-samples are found by searching the facets of the convex hull spanned by the mapped observations. Considering these zero-samples, a quadratic cost function with respect to each row of the unmixing matrix, together with a linear constraint in relation to the involved variables, is proposed. Upon which, an algorithm is presented to estimate the unmixing matrix by solving a classical convex optimization problem. Unlike the traditional blind source separation (BSS) methods, the CG-based method does not require the independence assumption, nor the uncorrelation assumption. Compared with the BSS methods that are specifically designed to distinguish between nonnegative sources, the proposed method requires a weaker sparsity condition. Provided simulation results illustrate the performance of our method.


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Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes model performances in the stagnation and wake regions for turbulent flows with relatively large Lagrangian length scales (generally larger than the scale of geometrical features) approaching small cylinders (both square and circular) is explored. The effective cylinder (or wire) diameter based Reynolds number, ReW ≤ 2.5 × 103. The following turbulence models are considered: a mixing-length; standard Spalart and Allmaras (SA) and streamline curvature (and rotation) corrected SA (SARC); Secundov's νt-92; Secundov et al.'s two equation νt-L; Wolfshtein's k-l model; the Explicit Algebraic Stress Model (EASM) of Abid et al.; the cubic model of Craft et al.; various linear k-ε models including those with wall distance based damping functions; Menter SST, k-ω and Spalding's LVEL model. The use of differential equation distance functions (Poisson and Hamilton-Jacobi equation based) for palliative turbulence modeling purposes is explored. The performance of SA with these distance functions is also considered in the sharp convex geometry region of an airfoil trailing edge. For the cylinder, with ReW ≈ 2.5 × 103 the mixing length and k-l models give strong turbulence production in the wake region. However, in agreement with eddy viscosity estimates, the LVEL and Secundov νt-92 models show relatively little cylinder influence on turbulence. On the other hand, two equation models (as does the one equation SA) suggest the cylinder gives a strong turbulence deficit in the wake region. Also, for SA, an order or magnitude cylinder diameter decrease from ReW = 2500 to 250 surprisingly strengthens the cylinder's disruptive influence. Importantly, results for ReW ≪ 250 are virtually identical to those for ReW = 250 i.e. no matter how small the cylinder/wire its influence does not, as it should, vanish. Similar tests for the Launder-Sharma k-ε, Menter SST and k-ω show, in accordance with physical reality, the cylinder's influence diminishing albeit slowly with size. Results suggest distance functions palliate the SA model's erroneous trait and improve its predictive performance in wire wake regions. Also, results suggest that, along the stagnation line, such functions improve the SA, mixing length, k-l and LVEL results. For the airfoil, with SA, the larger Poisson distance function increases the wake region turbulence levels by just under 5%. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In recent years, the econometrics literature has shown a growing interest in the study of partially identified models, in which the object of economic and statistical interest is a set rather than a point. The characterization of this set and the development of consistent estimators and inference procedures for it with desirable properties are the main goals of partial identification analysis. This review introduces the fundamental tools of the theory of random sets, which brings together elements of topology, convex geometry, and probability theory to develop a coherent mathematical framework to analyze random elements whose realizations are sets. It then elucidates how these tools have been fruitfully applied in econometrics to reach the goals of partial identification analysis.


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We explore a generalisation of the L´evy fractional Brownian field on the Euclidean space based on replacing the Euclidean norm with another norm. A characterisation result for admissible norms yields a complete description of all self-similar Gaussian random fields with stationary increments. Several integral representations of the introduced random fields are derived. In a similar vein, several non-Euclidean variants of the fractional Poisson field are introduced and it is shown that they share the covariance structure with the fractional Brownian field and converge to it. The shape parameters of the Poisson and Brownian variants are related by convex geometry transforms, namely the radial pth mean body and the polar projection transforms.


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The theory and methods of linear algebra are a useful alternative to those of convex geometry in the framework of Voronoi cells and diagrams, which constitute basic tools of computational geometry. As shown by Voigt and Weis in 2010, the Voronoi cells of a given set of sites T, which provide a tesselation of the space called Voronoi diagram when T is finite, are solution sets of linear inequality systems indexed by T. This paper exploits systematically this fact in order to obtain geometrical information on Voronoi cells from sets associated with T (convex and conical hulls, tangent cones and the characteristic cones of their linear representations). The particular cases of T being a curve, a closed convex set and a discrete set are analyzed in detail. We also include conclusions on Voronoi diagrams of arbitrary sets.


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The convex hull describes the extent or shape of a set of data and is used ubiquitously in computational geometry. Common algorithms to construct the convex hull on a finite set of n points (x,y) range from O(nlogn) time to O(n) time. However, it is often the case that a heuristic procedure is applied to reduce the original set of n points to a set of s < n points which contains the hull and so accelerates the final hull finding procedure. We present an algorithm to precondition data before building a 2D convex hull with integer coordinates, with three distinct advantages. First, for all practical purposes, it is linear; second, no explicit sorting of data is required and third, the reduced set of s points is constructed such that it forms an ordered set that can be directly pipelined into an O(n) time convex hull algorithm. Under these criteria a fast (or O(n)) pre-conditioner in principle creates a fast convex hull (approximately O(n)) for an arbitrary set of points. The paper empirically evaluates and quantifies the acceleration generated by the method against the most common convex hull algorithms. An extra acceleration of at least four times when compared to previous existing preconditioning methods is found from experiments on a dataset.


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The interaction between the digital human model (DHM) and environment typically occurs in two distinct modes; one, when the DHM maintains contacts with the environment using its self weight, wherein associated reaction forces at the interface due to gravity are unidirectional; two, when the DHM applies both tension and compression on the environment through anchoring. For static balancing in first mode of interaction, it is sufficient to maintain the projection of the centre of mass (COM) inside the convex region induced by the weight supporting segments of the body on a horizontal plane. In DHM, static balancing is required while performing specified tasks such as reach, manipulation and locomotion; otherwise the simulations would not be realistic. This paper establishes the geometric relationships that must be satisfied for maintaining static balance while altering the support configurations for a given posture and altering the posture for a given support condition. For a given location of the COM for a system supported by multiple point contacts, the conditions for simultaneous withdrawal of a specified set of contacts have been determined in terms of the convex hulls of the subsets of the points of contact. When the projection of COM must move beyond the existing support for performing some task, new supports must be enabled for maintaining static balance. This support seeking behavior could also manifest while planning for reduction of support stresses. Feasibility of such a support depends upon the availability of necessary features in the environment. Geometric conditions necessary for selection of new support on horizontal,inclined and vertical surfaces within the workspace of the DHM for such dynamic scenario have been derived. The concepts developed are demonstrated using the cases of sit-to-stand posture transition for manipulation of COM within the convex supporting polygon, and statically stable walking gaits for support seeking within the kinematic capabilities of the DHM. The theory developed helps in making the DHM realize appropriate behaviors in diverse scenarios autonomously.


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Collective cell migrations are essential in several physiological processes and are driven by both chemical and mechanical cues. The roles of substrate stiffness and confinement on collective migrations have been investigated in recent years, however few studies have addressed how geometric shapes influence collective cell migrations. Here, we address the hypothesis that the relative position of a cell within the confinement influences its motility. Monolayers of two types of epithelial cells-MCF7, a breast epithelial cancer cell line, and MDCK, a control epithelial cell line-were confined within circular, square, and cross-shaped stencils and their migration velocities were quantified upon release of the constraint using particle image velocimetry. The choice of stencil geometry allowed us to investigate individual cell motility within convex, straight and concave boundaries. Cells located in sharp, convex boundaries migrated at slower rates than those in concave or straight edges in both cell types. The overall cluster migration occurred in three phases: an initial linear increase with time, followed by a plateau region and a subsequent decrease in cluster speeds. An acto-myosin contractile ring, present in the MDCK but absent in MCF7 monolayer, was a prominent feature in the emergence of leader cells from the MDCK clusters which occurred every similar to 125 mu m from the vertex of the cross. Further, coordinated cell movements displayed vorticity patterns in MDCK which were absent in MCF7 clusters. We also used cytoskeletal inhibitors to show the importance of acto-myosin bounding cables in collective migrations through translation of local movements to create long range coordinated movements and the creation of leader cells within ensembles. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of how bounding shapes influence long-term migratory behaviours of epithelial cell monolayers. These results are important for tissue engineering and may also enhance our understanding of cell movements during developmental patterning and cancer metastasis.


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Demixing is the task of identifying multiple signals given only their sum and prior information about their structures. Examples of demixing problems include (i) separating a signal that is sparse with respect to one basis from a signal that is sparse with respect to a second basis; (ii) decomposing an observed matrix into low-rank and sparse components; and (iii) identifying a binary codeword with impulsive corruptions. This thesis describes and analyzes a convex optimization framework for solving an array of demixing problems.

Our framework includes a random orientation model for the constituent signals that ensures the structures are incoherent. This work introduces a summary parameter, the statistical dimension, that reflects the intrinsic complexity of a signal. The main result indicates that the difficulty of demixing under this random model depends only on the total complexity of the constituent signals involved: demixing succeeds with high probability when the sum of the complexities is less than the ambient dimension; otherwise, it fails with high probability.

The fact that a phase transition between success and failure occurs in demixing is a consequence of a new inequality in conic integral geometry. Roughly speaking, this inequality asserts that a convex cone behaves like a subspace whose dimension is equal to the statistical dimension of the cone. When combined with a geometric optimality condition for demixing, this inequality provides precise quantitative information about the phase transition, including the location and width of the transition region.


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Models for simulating Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) may serve as a reference point for validating experimental data and practice. Generally, simulations use a microscopic model of the sample-probe interaction based on a first-principles approach, or a geometric model of macroscopic distortions due to the probe geometry. Examples of the latter include use of neural networks, the Legendre Transform, and dilation/erosion transforms from mathematical morphology. Dilation and the Legendre Transform fall within a general family of functional transforms, which distort a function by imposing a convex solution.In earlier work, the authors proposed a generalized approach to modeling SPM using a hidden Markov model, wherein both the sample-probe interaction and probe geometry may be taken into account. We present a discussion of the hidden Markov model and its relationship to these convex functional transforms for simulating and restoring SPM images.©2009 SPIE.


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A simple and general design procedure is presented for the polarisation diversity of arbitrary conformal arrays; this procedure is based on the mathematical framework of geometric algebra and can be solved optimally using convex optimisation. Aside from being simpler and more direct than other derivations in the literature, this derivation is also entirely general in that it expresses the transformations in terms of rotors in geometric algebra which can easily be formulated for any arbitrary conformal array geometry. Convex optimisation has a number of advantages; solvers are widespread and freely available, the process generally requires a small number of iterations and a wide variety of constraints can be readily incorporated. The study outlines a two-step approach for addressing polarisation diversity in arbitrary conformal arrays: first, the authors obtain the array polarisation patterns using geometric algebra and secondly use a convex optimisation approach to find the optimal weights for the polarisation diversity problem. The versatility of this approach is illustrated via simulations of a 7×10 cylindrical conformal array. © 2012 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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Let H be a (real or complex) Hilbert space. Using spectral theory and properties of the Schatten–Von Neumann operators, we prove that every symmetric tensor of unit norm in HoH is an infinite absolute convex combination of points of the form xox with x in the unit sphere of the Hilbert space. We use this to obtain explicit characterizations of the smooth points of the unit ball of HoH .


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The structure of the duplex d[CG(5-BrU)ACG]2 bound to 9-bromophenazine-4-carboxamide has been solved through MAD phasing at 2.0 Å resolution. It shows an unexpected and previously unreported intercalation cavity stabilized by the drug and novel binding modes of Co2+ ions at certain guanine N7 sites. For the intercalation cavity the terminal cytosine is rotated to pair with the guanine of a symmetry-related duplex to create a pseudo-Holliday junction geometry, with two such cavities linked through the minor groove interactions of the N2/N3 guanine sites at an angle of 40°, creating a quadruplex-like structure. The mode of binding of the drug is shown to be disordered, with the major conformations showing the side chain bound to the N7 position of adjacent guanines. The other end of the duplex exhibits a terminal base fraying in the presence of Co2+ ions linking symmetry-related guanines, causing the helices to intertwine through the minor groove. The stabilization of the structure by the intercalating drug shows that this class of compound may bind to DNA junctions as well as duplex DNA or to strand-nicked DNA (‘hemi-intercalated'), as in the cleavable complex. This suggests a structural basis for the dual poisoning of topoisomerase I and II enzymes by this family of drugs.


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Classification learning is dominated by systems which induce large numbers of small axis-orthogonal decision surfaces which biases such systems towards particular hypothesis types. However, there is reason to believe that many domains have underlying concepts which do not involve axis orthogonal surfaces. Further, the multiplicity of small decision regions mitigates against any holistic appreciation of the theories produced by these systems, notwithstanding the fact that many of the small regions are individually comprehensible. We propose the use of less strongly biased hypothesis languages which might be expected to model' concepts using a number of structures close to the number of actual structures in the domain. An instantiation of such a language, a convex hull based classifier, CHI, has been implemented to investigate modeling concepts as a small number of large geometric structures in n-dimensional space. A comparison of the number of regions induced is made against other well-known systems on a representative selection of largely or wholly continuous valued machine learning tasks. The convex hull system is shown to produce a number of induced regions about an order of magnitude less than well-known systems and very close to the number of actual concepts. This representation, as convex hulls, allows the possibility of extraction of higher level mathematical descriptions of the induced concepts, using the techniques of computational geometry.