998 resultados para control graphic
The present work aimed to create a methodology to evaluate the pulverization process with the use of quality tools. It was listed the primary factors, secondary factors, tertiary factors and, with the check list tool support, the list was elaborated. It was evaluated the factors labor, agriculture machine, material and method of 32 pulverization process before pesticide application, in that each factor received a punctuation, having as total sum of 750 points. The medium punctuation to the factors labor, agriculture machine, material and method was 78; 211; 49; 20 and 94 points, respectively. The sum of the factors points for the 32 processes, the minimum value found was 230 and maximum was 620 points. With the proposed methodology, can be identify which common causes of the processes can affect its result.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Aquest TFC vol desenvolupar una aplicació gràfica per a treballar amb imatges i convertir-les al format JPEG.
Estudi seriós sobre les interfícies gràfiques destinades al sector industrial. En aquest sentit, s'analitza el perfil d'usuari o usuaris més freqüent en aquest sector (les seves característiques i les seves necessitats), es presenten i es descriuen diverses pautes de disseny i diversos elements gràfics que compleixen una sèrie de requisits predefinits, es procedeix a fer un muntatge d'exemple presentant una sèrie de pantalles (se n'explica i justifica el funcionament) i, per acabar, es proposa un mètode per a fer la validació del disseny, mètode que pot comportar modificacions sobre el disseny inicial.
This Degree Project is a cooperativ work with the advertising agency PAX in Falun and the industrial companyRemote Control, who constructs and sells actuators for the global market.The assignment concerns bringing out a graphic profile, or with another expression a Design Management, forRemote Control AB graphic materials. Remote Control AB has a quality certification ISO 9000 and is workingwith, when this report was wrote, an environment certification ISO 14001.The Company has been paid attention to Internet and other media.The supervisors are familiar to that Design Management is a soon coming competition element, like quality andenvironment management.This Degree project contains research, analysis and the construction of graphic material. The research has beencommitted most of the time to trace the customer, the market and the competitor, because its the most importantphase. It’s also important looking at competitor’s way of working with marketing management, so you can separatethem from the own company.
[ES] La realización de los nuevos estudios de gestión de la demanda requiere nuevas aproximaciones en las que la red eléctrica se analiza como un sistema complejo. Estos están formados por un gran número de entidades fuertemente enlazadas entre sí. Se afronta el reto de añadir la capacidad de interacción sobre una simulación de sistemas complejos en tiempo de ejecución. Pero, ¿Cómo abordar la representación de un sistema complejo de tal manera que sea fácilmente gestionable por una persona?, o ¿Cómo ofrecer una manera sencilla de alterar la simulación?. Con esta idea nace Simulation Gateway Interface, un framework que permite hacer accesibles las simulaciones a través de una interfaz gráfica.
Epidemiologic case-control studies of small groups of childhood nervous system tumor patients have suggested that parental employment in occupations with exposure to hydrocarbons is a risk factor for disease. The main focus of this case-control study was to assess the paternal occupation at the time of birth of offspring who later developed childhood intracranial and spinal tumors. All children under 15 years of age dying of such tumors in Texas, during the period 1964-1980, were selected as cases. Disease and demographic data were abstracted from death certificates. The birth certificate for each child of the final group of 499 cases was located and parental occupation information, as well as demographic and obstetric data, were collected. The comparison group consisted of a random sample from all Texas live births with the same birth year, race and sex distribution as the cases.^ The paternal occupations were categorized into broad classifications of those involving hydrocarbon exposure versus those that did not, based on the occupation criteria used in the previous studies. Odds ratios did not indicate any increased risk associated with general paternal hydrocarbon exposure in the workplace. In prior studies, increased risk estimates were detected with narrower groups of occupations involving exposure to hydrocarbon materials. The data from this study were classified according to these groups, and again, no increased risks were indicated except for a statistically insignificant but elevated odds ratio for fathers who were paper and pulp mill workers.^ Odds ratios were calculated for specific occupations and industries previously implicated as risk factors. Significantly associated odds ratios (OR) were detected for electricians (OR = 3.5), especially those working for construction companies (OR = 10.0), for employment in the printing occupations (OR = 4.5), particularly graphic arts workers (OR = 21.9), and in the electronics and electronic machinery industries (OR = 3.5). Analysis of the petroleum refining and chemical industries, which were not found in previous study populations, revealed significantly elevated odds ratios of 3.0 for occupations with probable heavy exposure to chemicals and petroleum compounds and 10.0 for salesmen of chemical products. ^
Nowadays, computer simulators are becoming basic tools for education and training in many engineering fields. In the nuclear industry, the role of simulation for training of operators of nuclear power plants is also recognized of the utmost relevance. As an example, the International Atomic Energy Agency sponsors the development of nuclear reactor simulators for education, and arranges the supply of such simulation programs. Aware of this, in 2008 Gas Natural Fenosa, a Spanish gas and electric utility that owns and operate nuclear power plants and promotes university education in the nuclear technology field, provided the Department of Nuclear Engineering of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with the Interactive Graphic Simulator (IGS) of “José Cabrera” (Zorita) nuclear power plant, an industrial facility whose commercial operation ceased definitively in April 2006. It is a state-of-the-art full-scope real-time simulator that was used for training and qualification of the operators of the plant control room, as well as to understand and analyses the plant dynamics, and to develop, qualify and validate its emergency operating procedures.
El trabajo que hemos desarrollado es una Evaluación al Sistema de Control Interno del Centro Grafico Salesiano de la Editorial Don Bosco. Esta investigación se desarrolló por la importancia que el Departamento de Producción tiene dentro de la Editorial; esto nos permitirá exponer las falencias, y dar sugerencias para mejorar su funcionamiento. Este estudio se enfoca en los procesos, procedimientos y tareas a cumplir por parte del personal, con productos de calidad, tiempos apropiados, sin desperdicio de materias primas, reducción de tiempos muertos y de costos de producción. En el CAPITULO I, se desarrollaron los conceptos del COSO 1, que serán útiles para nuestro estudio que describe las generalidades de cada uno de sus componentes y métodos de evaluación. En el CAPITULO II, realizamos una breve descripción de los aspectos generales de la empresa, para tener un mayor conocimiento del entorno. En el CAPITULO III realizamos la evaluación, del SCI al departamento productivo, utilizado técnicas de evaluación como las del flujograma, cuestionarios, y con la información obtenida realizamos un diagnóstico y emitimos un informe con conclusiones y recomendaciones. En el CAPITULO IV se finaliza con un planteamiento de conclusiones y recomendaciones que ayuden a mejorar el control de las actividades dentro del departamento de producción. Este estudio no solo servirá como fuente de observación por parte de la Editorial Don Bosco, sino también a empresas del mismo giro comercial, siendo capaz de dar lineamientos de observación de producción.
The control of energy homeostasis relies on robust neuronal circuits that regulate food intake and energy expenditure. Although the physiology of these circuits is well understood, the molecular and cellular response of this program to chronic diseases is still largely unclear. Hypothalamic inflammation has emerged as a major driver of energy homeostasis dysfunction in both obesity and anorexia. Importantly, this inflammation disrupts the action of metabolic signals promoting anabolism or supporting catabolism. In this review, we address the evidence that favors hypothalamic inflammation as a factor that resets energy homeostasis in pathological states.
Paraquat is a fast acting nonselective contact herbicide that is extensively used worldwide. However, the aqueous solubility and soil sorption of this compound can cause problems of toxicity in nontarget organisms. This work investigates the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles composed of chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) to produce an efficient herbicidal formulation that was less toxic and could be used for safer control of weeds in agriculture. The toxicities of the formulations were evaluated using cell culture viability assays and the Allium cepa chromosome aberration test. The herbicidal activity was investigated in cultivations of maize (Zea mays) and mustard (Brassica sp.), and soil sorption of the nanoencapsulated herbicide was measured. The efficiency association of paraquat with the nanoparticles was 62.6 ± 0.7%. Encapsulation of the herbicide resulted in changes in its diffusion and release as well as its sorption by soil. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assays showed that the nanoencapsulated herbicide was less toxic than the pure compound, indicating its potential to control weeds while at the same time reducing environmental impacts. Measurements of herbicidal activity showed that the effectiveness of paraquat was preserved after encapsulation. It was concluded that the encapsulation of paraquat in nanoparticles can provide a useful means of reducing adverse impacts on human health and the environment, and that the formulation therefore has potential for use in agriculture.
The maintenance of glucose homeostasis is complex and involves, besides the secretion and action of insulin and glucagon, a hormonal and neural mechanism, regulating the rate of gastric emptying. This mechanism depends on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion regulates the speed of gastric emptying, contributing to the control of postprandial glycemia. The pharmacodynamic characteristics of various agents of this class can explain the effects more relevant in fasting or postprandial glucose, and can thus guide the individualized treatment, according to the clinical and pathophysiological features of each patient.
The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of diabetes in older people and the adopted control measures. Data regarding older diabetic individuals who participated in the Health Surveys conducted in the Municipality of Sao Paulo, SP, ISA-Capital, in 2003 and 2008, which were cross-sectional studies, were analyzed. Prevalences and confidence intervals were compared between 2003 and 2008, according to sociodemographic variables. The combination of the databases was performed when the confidence intervals overlapped. The Chi-square (level of significance of 5%) and the Pearson's Chi-square (Rao-Scott) tests were performed. The variables without overlap between the confidence intervals were not tested. The age of the older adults was 60-69 years. The majority were women, Caucasian, with an income of between > 0.5 and 2.5 times the minimum salary and low levels of schooling. The prevalence of diabetes was 17.6% (95%CI 14.9;20.6) in 2003 and 20.1% (95%CI 17.3;23.1) in 2008, which indicates a growth over this period (p at the limit of significance). The most prevalent measure adopted by the older adults to control diabetes was hypoglycemic agents, followed by diet. Physical activity was not frequent, despite the significant differences observed between 2003 and 2008 results. The use of public health services to control diabetes was significantly higher in older individuals with lower income and lower levels of education. Diabetes is a complex and challenging disease for patients and the health systems. Measures that encourage health promotion practices are necessary because they presented a smaller proportion than the use of hypoglycemic agents. Public health policies should be implemented, and aimed mainly at older individuals with low income and schooling levels. These changes are essential to improve the health condition of older diabetic patients.
A retrospective case-control study based on craniometrical evaluation was performed to evaluate the incidence of basilar invagination (BI). Patients with symptomatic tonsillar herniation treated surgically had craniometrical parameters evaluated based on CT scan reconstructions before surgery. BI was diagnosed when the tip of the odontoid trespassed the Chamberlain's line in three different thresholds found in the literature: 2, 5 or 6.6 mm. In the surgical group (SU), the mean distance of the tip of the odontoid process above the Chamberlain's line was 12 mm versus 1.2 mm in the control (CO) group (p<0.0001). The number of patients with BI according to the threshold used (2, 5 or 6.6 mm) in the SU group was respectively 19 (95%), 16 (80%) and 15 (75%) and in the CO group it was 15 (37%), 4 (10%) and 2 (5%).