38 resultados para constructability


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The concept of constructability is to use construction knowledge and experience during all phases of a project, particularly in the earliest phases of planning and design. It facilitates project objectives before delivery stage, and decreases unnecessary costs during construction phase. Despite the extensive use, constructability concept fails to address many issues related to Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of construction projects. Extending constructability concept, to include the O&M issues, could lead to the projects that are not fitted for construction purposes only, but also fitted for use. This study reviews the literature of constructability implementation, its benefits and shortcomings during the infrastructure life cycle, as well as the delivery success factors of infrastructure projects. This contributes to the propose need of a model to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of infrastructure project by extending the concept of constructability to include O&M. Development of such a model can facilitate post-occupancy stakeholders’ participation in a constructability program. It will help infrastructure owners eliminate project reworks, and improve O&M effectiveness and efficiency.


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The basic researches about constructability issue done in different countries demonstrate the potential power of this concept to affect the total goals of the construction projects which can lead to significant cost saving, time saving and better quality via considering the contractors’ construction experience in earlier construction project phases. The present research assesses the familiarity of Malaysian building contractors with constructability concept and activities; then it tests their general opinions on its implementation in different construction phases and projects. As the result, some descriptive studies are done on amount of contractors’ familiarity with this term among various kinds of contractors, projects and contracts which can illustrate constructability implementation level among Malaysian contractors. The results of this study show that Malaysian contractors are not all familiar enough with this term and there are still some barriers that prevent them from taking part in its activities completely. The differences in amount of familiarity with constructability matter and its terms of implementation are quite obvious among various types of participants.


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After the primary researches on constructability issue which were implemented in United States, United Kingdom and Australia, more explorations were applied on that in order to assess this unique scientific fact in East Asian country of Malaysia. Based on the latest researches done on constructability concept in Malaysia, the most Critical Constructability Activities (CCAs) are defined according to amount of contractors’ participation in each activity and amount of gap between actual and potential effects of each of them on achieving the overall objectives of the construction projects with more cost and time savings and better quality which is the whole aim of a beneficial constructability activity. The present research aims to assess the current findings on CCAs in order to identify the types of contractors and projects which these CCAs are getting performed in and also the types of contracts is used in these CCAs. Finally it was found that there are some significant differences in amount of contractors’ involvement in CCAs among various considered independent variables. This study uses the former researches to help Malaysian construction stakeholders to find out the barriers of constructability implementation in building projects via giving more details on application of CCAs among different IVs.


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The concept of constructability uses integration art of individual functions through a valuable and timely construction inputs into planning and design development stages. It results in significant savings in cost and time needed to finalize infrastructure projects. However, available constructability principles, developed by CII Australia (1993), do not cover Operation and Maintenance (O&M) phases of projects, whilst major cost and time in multifaceted infrastructure projects are spent in post-occupancy stages. This paper discusses the need to extend the constructability concept by examining current O&M issues in the provision of multifaceted building projects. It highlights available O&M problems and shortcomings of building projects, as well as their causes and reasons in different categories. This initial categorization is an efficient start point for testing probable present O&M issues in various cases of complex infrastructure building projects. This preliminary categorization serve as a benchmark to develop an extended constructability model that considers the whole project life cycle phases rather than a specific phase. It anticipates that the development of an extended constructability model can reduce significant number of reworks, mistakes, extra costs and time wasted during delivery stages of multifaceted building projects.


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the process, and analyse the implementation of constructability improvement and innovation result during the planning and design for sea water intake structure of fertilizer plant project. Design/methodology/approach The research methodology approach is case study method at project level. This constructability improvement process was investigated by using constructability implementation check lists, direct observation, documented lesson learned analysis and key personnel interviews. Findings The case study shows that the implementation of constructability during planning and design stage for this sea water intake structure has increased the project performance as well as improved the schedule by 5 months (14.21%) and reduced the project cost by 15.35%. Research limitations/implications This case study was limited to three (3) previous sea water intake projects as references and one (1) of new method sea water intake structure at fertilizer plant project. Practical implications A constructability improvement check list using theory and lesson learned for the specific construction project was documented. Originality/value The findings support the relevant study of constructability and provide specific lesson learned for three (3) previous project and one (1) of the new innovation method of the construction project and documented by the company.


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Fundamental studies on constructability issue done in United States, United Kingdom and Australia illustrate capability of this concept to affect overall objectives of construction projects. It can result in significant cost and time savings and improved final quality by consideration of construction contractors experiences during conceptual planning and design phases. As intensive as these studies are, they do not attempt to investigate importance of these activities in order to find each of their specific barriers separately. This research explores Constructability Activities (CAs) in all project phases separately based on amount of contractors involvement in each activity and also amount of gap that exists between target and actual effects of each activity on achieving the final objectives of building projects in Malaysia. It ends to development of Critical Constructability Activities (CCAs). This research is crucial to gaining a better understanding of CCAs which are caused based on contractors higher participation percentage and larger gaps between their target and actual effects on achieving the final aims of the project. This research highlights the need to overcome barriers of CAs implementation in building projects. This study recommends construction stakeholders to concentrate more on CCAs in order to achieve the overall objectives of the project much faster and easier.


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The concept of constructability integrates individual construction functions and experiences through suitable and timely inputs into early stages of project planning and design. It aims to ease construction processes for a more effective and efficient achievement of overall project objectives. Similarly, the concepts of operability and maintainability integrate the functions and experiences of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) into project planning and design. Various studies suggested that these concepts have been implemented in isolation of each other and thus preventing optimum result in delivering infrastructure projects. This paper explores the integration of these three concepts in order to maximize the benefits of their implementation. It reviews the literature to identify the main O&M concerns, and assesses their association with constructability principles. This provides a structure to develop an extended constructability model that includes O&M concerns. It is anticipated that an extended constructability model that include O&M considerations can lead to a more efficient and effective delivery of infrastructure projects.


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This project was a step forward in developing an extension of the concept of constructability to include the post-occupancy stages of operation and maintenance. This was through an in-depth study of Australian health projects and interviews with professionals in the field. The thesis investigated how the operation and maintenance stakeholders can enter the initial planning, design and construction phases resulting in more efficient and effective delivery of infrastructure projects.


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Constructability is an important approach that allows the building industry to achieve quality outputs making best use of resources – the linked goals of time, cost and quality. Information supply and knowledge transfer are central to this and are recognized as integral to an industry strategy to improve productivity. However, poor delivery of information to those at the construction site and lack of effective methods of transferring knowledge between parties involved in construction become major challenges. This paper reviews the building production practices and information networks adopted by three countries to achieve better constructability practices. The elements of ‘control’, ‘innovation’, ‘best practice’ and ‘audit’, identified as key to improving knowledge transfer, are modelled for the construction sectors of Singapore, Australia and Malaysia. A framework for knowledge transfer is proposed to promote better practices in the construction industry.


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Despite the great benefits that it can potentially contribute to modern workplace environment, raised floor system (RFS) encountered many barriers in the process of its applications for the fitout of office buildings in the Australian construction industry. Through a set of comprehensive research activities, the significant influence factors (SIFs) and problems associated with the RFS fitout implementation are identified. Further discussion of these SIFs and problems unearths a range of project level critical factors (PLCFs) pertaining to the RFS fitout design, construction, operation and maintenance, which presents firsthand checklists for the project team to review in the project delivery process. These factors need to be accommodated appropriately in order to enhance the implementation of the RFS fitout in Australian office buildings. Following a constructability study, a framework was developed by integrating these SIFs and PLCFs into the delivery of the RFS fitout in an aim to enhance the project constructability and minimize problems in the RFS service performance.


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Cost management includes planning and control, and constructability1 and prefabrication construction are two main design economics factors for early cost planning decision. Despite the fact that constructability and prefabrication have been considered in design and cost planning, there is no guarantee if the intention meets the expectation. This requires on-going control during construction stage. In fact, prefabrication construction has been encouraged for some years, application is not always positive. One of the reasons is its constructability. This paper investigates the appropriate research methodology to determine how design for prefabrication and constructability will contribute to cost planning through control and review during construction stage. Through a study of an Australian residential project using prefabrication in structural concrete, internal partitioning and internal fit-out, this research concludes that case study is a viable choice. Prefabrication construction does provide a positive impact on the major project objectives: time, cost and quality. Cost reduction is due to saving in time related preliminaries as a direct result of time reduction of onsite activities whilst quality is ensured due to better control of prefabricated components inside the factories. However, it can only be achieved after considering constructability: suitable materials choice, design for available skills, use of available plant, and clear communication. The keys are through plan at design phase and control in construction stage.


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A new steel girder bridge system was developed at the University of Nebraska. The innovative girder design is a box girder folded from a single steel plate that has a trapezoid shape with an opening on the bottom. The girder has application in short span bridges and accelerated construction situations. The structural performance of the girder requires investigation in all stages of a bridge’s lifecycle. This thesis contains descriptions and results from the first two tests from a series of tests developed to evaluate this new girder shape. The objective of these two tests was to investigate the constructability of the girders. During construction a bridge is in its least stable condition and it is important that the bridge components exhibit both adequate strength and stability during this critical stage. To this end, two girders were tested in flexure over a simple span as a non-composite beam simulating the loading the girders would be subjected to during construction. The results of the two tests indicate that the folded girder as a whole, and its components, provide adequate strength and stability at construction load levels. Failure occurred at loads that were above normal construction load levels and resulted in a ductile failure mode, which is a well documented benefit of steel components. The girders remained stable through all phases of loading including failure. The top flange was the weakest component of the beam during construction due to its role as a compression element that has a slender and un-braced form. The compression in the top flange caused local buckling in the top flange even at elastic load levels. This was the cause for loss of stiffness and failure in both specimens. Incorporation of a ridge at the center of the top flange of specimens, results of which are not reported in this thesis, proved to resolve this very early buckling issue.


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Con questa tesi di laurea si muovono i primi passi di una ricerca applicata finalizzata alla costruzione-deposizione di materiale da parte di sciami di mini-robot dal comportamento indipendente che si coordinano tramite segnali lasciati e rilevati nell’ambiente in cui si muovono. Lo sviluppo di tecniche di progettazione e fabbricazione digitale ha prodotto un aumento nel grado di interconnessione tra tecnologia e design, dunque, di nuove possibilità tettoniche. Le relazioni tettoniche tradizionali stanno infatti subendo una trasformazione radicale, potendo essere esplicitamente informate e dunque mediate attraverso gli strumenti digitali dall’ideazione alla produzione. Questa mediazione informata del contenuto tettonico (che opera costantemente) è distintivo di un approccio material-based alla progettazione che aumenta l’integrazione tra struttura, materia e forma entro le tecnologie di fabbricazione (R.Oxman). Dei numerosi processi di fabbricazione per l’architettura che si servono di tecnologia robotica, pochi sono capaci di superare la logica gerarchica, rigida e lineare-sequenziale che serve di fatto agli obiettivi di automazione ed ottimizzazione. La distribuzione di forme di intelligenza semplificata ad un numero elevato di unità robot è quindi qui proposta come alternativa al modello appena descritto. Incorporando semplici decisioni di carattere architettonico negli agenti-robot che costituiscono il sistema distribuito di entità autonome, la loro interazione e le decisioni prese individualmente producono comportamento collettivo e l’integrazione delle suddette relazioni tettoniche. Nello sviluppo del progetto, si è fatto così riferimento a modelli comportamentali collettivi (di sciame) osservabili in specie comunitarie che organizzano strutture materiali -come termiti e vespe- ed in organismi semplici -come le muffe cellulari della specie Physarum polycephalum. Per queste specie biologiche il processo di costruzione non dipende da un ‘piano generale’ ma è guidato esclusivamente da azioni dei singoli individui che comunicano lasciando tracce chimiche nell’ambiente e modificano il loro comportamento rilevando le tracce lasciate dagli altri individui. A questo scopo, oltre alle simulazioni in digitale, è stato indispensabile sviluppare dei prototipi funzionali di tipo fisico, ovvero la realizzazione di mini-robot dal movimento indipendente, in grado di coordinarsi tra loro tramite segnali lasciati nell’ambiente e capaci di depositare materiale.


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The inherent uncertainty and complexity of construction work make construction planning a particularly difficult task for project managers due to the need to anticipate and visualize likely future events. Conventional computer-assisted technology can help but is often limited to the constructability issues involved. Virtual prototyping, however, offers an improved method through the visualization of construction activities by computer simulation — enabling a range of ‘what-if’ questions to be asked and their implications on the total project to be investigated. This paper describes the use of virtual prototyping to optimize construction planning schedules by analyzing resource allocation and planning with integrated construction models, resource models, construction planning schedules and site-layout plans. A real-life case study is presented that demonstrates the use of a virtual prototyping enabled resource analysis to reallocate space, logistic on access road and arrange tower cranes to achieve a 6-day floor construction cycle.