22 resultados para conservations


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The Reoviridae virus family is a group of economically and pathologically important viruses that have either single-, double-, or triple-shelled protein layers enclosing a segmented double stranded RNA genome. Each virus particle in this family has its own viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase and the enzymatic activities necessary for the mature RNA synthesis. Based on the structure of the inner most cores of the viruses, the Reoviridae viruses can be divided into two major groups. One group of viruses has a smooth surfaced inner core, surrounded by complete outer shells of one or two protein layers. The other group has an inner core decorated with turrets on the five-fold vertices, and could either completely lack or have incomplete outer protein layers. The structural difference is one of the determinant factors for their biological differences during the infection. ^ Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) is a single-shelled, turreted virus and the structurally simplest member in Reoviridae. It causes specific chronic infections in the insect gut epithelial cells. Due to its wide range of insect hosts, CPV has been engineered as a potential insecticide for use in fruit and vegetable farming. Its unique structural simplicity, unparalleled capsid stability and ease of purification make CPV an ideal model system for studying the structural basis of dsRNA virus assembly at the highest possible resolution by electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM) and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. ^ In this thesis work, I determined the first 3D structure of CPV capsids using 100 kV cryoEM. At an effective resolution of 17 Å, the full capsid reveals a 600-Å diameter, T = 1 icosahedral shell decorated with A and B spikes at the 5-fold vertices. The internal space of the empty CPV is unoccupied except for 12 mushroom-shaped densities that are attributed to the transcriptional enzyme complexes. The inside of the full capsid is packed with icosahedrally-ordered viral genomic RNA. The interactions of viral RNA with the transcriptional enzyme complexes and other capsid proteins suggest a mechanism for RNA transcription and subsequent release. ^ Second, the interactions between the turret proteins (TPs) and the major capsid shell protein (CSPs) have been identified through 3D structural comparisons of the intact CPV capsids with the spikeless CPV capsids, which were generated by chemical treatments. The differential effects of these chemical treatment experiments also indicated that CPV has a significantly stronger structural integrity than other dsRNA viruses, such as the orthoreovirus subcores, which are normally enclosed within outer protein shells. ^ Finally, we have reconstructed the intact CPV to an unprecendented 8 Å resolution from several thousand of 400kV cryoEM images. The 8 Å structure reveals interactions among the 120 molecules of each of the capsid shell protein (CSP), the large protrusion protein (LPP), and 60 molecules of the turret protein (TP). A total of 1980 α-helices and 720 β-sheets have been identified in these capsid proteins. The CSP structure is largely conserved, with the majority of the secondary structures homologous to those observed in the x-ray structures of corresponding proteins of other reoviruses, such as orthoreovirus and bluetongue virus. The three domains of TP are well positioned to play multifunctional roles during viral transcription. The completely non-equivalent interactions between LPP and CSP and those between the anchoring domain of TP and CSP account for the unparalleled stability of this structurally simplest member of the Reoviridae. ^


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Although the rio Capivari basin is recognized as an area of great importance for the ichthyofauna, it lacks virtually every basic requirement for the definition of appropriate conservation strategies, since not even its species composition is known. The objective of this work is to determine the composition and distribution of fish species in the upper rio Capivari basin, relating them to the local physical features, and to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed conservations units, delimited based on areas of native vegetation remains, on the conservation of local ichthyofauna. During 2007, 50 different watercourses were sampled with gillnets, cast nets and kick nets. A total of 1308 individuals belonging to 41 species were captured. Degree of conservation, altitude and width were the parameters that best explained fish species richness. Considering the recently proposed boundaries for potential conservation units in the region only 15 or 20 out of 41 species would be found in the State Park and Environmental Protection Area respectively. In practice, the proposed conservation units would not be effective tools for fish conservation, since it would be located in mountainous areas of high altitude, of headwaters streams and where few species are found. In such context, the conservation of specific stretches of larger rivers is critical.


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Nous avons travaillé à Bello Horizonte, Etat de Minas, avec le venin de 4 espèces de Scorpions: Tityus bahiensis (C. L. KOCK, 1836). Tityus serrulatus (LUTZ-MELLO, 1922). Tityus dorsomaculatus (LUTZ – MELLO, 1922). Bothriurus (espèce em étude), sur un total de 13.640 individus. Nous avons essayé et observe l’action du venin sur 97 espèces differentes d’êtres vivants – depuis les chlamydozoaires jusqu’à l’«Homo sapiens». Nous avons cherché à déterminer une unité toxique «plus précise, plus régulierè». Les étalons dits «unité vésicule», «unité morsure» sont inconstants et sans rigueur. Tout au plus, peuvent ils server à l’étude de l’action générale du venin, et cela meme, dans certains cas seulement. Nous avons employé la pesée pour determiner l’unité toxique. Ce qui est important pour qui étudie ces sujets ce n’est pás lê nombre de vésicules, mais bien la quantité de venin humide ou desséché qu’elles contiennent. La balance, pour notre travail, est um moyen indicateur de bien plus grande précision que la «vésicule» ou la «morsure». Nous sommes parvenus à prouver qu’il existe une relation constante entre le poid brut des vésicules et la quantité de venin humide ou desséché qu’elles contiennent dans leur intérieur. Donc em pesant les vésicules, nous pesons indirectement le venin. Peu nous importe qu’il y ait 10 ou 100 vésicules. Il nous importe seulement de savoir combien elles pèsent, et de déterminer par ce fait, la quantité proportionnelle de vain pur. La technique générale est la suivante: Nous pesons um certain nombre de vésicules. Nous triturons ensuite, dans um mortier stérilisé et nous emulsionnons, par l’addition consécutive d’eau distillée, stérilisée. Nous filtrons l’émulsion sur le papier filtre employé em chimie, préalablement taré et desséché dans une atmosphere de chlorure de calcium. Après le filtrage on sèche à nouveau les papiers filtre employés d'abord à l'étuve et ensuite dans la même atmosphère de chlorure de calcium. Nous pesons plusieurs fois et on obtient la moyenne de ces pesées. On soustrait de cette dernière pesée le taux des substances non venimeuses, glandulaires, également dissoutes et calculées à 23 du poids brut et celles retenues par les papiers,-on obtient ainsi la moyenne réelle du venin pur contenu dans les vésicules utilisèés. Une simple divisiôn suffit pour fixer la moyenne de chacune. Ces données ont été vérifiées par les expériences faites avec du venin pur, largement obtenu dans notre Laboratoire. Nous avons trouvé de la sorte pour une vésicule de Tityus serrulatus: 0,gr.000,386 de T. bahiensis: 0,gr.001.261.24 de venin pur ce qui donne. 7/15,96 pour la 1ère. 1/8,36 pour la 2ème du poids sec de chaque vésicule. Le poids sec, pour une moyenne obtenue de 1.000 vésicules, fut de 0,gr.008,236 pour Tityus bahiensis. Maximum 0,gr.011. Minimum 0,gr.004.4 pour chacun. Pour Tityus serrulatus, en 1.049 vésicules le poids fut de 0,gr.006,08. Maximum 0,gr.014.03. Minimum 0,gr.003,1 pour chacun. C'est pour cette raison que l'unité-vésicule est incertaine. 2 poules A et B.; l'une, A, pesant 2 K.030 gr. reçoit dans une veinè, une émulsion en sèrum physiologique à 8,50/%, stérilisé, de 19 vésicules totales de Tityus serrulatus, et présence de légers phénomènes toxiques. L'autre, B, pesant 2 K.320 gr. meurt avec tous les phénomènes classiques de l'empoisonnement, par l'injection endoveineuse del'émulsion de 16 vésicules totales de venin de Tityus serrulatus! Les premières 19 vésicules pesaient 0,gr.58; les 16 derniéres-84 milligrammes. Les premières contenaient 0,gr.003. 634 et les secondes 0,gr.005.263 de venin pur! La moyenne obtenue de 6346 scorpions, (entre T. bahiensis et T. serrulatus) nous a fourni pour chacun: 0,gr.000,131,53 de venin pur, par piqûre. Si l'on spécifie: Pour 5.197 T. bahiensis. La moyenne pour une piqûre est 0,gr.000.106.15. Pour 1.149 T. serrulatus, la moyenne pour une piqûre est.......0,gr.000.246.30. La quantité a varié, selon les individus, de 0,gr.000.035.71, à 0,gr.000.436.01 de venin pur, pour une piqûre. D'après ce qui vient d'étre dit, on peut voir combien la quantité de venin éjaculé varie, chaque fois, chez les scorpions. L'unité-piqûre ne peut done pas ètre utiliseé pour des expériences dèlicates. Le mieux est de se servir de venin pur, et c'est ce que nous avons fait pour les expériences minutieuses. Quand on n'en possède pas, on peut établir pour chaque série des expériences à tenter-la dose minima mortelle en poids (grammes et fractions) de vésicules. D'après les bases ici consignées, et avec une trés petite erreur, on peut calculer la quantité de venin pur de cette dóse. Ce calcul est d'ailleurs dispensable. On peut s'en rapporter simplement au poids sec des vésicules totales et dire que la D. m. m. est de tant de milligr. secs. Comme le venin se conserve mal dans les vésicules, il faut, dans ce procédé, doser la D. m. m. toutes les fois que l'on veut procéder á une sériê d'expériences. Le venin desséché rappelle, d'après le temps de conservations au Laboratoire, celui de Crotatus terrificus et celui des Lachesis (quand il est vieux). Il est retenu au passage en partie, par les bougies Berkfeld et Chamberland. La conservation en état de dessication est la meilleure. Ainsi gardé, à l'abri de la lumierè, aux approches de 0,gr., pendant 8 mois, il perd à peine 1,2 à 1,4 de sa valeur primitive. L'echauffement à 100 gr. trouble une dissolution de venin dans l'eau distilleé; sans atteindre toutefois son pouvoir toxique, quand on l'injecte par la voie intra-cérébrale. Nous avons fait l'experience par 11 voies diverses. Sur des animaux sensibles, nous n'avons pas obtenu de phénomènes toxiques, apparemment, par les voies suivantes: 1) buccale; 2) gastrique; 3) rectale; 4) chambre oculaire antérieure; 5) cornéenne; 6) trachéenne; 7) meningée {sur; intra; 8) simple contact, bien que direct, avec le systemè nerveux central. La gravité des phènomènes décroît suivant l'échelle ci-dessous: 1) intra-cérébrale...


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L'activité humaine affecte particulièrement la biodiversité, qui décline à une vitesse préoccupante. Parmi les facteurs réduisant la biodiversité, on trouve les espèces envahissantes. Symptomatiques d'un monde globalisé où l'échange se fait à l'échelle de la planète, certaines espèces, animales ou végétales, sont introduites, volontairement ou accidentellement par l'activité humaine (par exemple lors des échanges commerciaux ou par les voyageurs). Ainsi, ces espèces atteignent des régions qu'elles n'auraient jamais pu coloniser naturellement. Une fois introduites, l'absence de compétiteur peut les rendre particulièrement nuisibles. Ces nuisances sont plus ou moins directes, allant de problèmes sanitaires (p. ex. les piqûres très aigües des fourmis de feu, originaires d'Amérique du Sud et colonisant à une vitesse fulgurante les USA, l'Australie ou la Chine) à des nuisances sur la biodiversité (p. ex. les ravages de la perche du Nil sur la diversité unique des poissons Cichlidés du Lac Victoria). Il est donc important de pouvoir prévenir de telles introductions. De plus, pour le biologiste, ces espèces représentent une rare occasion de pouvoir comprendre les mécanismes évolutifs et écologiques qui expliquent le succès des envahissantes dans un monde où les équilibres sont bouleversés. Les modèles de niche environnementale sont un outil particulièrement utile dans le cadre de cette problématique. En reliant des observations d'espèces aux conditions environnementales où elles se trouvent, ils peuvent prédire la distribution potentielle des envahissantes, permettant d'anticiper et de mieux limiter leur impact. Toutefois, ils reposent sur des hypothèses pas évidentes à démontrer. L'une d'entre elle étant que la niche d'une espèce reste constante dans le temps, et dans l'espace. Le premier objectif de mon travail est de comparer si la niche d'une espèce envahissante diffère entre sa distribution d'origine native et celle d'origine introduite. En étudiant 50 espèces de plantes et 168 espèces de Mammifères, je démontre que c'est le cas et que par corolaire, il est possible de prédire leurs distributions. La deuxième partie de mon travail consiste à comprendre quelles seront les interactions entre le changement climatiques et les envahissantes, afin d'estimer leur impact sous un climat réchauffé. En étudiant la distribution de 49 espèces de plantes envahissantes, je démontre que les montagnes, régions relativement préservée par ce problème, deviendront bien plus exposées aux risques d'invasions biologiques. J'expose aussi comment les interactions entre l'activité humaine, le réchauffement climatique et les espèces envahissantes menacent la vigne sauvage en Europe et propose des zones géographiques particulièrement adaptée pour sa conservation. Enfin, à une échelle beaucoup plus locale, je montre qu'il est possible d'utiliser ces modèles de niches le long d'une rivière à une échelle extrêmement fine (1 mètre), potentiellement utile pour rationnaliser des mesures de conservations sur le terrain. - Biodiversity is significantly negatively affected by human activity. Invasive species are one of the most important factors causing biodiversity's decline. Intimately linked to the era of global trade, some plant or animal species can be accidentally or casually introduced with human activity (e.g. trade or travel). In this way, these species reach areas they could never reach through natural dispersal. Once naturalized, the lack of competitors can make these species highly noxious. Their effect is more or less direct, from sanitary problems (e.g. the harmful sting of Fire Ants, originating from South America and now spreading throughout USA, China and Australia) or can affect biodiversity (e.g. the Nile perch, devastating the one of the richest hotspot of Cichlid fishes diversity in Lake Victoria). It is thus important to prevent such harmful introductions. Moreover, invasive species represent for biologists one of the rare occasions to understand the evolutionary and ecological mechanisms behind the success of invaders in a world where natural equilibrium is already disturbed. Environmental niche models are particularly useful to tackle this problematic. By relating species observation to the environmental conditions where they occur, they can predict the potential distribution of invasive species, allowing a better anticipation and thus limiting their impact. However, they rely on strong assumption, one of the most important being that the modeled niche remains constant through space and time. The first aim of my thesis is to quantify the difference between the native and the invaded niche. By investigating 50 plant and 168 mammal species, I show that the niche is at least partially conserved, supporting for reliable predictions of invasive' s potential distributions. The second aim of my thesis is to understand the possible interactions between climate change and invasive species, such as to assess their impact under a warmer climate. By studying 49 invasive plant species, I show that mountain areas, which were relatively preserved, will become more suitable for biological invasions. Additionally, I show how interactions between human activity, global warming and invasive species are threatening the wild grapevine in Europe and propose geographical areas particularly adapted for conservation measures. Finally, at a much finer scale where conservation plannings ultimately take place, I show that it is possible to model the niche at very high resolution (1 meter) in an alluvial area allowing better prioritizations for conservation.


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In 2004, Walnut Creek was placed on the 303d list of Impaired Waters due to a low biotic index (lack of aquatic life) during IDNR stream sampling events. Sediment originating from agriculture, streambank erosion, and channelization were listed as the most likely sources impacting aquatic life. In an effort to address these concerns, a preliminary study was completed of the multi-county watershed to identify priority areas. A Watershed Development & Planning Assistance Grant was then funded by the IDALS-DSC to conduct a detailed assessment of these prioritized sub-watersheds. The impending assessment of the watershed and the stream corridor revealed ample opportunities to address gully, sheet and rill erosion while addressing in-stream water velocity issues that plagued the riparian corridor. A comprehensive plan was developed comprised of a variety of best management practices to address the identified concerns. In 2009, this plan was submitted to the WIRB Board by the East Pottawattamie and Montgomery SWCDs and $489,455 was awarded to address concerns identified during watershed assessment inquiries. Despite adverse weather conditions, which has hampered conservation construction recently, this project has held fast to pre-project goals due to the fortitude of the project sponsors and the overwhelming participation by the watershed landowners. Unfortunately, state budget shortfalls are bringing project progress to a halt. As specified in the original WIRB funding request, practice funding for Year 3 was to come from the Division of Soil Conservation’s Watershed Protection Fund (WSPF). Due to Iowa’s budgetary restraints, the Walnut Creek WSPF application, which was submitted this spring, was not funded since no new applications in the state were funded. If funded again, this grant will serve as the critical step in continuing what is destined to be a true watershed success story.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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This study investigates the numerical simulation of three-dimensional time-dependent viscoelastic free surface flows using the Upper-Convected Maxwell (UCM) constitutive equation and an algebraic explicit model. This investigation was carried out to develop a simplified approach that can be applied to the extrudate swell problem. The relevant physics of this flow phenomenon is discussed in the paper and an algebraic model to predict the extrudate swell problem is presented. It is based on an explicit algebraic representation of the non-Newtonian extra-stress through a kinematic tensor formed with the scaled dyadic product of the velocity field. The elasticity of the fluid is governed by a single transport equation for a scalar quantity which has dimension of strain rate. Mass and momentum conservations, and the constitutive equation (UCM and algebraic model) were solved by a three-dimensional time-dependent finite difference method. The free surface of the fluid was modeled using a marker-and-cell approach. The algebraic model was validated by comparing the numerical predictions with analytic solutions for pipe flow. In comparison with the classical UCM model, one advantage of this approach is that computational workload is substantially reduced: the UCM model employs six differential equations while the algebraic model uses only one. The results showed stable flows with very large extrudate growths beyond those usually obtained with standard differential viscoelastic models. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Preparos conservacionistas e sistemas de produção que visam à maximização sustentável do uso do solo e da água têm surgido como alternativas para regiões caracterizadas por períodos chuvosos relativamente curtos e temperaturas elevadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o sistema de consorciação entre milho e Brachiaria decumbens que melhor se adapte às condições edafoclimáticas da região da Zona da Mata do Estado de Alagoas. Os tratamentos consistiram de um híbrido de milho BRS3150, cultivado nos sistemas: Preparo Convencional, Cultivo Mínimo e Semeadura Direta (BRS3150 consorciado com Brachiaria decumbens). O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualisados com parcelas subdivididas. Amostras de solo foram coletadas para análise química. Também foram avaliados os componentes da produção e produtividade de grãos de milho. Os diferentes preparos do solo e a presença de Brachiaria decumbens, no sistema de consócio com milho, não exerceram influência sobre os componentes da produção. Os resultados analisados permitem concluir que a presença da Brachiaria decumbens interferiu negativamente na produtividade dos grãos de milho, quando cultivado em sistema de consórcio, e as maiores produtividades foram obtidas nos sistemas conservacionistas.


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About 40% of the earth is occupied by tropical and subtropical forests, including 42% of dry forests, where there is Caatinga Bioma, contemplating tree forests and shrubs, with xerophytic characteristics. Study and conservations of Caatinga biologic diversity is one of the greatest challenges of Brazilian science because those are, proportionally, the less studied among natural areas, with most of the scientific effort centered in very few points around the main cities in the area and also because it is the less protected natural Brazilian area. The environmental degradation is constantly increasing and has its rhythm accelerated by the men appropriation to meet or not their own needs. Therefore, species conservation should be based in three principles: the use of natural resources by present generation, waste prevention and use of the natural resources to benefit the majority of the citizens. Among the strategies to species conservation, we can mention the ex situ conservation , in which the conservation of genetic resources may be realized outside of the natural environment in which the species occur, and in situ conservation , or, in other words, in the places where the species occur. In ex situ conservation, the germplasm collections are maintained in the field and/or in laboratories (conservation chambers), and this mainly conserves intraspecific diversity (genetic variance), the ex situ collections are continuously enriched by collection activities, introduction and germplasm interchange; the in situ conservation preserving ecosystems and habitats, maintaining and recovering native population of species of interest. So, the objective of this paper is the search for strategies to the conservation of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia B. (sabiá) using instruments of environmental perception and plant biotechnology, as mechanisms of in situ and ex situ conservation. To environmental perception, were realized open, semi-structured and qualitative interviews. The questions included socioeconomic data and knowledge of Sabiá specie. To plant biotechnology, Sabiá seed collection were realized in different location to formation of a germplasm bank. The specie micropropagation was made from nodal segment of plants from the matrizeiro. About the knowledge of rural populations and the use of Sabiá plant, some preferences occurred from speeches that the plant possesses a firm wood, not attacked by termites, legalized for exploration by the Brazilian environmental organ (IBAMA), and is a native specie. This research found the rural population has knowledge about Sabiá specie and the natural resources are exhausting. The proposal that the rural community brought was the donation of the Sabiá specie seeding initiating on the rain season, in which the seeding would be plated between the lots, in individual plantations. To the formation of a matrix bank, plant biothecnology brought answers favorable to Sabiá specie seeding, with the formation of multiple shoots


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We develop a model for spiral galaxies based on a nonlinear realization of the Newtonian dynamics starting from the momentum and mass conservations in the phase space. The radial solution exhibits a rotation curve in qualitative accordance with the observational data.


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The objective of this study was to address the importance of implementing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in Brazil and to examine their distribution, based on the delimitation of Large Marine Ecosystems. Out of a total of 336 protected areas identified in Brazilian coastal and marine areas, the North Platform has the largest protected area, but the ecosystem with the largest number of protected area, predominantly sustainable areas, was the East Coast followed by the South Platform. One of the reasons the eastern coast of Brazil to have more protected areas is the fact that there is a largest amount of coral reefs. Additionally there was political opportunities for the creation of protected areas for sustainable use. The coastal region of Brazil has achieved the goal proposed by the Seventh Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity - 7, but only then through the category V of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which is not the best efficient means of conserving resources. The goal for marine conservation shows only the area above the recommended under protection in North Platform. The Marine portion of the East Coast and the South Platform has few protected areas, regardless of category management. We consider the coastal region the range of 12 nautical miles from baselines determined in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. As for the number of strategies permitted by law and used for the conservation of coastal and marine systems, coastal systems show a higher number when compared with the marine system. We suggest that the Brazilian government should specify strategies for the protection of marine systems and expand the protected areas of all Large Marine Ecosystems. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.