894 resultados para condições de Karush-Kuhn-Tucker


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Optimization methods that employ the classical Powell-Hestenes-Rockafellar augmented Lagrangian are useful tools for solving nonlinear programming problems. Their reputation decreased in the last 10 years due to the comparative success of interior-point Newtonian algorithms, which are asymptotically faster. In this research, a combination of both approaches is evaluated. The idea is to produce a competitive method, being more robust and efficient than its `pure` counterparts for critical problems. Moreover, an additional hybrid algorithm is defined, in which the interior-point method is replaced by the Newtonian resolution of a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) system identified by the augmented Lagrangian algorithm. The software used in this work is freely available through the Tango Project web page:http://www.ime.usp.br/similar to egbirgin/tango/.


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In this work, we introduce a necessary sequential Approximate-Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (AKKT) condition for a point to be a solution of a continuous variational inequality, and we prove its relation with the Approximate Gradient Projection condition (AGP) of Garciga-Otero and Svaiter. We also prove that a slight variation of the AKKT condition is sufficient for a convex problem, either for variational inequalities or optimization. Sequential necessary conditions are more suitable to iterative methods than usual punctual conditions relying on constraint qualifications. The AKKT property holds at a solution independently of the fulfillment of a constraint qualification, but when a weak one holds, we can guarantee the validity of the KKT conditions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We consider Lipschitz continuous-time nonlinear optimization problems and provide first-order necessary optimality conditions of both Fritz John and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker types. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper applies two methods of mathematical decomposition to carry out an optimal reactive power flow (ORPF) in a coordinated decentralized way in the context of an interconnected multi-area power system. The first method is based on an augmented Lagrangian approach using the auxiliary problem principle (APP). The second method uses a decomposition technique based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) first-order optimality conditions. The viability of each method to be used in the decomposition of multi-area ORPF is studied and the corresponding mathematical models are presented. The IEEE RTS-96, the IEEE 118-bus test systems and a 9-bus didactic system are used in order to show the operation and effectiveness of the decomposition methods.


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In this paper, we consider a vector optimization problem where all functions involved are defined on Banach spaces. We obtain necessary and sufficient criteria for optimality in the form of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. We also introduce a nonsmooth dual problem and provide duality theorems.


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A bilevel programming approach for the optimal contract pricing of distributed generation (DG) in distribution networks is presented. The outer optimization problem corresponds to the owner of the DG who must decide the contract price that would maximize his profits. The inner optimization problem corresponds to the distribution company (DisCo), which procures the minimization of the payments incurred in attending the expected demand while satisfying network constraints. The meet the expected demand the DisCo can purchase energy either form the transmission network through the substations or form the DG units within its network. The inner optimization problem is substituted by its Karush- Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions, turning the bilevel programming problem into an equivalent single-level nonlinear programming problem which is solved using commercially available software. © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper investigates a cross-layer design approach for minimizing energy consumption and maximizing network lifetime (NL) of a multiple-source and single-sink (MSSS) WSN with energy constraints. The optimization problem for MSSS WSN can be formulated as a mixed integer convex optimization problem with the adoption of time division multiple access (TDMA) in medium access control (MAC) layer, and it becomes a convex problem by relaxing the integer constraint on time slots. Impacts of data rate, link access and routing are jointly taken into account in the optimization problem formulation. Both linear and planar network topologies are considered for NL maximization (NLM). With linear MSSS and planar single-source and single-sink (SSSS) topologies, we successfully use Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions to derive analytical expressions of the optimal NL when all nodes are exhausted simultaneously. The problem for planar MSSS topology is more complicated, and a decomposition and combination (D&C) approach is proposed to compute suboptimal solutions. An analytical expression of the suboptimal NL is derived for a small scale planar network. To deal with larger scale planar network, an iterative algorithm is proposed for the D&C approach. Numerical results show that the upper-bounds of the network lifetime obtained by our proposed optimization models are tight. Important insights into the NL and benefits of cross-layer design for WSN NLM are obtained.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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本文提出一个不用 Kuhn- Tucker条件而直接搜索严格凸二次规划最优目标点的鲁棒方法 .在搜索过程中 ,目标点沿约束多面体边界上的一条折线移动 .这种移动目标点的思想可以被认为是线性规划单纯形法的自然推广 ,在单纯形法中 ,目标点从一个顶点移到另一个顶点。


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Os autores objetivam, com este trabalho preliminar, bem como com aqueles que lhe darão continuidade, na sequência de composição de um livro de matemática para economistas, registrar as suas experiências ao longo dos últimos anos ministrando cadeiras de matemática nos cursos de pós-graduação em economia da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, da UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense) e da PUC-RJ. Reveste-se de constante repetição em tais cursos a discussão sobre que pontos abordar, bem como com qual grau de profundidade, e em que ordem. É neste sentido que os autores esperam, com a sequência didática que aqui se inicia, trazer alguma contribuição para o assunto. A parte teórica relativa à demonstração do Teorema de Kuhn Tucker aqui apresentada transcreve, com a aquiescência do autor, textos selecionados de "Análise Convexa do Rn." de Mario Henrique Simonsen.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Material docente de la asignatura «Simulación y Optimización de procesos químicos». Parte de Optimización OPTIMIZACIÓN TEMA 6. Conceptos Básicos 6.1 Introducción. Desarrollo histórico de la optimización de procesos. 6.2 Funciones y regiones cóncavas y convexas. 6.3 Optimización sin restricciones. 6.4 Optimización con restricciones de igualdad y desigualdad. Condiciones de optimalidad de Karush Khun Tucker 6.5 Interpretación de los Multiplicadores de Lagrange. TEMA 7. Programación lineal 7.1 Introducción. Planteamiento del problema en forma canónica y forma estándar. 7.2 Teoremas de la programación lineal 7.3 Resolución gráfica 7.4 Resolución en forma de tabla. El método simplex. 7.5 Variables artificiales. Método de la Gran M y método de las dos fases. 7.6 Conceptos básicos de dualidad. TEMA 8. Programación no lineal 8.1 Repaso de métodos numéricos de optimización sin restricciones 8.2 Optimización con restricciones. Fundamento de los métodos de programación cuadrática sucesiva y de gradiente reducido. TEMA 9. Introducción a la programación lineal y no lineal con variables discretas. 9.1 Conceptos básicos para la resolución de problemas lineales con variables discretas.(MILP, mixed integer linear programming) 9.2 Introducción a la programación no lineal con variables continuas y discretas (MINLP mixed integer non linear programming) 9.3 Modelado de problemas con variables binarias: 9.3.1 Conceptos básicos de álgebra de Boole 9.3.2 Transformación de expresiones lógicas a expresiones algebraicas 9.3.3 Modelado con variables discretas y continuas. Formulación de envolvente convexa y de la gran M.