950 resultados para comprehensive model


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NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">A version of cascaded systems analysis was developed specifically with the aim of studying quantum noise propagation in x-ray detectors. Signal and quantum noise propagation was then modelled in four types of x-ray detectors used for digital mammography: four flat panel systems, one computed radiography and one slot-scan silicon wafer based photon counting device. As required inputs to the model, the two dimensional (2D) modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectra (NPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) were measured for six mammography systems that utilized these different detectors. A new method to reconstruct anisotropic 2D presampling MTF matrices from 1D radial MTFs measured along different angular directions across the detector is described; an image of a sharp, circular disc was used for this purpose. The effective pixel fill factor for the FP systems was determined from the axial 1D presampling MTFs measured with a square sharp edge along the two orthogonal directions of the pixel lattice. Expectation MTFs were then calculated by averaging the radial MTFs over all possible phases and the 2D EMTF formed with the same reconstruction technique used for the 2D presampling MTF. The quantum NPS was then established by noise decomposition from homogenous images acquired as a function of detector air kerma. This was further decomposed into the correlated and uncorrelated quantum components by fitting the radially averaged quantum NPS with the radially averaged EMTF(2). This whole procedure allowed a detailed analysis of the influence of aliasing, signal and noise decorrelation, x-ray capture efficiency and global secondary gain on NPS and detector DQE. The influence of noise statistics, pixel fill factor and additional electronic and fixed pattern noises on the DQE was also studied. The 2D cascaded model and decompositions performed on the acquired images also enlightened the observed quantum NPS and DQE anisotropy.


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Mix marketing and relationships marketing are two major approaches that often form a basis for organizational marketing planning. The superiority of these approaches has been debated for long without any rational conclusion. Lately there have been studies indicating that both of the major approaches are many times used side by side in marketing planning. There have been also studies suggesting that even combining the mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches might be possible. The aim of this thesis is to provide knowledge about the usage of mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches in organizations and possibilities in combining the approaches. Also a settlement of strengths, weaknesses and risks of combining is intended to provide. The objectives were met through the literature and a case study research. In the case study, interviews were conducted in order to gain a deeper knowledge about marketing planning in various organizations. Based on this study, the combining of the major marketing approaches will be possible and even recommended when keeping in mind few aspects which might cause some troubles in the combining process.


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A model is presented for the respiratory heat loss in sheep, considering both the sensible heat lost by convection (C-R) and the latent heat eliminated by evaporation (E-R). A practical method is described for the estimation of the tidal volume as a function of the respiratory rate. Equations for C-R and E-R are developed and the relative importance of both heat transfer mechanisms is discussed. At air temperatures up to 30 degreesC sheep have the least respiratory heat loss at air vapour pressures above 1.6 kPa. At an ambient temperature of 40 degreesC respiratory loss of sensible heat can be nil; for higher temperatures the transfer by convection is negative and thus heat is gained. Convection is a mechanism of minor importance for the respiratory heat transfer in sheep at environmental temperatures above 30 degreesC. These observations show the importance of respiratory latent heat loss for thermoregulation of sheep in hot climates.


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Motivation is a core concept to understand work related outcomes and vocational pursuits. However, existing research mostly focused on specific aspects of motivation, such as goals or self-efficacy beliefs, while falling short of adequately addressing more complex and integrative notions of motivation. Advancing the current state of research, we draw from Motivational Systems Theory and a model of proactive motivation to propose a comprehensive model of work-related motivation. Specifically, we define motivation as a system of mutually related factors consisting of goals, emotions, and personal agency beliefs, comprised by capability beliefs and context evaluations. Adapting this model of motivation to the school-to-work transition, we postulate that this motivational system is affected by different social, personal, and environmental variables, for example social support, the presence of role-models, personality traits, and scholastic achievement. We further expect that students with more autonomous work-related goals, expectations of more positive emotional experiences in their future working life, fewer perceived barriers to their career development, and higher work-related self-efficacy beliefs would be more successful in their transition from school to work. We also propose that goal-directed engagement acts as a partial mediator in the relationship between motivation and a successful transition. Finally, we hypothesize that work-related motivation while in school will have meaningful effects on positive outcomes while in vocational training, as represented by more work engagement, higher career commitment, job satisfaction, and lower intentions to quit training. In sum, we advance the point that the adaptation of a broader concept of work-related motivation in the school-to-work transition would result in more powerful predictions of success in this transition and would enhance scientific research and interventions in career development and counselling practice.


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This work addresses heat losses in a CVD reactor for polysilicon production. Contributions to the energy consumption of the so-called Siemens process are evaluated, and a comprehensive model for heat loss is presented. A previously-developed model for radiative heat loss is combined with conductive heat loss theory and a new model for convective heat loss. Theoretical calculations are developed and theoretical energy consumption of the polysilicon deposition process is obtained. The model is validated by comparison with experimental results obtained using a laboratory-scale CVD reactor. Finally, the model is used to calculate heat consumption in a 36-rod industrial reactor; the energy consumption due to convective heat loss per kilogram of polysilicon produced is calculated to be 22-30 kWh/kg along a deposition process.


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The climate and natural variability of the large-scale stratospheric circulation simulated by a newly developed general circulation model are evaluated against available global observations. The simulation consisted of a 30-year annual cycle integration performed with a comprehensive model of the troposphere and stratosphere. The observations consisted of a 15-year dataset from global operational analyses of the troposphere and stratosphere. The model evaluation concentrates on the simulation of the evolution of the extratropical stratospheric circulation in both hemispheres. The December–February climatology of the observed zonal mean winter circulation is found to be reasonably well captured by the model, although in the Northern Hemisphere upper stratosphere the simulated westerly winds are systematically stronger and a cold bias is apparent in the polar stratosphere. This Northern Hemisphere stratospheric cold bias virtually disappears during spring (March–May), consistent with a realistic simulation of the spring weakening of the mean westerly winds in the model. A considerable amount of monthly interannual variability is also found in the simulation in the Northern Hemisphere in late winter and early spring. The simulated interannual variability is predominantly caused by polar warmings of the stratosphere, in agreement with observations. The breakdown of the Northern Hemisphere stratospheric polar vortex appears therefore to occur in a realistic way in the model. However, in early winter the model severely underestimates the interannual variability, especially in the upper troposphere. The Southern Hemisphere winter (June–August) zonal mean temperature is systematically colder in the model, and the simulated winds are somewhat too strong in the upper stratosphere. Contrary to the results for the Northern Hemisphere spring, this model cold bias worsens during the Southern Hemisphere spring (September–November). Significant discrepancies between the model results and the observations are therefore found during the breakdown of the Southern Hemisphere polar vortex. For instance, the simulated Southern Hemisphere stratosphere westerly jet continuously decreases in intensity more or less in situ from June to November, while the observed stratospheric jet moves downward and poleward.


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Activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway is a critical step in the transcriptional response to hypoxia. Although many of the key proteins involved have been characterised, the dynamics of their interactions in generating this response remain unclear. In the present study, we have generated a comprehensive mathematical model of the HIF-1a pathway based on core validated components and dynamic experimental data, and confirm the previously described connections within the predicted network topology. Our model confirms previous work demonstrating that the steps leading to optimal HIF-1a transcriptional activity require sequential inhibition of both prolyl- and asparaginyl-hydroxylases. We predict from our model (and confirm experimentally) that there is residual activity of the asparaginyl-hydroxylase FIH (factor inhibiting HIF) at low oxygen tension. Furthermore, silencing FIH under conditions where prolyl-hydroxylases are inhibited results in increased HIF-1a transcriptional activity, but paradoxically decreases HIF-1a stability. Using a core module of the HIF network and mathematical proof supported by experimental data, we propose that asparaginyl hydroxylation confers a degree of resistance upon HIF-1a to proteosomal degradation. Thus, through in vitro experimental data and in silico predictions, we provide a comprehensive model of the dynamic regulation of HIF-1a transcriptional activity by hydroxylases and use its predictive and adaptive properties to explain counter-intuitive biological observations.


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Organisations have been approaching servitisation in an unstructured fashion. This is partially because there is insufficient understanding of the different types of Product-Service offerings. Therefore, a more detailed understanding of Product-Service types might advance the collective knowledge and assist organisations that are considering a servitisation strategy. Current models discuss specific aspects on the basis of few (or sometimes single) dimensions. In this paper, we develop a comprehensive model for classifying traditional and green Product-Service offerings, thus combining business and green offerings in a single model. We describe the model building process and its practical application in a case study. The model reveals the various traditional and green options available to companies and identifies how to compete between services; it allows servitisation positions to be identified such that a company may track its journey over time. Finally it fosters the introduction of innovative Product-Service Systems as promising business models to address environmental and social challenges. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A comprehensive model of processes involved in femtosecond laser inscription and the subsequent structural material modification is developed. Different time scales of the pulse-plasma dynamics and thermo-mechanical relaxation allow for separate numerical treatments of these processes, while linking them by an energy transfer equation. The model is illustrated and analysed on examples of inscription in fused silica and the results are used to explain previous experimental observations. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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The purpose of this study was to develop, explicate, and validate a comprehensive model in order to more effectively assess community injury prevention needs, plan and target efforts, identify potential interventions, and provide a framework for an outcome-based evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions. A systems model approach was developed to conceptualize the major components of inputs, efforts, outcomes and feedback within a community setting. Profiling of multiple data sources demonstrated a community feedback mechanism that increased awareness of priority issues and elicited support from traditional as well as non-traditional injury prevention partners. Injury countermeasures including education, enforcement, engineering, and economic incentives were presented for their potential synergistic effect impacting on knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors of a targeted population. Levels of outcome data were classified into ultimate, intermediate and immediate indicators to assist with determining the effectiveness of intervention efforts. A collaboration between business and health care was successful in achieving data access and use of an emergency department level of injury data for monitoring of the impact of community interventions. Evaluation of injury events and preventive efforts within the context of a dynamic community systems environment was applied to a study community with examples detailing actual profiling and trending of injuries. The resulting model of community injury prevention was validated using a community focus group, community injury prevention coordinators, and injury prevention national experts. ^


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Introduction: The In vitro-in vivo pharmacokinetic correlation models (IVIVC) are a fundamental part of the drug discovery and development process. The ability to accurately predict the in vivo pharmacokinetic profile of a drug based on in vitro observations can have several applications during a successful development process. Objective: To develop a comprehensive model to predict the in vivo absorption of antiretroviral drugs based on permeability studies, in vitro and in vivo solubility and demonstrate its correlation with the pharmacokinetic profile in humans. Methods: Analytical tools to test the biopharmaceutical properties of stavudine, lamivudine y zidovudine were developed. The kinetics of dissolution, permeability in caco-2 cells and pharmacokinetics of absorption in rabbits and healthy volunteers were evaluated. Results: The cumulative areas under the curve (AUC) obtained in the permeability study with Caco-2 cells, the dissolution study and the pharmacokinetics in rabbits correlated with the cumulative AUC values in humans. These results demonstrated a direct relation between in vitro data and absorption, both in humans and in the in vivo model. Conclusions: The analytical methods and procedures applied to the development of an IVIVC model showed a strong correlation among themselves. These IVIVC models are proposed as alternative and cost/effective methods to evaluate the biopharmaceutical properties that determine the bioavailability of a drug and their application includes the development process, quality assurance, bioequivalence studies and pharmacosurveillance.


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Little is known about the effect of clinical characteristics, parental psychopathology, family functioning, and environmental stressors in the response to methylphenidate in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) followed up in a naturalistic setting. Data from cultures outside the United States are extremely scarce. This is a longitudinal study using a nonrandom assignment, quasi-experimental design. One hundred twenty-five children with ADHD were treated with methylphenidate according to standard clinical procedures, and followed up for 6 months. The severity of ADHD symptoms was assessed by the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham rating scale. In the final multivariate model, ADHD combined subtype (P < 0.001) and comorbidity with oppositional defiant disorder (P = 0.03) were both predictors of a worse clinical response. In addition, the levels of maternal ADHD symptoms were also associated with worse prognosis (P < 0.001). In the context of several adverse psychosocial factors assessed, only undesired pregnancy was associated with poorer response to methylphenidate in the final comprehensive-model (P = 0.02). Our study provides evidence for the involvement of clinical characteristics, maternal psychopathology, and environmental stressors in the response to methylphenidate. Clinicians may consider adjuvant strategies when negative predictors are present to increase the chances of success with methylphenidate treatment.


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A Reserva Extrativista Marinha (RESEXMAR) do Corumbau foi criada no ano de 2000, a partir de uma ação coletiva, iniciada em 1997 por meio das lideranças de pescadores locais, na busca de instrumento jurídico que garantisse o acesso exclusivo dos recursos pesqueiros contra a atividade da pesca comercial de camarão sete-barbas que se instalou na década de 1980. Durante o processo de criação da RESEXMAR do Corumbau, os pescadores obtiveram apoio de órgãos governamentais, como a Coordenação Nacional de Populações Tradicionais (CNPT) e de entidades ambientalistas do terceiro setor – Associação Pradense de Proteção Ambiental (APPA), e posteriormente a Conservation International do Brasil (CI-Brasil). Entretanto, após a criação da RESEXMAR do Corumbau – entre os anos 2000 e 2002 – foi elaborado o Plano de Manejo que orientaria a gestão da Unidade de Conservação (UC). O documento foi capitaneado pela equipe técnica e científica vinculada à CI-Brasil, tendo como ponto de destaque a criação de áreas de exclusão total da atividade da pesca, por meio da Zona de Proteção Marinha (ZPM). A ideia de uma ZPM, para a CI-Brasil, era que de forma indireta e em médio e longo prazo, os pescadores se beneficiariam com o possível aumento de produção de pescado, contanto que 30% de cobertura de recifes tivesse algum tipo de proteção dos processos ecológicos, tais como reprodução e crescimento de espécies. Durante as discussões do Plano de Manejo e atualmente uma parcela de pescadores locais contestaram os limites da ZPM, pois iria restringir o acesso aos recursos pesqueiros. No entanto, tal contestação foi suprimida pelas relações não formais que os membros da CI-Brasil possuíam com o núcleo familiar principal da Vila do Corumbau, forçando os demais em um acordo formal temporário. Tal questionamento evidenciou um conflito de conjunto de normas distintas entre pescadores artesanais em relação à CI-Brasil e IBAMA: a pesca artesanal ‒ um tipo de ação que segue normas específicas das quais elementos humanos e não humanos interagem conjuntamente, evidenciando um conhecimento prático e corporizado constituindo um modelo compreensivo de mundo e de natureza; conceitos modernos e globalizantes de uma natureza totalmente desvinculada das práticas locais artesanais, com forte articulação de uma entidade ambientalista de alcance internacional, guiada pela emergência das questões ambientais, imprimindo no local (o lugar da prática da pesca tradicional) a ideia de um espaço (Áreas Marinhas Protegidas), desencaixado de formas específicas de natureza/culturas.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Qualidade e Tecnologias da Saúde.