998 resultados para competition for nutrients


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Improved agricultural productivity, and reduction of environmental impacts, require studies of the interactions between different soil components. Fertilizers marketed as "organic" or "natural", such as peats or humic substances (HS) extracted from peats, are enriched with macro and micronutrients that, according to the manufacturers, are released to the plant in accordance with its needs. This work investigates the complexation capacity of HS for macro and micronutrient metal species, considering the competition, for HS complexation sites, between non-essential metals (aluminium and lead), present in the soil, and the nutrients. Humic substances were found to possess strong affinities for Pb(II) and Al(III), forming stable complexes, with concomitant release of complexed nutrients. Although HS are already used commercially as organic fertilizers, further studies of methods of HS enrichment, aimed at avoiding losses, are highly desirable from environmental and economic perspectives. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Competitive strategy for resources between Cleistogenes squarrosa (Trin.) Keng which is a dominant species of grasslands degraded by moderate-heavy grazing, and Stipa grandis P. Smirnov, which is a dominant species of ungrazed communities, was studied using a replacement series method in a greenhouse. The knowledge would be helpful in managing grasslands and restoring the degraded C. squarrosa grassland. Although there was neither inter- nor intra-specific competition between the two species when no nutrients were added, intra-specific competition of C. squarrosa was observed and increased with increased nutrient availability and more sulfur (S) was allocated to the aboveground partition of the plant. Relative competitive ability of C. squarrosa was greater than that of S. grandis when nutrients were supplied regardless of S. There was no significant difference between shoot and root competition based on dry matter yields. However, root competition was significantly greater than that of shoot based on S uptake under all treatments. A significant interaction was not observed between shoot and root competition. Therefore, nutrients addition benefits the restoration of degraded grassland of C. squarrosa, which may not exclude S. grandis. Also productivity and forage quality of the community will be increased. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Acknowledgements. This study was supported by the FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF Marie-Curie Action – SPATFOREST. Tree data from BCI were provided by the Center for Tropical Forest Science of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the primary granting agencies that have supported the BCI plot tree census. Data for the liana censuses were supported by the US National Science Foundation grants: DEB-0613666, DEB-0845071, and DEB-1019436 (to SAS). Soil data was funded by the National Science Foundation grants DEB021104, DEB021115, DEB0212284 and DEB0212818 supporting soils mapping in the BCI plot. We thank Helene Muller-Landau for providing some data on tree height for some BCI trees. We also thank all the people that contributed to obtain the data.


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The aim of this thesis was to unravel the functional-structural characteristics of root systems of Betula pendula Roth., Picea abies (L.) Karst., and Pinus sylvestris L. in mixed boreal forest stands differing in their developmental stage and site fertility. The root systems of these species had similar structural regularities: horizontally-oriented shallow roots defined the horizontal area of influence, and within this area, each species placed fine roots in the uppermost soil layers, while sinker roots defined the maximum rooting depth. Large radial spread and high ramification of coarse roots, and the high specific root length (SRL) and root length density (RLD) of fine roots indicated the high belowground competitiveness and root plasticity of B. pendula. Smaller radial root spread and sparser branching of coarse roots, and low SRL and RLD of fine roots of the conifers could indicate their more conservative resource use and high association with and dependence on ectomycorrhiza-forming fungi. The vertical fine root distributions of the species were mostly overlapping, implying the possibility for intense belowground competition for nutrients. In each species, conduits tapered and their frequency increased from distal roots to the stem, from the stem to the branches, and to leaf petioles in B. pendula. Conduit tapering was organ-specific in each species violating the assumptions of the general vascular scaling model (WBE). This reflects the hierarchical organization of a tree and differences between organs in the relative importance of transport, safety, and mechanical demands. The applied root model was capable of depicting the mass, length and spread of coarse roots of B. pendula and P. abies, and to the lesser extent in P. sylvestris. The roots did not follow self-similar fractal branching, because the parameter values varied within the root systems. Model parameters indicate differences in rooting behavior, and therefore different ecophysiological adaptations between species.


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Acute gut disorder is a cause for significant medicinal and economic concern. Certain individual pathogens of the gut, often transmitted in food or water, have the ability to cause severe discomfort. There is a need to manage such conditions more effectively. The route of reducing the risk of intestinal infections through diet remains largely unexplored. Antibiotics are effective at inhibiting pathogens; however, these should not be prescribed in the absence of disease and therefore cannot be used prophylactically. Moreover, their indiscriminate use has reduced effectiveness. Evidence has accumulated to suggest that some of the health-promoting bacteria in the gut (probiotics) can elicit a multiplicity of inhibitory effects against pathogens. Hence, an increase in their numbers should prove effective at repressing pathogen colonisation if/when infectious agents enter the gut. As such, fortification of indigenous bifidobacteria/lactobacilli by using prebiotics should improve protection. There are a number of potential mechanisms for lactic acid bacteria to reduce intestinal infections. Firstly, metabolic endproducts such as acids excreted by these micro-organisms may lower the gut pH to levels below those at which pathogens are able to effectively compete. Also, many lactobacilli and bifidobacteria species are able to excrete natural antibiotics, which can have a broad spectrum of activity. Other mechanisms include an improved immune stimulation, competition for nutrients and blocking of pathogen adhesion sites in the gut. Many intestinal pathogens like type 1 fimbriated Escherichia coli, salmonellae and campylobacters utilise oligosaccharide receptor sites in the gut. Once established, they can then cause gastroenteritis through invasive and/or toxin forming properties. One extrapolation of the prebiotic concept is to simulate such receptor sites in the gut lumen. Hence, the pathogen is 'decoyed' into not binding at the host mucosal interface. The combined effects of prebiotics upon the lactic acid flora and anti-adhesive strategies may lead towards new dietary interventions against food safety agents.


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Ingestion of probiotics can be recommended as a preventative approach to maintaining intestinal microflora balance and thereby enhance 'well-being'. Undoubtedly, probiotic bacteria will vary in their efficacy. The literature indicates positive results in over 50 human trials with prevention/treatment of infections the most frequently reported. In theory increased levels of probiotics may induce a 'barrier' influence against common pathogens. Mechanisms of effect are likely to include the excretion of acids (lactate, acetate), competition for nutrients and gut receptor sites, immuno-modulation and the formation of specific antimicrobial agents. An alternative, or additional, approach is the prebiotic concept. This takes the view that probiotics are present indigenous to the gut and that a rational approach towards increasing their numbers would be to consume food ingredients (carbohydrates) that have a selective metabolism in the lower gut. A prebiotic is 'a nondigestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon that can improve the host health.' In particular, the ingestion of fructo-oligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides, and lactulose has shown to stimulate bifidobacteria in the lower gut.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O grau de interferência depende da densidade de plantas daninhas que infestam a soja. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características de crescimento e nutrição mineral da soja mantida em convivência com densidades crescentes de Euphorbia heterophylla. O experimento foi conduzido em Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil, entre outubro e dezembro de 2008, em vasos mantidos em campo aberto. Os tratamentos consistiram em submeter uma planta de soja por vaso à convivência com 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 e 16 plantas de E. heterophylla por vaso, da semeadura até o início do florescimento. Nesse período, avaliaram-se, apenas na soja, a altura e o número de trifólios, e em ambas as espécies, a matéria seca e o acúmulo de macronutrientes. Observou-se variação na altura de plantas e redução no número de trifólios e no acúmulo de matéria seca e macronutrientes da soja devido ao maior acúmulo de matéria seca e macronutrientes por densidades crescentes de E. heterophylla. Conclui-se que a soja mantida em convivência com E. heterophylla teve o crescimento e o acúmulo de macronutrientes reduzidos em razão da interferência imposta pela planta daninha.


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As gramíneas forrageiras possuem alta capacidade para produzir palha no sistema de semeadura direta em integração lavoura-pecuária. No entanto, essas plantas podem reduzir o crescimento das culturas, em função de efeitos alelopáticos ou pela competição por nutrientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de resíduos culturais de Brachiaria ruziziensis no crescimento inicial e no acúmulo de nutrientes na parte aérea do algodoeiro, quando foram deixados sobre o solo ou no solo. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, sendo o algodão cultivado com os tratamentos: raízes e parte aérea da braquiária cultivada previamente e deixadas no vaso; parte aérea da braquiária colocada sobre o solo; raízes da braquiária ficaram no solo, mas a parte aérea foi retirada; uma testemunha (sem braquiária). As raízes de braquiária remanescentes no solo causaram diminuição na produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e no crescimento inicial das raízes do algodoeiro. O teor e o acúmulo de N na parte aérea da planta foram menores na presença de raízes de braquiária, porém o teor de P na parte aérea do algodoeiro foi maior, e tanto o teor como o acúmulo de K na parte aérea do algodão foram maiores quando este foi cultivado sobre resíduos da parte aérea da braquiária.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Two experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions to study the accumulation and distribution of dry mass and macronutrients in maize and Ipomoea hederifolia. Plants of both species had grown, separately, in pots with sand substrate and irrigation with nutrient solution. Treatments were represented by the times of evaluation, realized in intervals of 14 days, starting at 21 days after emergence (DAE). A maize plant showed slight growth up to 30 DAE, when dry mass allocation was higher in roots and leaves (80%); while an I. hederifolia plant, up to 50 DAE, when the allocation of dry mass was higher in offshoots and leaves (79). Dry mass accumulation was almost five times greater in maize (134 g per plant) than in I. hederifolia (29 g per plant). The average values of N and K contents were greater in I. hederifolia. Maximum accumulations of macronutrients by maize were 1,431; 474; 1,832; 594; 340, and 143 mg per plant, while by I. hederifolia, 727; 52; 810; 350; 148, and 65 mg per plant, for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, respectively. Mean accumulation rate of dry mass and macronutrients by maize plants was crescent up to 87 DAE, reaching the maximum value at 103 DAE; while being crescent up to 121 DAE by I. hederifolia plants, reaching the maximum value at 138 DAE. Thus, beyond the interference on harvesting process, a population of I. hederifolia also can compete with maize crop for nutrients.


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As novas técnicas propostas para a agricultura na Amazônia incluem sistema de rotação de capoeira enriquecido com árvores leguminosas e transformando a queima da biomassa em cobertura morta sobre o solo. A decomposição e a liberação de nutrientes da cobertura morta foram estudadas usando sacos de liteira com malha fina que continham cinco tratamentos com diferentes espécies de leguminosas em comparação a um tratamento-controle com vegetação natural. As amostras para cada tratamento foram analisadas para conteúdos de C total, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, lignina, celulose e polifenóis solúveis em diferentes tempos de amostragem durante um ano. A razão constante de decomposição variou com a espécie e com o tempo. A perda de massa nos sacos de decomposição foi de 30,1 % para Acacia angustissima, de 32,7 % para Sclerolobium paniculatum, de 33,9 % para Inga edulis e para a vegetação secundária, de 45,2 % para Acacia mangium e de 63,6 % para Clitoria racemosa. Foi observada imobilização de N e P em todos os tratamentos, sendo a mineralização do N negativamente correlacionada com o fenol, razão C/N, razão (lignina + fenol)/N, razão fenol/P e o conteúdo de N nos sacos de liteira. Depois de 362 dias de incubação no campo, 3,3 % de K, 32,2 % de Ca e 22,4 % de Mg permaneceram no material em decomposição. Os resultados evidenciaram que a baixa qualidade mineral e a alta quantidade de carbono orgânico e aplicado como cobertura morta podem limitar a quantidade de energia disponível para os microrganismos resultando em uma competição por nutrientes com as plantas agrícolas.