991 resultados para compact difference scheme


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A new finite difference method for the discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The scheme is constructed on a staggered-mesh grid system. The convection terms are discretized with a fifth-order-accurate upwind compact difference approximation, the viscous terms are discretized with a sixth-order symmetrical compact difference approximation, the continuity equation and the pressure gradient in the momentum equations are discretized with a fourth-order difference approximation on a cell-centered mesh. Time advancement uses a three-stage Runge-Kutta method. The Poisson equation for computing the pressure is solved with preconditioning. Accuracy analysis shows that the new method has high resolving efficiency. Validation of the method by computation of Taylor's vortex array is presented.


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Dual-phase-lagging (DPL) models constitute a family of non-Fourier models of heat conduction that allow for the presence of time lags in the heat flux and the temperature gradient. These lags may need to be considered when modeling microscale heat transfer, and thus DPL models have found application in the last years in a wide range of theoretical and technical heat transfer problems. Consequently, analytical solutions and methods for computing numerical approximations have been proposed for particular DPL models in different settings. In this work, a compact difference scheme for second order DPL models is developed, providing higher order precision than a previously proposed method. The scheme is shown to be unconditionally stable and convergent, and its accuracy is illustrated with numerical examples.


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A finite compact (FC) difference scheme requiring only bi-diagonal matrix inversion is proposed by using the known high-resolution flux. Introducing TVD or ENO limiters in the numerical flux, several high-resolution FC-schemes of hyperbolic conservation law are developed, including the FC-TVD, third-order FC-ENO and fifth-order FC-ENO schemes. Boundary conditions formulated need only one unknown variable for third-order FC-ENO scheme and two unknown variables for fifth-order FC-ENO scheme. Numerical test results of the proposed FC-scheme were compared with traditional TVD, ENO and WENO schemes to demonstrate its high-order accuracy and high-resolution.


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For simulating multi-scale complex flow fields it should be noted that all the physical quantities we are interested in must be simulated well. With limitation of the computer resources it is preferred to use high order accurate difference schemes. Because of their high accuracy and small stencil of grid points computational fluid dynamics (CFD) workers pay more attention to compact schemes recently. For simulating the complex flow fields the treatment of boundary conditions at the far field boundary points and near far field boundary points is very important. According to authors' experience and published results some aspects of boundary condition treatment for far field boundary are presented, and the emphasis is on treatment of boundary conditions for the upwind compact schemes. The consistent treatment of boundary conditions at the near boundary points is also discussed. At the end of the paper are given some numerical examples. The computed results with presented method are satisfactory.


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A high order accurate finite difference method for direct numerical simulation of coherent structure in the mixing layers is presented. The reason for oscillation production in numerical solutions is analyzed, It is caused by a nonuniform group velocity of wavepackets. A method of group velocity control for the improvement of the shock resolution is presented. In numerical simulation the fifth-order accurate upwind compact difference relation is used to approximate the derivatives in the convection terms of the compressible N-S equations, a sixth-order accurate symmetric compact difference relation is used to approximate the viscous terms, and a three-stage R-K method is used to advance in time. In order to improve the shock resolution the scheme is reconstructed with the method of diffusion analogy which is used to control the group velocity of wavepackets. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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A perturbational h4 compact exponential finite difference scheme with diagonally dominant coefficient matrix and upwind effect is developed for the convective diffusion equation. Perturbations of second order are exerted on the convective coefficients and source term of an h2 exponential finite difference scheme proposed in this paper based on a transformation to eliminate the upwind effect of the convective diffusion equation. Four numerical examples including one- to three-dimensional model equations of fluid flow and a problem of natural convective heat transfer are given to illustrate the excellent behavior of the present exponential schemes, the h4 accuracy of the perturbational scheme is verified using double precision arithmetic.


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A numerical procedure, based on the parametric differentiation and implicit finite difference scheme, has been developed for a class of problems in the boundary-layer theory for saddle-point regions. Here, the results are presented for the case of a three-dimensional stagnation-point flow with massive blowing. The method compares very well with other methods for particular cases (zero or small mass blowing). Results emphasize that the present numerical procedure is well suited for the solution of saddle-point flows with massive blowing, which could not be solved by other methods.


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Hybrid finite compact (FC)-WENO schemes are proposed for shock calculations. The two sub-schemes (finite compact difference scheme and WENO scheme) are hybridized by means of the similar treatment as in ENO schemes. The hybrid schemes have the advantages of FC and WENO schemes. One is that they possess the merit of the finite compact difference scheme, which requires only bi-diagonal matrix inversion and can apply the known high-resolution flux to obtain high-performance numerical flux function; another is that they have the high-resolution property of WENO scheme for shock capturing. The numerical results show that FC-WENO schemes have better resolution properties than both FC-ENO schemes and WENO schemes. In addition, some comparisons of FC-ENO and artificial compression method (ACM) filter scheme of Yee et al. are also given.


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Perturbations are applied to the convective coefficients and source term of a convection-diffusion equation so that second-order corrections may be applied to a second-order exponential scheme. The basic Structure of the equations in the resulting fourth-order scheme is identical to that for the second order. Furthermore, the calculations are quite simple as the second-order corrections may be obtained in a single pass using a second-order scheme. For one to three dimensions, the fourth-order exponential scheme is unconditionally stable. As examples, the method is applied to Burgers' and other fluid mechanics problems. Compared with schemes normally used, the accuracies are found to be good and the method is applicable to regions with large gradients.


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A new finite-difference scheme is presented for the second derivative of a semivectorial field in a step-index optical waveguide with tilt interfaces. The present scheme provides an accurate description of the tilt interface of the nonrectangular structure. Comparison with previously presented formulas shows the effectiveness of the present scheme.


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Starting from nonhydrostatic Boussinesq approximation equations, a general method is introduced to deduce the dispersion relationships. A comparative investigation is performed on inertia-gravity wave with horizontal lengths of 100, 10 and 1 km. These are examined using the second-order central difference scheme and the fourth-order compact difference scheme on vertical grids that are currently available from the perspectives of frequency, horizontal and vertical component of group velocity. These findings are compared to analytical solutions. The obtained results suggest that whether for the second-order central difference scheme or for the fourth-order compact difference scheme, Charny-Phillips and Lorenz ( L) grids are suitable for studying waves at the above-mentioned horizontal scales; the Lorenz time-staggered and Charny-Phillips time staggered (CPTS) grids are applicable only to the horizontal scales of less than 10 km, and N grid ( unstaggered grid) is unsuitable for simulating waves at any horizontal scale. Furthermore, by using fourth-order compact difference scheme with higher difference precision, the errors of frequency and group velocity in horizontal and vertical directions produced on all vertical grids in describing the waves with horizontal lengths of 1, 10 and 100 km cannot inevitably be decreased. So in developing a numerical model, the higher-order finite difference scheme, like fourth-order compact difference scheme, should be avoided as much as possible, typically on L and CPTS grids, since it will not only take many efforts to design program but also make the calculated group velocity in horizontal and vertical directions even worse in accuracy.