992 resultados para collection card game
Objective: "Michael's Game" is a card game which aims at familiarizing healthcare professionals and patients with cognitive therapy of psychotic symptoms. The present study tests the feasibility and the impact of the intervention in naturalistic settings.Methods: 135 patients were recruited in 11 centres. They were assessed pre- and post-tests with the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS) and the Peters Delusion Inventory-21 items (PDI-21).Results: Data about 107 patients were included in the entire analyses. Significant improvements were observed on BCIS subscales as well as a reduction of severity of conviction and preoccupation scores on the PDI-21. The intervention has a moderate effect on the PDI-21 preoccupation and conviction as well as the BCIS subscales. Patients who benefit the most from the program are patients who have a low degree of self-reflectiveness and patients who are concomitantly preoccupied by their symptoms.Conclusion: The present study supports the feasibility and effectiveness of "Michael's Game" in naturalistic settings.Practical implications: The game seems to be a useful tool for patients with psychotic disorders. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present initial research regarding a system capable of generating novel card games. We furthermore propose a method for com- putationally analysing existing games of the same genre. Ultimately, we present a formalisation of card game rules, and a context-free grammar G cardgame capable of expressing the rules of a large variety of card games. Example derivations are given for the poker variant Texashold?em , Blackjack and UNO. Stochastic simulations are used both to verify the implementation of these well-known games, and to evaluate the results of new game rules derived from the grammar. In future work, this grammar will be used to evolve completely novel card games using a grammar- guided genetic program.
HTML5-tekniikka sekä Javascript tuen laajuus selaimissa vaihtelee. Tässä työssä kyseisiä tekniikoita tutkitaan ja selvitetään niiden toimivuus keräilykorttipelin tarvittavien ominaisuuksien osalta. Tuet kartoitetaan viiden yleisimmän selaimen osalta. HTML5 tukee WebSocket-ominaisuutta, mutta kaikki selaimet eivät tue ominaisuutta tai se on poistettu käytöstä. Työssä etsitään tiedonsiirtotekniikan korvaaja, jota testataan ja verrattaan yleisesti käytettäviin tekniikoihin. Socket.io oli nopea tekniikka ja viisi yleisintä selainta tuki kyseistä tekniikkaa. Tämän vuoksi Socket.io-tekniikka soveltuu keräilykorttipeliin hyvin. Työssä tutkitaan keräilykorttipeliin liittyviä ongelmia sekä ratkaistaan ilmenneet ongelmat. Keräilykorttipelissä kyseisiä ongelmia ilmeni hyvin vähän. HTML5 animaatio tutkitaan että se on optimoitu hyvin, jotta käyttäjälle tulee miellyttävä peli kokemus. Keräilykorttipeliin lisäksi tehdään käytännön toteutuksena pakkaeditorin prototyyppi, jossa käytetään drag&drop-tekniikkaa. Tämän vuoksi myös drag&drop-tekniikan tuki on selainten osalta kartoitettu myös työssä, sekä testattu käytännön toteutuksena prototyypissä. Prototyypin tarkoitus on kartoittaa mahdolliset tulevat ongelmat sekä auttaa varsinaisen pakkaeditorin tuotantoversiossa.
We demonstrate generating complete and playable card games using evolutionary algorithms. Card games are represented in a previously devised card game description language, a context-free grammar. The syntax of this language allows us to use grammar-guided genetic programming. Candidate card games are evaluated through a cascading evaluation function, a multi-step process where games with undesired properties are progressively weeded out. Three representa- tive examples of generated games are analysed. We observed that these games are reasonably balanced and have skill ele- ments, they are not yet entertaining for human players. The particular shortcomings of the examples are discussed in re- gard to the generative process to be able to generate quality games
A major challenge in teaching software engineering to undergraduates is that most students have limited industry experience, so the problems addressed are unknown and hence unappreciated. Issues of scope prevent a realistic software engineering experience, and students often graduate with a simplistic view of software engineering’s challenges. Problems and Programmers (PnP) is a competitive, physical card game that simulates the software engineering process from requirements specification to product delivery. Deliverables are abstracted, allowing a focus on process issues and for lessons to be learned in a relatively short time. The rules are easy to understand and the game’s physical nature allows for face-to-face interaction between players. The game’s developers have described PnP in previous publications, but this paper reports the game’s use within a larger educational scheme. Students learn and play PnP, and then are required to create a software requirements specification based on the game. Finally, students reflect on the game’s strengths and weaknesses and their experiences in an individual essay. The paper discusses this approach, students’ experiences and overall outcomes, and offers an independent, critical look at the game, its use, and potential improvements.
No decorrer dos últimos anos tem-se verificado um acréscimo do número de sistemas de videovigilância presentes nos mais diversos ambientes, sendo que estes se encontram cada vez mais sofisticados. Os casinos são um exemplo bastante popular da utilização destes sistemas sofisticados, sendo que vários casinos, hoje em dia, utilizam câmeras para controlo automático das suas operações de jogo. No entanto, atualmente existem vários tipos de jogos em que o controlo automático ainda não se encontra disponível, sendo um destes, o jogo Banca Francesa. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo propor um conjunto de algoritmos idealizados para um sistema de controlo e gestão do jogo de casino Banca Francesa através do auxílio de componentes pertencentes à área da computação visual, tendo em conta os contributos mais relevantes e existentes na área, elaborados por investigadores e entidades relacionadas. No decorrer desta dissertação são apresentados quatro módulos distintos, os quais têm como objetivo auxiliar os casinos a prevenir o acontecimento de fraudes durante o decorrer das suas operações, assim como auxiliar na recolha automática de resultados de jogo. Os quatro módulos apresentados são os seguintes: Dice Sample Generator – Módulo proposto para criação de casos de teste em grande escala; Dice Sample Analyzer – Módulo proposto para a deteção de resultados de jogo; Dice Calibration – Módulo proposto para calibração automática do sistema; Motion Detection – Módulo proposto para a deteção de fraude no jogo. Por fim, para cada um dos módulos, é apresentado um conjunto de testes e análises de modo a verificar se é possível provar o conceito para cada uma das propostas apresentadas.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often affects social adaptive functioning and these changes in social adaptability are usually associated with general damage to the frontal cortex. Recent evidence suggests that certain neurons within the orbitofrontal cortex appear to be specialized for the processing of faces and facial expressions. The orbitofrontal cortex also appears to be involved in self-initiated somatic activation to emotionally-charged stimuli. According to Somatic Marker Theory (Damasio, 1994), the reduced physiological activation fails to provide an individual with appropriate somatic cues to personally-relevant stimuli and this, in turn, may result in maladaptive behaviour. Given the susceptibility of the orbitofrontal cortex in TBI, it was hypothesized that impaired perception and reactivity to socially-relevant information might be responsible for some of the social difficulties encountered after TBL Fifteen persons who sustained a moderate to severe brain injury were compared to age and education matched Control participants. In the first study, both groups were presented with photographs of models displaying the major emotions and either asked to identify the emotions or simply view the faces passively. In a second study, participants were asked to select cards from decks that varied in terms of how much money could be won or lost. Those decks with higher losses were considered to be high-risk decks. Electrodermal activity was measured concurrently in both situations. Relative to Controls, TBI participants were found to have difficulty identifying expressions of surprise, sadness, anger, and fear. TBI persons were also found to be under-reactive, as measured by electrodermal activity, while passively viewing slides of negative expressions. No group difference,in reactivity to high-risk card decks was observed. The ability to identify emotions in the face and electrodermal reactivity to faces and to high-risk decks in the card game were examined in relationship to social monitoring and empathy as described by family members or friends on the Brock Adaptive Functioning Questionnaire (BAFQ). Difficulties identifying negative expressions (i.e., sadness, anger, fear, and disgust) predicted problems in monitoring social situations. As well, a modest relationship was observed between hypo-arousal to negative faces and problems with social monitoring. Finally, hypo-arousal in the anticipation of risk during the card game related to problems in empathy. In summary, these data are consistent with the view that alterations in the ability to perceive emotional expressions in the face and the disruption in arousal to personally-relevant information may be accounting for some of the difficulties in social adaptation often observed in persons who have sustained a TBI. Furthermore, these data provide modest support for Damasio's Somatic Marker Theory in that physiological reactivity to socially-relevant information has some value in predicting social function. Therefore, the assessment of TBI persons, particularly those with adaptive behavioural problems, should be expanded to determine whether alterations in perception and reactivity to socially-relevant stimuli have occurred. When this is the case, rehabilitative strategies aimed more specifically at these difficulties should be considered.
James Butler Hickok (1837-1876), also known as “Wild Bill” Hickok, was an American gun-fighter, scout and spy. He was involved in altercations with others while working for the famous express company Russell, Majors and Waddell (in 1861), and later while working as a wagon master, scout, and spy for the Union forces during the Civil War. These altercations resulted in the deaths of 4 people, but Hickok was acquitted in all cases. An embellished article written about him in Harper’s magazine helped contribute to his reputation as a western hero. He served as a deputy U.S. marshal and sheriff in Kansas in the late 1860’s, helping to bring law and order to a previously lawless area. He gambled considerably, and during a card game on August 2, 1876, was shot and killed. The cards he was holding (two aces, two eights, and a jack) became known as the "dead man's hand."
Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC) tiene como objetivo el análisis, diseño e implementación de un videojuego móvil multijugador, con un enfoque educativo, para la sensibilización sobre el Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH). El sistema resultante se ha desarrollado para la Plataforma Android, utilizando el Framework AndEngine, que utiliza aceleración hardware de la GPU para garantizar un buen rendimiento en terminales de gama baja, de modo que pueda utilizarse en un amplio número de terminales móviles disponibles en el mercado. La aplicación se presenta como un juego de cartas con los diferentes países y sus datos humanitarios, los jugadores deben conocer el peso de los índices de desarrollo (esperanza de vida, renta, educación) de los países en comparación con los países de los otros jugadores. El sistema de juego premia a los jugadores con mayores conocimientos sobre los datos humanos de los diferentes países del mundo, de ese modo los mejores jugadores serán los que tengan más conocimientos de estos datos. El juego permite jugar partidas en solitario utilizando jugadores manejados por la CPU, o multijugador mediante WIFI o 3G. La actualización de la información y de los datos de las partidas se realiza a través de la comunicación con un servidor web ya implementado de forma complementaria a la realización de este proyecto. El sistema ha sido integrado y validado satisfactoriamente con diferentes terminales móviles y usuarios de diferente perfil de edad y uso. El videojuego se puede descargar de la página web creada en un proyecto complementario a éste (pendiente de publicación web), y ya se encuentra también disponible en Google Play. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xnetcom.pro.cartas&hl=es_419 ABSTRACT. This Project End of Career (PFC) takes as an aim the analysis, design and implementation of a multiplayer mobile videogame, with an educational approach, for the awareness on the Human Development Index (HDI). The resultant system has been developed for the Platform Android, using the AndEngine Framework, which uses hardware acceleration of the GPU to ensure a good performance on low-end terminals, so that it can be used in a wide range of mobile handsets available in the market. The application is presented as a card game with the different countries and his humanitarian information, the players must know the weight of the indexes of development (life expectancy, revenue, education) of the countries in comparison with the countries of other players. The game system rewards players with more knowledge on human information of different countries, thus the best players will be those with more knowledge of these information. The game allows to play items in solitarily using players handled by the CPU, or multiplayer by means of WIFI or 3G. The update of the information and data of the online games is done through communication with a web server implemented as a complement to the realization of this project. The system has been built and successfully validated with different mobile terminals and users of different age and usage profile. The game can be downloaded from the website created in a complementary project to this (web publication pending), and is now also available on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xnetcom.pro.cartas&hl=es_419
La tesis doctoral desarrolla una investigación original, dentro del marco disciplinario de la historia de la construcción, sobre los fundamentos constructivos de las fortificaciones bajomedievales fronterizas entre las Coronas de Castilla y Aragón en la actual provincia de Soria. En el título de la tesis ya queda expresado el objeto fundamental y fundacional, así como el ámbito temporal —desde la reconquista del oriente soriano por parte de Alfonso I el Batallador a principios del siglo XII hasta la unificación de las coronas hispánicas en el siglo XV bajo el común mandato de los Reyes Católicos— y la extensión territorial que delimita la investigación: aquéllas comarcas castellanas lindantes con Aragón pertenecientes a la actual provincia de Soria. Durante este período bajomedieval se produjeron una serie de enfrentamientos fronterizos que obligó a fortificar la frontera y las vías de comunicación entre ambas coronas. La falta de estudios de conjunto de estas fortificaciones entendiéndolas como participantes en un sistema fortificado ha constituido la justificación de la investigación, que se realiza en varios niveles de análisis: territorial, histórico, arquitectónico, poliorcético y constructivo. Así mismo, se ha detectado cierta falta de rigor acompañada de inexactitudes en las consideraciones constructivas publicadas sobre algunas de las fortificaciones del ámbito de estudio, lo que ha provocado errores en su datación al no más haber elementos de corte artístico o estilístico que marquen indudablemente la pertenencia a una época. En la tesis se ponen en duda las dataciones tradicionalmente aceptadas planteando la hipótesis que da pie a la investigación: ante la falta de elementos artísticos o estilísticos en unos sobrios edificios eminentemente funcionales es posible establecer con suficiente aproximación la fecha de construcción en base a criterios constructivos una vez formada una clasificación cronotipológica de cada técnica constructiva. La hipótesis, por lo tanto, plantea un objetivo principal —el estudio de la razón constructiva del sistema fortificado fronterizo— desarrollado en una serie de objetivos específicos cuya consecución programa los sucesivos niveles de análisis: - Conocer y detallar los elementos históricos que originaron los enfrentamientos entre las Coronas de Castilla y Aragón y su desarrollo mediante herramientas historiográficas y analizar las características naturales del territorio en litigio mediante instrumentos cartográficos. - Conocer y analizar los tipos arquitectónicos y las tradiciones constructivas empleadas en las construcciones castrenses en el ámbito temporal en que se enmarca la investigación. - Localizar, documentar y seleccionar para su análisis las fortalezas y construcciones militares erigidas durante dichas luchas fronterizas en la actual provincia de Soria a través del trabajo de campo y métodos cartográficos y bibliográficos. - Realizar un estudio general sobre el sistema fortificado a escala territorial - Investigar la tipología arquitectónica, poliorcética y constructiva del conjunto de estas fortificaciones bajomedievales fronterizas. - Analizar los fundamentos constructivos de los casos de estudio seleccionados entre estas construcciones y caracterizarlas en cuanto al material, elementos, sistemas y procesos constructivos. - Ordenar la información histórica dispersa y corregir errores para hacer una base sobre la que establecer un discurso histórico de cada caso de estudio. - Comparar y relacionar las técnicas constructivas empleadas en estas fortalezas con los utilizados en el mismo ámbito temporal. - Difundir para su debate los resultados de la investigación por los foros científicos habituales. El método empleado combina los trabajos de gabinete con una intensa labor de campo, en la que se han documentado cincuenta fortificaciones y se han redactado sus correspondientes fichas de toma de datos. La recopilación de datos se ha incluido en una base de datos que incluye aspectos generales, tipológicos, constructivos y bibliográficos básicos del conjunto, a modo de inventario, de fortificaciones de la provincia. Las fortificaciones seleccionadas se agrupan según una clasificación tipológica y constructiva que marca las líneas de estudio posteriores. Se desarrolla un capítulo de antecedentes en el que se estudia la historia de la construcción fortificada medieval tanto en Europa como en España analizando la evolución de los tipos arquitectónicos y las múltiples influencias culturales que surcaron el Mediterráneo desde el Oriente cruzado e islámico al Poniente donde se desarrollaba la empresa reconquistadora que mantuvo en estado de guerra continuo a la Península Ibérica durante ochocientos años. El análisis del territorio como contenedor del hecho fortificado revela que hay una relación íntima entre la ubicación de las fortificaciones y las formas naturales que definen las vías de comunicación entre los valles del Duero, del Ebro y del Tajo. En efecto, el ámbito de estudio ha supuesto desde la Antigüedad un territorio de paso fundamental en la articulación de las comunicaciones en la Península Ibérica. Este carácter de paso más que de frontera explica las inquietudes y la preocupación por su control tanto por Roma como por el califato cordobés como por los reinos cristianos medievales. El análisis de los elementos históricos se complementa con el estudio detallado de los enfrentamientos fronterizos entre Castilla y Aragón así como los aspectos sociales y políticos que provocaron la fortificación como sistema de definición de la frontera y de organización espacial, jurisdiccional, social y administrativa del territorio. La arquitectura fortificada es esencialmente funcional: su cometido es la defensa. En este sentido, tras un estudio morfológico de los castillos seleccionados se realiza un extenso análisis poliorcético de sus elementos, investigando su origen y aplicación para servir también de parámetros de datación. Siendo el objeto inaugural de la tesis el estudio de los fundamentos constructivos, se explican los distintos materiales de construcción empleados y se agrupan las fábricas de las fortificaciones seleccionadas en dos grandes grupos constructivos: las fábricas aparejadas y las fábricas encofradas. Se han destacado y estudiado la evolución histórica y la tipología y mensiología constructiva de tres técnicas destacadas: el uso del ladrillo, la tapia de cal y canto o mampostería encofrada y la tapia de tierra. Para el estudio de la componente histórica y de la dimensión constructiva de cada técnica ha sido necesario documentar numerosos casos tanto en el ámbito de estudio como en la Península Ibérica con el fin de establecer grupos cronotipológicos constructivos entre los que poder ubicar las fábricas de estas técnicas presentes en el ámbito de estudio. Se ha observado una evolución dimensional de las fábricas de tapia que es más evidente en las hispanomusulmanas al modularse en codos pero que también se advierte significativamente en las cristianas bajomedievales. De cada una de las técnicas analizadas se ha seleccionado un caso de estudio singular y representativo. El castillo de Arcos de Jalón es un ejemplo significativo del empleo de la fábrica mixta de mampostería con verdugadas de ladrillo, así como las murallas de la ciudad fortificada de Peñalcázar lo es de la fábrica de mampostería encofrada y el castillo de Serón de Nágima constituye un caso característico y principal de la utilización de la tapia de tierra en la arquitectura militar bajomedieval. Cada uno de estos tres casos de estudios se examina bajo los mismos cuatro niveles anteriormente mencionados: territorial, histórico, arquitectónico y defensivo y constructivo. El sistemático método de estudio ha facilitado el orden en la investigación y la obtención de unos resultados y conclusiones que verifican la hipótesis y cumplen los objetivos marcados al comienzo. Se ha revisado la datación en la construcción de las fortificaciones analizadas mediante el estudio cronotipológico de sus fábricas, pudiendo trasladarse el método a otros sistemas fortificados. La tesis abre, finalmente, dos vías principales de investigación encaminadas a completar el estudio del sistema fortificado fronterizo bajomedieval en la raya oriental soriana de Castilla: la caracterización y datación por métodos físico-químicos de las muestras de piezas de madera de construcción que se conservan embebidas en las fábricas y la búsqueda documental y archivística que pueda revelar nuevos datos respecto a la fundación, reparación, venta o cualquier aspecto económico, legislativo, organizativo o administrativo relativo a las fortificaciones en documentos coetáneos. ABSTRACT The doctoral thesis develops an original research, held in the field of the Construction History, about the constructive reason of the frontier fortifications in the Late Middle Age between the Crowns of Castile and Aragón in the actual province of Soria, Spain. In the title is expressed the main objective, and also the temporal scope —from the reconquest in the 12th Century by Alfonso the First of Aragón to the unification under the common kingdom of the Catholic Kings— and the territorial extension that the research delimits: those Castilian regions in the border with Aragón in the actual province of Soria. During this period, a series of border wars were been, and this is the reason for the fortification of the border line and the main roads between both Crowns. The lack of studies of these fortifications as participants in a fortified system is the justification of the research. There is several analysis levels: territorial, historical, architectonic, defensive and constructive. Likewise, there is a lack of strictness and inaccuracy in the constructive items in the publications about several fortifications of this study field. This aspect has caused mistakes in the dating because there is neither artistic nor stylistic elements which determines a epoch. The traditionally accepted datings are challenged. An hypothesis is formulated: in the absence of artistic or stylistic elements in a sober and functional buildings is possible to date the time of construction with sufficiently approximation based on construction criteria once formed a cronotypologic classification of each building technique. The hypothesis, therefore, propose a main aim: the study of the constructive reason of the fortified border system. This aim is developed in a series of specifically targets whose achievement programs the analysis levels: - To know and to detail the historical elements which started the wars between Castile and Aragon and its development using historiographical tools, and to analyze the natural characteristic of the territory through cartographical tools. - To understand and to analyze the different architectural types and the building traditions employed in the military buildings in the time researched. - To locate, to document, and to select for their analysis the fortresses and military constructions erected during these border wars in the actual province of Soria through fieldwork and bibliographical and cartographical methods. - To conduct a general study on the fortified system in territorial scale. - To research the architectural, constructive and defensive typology of the system of these border late medieval fortifications. - To analyze the construction logic of the selected case studies and to characterize in the items of material, elements, systems and construction processes. - To sort scattered historical information and to correct mistakes to make a base by which to establish a historic speech of each case study. - To compare and to relate the construction techniques employed in these fortresses with those used in the same time range . - To spread for discussion the research results in the usual scientists forums. The method combines the destock work with an intense fieldwork. Fifty fortifications have been documented and it has written their corresponding data collection card. Data collection has been included in a database that includes general aspects, typological, constructive and basic bibliographical data, as an inventory of fortifications in the province. The selected fortifications are grouped according to a typological and constructive classification which lead the lines of the later study. There is a chapter for the antecedents in which the history of the medieval fortified construction in Europe and in Spain is studied by analyzing the evolution of architectural types and the many cultural influences along the opposite seasides of the Mediterranean Sea, from the Islamic and Crusader East to the Iberian Peninsula in where there were a long and continuous war during eight hundred years. The territory is analyzed as a container of fortifications. This analysis reveals that there is an intimate relationship between the location of the fortifications and the natural forms that define the communication roads between the Duero, Ebro and Tajo valleys. Indeed, the study area has been a cross-territory from ancient times more than a frontierterritory. This communication character explains the concerns about its control both by Rome and by the Muslims of Córdoba as medieval Christian kingdoms. The analysis of historical elements is supplemented by detailed study of border war between Castile and Aragon and the social and political issues that led to the fortification as border definition system and spatial, jurisdictional, social and administrative planning. The fortified architecture is essentially functional: it is responsible for defense. In this sense, after a morphological study of selected castles is performed an extensive analysis of its defensive elements, investigating its origin and application. This analisis serves for the definition of parameters for dating. The purpose of the thesis is the study of the constructive logic. First, various building materials are explained. Then, masonry is grouped into two major constructive groups: rigged masonry and formwork masonry. The historical evolution and the constructive typology and mensiology are studied for each one of the three main techniques: the use of brickwork, the mortar wall and rammed-earth. Many case studies have been documented along the Iberian Peninsula and also in the study area. As conclusion, there is a dimensional evolution of the rammed-earth walls. This evolution is more evident into the Muslim masonry than in the late medieval walls: the reason is the use of the cubit as module. From each of the techniques discussed, a singular and representative case of study has been selected. The castle of Arcos de Jalon is a significant example of mix masonry of stone and brick rows. The walled city of Peñalcázar is built with masonry formwork. Serón de Nágima castle, at last, is a typical and main case of the use of the rammedearth wall of late medieval military architecture. Each of these three case studies were examined under the same four analysis levels above mentioned: territorial, historical, architectural and defensive and constructive. The systematic method of study has facilitated the order in the research and the obtaining of results and conclusions that verify the hypotheses and achieve the research objectives. Dating of the fortifications construction has been revised by studying the cronotypological issues of its masonry. The method can be transferred to the study of other fortified systems. Finally, the thesis describes two main research new ways aimed at completing the study of the late medieval fortified border of Castile in the actual province of Soria. The first of them is the characterization and datig by physicochemical methods the sample pieces of wood construction preserved embedded in the masonry. The second research way is the investigation of the documents in archives that may reveal new information about the foundation, repair, sale or any aspect to economic, legal, organizational or administrative concerning fortifications in contemporary documents.
Elias Mann kept this diary during his undergraduate years at Harvard College. The diary begins August 17, 1796 and ends in August of 1800 and also includes several undated sheets filled with excerpts of poems. The daily entries describe many aspects of Mann's life, including not only his experiences at Harvard but also his involvement in the larger community. Entries related to life at Harvard describe club meetings (coffee club, Hasty Pudding Club and Phi Beta Kappa); trips to the theater; dinners at taverns; games and recreation, including a card game called "Loo," cribbage, backgammon, bowling, playing ball, fishing, skating and going for sleigh rides; gathering, and sometimes taking from others' gardens, food (most often plums, peaches, nuts and apples); what he ate (including one breakfast of three raw eggs and two glasses of wine); what he read (including Tristram Shandy and one of "Mrs. Ratcliffe's novels"); his friends, often mentioned by name; and academic work and formalities. In one entry he mentions the theft of several possessions from his room, and there are several entries about trips to Fresh Pond.
This research explores gestures used in the context of activities in the workplace and in everyday life in order to understand requirements and devise concepts for the design of gestural information appliances. A collaborative method of video interaction analysis devised to suit design explorations, the Video Card Game, was used to capture and analyse how gesture is used in the context of six different domains: the dentist's office; PDA and mobile phone use; the experimental biologist's laboratory; a city ferry service; a video cassette player repair shop; and a factory flowmeter assembly station. Findings are presented in the form of gestural themes, derived from the tradition of qualitative analysis but bearing some similarity to Alexandrian patterns. Implications for the design of gestural devices are discussed.
The present study examines facilitative effects of trait emotional intelligence on decision making in a socially moderated, financial context. One hundred participants completed the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire and a computerised gambling card game, designed to simulate financial decision making. The results show that participants scoring high on the sociability factors made significantly better decisions in certain card game conditions compared to lower scoring counterparts. Results are discussed in light of dual-process theories.
The social landscape is filled with an intricate web of species-specific desired objects and course of actions. Humans are highly social animals and, as they navigate this landscape, they need to produce adapted decision-making behaviour. Traditionally social and non-social neural mechanisms affecting choice have been investigated using different approaches. Recently, in an effort to unite these findings, two main theories have been proposed to explain how the brain might encode social and non-social motivational decision-making: the extended common currency and the social valuation specific schema (Ruff & Fehr 2014). One way to test these theories is to directly compare neural activity related to social and non-social decision outcomes within the same experimental setting. Here we address this issue by focusing on the neural substrates of social and non-social forms of uncertainty. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we directly compared the neural representations of reward and risk prediction and errors (RePE and RiPE) in social and non- social situations using gambling games. We used a trust betting game to vary uncertainty along a social dimension (trustworthiness), and a card game (Preuschoff et al. 2006) to vary uncertainty along a non-social dimension (pure risk). The trust game was designed to maintain the same structure of the card game. In a first study, we exposed a divide between subcortical and cortical regions when comparing the way these regions process social and non-social forms of uncertainty during outcome anticipation. Activity in subcortical regions reflected social and non-social RePE, while activity in cortical regions correlated with social RePE and non-social RiPE. The second study focused on outcome delivery and integrated the concept of RiPE in non-social settings with that of fairness and monetary utility maximisation in social settings. In particular these results corroborate recent models of anterior insula function (Singer et al. 2009; Seth 2013), and expose a possible neural mechanism that weights fairness and uncertainty but not monetary utility. The third study focused on functionally defined regions of the early visual cortex (V1) showing how activity in these areas, traditionally considered only visual, might reflect motivational prediction errors in addition to known perceptual prediction mechanisms (den Ouden et al 2012). On the whole, while our results do not support unilaterally one or the other theory modeling the underlying neural dynamics of social and non-social forms of decision making, they provide a working framework where both general mechanisms might coexist.