447 resultados para clostridium tetani


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The sequences of the 16S rRNA genes (rrs genes) of Clostridium chauvoei, the causative agent of blackleg in cattle, and the phenotypically related organism Clostridium septicum were determined. After amplification of 1,507-bp PCR fragments from the corresponding rrs genes, the sequences were determined in a single round of sequencing by using conserved region primers. A sequence similarity analysis of the sequences revealed the close phylogenetic relationship of C. chauvoei and C. septicum in Clostridium cluster I (M. D. Collins, P. A. Lawson, A. Willems, J. J. Cordoba, J. Fernandez-Garayzabal, P. Garcia, J. Cai, H. Hippe, and J. A. E. Farrow, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:812-826, 1994), which includes Clostridium carnis, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, and Clostridium tetani. We found that 99.3% of the nucleotides in the genes of C. chauvoei and C. septicum are identical.


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A retrospective study of major clinical and epidemiological findings was performed in 11 cases of tetanus observed in eight sheep and three goats from 1998 to 2008. The cases occurred predominantly in animals aging from five days to two years, in winter season, with history of recent wounds or surgical procedures. Muscle rigidity and muscular tremors (72.0%), tachycardia/dyspnea (54.5%), change of placement of ears (45.4%), protusion of the third eyelid (27.2%), hypersensitivity to external stimulus (18.1%), and elevation of ears (18.1%) were the most common clinical signs.


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Relata-se neste artigo o caso de tétano em um gato macho de 3 anos 8 dias após a realização de orquiectomia bilateral, onde o histórico do animal associado aos achados clínicos e laboratoriais propiciaram a definição do diagnóstico. Mesmo após tratamento, o quadro evoluiu para tetania generalizada e óbito. Neste caso, a ação da neurotoxina na musculatura estriada esquelética do esfíncter uretral foi um fator agravante para a doença, levando à retenção vesical e azotemia pós-renal.


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The author did a review entitled clinical aspects of tetanus emphasizing the etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic, clinical aspects, differential diagnosis, laboratorial tests, treatment, complications and prophylaxis.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Essigsäure-, Propionsäure und Buttersäure-bildende Bakterien aus einer thermophilen und drei mesophilen Biogasanlagen sowie aus zwei Hochdruck-Biogas-Laborfermentern isoliert. Die Fermenter waren mit dem nachwachsenden Rohstoff Maissilage, teilweise mit Rinder- oder Schweinegülle und weiteren festen Inputstoffen gefüttert. Für die Isolierung von Säure-bildenden Bakterien wurde ein Mineralsalzmedium verwendet, welchem als Kohlenstoffquelle Na-DL-Laktat, Succinat, Ethanol, Glycerin, Glucose oder eine Aminosäuremischung (Alanin, Serin, Threonin, Glutaminsäure, Methionin und Cystein) hinzugefügt wurde. Hierbei handelt es sich um Substrate, welche beim anaeroben Abbau während der Hydrolyse oder der primären Gärung entstehen können. Die erhaltenen Isolate waren in der Lage, aus diesen Substraten Essigsäure, Propionsäure oder Buttersäure zu bilden. Insgesamt wurden aus den beprobten Anlagen 49 Isolate gewonnen, welche zu den Phyla Firmicutes, Tenericutes oder Thermotogae gehörten. Mit Hilfe von 16S rDNA-Sequenzen konnten die meisten Isolate als Clostridium sporosphaeroides, Defluviitoga tunisiensis und Dendrosporobacter sp. identifiziert werden. Die Bildung von Essigsäure, Propionsäure oder Buttersäure wurde in Kulturen von Isolaten festgestellt, welche als folgende Arten identifiziert wurden: Bacillus thermoamylovorans, Clostridium aminovalericum, Clostridium cochlearium/Clostridium tetani, Clostridium sporosphaeroides, Dendrosporobacter sp., Proteiniborus sp., Selenomonas bovis und Tepidanaerobacter sp. Zwei Isolate, verwandt mit Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum, konnten Buttersäure und Milchsäure bilden. In Kulturen von Defluviitoga tunisiensis wurde Essigsäurebildung festgestellt. Ein Vergleich der 16S rDNA-Sequenzen mit Datenbanken und die Ergebnisse der PCR-Amplifikationen mit Isolat-spezifischen Primerpaaren ergaben zusätzlich Hinweise, dass es sich bei einigen Isolaten um neue Arten handeln könnte (z. B. Stamm Tepidanaerobacter sp. AS34, Stamm Proteiniborus sp. ASG1.4, Stamm Dendrosporobacter sp. LG2.4, Stamm Desulfotomaculum sp. EG2.4, Stamm Gallicola sp. SG1.4B und Stamm Acholeplasma sp. ASSH51). Durch die Entwicklung Isolat-spezifischer Primerpaare, abgeleitet von 16S rDNA-Sequenzen der Isolate oder Referenzstämmen, konnten die Isolate in Biogasanlagen detektiert und mittels qPCR quantifiziert werden (hauptsächlich im Bereich zwischen 1000 bis 100000000 Kopien der 16S rDNA/g BGA-Probe). Weiterhin konnten die Isolate mit Hilfe physiologischer Versuche charakterisiert und deren Rolle in der anaeroben Abbaukette diskutiert werden. Die Art Defluviitoga tunisiensis scheint eine große Bedeutung in Biogasanlagen zu spielen. Defluviitoga tunisiensis wurde am häufigsten in Untersuchungen im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit isoliert und konnte auch mit Hilfe des entwickelten Primerpaares in hohen Abundanzen in den beprobten Biogasanlagen detektiert werden (10000 - 100000000 Kopien der 16S rDNA/g BGA-Probe). Die manuelle Annotation des Gesamtgenoms sowie die Substratverwertungsversuche haben gezeigt, dass Defluviitoga tunisiensis ein sehr breites Substratspektrum in der Verwertung von Kohlenhydraten besitzt und dadurch möglicherweise eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verwertung von Biomasse in Biogasanlagen einnimmt. Mit Hilfe der Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten somit neue Einblicke in die zweite Stufe des anaeroben Abbaus, die Acidogenese, in Biogasanlagen gegeben werden. rn


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BACKGROUND: Dysphagia is seldom caused by tetanus; however, it is a common symptom of tetanus. Treating patients with tetanus is a rare event in industrialized countries and awareness is needed to recognize early signs of this serious disease. In Switzerland, the most recently reported tetanus cases occurred in elderly women with insufficient seroprotection. PATIENTS: We report on three elderly women presenting with dysphagia as an initial symptom of tetanus. RESULTS: Generalized tetanus was diagnosed in two patients upon admission, the third presented with cephalic tetanus with secondary generalization. All three patients had undetectable levels of tetanus antibodies and had no documented prior tetanus immunizations. Cultures of wound swabs grew Clostridium tetani in all cases. Electromyography was highly suggestive for tetanus in two patients. Treatment involved mechanical ventilation, intravenous benzodiazepine and metronidazole therapy, and active and passive tetanus immunization. The disease had a favorable outcome in two cases and was fatal in one. CONCLUSION: Tetanus remains a threat in patients with insufficient seroprotection and efforts are needed to improve tetanus immunization in these individuals. Tetanus should be considered in the differential diagnosis of dysphagia.


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A three-and-a-half-year-old entire male Staffordshire Bull Terrier was presented with a cough and difficulty in swallowing. Two days later the dog was re-presented and a diagnosis of tetanus was made. An abscessed canine tooth was extracted and submitted for culture. Clostridium tetani was cultured from the pulp chamber of the tooth. The dog was treated with tetanus antitoxin, antibiotics and supportive care and made a complete recovery.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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The Implementation Guide for hospital surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) has been produced by the Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Technical Working Group of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC), and endorsed by the HAI Advisory Group. State jurisdictions and the ACSQHC have representatives on the Technical Working Group, and have had input into this document. (See acknowledgements on inside front cover)...


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The Implementation Guide for hospital surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) has been produced by the Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Technical Working Group of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC), and endorsed by the HAI Advisory Group. State jurisdictions and the ACSQHC have representatives on the Technical Working Group, and have had input into this document. The Guide is intended to be used by Australian hospitals and organisations to support the implementation of hospital-identified Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) surveillance using the endorsed case definition in this guide. It has been produced to support consistency of surveillance activities and is not intended to replace clinical assessment of infection for patient management.


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Objectives: To report the quarterly incidence of hospital-identified Clostridium difficile infection (HI-CDI) in Australia, and to estimate the burden ascribed to hospital-associated (HA) and community-associated (CA) infections. Design, setting and patients: Prospective surveillance of all cases of CDI diagnosed in hospital patients from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012 in 450 public hospitals in all Australian states and the Australian Capital Territory. All patients admitted to inpatient wards or units in acute public hospitals, including psychiatry, rehabilitation and aged care, were included, as well as those attending emergency departments and outpatient clinics. Main outcome measures: Incidence of HI-CDI (primary outcome); proportion and incidence of HA-CDI and CA-CDI (secondary outcomes). Results: The annual incidence of HI-CDI increased from 3.25/10 000 patient-days (PD) in 2011 to 4.03/10 000 PD in 2012. Poisson regression modelling demonstrated a 29% increase (95% CI, 25% to 34%) per quarter between April and December 2011, with a peak of 4.49/10 000 PD in the October–December quarter. The incidence plateaued in January–March 2012 and then declined by 8% (95% CI, − 11% to − 5%) per quarter to 3.76/10 000 PD in July–September 2012, after which the rate rose again by 11% (95% CI, 4% to 19%) per quarter to 4.09/10 000 PD in October–December 2012. Trends were similar for HA-CDI and CA-CDI. A subgroup analysis determined that 26% of cases were CA-CDI. Conclusions: A significant increase in both HA-CDI and CA-CDI identified through hospital surveillance occurred in Australia during 2011–2012. Studies are required to further characterise the epidemiology of CDI in Australia.


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Background: International epidemic clones (ribotypes 027 and 078) of Clostridium difficile have been associated with death, toxic megacolon and other adverse outcomes in North America and Europe. In 2010, the first local transmission of an epidemic strain (027) of C. difficile was reported in the state of Victoria, Australia, but no cases of infection with this strain were reported in the state of Queensland. In 2012, a prevalence study was undertaken in all public and selected private hospitals to examine the epidemiology of CDI and determine the prevalence of epidemic C. difficile strains in Queensland. Methods: Enhanced surveillance was undertaken on all hospital identified CDI cases aged over 2 years between 10 April and 15 June 2012. Where available, patient samples were cultured and isolates of C. difficile ribotyped. The toxin profile of each isolate was determined by PCR. Results: In total, 168 cases of CDI were identified during the study period. A majority (58.3%) of cases had onset of symptoms in hospital. Of the 62 patients with community onset of symptoms, most (74%) had a hospital admission in the previous 3 months. Only 4 of 168 patients had onset of symptoms within a residential care facility. Thirteen out of the 168 (7.7%) patients included in the study had severe disease (ICU admission and/or death within 30 days of onset). Overall 136/168 (81%) of cases had been prescribed antibiotics in the last month. Of concern was the emergence of a novel ribotype (244) which has recently been described in other parts of Australia and is genetically related to ribotype 027. Seven patients were infected with C. difficile ribotype 244 (8% of 83 samples ribotyped), including one patient requiring ICU admission and one patient who died. Ribotype 244 was tcdA, tcdB and CDT positive and contained a tcdC mutation at position 117. Conclusion: Ongoing surveillance is required to determine the origin and epidemiology of C. difficile ribotype 244 infections in Australia.


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Background Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) possibly extends hospital length of stay (LOS); however, the current evidence does not account for the time-dependent bias, ie, when infection is incorrectly analyzed as a baseline covariate. The aim of this study was to determine whether CDI increases LOS after managing this bias. Methods We examined the estimated extra LOS because of CDI using a multistate model. Data from all persons hospitalized >48 hours over 4 years in a tertiary hospital in Australia were analyzed. Persons with health care-associated CDIs were identified. Cox proportional hazards models were applied together with multistate modeling. Results One hundred fifty-eight of 58,942 admissions examined had CDI. The mean extra LOS because of infection was 0.9 days (95% confidence interval: −1.8 to 3.6 days, P = .51) when a multistate model was applied. The hazard of discharge was lower in persons who had CDI (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.42; P < .001) when a Cox proportional hazard model was applied. Conclusion This study is the first to use multistate models to determine the extra LOS because of CDI. Results suggest CDI does not significantly contribute to hospital LOS, contradicting findings published elsewhere. Conversely, when methods prone to result in time-dependent bias were applied to the data, the hazard of discharge significantly increased. These findings contribute to discussion on methods used to evaluate LOS and health care-associated infections.


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In the commercial food industry, demonstration of microbiological safety and thermal process equivalence often involves a mathematical framework that assumes log-linear inactivation kinetics and invokes concepts of decimal reduction time (DT), z values, and accumulated lethality. However, many microbes, particularly spores, exhibit inactivation kinetics that are not log linear. This has led to alternative modeling approaches, such as the biphasic and Weibull models, that relax strong log-linear assumptions. Using a statistical framework, we developed a novel log-quadratic model, which approximates the biphasic and Weibull models and provides additional physiological interpretability. As a statistical linear model, the log-quadratic model is relatively simple to fit and straightforwardly provides confidence intervals for its fitted values. It allows a DT-like value to be derived, even from data that exhibit obvious "tailing." We also showed how existing models of non-log-linear microbial inactivation, such as the Weibull model, can fit into a statistical linear model framework that dramatically simplifies their solution. We applied the log-quadratic model to thermal inactivation data for the spore-forming bacterium Clostridium botulinum and evaluated its merits compared with those of popular previously described approaches. The log-quadratic model was used as the basis of a secondary model that can capture the dependence of microbial inactivation kinetics on temperature. This model, in turn, was linked to models of spore inactivation of Sapru et al. and Rodriguez et al. that posit different physiological states for spores within a population. We believe that the log-quadratic model provides a useful framework in which to test vitalistic and mechanistic hypotheses of inactivation by thermal and other processes. Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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In North America and Europe, the binary toxin positive Clostridium difficile strains of the ribotypes 027 and 078 have been associated with death, toxic megacolon and other adverse outcomes. Following an increase in C. difficile infections (CDIs) in Queensland, a prevalence study involving 175 hospitals was undertaken in early 2012, identifying 168 cases of CDI over a 2 month period. Patient demographics and clinical characteristics were recorded, and C. difficile isolates were ribotyped and tested for the presence of binary toxin genes. Most patients (106/168, 63.1%) were aged over 60 years. Overall, 98 (58.3%) developed symptoms after hospitalisation; 89 cases (53.0%) developed symptoms more than 48 hours after admission. Furthermore, 27 of the 62 (67.7%) patients who developed symptoms in the community ad been hospitalised within the last 3 months. Thirteen of the 168 (7.7%) cases identified had severe disease, resulting in admission to the Intensive Care Unit or death within 30 days of the onset of symptoms. The 3 most common ribotypes isolated were UK 002 (22.9%), UK 014 (13.3%) and the binary toxin-positive ribotype UK 244 (8.4%). The only other binary toxin positive ribotype isolated was UK 078 (n = 1). Of concern was the detection of the binary toxin positive ribotype UK 244, which has recently been described in other parts of Australia and New Zealand. No isolates were of the international epidemic clone of ribotype UK 027, although ribotype UK 244 is genetically related to this clone. Further studies are required to track the epidemiology of ribotype UK 244 in Australia and New Zealand. Commun Dis Intell 2014;38(4):E279–E284.