961 resultados para clean organic synthesis


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El objetivo general de este proyecto es el estudio de distintos tipos de sistemas organizados, conocer los factores que determinan la forma de organización y las consecuencias que ésta tiene sobre la reactividad de moléculas que se encuentran en ese entorno organizado. Se pretende realizar, desde la fisicoquímica y la síntesis orgánica, aportes a áreas multidisciplinarias como la nanociencia y la nanotecnología. Se sintetizarán ciclodextrinas anfifílicas y se estudiará su comportamiento en solución y en interfases, sus propiedades de agregación y morfología. Se estudiará también la termodinámica de los procesos y la capacidad catalítica de estas ciclodextrinas anfifílicas en superficies bidimensionales en reacciones de hidrólisis de ésteres. Las ciclodextrinas anfifílicas sintetizadas en el laboratorio se utilizarán también en mezclas con otros surfactantes, con el objetivo de generar medios eficientes respecto a la solubilización y extracción de contaminantes orgánicos desde suelos. Se espera encontrar sistemas que presenten efectos sinérgicos. Se determinará el efecto de la formación de complejos con ciclodextrina sobre las propiedades fisicoquímicas y la reactividad de pesticidas de amplio uso en agricultura, en particular de compuestos organofosforados. Se investigarán ciclodextrinas que permitan controlar la liberación del agroquímico y se realizarán estudios de la reactividad de los pesticidas en solución y en medios que simulen el suelo determinando si la inclusión en las ciclodextrinas modifica la velocidad de descomposición. En la búsqueda de nuevos sistemas microheterogéneos se sintetizarán surfactantes gémini con una cadena hidrocarbonada y una perfluorada y se determinarán sus propiedades. Luego de su caracterización, estos surfactantes se aplicarán en estudios de reactividad de compuestos insolubles en agua.Se estudiará la formación de complejos de ciclodextrina con metales de transición y los mismos se utilizarán como catalizadores en reacciones de oxidación de sulfuros y de alquenos en medios acuosos y no acuosos buscando condiciones donde se logre inducción quiral. Se sintetizarán compuestos azufrados polifuncionales con los cuales se modificarán superficies de nanopartículas por quimioadsorción de los mismos. Dado que se pretende obtener compuestos con propiedades específicas que dependen de su estructura, se llevará a cabo el modelado computacional de las distintas moléculas en estudio, ya que esto podría aportar datos relevantes acerca de qué modificaciones estructurales podrían intensificar la propiedad o propiedades buscadas. En una etapa posterior se correlacionarán las propiedades predichas a través de cálculos teóricos con las observadas experimentalmente, lo que intrínsecamente conlleva a un mayor conocimiento del sistema.Los estudios propuestos en este proyecto permitirán avanzar en la comprensión de los factores supramoleculares que controlan y modulan la interacción de ligandos con sus receptores en interfases y la ocurrencia de reacciones hidrolíticas en interfases autoorganizadas.


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In the present paper some general aspects of metal complex catalysis and its applications for oxyfunctionalization of various olefins, including naturally occurring ones, via selective oxidation, hydroformylation and alkoxycarbonylation are discussed.


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In this thesis, biocatalysis is defined as the science of using enzymes as catalysts in organic synthesis. Environmental aspects and the continuously expanding repertoire of available enzymes have firmly established biocatalysis as a prominent means of chemo-, regio- and stereoselective synthesis. Yet, no single methodology can solve all the challenges faced by a synthetic chemist. Therefore, the knowledge and the skills to combine different synthetic methods are relevant. Lipases are highly useful enzymes in organic synthesis. In this thesis, an effort is being made to form a coherent picture of when and how can lipases be incorporated into nonenzymatic synthesis. This is attempted both in the literature review and in the discussion of the results presented in the original publications contained in the thesis. In addition to lipases, oxynitrilases were also used in the work. The experimental part of the thesis comprises of the results reported in four peer-reviewed publications and one manuscript. Selected amines, amino acids and sugar-derived cyanohydrins or their acylated derivatives were each prepared in enantio- or diastereomerically enriched form. Where applicable, attempts were made to combine the enzymatic reactions to other synthetic steps either by the application of completely separate sequential reactions with isolated intermediates (kinetic and functional kinetic resolution of amines), simultaneously occurring reactions without intermediate isolation (dynamic kinetic resolution of amino acid esters) or sequential reactions but without isolating the intermediates (hydrocyanation of sugar aldehydes with subsequent diastereoresolution). In all cases, lipase-catalyzed acylation was the key step by which stereoselectivity was achieved. Lipase from Burkholderia cepacia was a highly selective enzyme with each substrate category, but careful selection of the acyl donor and the solvent was important as well.


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The preparation of phenacyl and para-phenylphenacyl esters, the reactions of carboxylic acids, phenols, 2-nitropropane and alcohols with alkyl halides in the presence of fluoride anion are described. The reactions are thought to be accelerated by the formation of hydrogen bonds between the fluoride anion and the organic electron acceptor. The fluoride ,carboxylic acids, fluoride-phenols and fluoride-2-nitropropane are better reaction systems than the fluoride-alcohol. The source of the fluoride anion and the choice of solvents are also discussed.


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Catalysis is a technologically important field which determines the quality of life in future. Catalyst research in pharmaceutical industry,fine chemical synthesis and emission control demands supported catalysts in bulk quantities.In the present work it was observed that clay supported catalysts mentioned in various chapters could also be used for the synthesis of similar molecules. The K10Ti catalyst can be used for the synthesis similar substituted imidazole derivatives under solvent free conditions and synthetically important Mannich bases of substrates containing various substitutes.Al-pillared saponite can be used for acetalation of other polyhydroxy compounds like glycerol,mannitol etc.Cu-Pd KSF catalyst has found application in C-C bond forming reactions which can be applied to other reactions and similar methods can be adopted for the synthesis of other catalyst by changing the transition metals. Montmorillonite K10 catalysed synthesis of triarylpyridines can be extended to the synthesis tetrasubstuted pyroles.K10Ti can also be utilized for the synthesis of similar heterocycles.


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DiGrignard reagents of the form XMg(CH2)(n)MgX, where X = Br or I and n = 6, 8, 10 or 12, were allowed to react with PhSnCl3 to produce highly cross-linked Ph-Sn polymeric networks. The Sn-H moiety was incorporated into these insoluble network polymers by treatment with Br-2 and NaBH4. Excellent accessibility of the Sn-H was displayed by these solvent penetrable but insoluble networks, giving them higher Sn-H loadings than all previously reported supported reagents. These reagents were totally regenerable in NaBH4 for radical assisted organic synthesis and no detectable leaching of the Sn into solution was observed during these reactions.


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The components of the pheromone blend of Mayetiola destructor, Drosophila mulleri, and Contarinia pisi were synthesized in high enantiomeric excess (99% ee) from a common enantiopure dianion prepared from an enantiopure hydroxytelluride. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The total synthesis of (-)-Blastmycinolactol, (+)-Blastmycinone, (-)-NFX-2, and (+)-Antimycinone was accomplished in few steps in high yields and ee, starting from enantiomerically enriched (S)-Z-vinylic hydroxytellurides. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fe (III) and Cu (II) each at 50 mu M in four commercial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae induced an increase of NAD(P)(+) reduction in one strain (Turkish), but two others (Chilean and Brazilian), the presence of Fe(III) and/or Cu(II) diminished NAD(P)(+) reduction presumably due to free radicals formation inside these living cells. Suprisingly, in the American strain, Fe(III) induced a decrease and Cu (II) an increase of NAD(P)(+) reduction.


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The naturally occurring butanolides (-)-blastmycinolactol, (+)-blastmycinone, (-)-NFX-2, (+)-anti-mycinone as well as the four stereoisomers of the butenolide Acaterin were prepared in high enantiomeric purity using hydroxy-vinyl tellurides as starting materials. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ramón's group has designed a simple, robust and inexpensive methodology for the impregnation of different transition metal oxides on the surface of magnetite and their use in catalysis.