240 resultados para chocolate


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Elaborated Intrusion theory (EI theory; Kavanagh, Andrade, & May, 2005) posits two main cognitive components in craving: associative processes that lead to intrusive thoughts about the craved substance or activity, and elaborative processes supporting mental imagery of the substance or activity. We used a novel visuospatial task to test the hypothesis that visual imagery plays a key role in craving. Experiment 1 showed that spending 10 min constructing shapes from modeling clay (plasticine) reduced participants' craving for chocolate compared with spending 10 min 'letting your mind wander'. Increasing the load on verbal working memory using a mental arithmetic task (counting backwards by threes) did not reduce craving further. Experiment 2 compared effects on craving of a simpler verbal task (counting by ones) and clay modeling. Clay modeling reduced overall craving strength and strength of craving imagery, and reduced the frequency of thoughts about chocolate. The results are consistent with EI theory, showing that craving is reduced by loading the visuospatial sketchpad of working memory but not by loading the phonological loop. Clay modeling might be a useful self-help tool to help manage craving for chocolate, snacks and other foods.


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This paper examines race and colour through the metaphor of chocolate. The authors use the metaphor of chocolate to question why some Aboriginal people are chosen ahead of others, with the choosing done by non-Indigenous people, perhaps on the basis of who is most likely to be “soft-centred”, agreeable, and pliable. The authors discuss the development of the Hot Chocolate art exhibition in Adelaide in 2012, with a particular focus on the works of Pamela CroftWarcon. The exhibition combined chocolate (the food), lyrics from Hot Chocolate (the band), and chocolate (the metaphor for skin colour) to encourage visitors to question their assumptions about representations of Aboriginal people in Australia.


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A travel article about southern German festivals. IT WAS Golden October, when a last wave of Italian warmth made it across the Alps into southern Germany. Outside, the final sunlight of the day found the tops of trees, and the town seemed cast entirely in autumn patterns. I followed the busy pedestrian traffic across the Neckar River into the old part of Tübingen.


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Previous research has shown that action tendencies to approach alcohol may be modified using computerized ApproacheAvoidance Task (AAT), and that this impacted on subsequent consumption. A recent paper in this journal (Becker, Jostman, Wiers, & Holland, 2015) failed to show significant training effects for food in three studies: Nor did it find effects on subsequent consumption. However, avoidance training to high calorie foods was tested against a control rather than Approach training. The present study used a more comparable paradigm to the alcohol studies. It randomly assigned 90 participants to ‘approach’ or ‘avoid’ chocolate images on the AAT, and then asked them to taste and rate chocolates. A significant interaction of condition and time showed that training to avoid chocolate resulted in faster avoidance responses to chocolate images, compared with training to approach it. Consistent with Becker et al.'s Study 3, no effect was found on amounts of chocolate consumed, although a newly published study in this journal (Schumacher, Kemps, & Tiggemann, 2016) did do so. The collective evidence does not as yet provide solid basis for the application of AAT training to reduction of problematic food consumption, although clinical trials have yet to be conducted.


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Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)


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Estima-se que aproximadamente 30 milhões de brasileiros apresentem hipertensão arterial e a despeito da grande quantidade de hipotensores disponíveis, acredita-se que apenas 2,7 milhões estejam sendo tratados adequadamente. Recentemente vários estudos clínicos, epidemiológicos e experimentais têm mostrado uma associação entre o consumo de alimentos ricos em cacau e a redução da pressão arterial assim como relacionando este efeito a uma possível ação dos flavonóides do cacau sobre a função endotelial. Objetivos: avaliar em pacientes hipertensos primários, estágio 1, o efeito da administração dos flavonóides do chocolate amargo 70% de cacau sobre: a pressão arterial; a função endotelial e as possíveis correlações entre as variações da pressão arterial e da função endotelial. Tipo de estudo: experimental, clínico e aberto. Casuística: 20 pacientes, sem distinção de raça ou sexo, com hipertensão arterial primária no estágio 1, sem tratamento anti-hipertensivo prévio, eutróficos, com sobrepeso ou obesos grau I, com idades entre 18 e 60 anos. Local do estudo: Disciplina de Fisiopatologia Clínica e Experimental Clinex. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Variáveis estudadas: pressão arterial, PCR-US, IL-6, TNF-α, VCAM, ICAM, E-selectina, LDL-OX, colesterol total, LDL-colesterol, HDL-colesterol, triglicérides, glicemia, insulina, HOMA, índice de massa corporal, circunferência de cintura, circunferência de quadril, relação cintura quadril e percentual de gordura corporal. Resultados: o chocolate-cacau 70% reduziu de forma significativa a pressão arterial avaliada pelo método oscilométrico casual. Através deste método observamos que a pressão arterial sistólica reduziu de forma significativa após 4 semanas de tratamento, (V0: 146,50 1,28; V1: 140,40 3,02; V2: 138,50 2,44; V3: 140,60 2,50; V4: 136,90 2,60; V4 vs. V0, p<0,001) enquanto a pressão arterial diastólica apresentou redução significativa a partir de 2 semanas de tratamento e assim permanecendo até o final do estudo (V0: 93,2 0,74; V1: 87,50 1,8; V2: 86,05 1,67; V3: 88,35 1,48; V4: 87,45 1,78; V2 vs. V0, p< 0,05 e V4 vs. V0, p<0,03). A pressão arterial avaliada pelo método de monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial durante 24h (MAPA) não modificou de maneira significativa após a intervenção. Observamos reduções expressivas, embora não estatisticamente significativas nas concentrações de PCR-US, TNF-α, LDL-OX, IL-6, VCAM, ICAM e E-selectina As correlações da PCR-US com IL-6 e ICAM foram significativas (r=0,3; p=0,05 e r=0.45, p=0,04) e de IL-6 com ICAM forte mas sem significância (r=0,42, p=0,06). As demais variáveis avaliadas não se modificaram de forma significativa após 4 semanas de consumo de chocolate-cacau 70%. Conclusões: os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que o chocolate-cacau 70% tem efeito benéfico sobre a função endotelial e controverso em relação ao comportamento da pressão arterial


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Dados recentes indicam uma relação inversa entre doença cardiovascular e consumo de flavonóides. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar parâmetros clínicos e vasculares de pacientes hipertensos tratados que apresentaram efeitos benéficos na função vascular após o consumo de chocolate amargo com 70% de cacau por sete dias. Vinte e um pacientes hipertensos em tratamento medicamentoso, ambos os sexos, com idades entre 40-65 anos, foram incluídos em um ensaio clínico intervencional com aferição de pressão arterial, dilatação mediada por fluxo braquial (DMF), tonometria arterial periférica (EndoPAT) e parâmetros hemodinâmicos centrais pelo SphygmoCor. Após sete dias de consumo de chocolate amargo (70% cacau) 75g/dia, as avaliações clínica e vascular foram repetidas. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a resposta da DMF em respondedores (que apresentaram melhora na DMF, n= 12) e não-respondedores (que não apresentaram melhora, n = 9). O grupo respondedor apresentou menor média de idade (54 7 vs 61 6 anos, p = 0,037) e menor risco cardiovascular pelo escore de Framingham (2,5 1,8 vs 8,1 5,1%, p = 0,017). Além disso, os pacientes respondedores apresentaram valores mais baixos de pressão de pulso tanto periférica (55 9 vs 63 5 mmHg, p = 0,041), quanto central (44 10 vs 54 6, p = 0,021) quando comparado ao grupo não respondedor. A resposta da DMF apresentou correlação moderada e negativa com o escore de Framingham (r = -0,60, p = 0,014), com a DMF basal (r = 0,54, p = 0,011), com o índice de hiperemia reativa basal (IHR) obtido pelo EndoPAT (r = -0,56, p = 0,008) e com a pressão de pulso central (r = -0,43, p = 0,05). No entanto, após análise de regressão linear, apenas o escore de Framingham e o IHR basal foram associados com a resposta da DMF. Em conclusão, nesta amostra de pacientes hipertensos tratados, os indivíduos que apresentaram melhora da função endotelial com o consumo de chocolate amargo com 70% de cacau também mostraram redução da pressão arterial tanto sistólica como diastólica, eram mais jovens e tinham menor pressão de pulso e menor risco cardiovascular, apesar de uma disfunção endotelial basal


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This paper discusses perceptions and experiences of impairment and disability from the perspectives of learning disabled children, their parents and their social workers. The author reports on findings from her doctoral study that adults often fail to take into account the views and experiences of learning disabled chidren. As a result, these children developed their own interpretations of impairment and disability based on their experiences and interactions with others. Whilst this indicates that they are active social interpreters, it also suggests that adults should make greater efforts to inform and consult learning disabled children. The author concludes by reflecting on the relevance of these findings to contemporary theories of disability and childhood.


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While investigations using covert food manipulations tend to suggest that individuals are poor at adjusting for previous energy intake, in the real world adults rarely consume foods of which they are ill-informed. This study investigated the impact in fully complicit consumers of consuming commercially available dark chocolate, milk chocolate, sweet biscuits and fruit bars on subsequent appetite. Using a repeated measures design, participants received four small portions (4 × 10-11 g) of either dark chocolate, milk chocolate, sweet biscuits, fruit bars or no food throughout five separate study days (counterbalanced in order), and test meal intake, hunger, liking and acceptability were measured. Participants consumed significantly less at lunch following dark chocolate, milk chocolate and sweet biscuits compared to no food (smallest t(19) = 2.47, p = 0.02), demonstrating very good energy compensation (269-334%). No effects were found for fruit bars (t(19) = 1.76, p = 0.09), in evening meal intakes (F(4,72) = 0.62, p = 0.65) or in total intake (lunch + evening meal + food portions) (F(4,72) = 0.40, p = 0.69). No differences between conditions were found in measures of hunger (largest F(4,76) = 1.26, p = 0.29), but fruit bars were significantly less familiar than all other foods (smallest t(19) = 3.14, p = 0.01). These findings demonstrate good compensation over the short term for small portions of familiar foods in complicit consumers. Findings are most plausibly explained as a result of participant awareness and cognitions, although the nature of these cognitions cannot be discerned from this study. These findings however, also suggest that covert manipulations may have limited transfer to real world scenarios.


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The box contained the chocolate elephant.