62 resultados para checker


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An efficient geometrical design rule checker is proposed, based on operations on quadtrees, which represent VLSI mask layouts. The time complexity of the design rule checker is O(N), where N is the number of polygons in the mask. A pseudoPascal description is provided of all the important algorithms for geometrical design rule verification.


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Distributed system has quite a lot of servers to attain increased availability of service and for fault tolerance. Balancing the load among these servers is an important task to achieve better performance. There are various hardware and software based load balancing solutions available. However there is always an overhead on Servers and the Load Balancer while communicating with each other and sharing their availability and the current load status information. Load balancer is always busy in listening to clients' request and redirecting them. It also needs to collect the servers' availability status frequently, to keep itself up-to-date. Servers are busy in not only providing service to clients but also sharing their current load information with load balancing algorithms. In this paper we have proposed and discussed the concept and system model for software based load balancer along with Availability-Checker and Load Reporters (LB-ACLRs) which reduces the overhead on server and the load balancer. We have also described the architectural components with their roles and responsibilities. We have presented a detailed analysis to show how our proposed Availability Checker significantly increases the performance of the system.


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An all-optical parity checker is proposed that requires only a single Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Simulation results demonstrate an 8dB improvement in extinction ratio at 10 Gb/s operation. © 1999 Optical Society of America.


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The notion of time plays a vital and ubiquitous role of a common universal reference. In knowledge-based systems, temporal information is usually represented in terms of a collection of statements, together with the corresponding temporal reference. This paper introduces a visualized consistency checker for temporal reference. It allows expression of both absolute and relative temporal knowledge, and provides visual representation of temporal references in terms of directed and partially weighted graphs. Based on the temporal reference of a given scenario, the visualized checker can deliver a verdict to the user as to whether the scenario is temporally consistent or not, and provide the corresponding analysis / diagnosis.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system is anemerging technology for automating object identification. TheNetworked RFID System (NRS) is a component of a distributedobject identification network which facilitates automated supplychain management. It also makes the Internet of Things (IoT)concept a reality. To increase the business feasibility of NRSimplementation, the system should be able to ensure the visibilityand traceability of the object throughout the chain using achecker protocol. By doing so, the protocol will check thegenuineness of the object and the genuineness of the object’sprevious travel path on-site. While doing so, the protocol needs toensure the security requirement of the system. To this end, wepropose a secure checker protocol for NRS which will use a PUF(Physically Unclonable Function) and simple cryptographicprimitives. The protocol provides security (protect privacy of thepartners, injection of fake objects, non-repudiation, andunclonability), visibility and traceability for NRS. It is alsosuitable for passive tags.


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Information about the welfare and husbandry of pet and laboratory fish is scarce although millions of fish are sold in pet shops and used in laboratory research every year. Inadequate housing conditions can cause behavioural problems also in fish since they are complex animals with sophisticated behaviour. In this study, we investigated the influence of environmental complexity on compartment preference and behaviour in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and checker barbs (Puntius oligolepis). For the preference test, large aquaria were divided by two semi-transparent walls of Plexiglas into an empty compartment, a structured compartment enriched with plants and clay pots, and a smaller compartment in-between, where food was provided. For observation, the empty and structured compartments were divided into six zones of similar size by defining three vertical layers and two horizontal areas (back vs. front area). Seven groups of six to nine zebrafish and seven groups of seven or eight checker barbs were observed on four days each (within a time period of ten days) to assess compartment use and activity, and to assess behavioural diversity and use of zones within compartments. Both zebrafish and checker barbs showed a significant preference for the structured compartment. Nevertheless, in neither species did behavioural diversity differ between the empty and structured compartment. Zebrafish used all zones in both compartments to the same extent. Checker barbs, however, used the structured compartment more evenly than the empty compartment, where they mainly used the lower and middle zones. These results suggest that zebrafish and checker barbs have a preference for complex environments. Furthermore, they indicate that the behavioural and ecological needs of fish may vary depending on species, and recommendations for husbandry should be specified at species level. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we consider how refinements between state-based specifications (e.g., written in Z) can be checked by use of a model checker. Specifically, we are interested in the verification of downward and upward simulations which are the standard approach to verifying refinements in state-based notations. We show how downward and upward simulations can be checked using existing temporal logic model checkers. In particular, we show how the branching time temporal logic CTL can be used to encode the standard simulation conditions. We do this for both a blocking, or guarded, interpretation of operations (often used when specifying reactive systems) as well as the more common non-blocking interpretation of operations used in many state-based specification languages (for modelling sequential systems). The approach is general enough to use with any state-based specification language, and we illustrate how refinements between Z specifications can be checked using the SAL CTL model checker using a small example.


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In the summer of 1936, Cedar Point hosted a convention and competition of the nation's premier checker players. Note the formal dress of the checker players.


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Most buildings constructed in Australia must comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Checking for compliance against the BCA is a major task for both designers and building surveyors. This project carries out a prototype research using the EDM Model Checker and the SMC Model Checker for automated design checking against the Building Codes of Australia for use in professional practice. In this project, we develop a means of encoding design requirements and domain specific knowledge for building codes and investigate the flexibility of building models to contain design information. After assessing two implementations of EDM and SMC that check compliance against deemed-to-satisfy provision of building codes relevant to access by people with disabilities, an approach to automated code checking using a shared object-oriented database is established. This project can be applied in other potential areas – including checking a building design for non-compliance of many types of design requirements. Recommendations for future development and use in other potential areas in construction industries are discussed


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Most buildings constructed in Australia must comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Checking for compliance against the BCA is a major task for both designers and building surveyors. This project carries out a prototype research using the EDM Model Checker and the SMC Model Checker for automated design checking against the Building Codes of Australia for use in professional practice. In this project, we develop a means of encoding design requirements and domain specific knowledge for building codes and investigate the flexibility of building models to contain design information. After assessing two implementations of EDM and SMC that check compliance against deemed-to-satisfy provision of building codes relevant to access by people with disabilities, an approach to automated code checking using a shared object-oriented database is established. This project can be applied in other potential areas – including checking a building design for non-compliance of many types of design requirements. Recommendations for future development and use in other potential areas in construction industries are discussed.


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The delivery of products and services for construction-based businesses is increasingly becoming knowledge-driven and information-intensive. The proliferation of building information modelling (BIM) has increased business opportunities as well as introduced new challenges for the architectural, engineering and construction and facilities management (AEC/FM) industry. As such, the effective use, sharing and exchange of building life cycle information and knowledge management in building design, construction, maintenance and operation assumes a position of paramount importance. This paper identifies a subset of construction management (CM) relevant knowledge for different design conditions of building components through a critical, comprehensive review of synthesized literature and other information gathering and knowledge acquisition techniques. It then explores how such domain knowledge can be formalized as ontologies and, subsequently, a query vocabulary in order to equip BIM users with the capacity to query digital models of a building for the retrieval of useful and relevant domain-specific information. The formalized construction knowledge is validated through interviews with domain experts in relation to four case study projects. Additionally, retrospective analyses of several design conditions are used to demonstrate the soundness (realism), completeness, and appeal of the knowledge base and query-based reasoning approach in relation to the state-of-the-art tools, Solibri Model Checker and Navisworks. The knowledge engineering process and the methods applied in this research for information representation and retrieval could provide useful mechanisms to leverage BIM in support of a number of knowledge intensive CM/FM tasks and functions.


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With technology scaling, vulnerability to soft errors in random logic is increasing. There is a need for on-line error detection and protection for logic gates even at sea level. The error checker is the key element for an on-line detection mechanism. We compare three different checkers for error detection from the point of view of area, power and false error detection rates. We find that the double sampling checker (used in Razor), is the simplest and most area and power efficient, but suffers from very high false detection rates of 1.15 times the actual error rates. We also find that the alternate approaches of triple sampling and integrate and sample method (I&S) can be designed to have zero false detection rates, but at an increased area, power and implementation complexity. The triple sampling method has about 1.74 times the area and twice the power as compared to the Double Sampling method and also needs a complex clock generation scheme. The I&S method needs about 16% more power with 0.58 times the area as double sampling, but comes with more stringent implementation constraints as it requires detection of small voltage swings.


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Memory models of shared memory concurrent programs define the values a read of a shared memory location is allowed to see. Such memory models are typically weaker than the intuitive sequential consistency semantics to allow efficient execution. In this paper, we present WOMM (abbreviation for Weak Operational Memory Model) that formally unifies two sources of weak behavior in hardware memory models: reordering of instructions and weakly consistent memory. We show that a large number of optimizations are allowed by WOMM. We also show that WOMM is weaker than a number of hardware memory models. Consequently, if a program behaves correctly under WOMM, it will be correct with respect to those hardware memory models. Hence, WOMM can be used as a formally specified abstraction of the hardware memory models. Moreover; unlike most weak memory models, WOMM is described using operational semantics, making it easy to integrate into a model checker for concurrent programs. We further show that WOMM has an important property - it has sequential consistency semantics for datarace-free programs.