950 resultados para characterization methods


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An important parameter in integrated optical device is the propagation loss of the waveguide. Its characterization gives the information of the fabrication quality as well as the information of other passive devices on the chip as it is the basic building block of the passive devices. Although, over the last three decades many methods have been developed, there is not a single standard present yet. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the methods existing from the past as well as methods developed very recently in order to provide a complete picture of the pros and cons of different types of methods and from this comparison the best method is suggested according to the authors opinion. To support the claim, apart from the analytical comparison, this paper also presents a comparison performed with the experimental results between the suggested best method which is recently proposed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers based on undercoupled all-pass microring structure and the popular cut-back method.


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To improve consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, foods can be enriched with omega-3 rich oils. Microencapsulation of omega-3 oils minimizes oxidative deterioration and allows their use in stable and easy-to-handle form. Microencapsulation of omega-3 fatty acids can be achieved by using a variety of methods, with the two most commonly used commercial processes being complex coacervation and spray dried emulsions. A variety of other methods are in development including spray chilling, extrusion coating and liposome entrapment. The key parameter in any of these processes is the selection of wall material. For spray dried emulsions and complex coacervates protein or polysaccharides are primarily used as shell material, although complex coacervation is currently commercially limited to gelatin. Here we review the need for microencapsulation of omega-3 oils, methods of microencapsulation and analysis, and the selection of shell material components. In particular, we discuss the method of complex coacervation, including its benefits and limitations. This review highlights the need for research on the fundamentals of interfacial and complexation behaviour of various proteins, gums and polyphenols to encapsulate and deliver omega-3 fatty acids, particularly with regard to broadening the range of shell materials that can be used in complex coacervation of omega-3 rich oils.


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The main objective of this study is to evaluate selected geophysical, structural and topographic methods on regional, local, and tunnel and borehole scales, as indicators of the properties of fracture zones or fractures relevant to groundwater flow. Such information serves, for example, groundwater exploration and prediction of the risk of groundwater inflow in underground construction. This study aims to address how the features detected by these methods link to groundwater flow in qualitative and semi-quantitative terms and how well the methods reveal properties of fracturing affecting groundwater flow in the studied sites. The investigated areas are: (1) the Päijänne Tunnel for water-conveyance whose study serves as a verification of structures identified on regional and local scales; (2) the Oitti fuel spill site, to telescope across scales and compare geometries of structural assessment; and (3) Leppävirta, where fracturing and hydrogeological environment have been studied on the scale of a drilled well. The methods applied in this study include: the interpretation of lineaments from topographic data and their comparison with aeromagnetic data; the analysis of geological structures mapped in the Päijänne Tunnel; borehole video surveying; groundwater inflow measurements; groundwater level observations; and information on the tunnel s deterioration as demonstrated by block falls. The study combined geological and geotechnical information on relevant factors governing groundwater inflow into a tunnel and indicators of fracturing, as well as environmental datasets as overlays for spatial analysis using GIS. Geophysical borehole logging and fluid logging were used in Leppävirta to compare the responses of different methods to fracturing and other geological features on the scale of a drilled well. Results from some of the geophysical measurements of boreholes were affected by the large diameter (gamma radiation) or uneven surface (caliper) of these structures. However, different anomalies indicating more fractured upper part of the bedrock traversed by well HN4 in Leppävirta suggest that several methods can be used for detecting fracturing. Fracture trends appear to align similarly on different scales in the zone of the Päijänne Tunnel. For example, similarities of patterns were found between the regional magnetic trends, correlating with orientations of topographic lineaments interpreted as expressions of fracture zones. The same structural orientations as those of the larger structures on local or regional scales were observed in the tunnel, even though a match could not be made in every case. The size and orientation of the observation space (patch of terrain at the surface, tunnel section, or borehole), the characterization method, with its typical sensitivity, and the characteristics of the location, influence the identification of the fracture pattern. Through due consideration of the influence of the sampling geometry and by utilizing complementary fracture characterization methods in tandem, some of the complexities of the relationship between fracturing and groundwater flow can be addressed. The flow connections demonstrated by the response of the groundwater level in monitoring wells to pressure decrease in the tunnel and the transport of MTBE through fractures in bedrock in Oitti, highlight the importance of protecting the tunnel water from a risk of contamination. In general, the largest values of drawdown occurred in monitoring wells closest to the tunnel and/or close to the topographically interpreted fracture zones. It seems that, to some degree, the rate of inflow shows a positive correlation with the level of reinforcement, as both are connected with the fracturing in the bedrock. The following geological features increased the vulnerability of tunnel sections to pollution, especially when several factors affected the same locations: (1) fractured bedrock, particularly with associated groundwater inflow; (2) thin or permeable overburden above fractured rock; (3) a hydraulically conductive layer underneath the surface soil; and (4) a relatively thin bedrock roof above the tunnel. The observed anisotropy of the geological media should ideally be taken into account in the assessment of vulnerability of tunnel sections and eventually for directing protective measures.


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Single crystals (up to 1 cm size) of K, Rb and Cs periodates have been grown in silica gel. In general, good quality crystals were obtained in gel of specific gravity 1.04 and pH 4. The metal/iodine ratios were determined and compared with calculated values. Morphological studies were carried out using a bicircle optical goniometer. Other characterization methods include X-ray diffraction, optical absorption, differential scanning calorimetry and optical microscopy. Microscopic examination of CsIO4 crystals in particular has revealed the existence of ferroelastic domains in the crystal. The structural basis for the occurence of ferroelasticity in this crystal is discussed and the high temperature space group is predicted.


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Understanding and controlling the hierarchical self-assembly of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is vital for designing materials such as transparent conductors, chemical sensors, high-performance composites, and microelectronic interconnects. In particular, many applications require high-density CNT assemblies that cannot currently be made directly by low-density CNT growth, and therefore require post-processing by methods such as elastocapillary densification. We characterize the hierarchical structure of pristine and densified vertically aligned multi-wall CNT forests, by combining small-angle and ultra-small-angle x-ray scattering (USAXS) techniques. This enables the nondestructive measurement of both the individual CNT diameter and CNT bundle diameter within CNT forests, which are otherwise quantified only by delicate and often destructive microscopy techniques. Our measurements show that multi-wall CNT forests grown by chemical vapor deposition consist of isolated and bundled CNTs, with an average bundle diameter of 16 nm. After capillary densification of the CNT forest, USAXS reveals bundles with a diameter 4 m, in addition to the small bundles observed in the as-grown forests. Combining these characterization methods with new CNT processing methods could enable the engineering of macro-scale CNT assemblies that exhibit significantly improved bulk properties. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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The global warming has led to enormous challenges worldwide for a large variety of communities, particularly these associated to water and water treatment industry. Due to increasing scarcity of water resources, the development of new membrane materials and water treatment processes will play an important role in tackling this emerging problem. In this paper, the recent development in characterization of in particular, geometrical parameters of micro- and nano-membrane materials will be reviewed. Membranes with micro- and nano-pores have widely been used for ultrafiltration and nanofiltration. The structure of the pores and the surface of the pores/membranes may be optimized to achieve much improved flow rate in these micro-/nano-channels. Therefore, accurate characterization of porous structures will contribute significantly to the prediction of membrane performance. It will not only provide an insight into the new characterization methods but also the development of novel materials.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The synthesis and characterization methods of metal nanoparticles (NPs) have advanced greatly in the last few decades, allowing an increasing understanding of structure-property-performance relationships. However, the role played by the ligands used as stabilizers for metal NPs synthesis or for NPs immobilization on solid supports has been underestimated. Here, we highlight some recent progress in the preparation of supported metal NPs with the assistance of ligands in solution or grafted on solid supports, a modified deposition-reduction method, with special attention to the effects on NPs size, metal-support interactions and, more importantly, catalytic activities. After presenting the general strategies in metal NP synthesis assisted by ligands grafted on solid supports, we highlight some recent progress in the deposition of pre-formed colloidal NPs on functionalized solids. Another important aspect that will be reviewed is related to the separation and recovery of NPs. Finally, we will outline our personal understanding and perspectives on the use of supported metal NPs prepared through ligand-assisted methods.


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Abstract Background To establish the correlation between quantitative analysis based on B-mode ultrasound images of vulnerable carotid plaque and histological examination of the surgically removed plaque, on the basis of a videodensitometric digital texture characterization. Methods Twenty-five patients (18 males, mean age 67 ± 6.9 years) admitted for carotid endarterectomy for extracranial high-grade internal carotid artery stenosis (≥ 70% luminal narrowing) underwent to quantitative ultrasonic tissue characterization of carotid plaque before surgery. A computer software (Carotid Plaque Analysis Software) was developed to perform the videodensitometric analysis. The patients were divided into 2 groups according to symptomatology (group I, 15 symptomatic patients; and group II, 10 patients asymptomatic). Tissue specimens were analysed for lipid, fibromuscular tissue and calcium. Results The first order statistic parameter mean gray level was able to distinguish the groups I and II (p = 0.04). The second order parameter energy also was able to distinguish the groups (p = 0,02). A histological correlation showed a tendency of mean gray level to have progressively greater values from specimens with < 50% to >75% of fibrosis. Conclusion Videodensitometric computer analysis of scan images may be used to identify vulnerable and potentially unstable lipid-rich carotid plaques, which are less echogenic in density than stable or asymptomatic, more densely fibrotic plaques.


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Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency disease worldwide with many patients who require intravenous iron. Within the last years new kind of parenteral iron complexes as well as generic preparations entered the market. There is a high demand for methods clarifying benefit to risk profiles of old and new iron complexes. It is also necessary to disclose interchangeability between originator and intended copies to avoid severe anaphylactic and anaphylactoid side reaction and assure equivalence of therapeutic effect.rnrnThe investigations presented in this work include physicochemical characterization of nine different parenteral iron containing non-biological complex drugs. rnWe developed an in-vitro assay, which allows the quantification of labile iron in the different complexes and thus it is a useful tool to estimate the pharmaclogical safety regarding iron related adverse drug events. This assay additionally allowed the estimation of complex stability by evaluation of degradation kinetics at the applied conditions.rnrnAn in-ovo study was performed to additionally compare different complexes in respect to body distribution. This in combination with complex stability information allowed the risk estimation of potential local acute and chronic reactions to iron overload.rnrnInformation obtained by the combination of the methods within this work are helpful to estimate the safety and efficacy profile of different iron containing non-biological complex drugs. rnrnPhysicochemical differences between the complexes were demonstrated in respect to size of the inorganic fraction, size and size distribution of the complete particles, structure of the inorganic iron fraction, morphology of the complexes and charge of the complexes. And furthermore significant differences in the biological behavior of different complexes were demonstrated. rnrnThe combination of complex stability and biodistribution as well as the combination of structure, size and stability represent helpful tools for the physicochemical characterization of iron containing non-biological complex drugs and for the estimation of pharmacological safety. This work thus represents an up to date summary of some relevant methods for the characterization of intravenous iron complex drugs in respect to pharmaceutical quality, pharmacological safety and aspects of efficacy. rnrnProspectively, it is worthwhile that the methods within this work will contribute to the development and/or characterization of iron containing nanoparticular formulations with beneficial efficacy and safety profiles.rn


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The mammalian mitochondrial (mt) genome codes for only 13 proteins, which are essential components in the process of oxidative phosphorylation of ADP into ATP. Synthesis of these proteins relies on a proper mt translation machinery. While 22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs are also coded by the mt genome, all other factors including the set of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are encoded in the nucleus and imported. Investigation of mammalian mt aminoacylation systems (and mt translation in general) gains more and more interest not only in regard of evolutionary considerations but also with respect to the growing number of diseases linked to mutations in the genes of either mt-tRNAs, synthetases or other factors. Here we report on methodological approaches for biochemical, functional, and structural characterization of human/mammalian mt-tRNAs and aaRSs. Procedures for preparation of native and in vitro transcribed tRNAs are accompanied by recommendations for specific handling of tRNAs incline to structural instability and chemical fragility. Large-scale preparation of mg amounts of highly soluble recombinant synthetases is a prerequisite for structural investigations that requires particular optimizations. Successful examples leading to crystallization of four mt-aaRSs and high-resolution structures are recalled and limitations discussed. Finally, the need for and the state-of-the-art in setting up an in vitro mt translation system are emphasized. Biochemical characterization of a subset of mammalian aminoacylation systems has already revealed a number of unprecedented peculiarities of interest for the study of evolution and forensic research. Further efforts in this field will certainly be rewarded by many exciting discoveries.


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This paper describes sideband response measurements and atmospheric observations with a double sideband and two Single Sideband (SSB) receiver prototypes developed for the multi-beam limb sounder instrument stratosphere-troposphere exchange and climate monitor radiometer. We first show an advanced Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) method for sideband response and spurious signal characterization. We then present sideband response measurements of the different prototype receivers and we compare the results of the SSB receivers with sideband measurements by injecting a continuous wave signal into the upper and lower sidebands. The receivers were integrated into a total-power radiometer and atmospheric observations were carried out. The observed spectra were compared to forward model spectra to conclude on the sideband characteristics of the different receivers. The two sideband characterization methods show a high degree of agreement for both SSB receivers with various local oscillator settings. The measured sideband response was used to correct the forward model simulations. This improves the agreement with the atmospheric observations and explains spectral features caused by an unbalanced sideband response. The FTS method also allows to quantify the influence of spurious harmonic responses of the receiver.


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Modified montmorillonite was prepared at different surfactant (HDTMA) loadings through ion exchange. The conformational arrangement of the loaded surfactants within the interlayer space of MMT was obtained by computational modelling. The conformational change of surfactant molecules enhance the visual understanding of the results obtained from characterization methods such as XRD and surface analysis of the organoclays. Batch experiments were carried out for the adsorption of p-chlorophenol (PCP) and different conditions (pH and temperature) were used in order to determine the optimum sorption. For comparison purpose, the experiments were repeated under the same conditions for p-nitrophenol (PNP). Langmuir and Freundlich equations were applied to the adsorption isotherm of PCP and PNP. The Freundlich isotherm model was found to be the best fit for both of the phenolic compounds. This involved multilayer adsorptions in the adsorption process. In particular, the binding affinity value of PNP was higher than that of PCP and this is attributable to their hydrophobicities. The adsorption of the phenolic compounds by organoclays intercalated with highly loaded surfactants was markedly improved possibly due to the fact that the intercalated surfactant molecules within the interlayer space contribute to the partition phases, which result in greater adsorption of the organic pollutants.