93 resultados para cecum
In vivo, antibiotics are often much less efficient than ex vivo and relapses can occur. The reasons for poor in vivo activity are still not completely understood. We have studied the fluoroquinolone antibiotic ciprofloxacin in an animal model for complicated Salmonellosis. High-dose ciprofloxacin treatment efficiently reduced pathogen loads in feces and most organs. However, the cecum draining lymph node (cLN), the gut tissue, and the spleen retained surviving bacteria. In cLN, approximately 10%-20% of the bacteria remained viable. These phenotypically tolerant bacteria lodged mostly within CD103⁺CX₃CR1⁻CD11c⁺ dendritic cells, remained genetically susceptible to ciprofloxacin, were sufficient to reinitiate infection after the end of the therapy, and displayed an extremely slow growth rate, as shown by mathematical analysis of infections with mixed inocula and segregative plasmid experiments. The slow growth was sufficient to explain recalcitrance to antibiotics treatment. Therefore, slow-growing antibiotic-tolerant bacteria lodged within dendritic cells can explain poor in vivo antibiotic activity and relapse. Administration of LPS or CpG, known elicitors of innate immune defense, reduced the loads of tolerant bacteria. Thus, manipulating innate immunity may augment the in vivo activity of antibiotics.
O pseudomixoma peritoneal é uma condição patológica que acomete o peritoneo, caracterizada pela produção de grandes quantidades de líquido mucinoso, que progressivamente preenche a cavidade peritoneal, tendo em geral como origem tumores mucinosos apendiculares ou de ovário. Relatamos a ocorrência de um pseudomixoma peritoneal associado a adenocarcinoma mucinoso do apêndice sincrônico e adenocarcinoma do reto em paciente de 44 anos, cujo diagnóstico inicial foi de adenocarcinoma do reto. A neoplasia do apêndice e o pseudomixoma peritonial foram achados incidentais, intra-operatórios. Enfocamos as principais características anatomo-patológicas das lesões, o diagnóstico e tratamento, através de ampla revisão da literatura.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze myoelectric activity of the ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC), and spiral colon in cows with naturally occurring cecal dilatation-dislocation (CDD) and compare findings with those in healthy cows. ANIMALS: 8 CDD-affected and 6 healthy control cows. PROCEDURES: Immediately after diagnosis, CDD-affected cows underwent surgery; control cows underwent a similar surgical procedure. Before completion of surgery, 8 bipolar silver electrodes were implanted in the ileum (n = 2), cecum (1), PLAC (1), and spiral colon (4) of each cow. Beginning the day after surgery, intestinal myoelectric activity was recorded daily (8-hour period) for 4 days; data were analyzed by use of specialized software programs. Quantitative variables of myoelectric activity were compared between groups. RESULTS: Cows of both groups recovered without complications after surgery. In control cows, physiologic myoelectric activity was recorded in all intestinal segments on all days after surgery. Apparently normal myoelectric activity was evident in the ileum of CDD-affected cows on the first day after surgery, but myoelectric activity patterns in the cecum, PLAC, and spiral colon were variable with no organized cyclic myoelectric patterns, incomplete or normally organized migrating myoelectric complexes, and slow normalization over time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: After surgery for CDD, normal myoelectric patterns were disrupted in the large intestine of cows, especially in the spiral colon. Clinical recovery with effective transit of ingesta occurred before normalization of myoelectric activity in the large intestine. Therapeutic protocols for restoration or normalization of spiral colon motility should be developed for treatment of CDD-affected cattle.
The Authors discuss on a laparoscopic-assisted approach for excision of a sessile villous adenomatous polyp of the cecum, unresectable by endoscopy. Because of the large implant of the polyp, endoscopic polypectomy was considered at high risk and a surgical laparoscopic procedure was scheduled for removal of the lesion. After right colon mobilization, an intraoperative endoscopy confirmed the location of th polyp in the posterior wall of the cecum, closed to the ileo-cecal valve. A small 10 cm laparotomy, through which the cecum was pulled out the abdominal cavity, was performed. Then, a minimal colotomy along the intestinal taenia was carried out to allow a safe and complete excision of the polyp. This laparoscopic approach differs from the other laparoscopic-assisted methods reported in the Literature since it provides at the same time the postoperative advantages associated with minimal access surgery and a safe oncological removal of the polyp with low risks of complications. .
Behçet's syndrome is very rare in children, especially those under 10 years of age. Clinical and radiological features are described in 4 children, including 2 under the age of 5 years, with the syndrome. As in other pediatric cases reported, the incomplete form of Behçet's syndrome was present in each case. All 4 patients had oral and genital mucosal effects, arthritis and gastrointestinal and dermatological manifestations. Ophthalmological symptoms occurred in only 1 patient. Radiologically, the 4 cases demonstrated the spectrum of gastrointestinal involvement, from minimal irregularity and thickening of the terminal ileum to gross irregularity and deformity of the terminal ileum and cecum. Because of the difficulty in differentiating Behçet's syndrome from other forms of inflammatory bowel disease it is suggested that in children with gastrointestinal involvement, 3 major criteria be present before the diagnosis of Behçet's syndrome is made.
Background and Aim: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are immune-mediated chronic diseases that are characterized by an overreaction of the intestinal immune system to the intestinal microbiota. VSL#3, a mixture of 8 different lactic acid bacteria, is a clinically relevant probiotic compound in the context of IBD, but the bacterial structures and molecular mechanisms underlying the observed protective effects are largely unknown. The intestinal epithelium plays a very important role in the maintenance of the intestinal homeostasis, as the intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) are capable of sensing, processing, and reacting upon signals from the luminal microbiota and the intestinal immune system. This immune regulatory function of the IEC is lost in IBD owing to dysregulated activation of the IEC. Thus, the aim of this study was to reveal protective mechanisms of VSL#3 on IEC function.
Results: In vitro, VSL#3 was found to selectively inhibit activation-induced secretion of the T-cell chemokine interferon-inducible protein (IP)-10 in IEC. Cell wall-associated proteins of VSL#3-derived Lactobacillus casei (L. casei) were identified to be the active anti-inflammatory component of VSL#3. Mechanistically, L. casei did not impair initial IP-10 protein production, but induced posttranslational degradation of IP-10 in IEC. Feeding studies in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)(Delta ARE/+) mice, a mouse model for experimental ileitis, revealed that neither VSL#3 nor L. casei is capable of reducing ileal inflammation. Even preweaning feeding of VSL#3 did not prevent the development of severe ileitis in TNF Delta ARE/+ mice. In contrast, VSL#3 feeding studies in IL-10-/- mice, a model for experimental colitis, revealed that VSL#3 has local, intestinal compartment-specific protective effects on the development of inflammation. Reduced histopathologic inflammation in the cecum of IL-10-/- mice after VSL#3 treatment was found to correlate with reduced levels of IP-10 protein in primary cecal epithelial cells.
Conclusion and Outlook: These results suggest that the inhibitory effect of VSL#3-derived L. casei on IP-10 secretion in IEC is an important probiotic mechanism that contributes to the anti-inflammatory effects of VSL#3 in specific subsets of patients with IBD. An important future aim is the identification of the active probiotic protein, which could serve as a basis for the development of new efficient therapies in the context of IBD.
Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a bacterium which preys upon and kills Gram-negative bacteria, including the zoonotic pathogens Escherichia coli and Salmonella. Bdellovibrio has potential as a biocontrol agent, but no reports of it being tested in living animals have been published, and no data on whether Bdellovibrio might spread between animals are available. In this study, we tried to fill this knowledge gap, using B. bacteriovorus HD100 doses in poultry with a normal gut microbiota or predosed with a colonizing Salmonella strain. In both cases, Bdellovibrio was dosed orally along with antacids. After dosing non-Salmonella-infected birds with Bdellovibrio, we measured the health and well-being of the birds and any changes in their gut pathology and culturable microbiota, finding that although a Bdellovibrio dose at 2 days of age altered the overall diversity of the natural gut microbiota in 28-day-old birds, there were no adverse effects on their growth and well-being. Drinking water and fecal matter from the pens in which the birds were housed as groups showed no contamination by Bdellovibrio after dosing. Predatory Bdellovibrio orally administered to birds that had been predosed with a gut-colonizing Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis phage type 4 strain (an important zoonotic pathogen) significantly reduced Salmonella numbers in bird gut cecal contents and reduced abnormal cecal morphology, indicating reduced cecal inflammation, compared to the ceca of the untreated controls or a nonpredatory ΔpilA strain, suggesting that these effects were due to predatory action. This work is a first step to applying Bdellovibrio therapeutically for other animal, and possibly human, infections.
Background: Small adenomas may be missed during colonoscopy, but chromoscopy has been reported to enhance detection. The aim of this randomized-controlled trial was to determine the effect of total colonic dye spray on adenoma detection during routine colonoscopy.
Methods: Consecutive outpatients undergoing routine colonoscopy were randomized to a dye-spray group (0.1% indigo carmine used to coat the entire colon during withdrawal from the cecum) or control group (no dye).
Results: Two hundred fifty-nine patients were randomized, 124 to the dye-spray and 135 to the control group; demographics, indication for colonoscopy, and quality of the preparation were similar between the groups. Extubation from the cecum took a median of 9:05 minutes (range: 2:4824:44 min) in the dye-spray group versus 4:52 minutes (range: 1:42-15:21 min] in the control group (p <0.0001). The proportion of patients with at least 1 adenoma and the total number of adenomas were not different between groups. However, in the dye-spray group significantly more diminutive adenomas (
Conclusions: Dye-spray increases the detection of small adenomas in the proximal colon and patients with multiple adenomas, but long-term outcomes should be studied to determine the clinical value of these findings.
Légendier disposé dans l'ordre du calendrier liturgique du 20 juillet au 25 novembre et contenant les saints suivants: ss. Margarita, Maria Magdelene, Jacobus major ap., Stephanus, Laurentius, Hippolytus, assumptio b. Mariae, Bartholomaeus, Augustinus, Johannes Baptista, Aegidius, nativitas b. Mariae, Gorgonius, Protus et Hyacinthus, exaltatio s. Crucis, Euphemia, Matthaeus, Mauritius, Cosmas et Damianus, Michael archangelus, Hieronymus, Leodegarius, Dionysius, Lucas, Simon et Judas, Martinus, Caecilia, Clemens, Catharina. F. 1-130. Legendarius. F. 1-3v. "... passio sancte Margarete virginis"; cf. B.H.L. n° 5306. F. 3v-6v. "... vita sancte Marie Magdalene" [ODO Cluniacensis abbas, sermo 2, excerptum] (P.L. 133, 714B-719C); cf. B.H.L. n° 5440. F. 6v-8v. "... passio sancti Jacobi [majoris] apostoli" incomplet des lignes finales par lacune matérielle, à partir de "decollandi erant dixit [Jacobus...]" [Virtutes apostolorum, de s. Jacobo majore] (Mombritius, 2a ed., II, 37-40 lig. 15); cf. B.H.L. n° 4057; C.A.N.T. n° 272. F. 9-12. "Inventio sancti Stephani prothomartyris" [LUCIANUS presbyter, interprete AVITO presbytero Bracarensi ]. "Domino venerabili Nimpsio [sic] episcopo... [Julianus exponctué et corrigé en] Lucianus... Revelationem que mihi ostensa est...-... aperire dignatus est..." recensio mixta suivie d'un court épilogue: "Bovem appellatum... declarata sunt"; cf. C.P.L. n° 575; B.H.L. Suppl. n° 7851n (E. Vanderlinden, Rev. des études byzantines, IV, 1946, 190-216, version A'; ne fait pas partie des mss. recensés pour l'édition). F. 12-16. "... passio sancti [Sixti et sancti] Laurentii". "In illo tempore Decius Caesar et Valerianus prefectus jusserunt...-... participati sunt omnes"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 7801 avec var. incipit et n° 4754. F. 16-18. "... passio sancti Ypoliti et sociorum ejus". "Egressus itaque Ypolitus post tercium diem...-... vivere male et regnare cum Christo "; cf. B.H.L. n° 3961 avec var. incipit et explicit. F. 18-31. "... [sermo] beati Ieronimi in assumptione sancte Virginis" [PASCHASIUS RADBERTUS, De Adsumptione b. Mariae] (C.C.C.M., LVI C 109-162; édité aussi parmi les apocryphes de saint Jérôme, P.L., XXX, 126-147); cf. C.P.L. n° 633, ep. 9 (18-29). F. 29-31. Addition contemporaine : "In vigilia assumptionis beate Marie legatur: Secundum Lucam (Lc 11, 27). [M]agne devocionis et fidei...-... ubera que suxisti" [BEDA, In Lc, l. IV, excerptum] divisé en trois paragraphes, correspondant sans doute à trois leçons (P.L., XCII, 479 C-480 B; C.C.S.L., CXX, 236-237 lig. 213-244) (29). — "Sermo iste legatur in nativitate beate Marie virginis"; cf. infra f. 56v. "[A]pprobate consuetudinis est apud christianos...-... pacta cessare" [FULBERTUS CARNOTENSIS, sermo 4] incomplet de la fin qui a été laissée en blanc (P.L. CXLI, 320-324 A; J.M. Canal, dans Rech. théol. anc. méd., XXX (1963), 56-61 lig. 168); ne fait pas partie des mss. répertoriés par J.M. Canal, ibid., XXIX (1962), 36-37; division marginale en neuf, puis en trois fois trois leçons; en marge du titre, une note difficilement lisible identifie l'auteur: "sermo Fulberti ep. Carnotensis" (29v-31). F. 32-35. "... vita [sic pro passio] sancti Bartholomei apostoli" [Virtutes apostolorum, de s. Bartholomaeo]; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 1002a; C.A.N.T. n° 259. F. 35-49v. "[Vita s.] Augustini episcopi", sans prologue [POSSIDIUS]. "Ex provincia affricana civitate...-... perfruar"; cf. B.H.L. n° 785; C.P.L. n° 358 (35-49a lig. 7); suivi de la liste des livres de s. Augustin dans l'ordre des Retractations : "Libros vero quod edidit hic breviter enumerare vel annotare non omissi. Et hoc indicium librorum omnium sancti Augustini. Contra paganos achademicos [sic] libri III. De beata vita liber I. De ordine sacro libri II. De soliloquiis...-... et gratia liber. Requievit autem... V. kal. septembris..." (C.C.S.L., LVII (1984), 1-4, var.); texte proche du ms. lat. 5276, ff. 136v-137, répertorié par A. Wilmart, Miscellanea Agostiniana, Roma, 1931, 157 (Testi e studi, 2) (49a lig. 7-49v). F. 49v-52v. "Inventio capitis sancti Johannis Baptiste"; cf. B.H.L. n° 4296 (49v-51). — "De translatione ejusdem [Angeriacum]"; cf. B.H.L. n° 4297 (51-52v). F. 52v-56v. "... vita sancti Egidii"; cf. B.H.L. n° 93. F. 56v-59v. "De nativitate sancte Marie". "Petis a me petitiunculam opere...-... prefationem habuisse"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 5345 (56v a-b lig. 27) ; suivi de: "Petitis a me...-... scribi potuerunt. Igitur beata et gloriosissima semper virgo Maria..-... docuerunt Dominum..." (éd. parmi les apocryphes de s. Jérôme, P.L., XXX, 2a ed., 307-317); cf. B.H.L. n° 5344-5343; C.P.L., n° 633, ep. 50 (56v b lig. 27-59v). L'attribution à Paschase Radbert des deux lettres regroupées en une seule faite par C. Lambot, dans Rev. bénéd., XLVI (1934), 271-282, est réfutée par R. Beyers, dans Rev. Théol. et Philos., CXXII (1990), 171-188. Voir sa nouv. éd. dans CC Apocrypha, 10. F. 59v-61v. "Passio sancti Gorgonii [et Dorothei]; cf. B.H.L. n° 3617. F. 61v-62. "[Passio ss.] Prothi et Jacincti"; cf. B.H.L. n° 6977. F. 62-63v. "De exaltatione sancte Crucis". "Tempore illo postquam Constantino Augusto contra Maxentium..."; cf. B.H.L. n° 4178, avec var. incipit. F. 64-68v. "[Passio s.] Eufemie virginis". "Quinto persecutionis anno Diocletiani...-... Completum est autem martyrium... Prisco proconsule Europe..."; cf. B.H.L. n° 2709, avec var. explicit. F. 68v-72v. "[Passio] sancti Mathei apostoli" [Virtutes apostolorum, de s. Jacobo majore]; cf. C.A.N.T. n° 270; B.H.L. n° 5690, avec var. explicit de l'épilogue: "Zaroes autem...-... passio eorum ostendit". F. 72v-76. "[Passio s.] [Marcii corrigé en] Mauricii con [sic] sociis suis" [s. EUCHERIUS LUGDUNENSIS] sans le prologue; cf. B.H.L. n° 5738; C.P.L. n° 490. F. 76-79v. "[Passio ss.] Cosme et Damiani"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 1975. F. 79v-80. "[In festivitate s.] Michaelis archangeli". "Angelorum quippe et hominum naturam...-... medicina Dei." [GREGORIUS MAGNUS, Hom. in Ev., 34, excerptum]; C.P.L. n° 1711 (P.L., LXXVI, 1249 C-1251 A, §§ 6, fin-9 début) divisé en 8 paragraphes; une interpolation a été ajoutée dans la marge inférieure du f. 79v par une main contemporaine qui a également numéroté les paragraphes en IX leçons, le texte ajouté formant la lectio IIa : "[N]ovem esse angelorum ordines ad Dei judicia...-... principantur."; il s'agit d'un court extrait du sermon Legimus in ecclesiasticis historiis édité par J. E. Cross, dans Traditio, 33 (1977), 108-109 lig. 41-47 (Beda, Homilia subditia 71, P.L., XCIV, 453 C); cf. C.P.P.M., I, 4046. F. 80-82v. "[Vita s.] Jeronimi presbiteri". "Hieronimus noster [corrigé en: presbiter] in oppido Stridonis...-... etatis sue anno in Domino requievit cui..." extraits de la Vie apocryphe de Gennadius (P.L., XXII, 175-184, passim, avec var.); cf. C.P.L. n° 623; B.H.L. n° 3869; Lambert, B.H.M., IIIA, 630 (80-81b lig. 26); suivi du miracle du lion extrait de la Vie du Ps. Sebastianus Casinensis: "Contigit autem hujusmodi miraculum in monasterio... Quadam namque die ingens leo... - asserendo narrantur" (P.L., XXII, 210 lig. 11-213 lig. 11); cf. C.P.L. n° 622; B.H.L. n° 3872 avec var. incipit; Lambert, B.H.M., IIIA, 630 (81b lig. 26-82v). F. 82v-88v. "[Vita s.] Leodegarii". "Igitur sanctus Leodegarius ex progenie...-... postmodum cecum. ... adnecteret opera ibidem" [URSINUS LOGOGIACENSIS] sans le prologue et incomplet de la fin (C.C.S.L., CXVII, 589-632 lig. 14, avec var.); cf. C.P.L. n° 1079a; B.H.L. n° 4851; suivi d'un court extrait omis à sa place plus haut dans le texte: "Deinde vero ire ceperunt... Dei opera ibidem" (ed. cit., 631 § 31 lig. 3-7). F. 88v-98. "[Passio] sancti Dyonisii martyris", texte incomplet par suite de la perte de 2 ff. entre les ff. 96 et 97, le texte s'arrête à "...fideliter adhe[-rebat]" et reprend à "[Domitia-]no per tres Cesares..." (P.L., CVI, 23-40 C et 48 A-50); cf. B.H.L. n° 2175. F. 98-100v. "[Laudatio s.] Luce evvangeliste". "Gloriosus igitur evvangelista Jhesu Christi Lucas natione Syrus...-... ubique confluunt qui ..." [PAULUS DIACONUS, hom. 59] incomplet du prologue (P.L., XCV, 1530-1535, avec var.); cf. B.H.L. n° 4974, d'après ce ms. F. 100v-106. "[Passio ss.] Symonis et Jude apostolorum" avec l'épilogue [ABDIAS, Virtutes Simonis et Judae Thaddaei]; cf. B.H.L. n° 7750-7751; C.A.N.T. n° 284. F. 106-107v. "[Laudatio] sancti Martini archiepiscopi" [ALCUINUS, De vita s. Martini, pars I]; cf. B.H.L. n° 5625. — GREGORIUS TURONENSIS, De virtutibus s. Martini; cf. B.H.L. n° 5618; seule l'adresse du prologue, introduite par une initiale filigranée, a été copiée au bas du f. 107v, col. b: "Domnis sanctis et in Christi amore dulcissimis fratribus... Gregorius peccator", le texte lui-même manque, soit en raison de la perte du cahier suivant, soit qu'il n'ait pas été copié. F. 108-115v. "[Passio s.] Cecilie virginis et martyris"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 1495a. F. 115v-118v. "[Passio s.] Clementis pape". [Prologus] "Postquam igitur beatus Petrus apostolus in Antiochia cathedram... -... passio secuta est"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 1849, d'après ce ms. (115v-116a, lig. 11); — "Tunc sanctus Clemens romane ecclesie episcopus disciplinam...-... Cersone Licie provincie"; C.P.L. n° 2177; B.H.L. n° 1848 (Mombritius, 2a ed., I, 341-344, var. à l'incipit et à l'explicit); suivi de: "Oremus fratres ut Dominus... participes. Per..." (116a, lig. 11-118v). F.118v-130. "[Passio] sancte Katerine virginis et martyris"; cf. B.H.L. n° 1663, sans le prologue. F. 130-130v. Additions. Table des saints contenus dans le volume, XIVe s. (130). — Prière latine en 10 strophes de deux vers, XVe s.: "Jhesu tue matris prece ab Orci me serva nece...-... ab inferi atris" (130v).
The photoviscosity effect in aqueous solutions of novel poly(4-methacryloyloxyazobenzene-co-N,N-dimethyl acrylamide) (MOAB-DMA) was demonstrated. The observed significant reduction in the zero-shear viscosity upon UV-irradiation of MOAB-DMA aqueous solutions was due to the dissociation of the interchain azobenzene aggregates. Such phenomena can be advantageously used in photoswitchable fluidic devices and in protein separation. Introduction of enzymatically degradable azo cross-links into Pluronic-PAA microgels allowed for control of swelling due to degradation of the cross-links by azoreductases from the rat intestinal cecum. Dynamic changes in the cross-link density of stimuli-responsive microgels enable novel opportunities for the control of gel swelling, of importance for drug delivery and microgel sensoric applications.
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the mixture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. rhamnosus strain GG, Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12, and inulin on intestinal populations of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and enterobacteria in adult and elderly rats fed the same (in quality and quantity) diet. The portal plasma levels of two neuropeptides, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and peptide YY (PYY), were also evaluated to assess the physiological consequences of the synbiotic treatment for the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts of rats of different ages. Adult (n = 24) and elderly (n = 24) male rats were fed the AIN-93 M maintenance diet. After 2 weeks of adaptation, the diet of 12 rats of each age group was supplemented with 8% inulin and with strains GG and Bb12 to provide 2.2 x 10(9) CFU of each strain g(-1) of the diet. Blood and different regions of the GI tract were sampled from all rats after 21 days of the treatment. Treatment with the mixture of strain GG, strain BB12, and inulin induced significantly different changes in the numbers of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and enterobacteria of the stomach, small intestine, cecum, and colon microflora. Moreover, the GG, BB12, and inulin mixture increased the concentrations of NPY and PYY for adult rats. For the elderly animals, the PYY concentration was not changed, while the NPY concentration was decreased by treatment with the GG, BB12, and inulin mixture. The results of the present study indicate that the physiological status of the GI tract, and not just diet, has a major role in the regulation of important groups of the GI bacteria community, since even the outcome of the dietary modification with synbiotics depends on the ages of the animals.
Patients with chronic pancreatitis may have abnormal gastrointestinal transit, but the factors underlying these abnormalities are poorly understood. Gastrointestinal transit was assessed, in 40 male outpatients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis and 18 controls, by scintigraphy after a liquid meal labeled with (99m)technetium-phytate. Blood and urinary glucose, fecal fat excretion, nutritional status, and cardiovascular autonomic function were determined in all patients. The influence of diabetes mellitus, malabsorption, malnutrition, and autonomic neuropathy on abnormal gastrointestinal transit was assessed by univariate analysis and Bayesian multiple regression analysis. Accelerated gastrointestinal transit was found in 11 patients who showed abnormally rapid arrival of the meal marker to the cecum. Univariate and Bayesian analysis showed that diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy had significant influences on rapid transit, which was not associated with either malabsorption or malnutrition. In conclusion, rapid gastrointestinal transit in patients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis is related to diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy.
Laparoscopic surgery is associated with reduced surgical trauma, and less acute phase response, as compared with open surgery. Cytokines are important regulators of the biological response to surgical and anesthetic stress. The aim of this study was to determine if CO2 pneumoperitoneum would change cytokine expression, gas parameters and leukocyte count in septic rats. Methods: Wistar rats were randomly assigned to five groups: control (anesthesia only), laparotomy, CO2 pneumoperitoneum, cecum ligation and puncture by laparotomy, and laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture. After 30 min of the procedures, arterial blood samples were obtained to determine leukocytes subpopulations by hemocytometer. TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 were determined in intraperitoneal fluid (by ELISA). Gas parameters were measured on arterial blood, intraperitoneal and subperitoneal exsudates. Results: Peritoneal TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations were lower in pneumoperitoneum rats than in all other groups (p<0.05). TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 expression was lower in the laparoscopic than in laparotomic sepsis (p<0.05). Rats from laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture group developed significant hypercarbic acidosis in blood and subperitoneal fluid when compared to open procedure group. Total white blood cells and lymphocytes were significantly lower in laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture rats than in the laparotomic (p<0.01). Nevertheless, the laparotomic cecum ligation rats had a significant increase in blood neutrophils and eosinophils when compared with controls (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the CO2 pneumoperitoneum reduced the inflammatory response in an animal model of peritonitis with respect to intraperitoneal cytokines, white blood cell count and clinical correlates of sepsis. The pneumoperitoneum produced hypercarbic acidosis in septic animals
Laparoscopic surgery is associated with reduced surgical trauma, and less acute phase response, as compared with open surgery. Cytokines are important regulators of the biological response to surgical and anesthetic stress. The aim of this study was to determine if CO2 pneumoperitoneum would change cytokine expression, gas parameters and leukocyte count in septic rats. Methods: Wistar rats were randomly assigned to five groups: control (anesthesia only), laparotomy, CO2 pneumoperitoneum, cecum ligation and puncture by laparotomy, and laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture. After 30 min of the procedures, arterial blood samples were obtained to determine leukocytes subpopulations by hemocytometer. TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 were determined in intraperitoneal fluid (by ELISA). Gas parameters were measured on arterial blood, intraperitoneal and subperitoneal exsudates. Results: Peritoneal TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations were lower in pneumoperitoneum rats than in all other groups (p<0.05). TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 expression was lower in the laparoscopic than in laparotomic sepsis (p<0.05). Rats from laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture group developed significant hypercarbic acidosis in blood and subperitoneal fluid when compared to open procedure group. Total white blood cells and lymphocytes were significantly lower in laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture rats than in the laparotomic (p<0.01). Nevertheless, the laparotomic cecum ligation rats had a significant increase in blood neutrophils and eosinophils when compared with controls (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the CO2 pneumoperitoneum reduced the inflammatory and immune response in an animal model of peritonitis with respect to intraperitoneal cytokines, white blood cell count and clinical correlates of sepsis. The pneumoperitoneum produced hypercarbic acidosis in septic animals