987 resultados para cationic antimicrobial peptide


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Fluorescence microscopy serves as a valuable tool for assessing the structural integrity and viability of eukaryotic cells. Through the use of calcein AM and the DNA stain 4,6-diamidino-2 phenylindole (DAPI), cell viability and membrane integrity can be qualified. Our group has previously shown the ultra-short cationic antimicrobial peptide H-OOWW-NH2; the amphibian derived 27-mer peptide Maximin-4and the ultra-short lipopeptide C12-OOWW-NH2 to be effective against a range of bacterial biofilms [1], displaying potential for use in the prevention of medical device-related infections [2]. Analysis of fluorescence micrographs, after staining with calcein AM and DAPI, shows the likely mode of cytotoxic action of cationic antimicrobial peptides and lipopeptides are via directmembrane disruption in eukaryotic cells. Selectivity is towards cidal action against prokaryotic cells, whose membranes are anionic in composition, such as those of bacteria, rather than for neutral zwitterionic membranes of eukaryotic cells. Membrane selectivity is determined by a multitude of physical parameters, particularly charge and hydrophobicity. The charge of the antimicrobial determines the extent of the initial electrostatic interactions with both prokaryotic and eukaryotic membranes, with a larger cationic charge favoring antimicrobial action. Tailoring of these properties is likely to be the key in successfully transferring antimicrobial peptides from laboratory experiments into clinical practice as safe pharmaceutical formulations.


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Eumenitin, a novel cationic antimicrobial peptide from the venom of solitary wasp Eumenes rubronotatus, was characterized by its effects on black lipid membranes of negatively charged (azolectin) and zwitterionic (1,2-diphytanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPhPC) or DPhPC-cholesterol) phospholipids: surface potential changes, single-channel activity, ion selectivity, and pore size were studied. We found that eumenitin binds preferentially to charged lipid membranes as compared with zwitterionic ones. Eumenitin is able to form pores in azolectin (G(1) = 118.00 +/- 3.67 pS or G(2) = 160.00 +/- 7.07 pS) and DPhPC membranes (G = 61.13 +/- 7.57 pS). Moreover, cholesterol addition to zwitterionic DPhPC membranes inhibits pore formation activity but does not interfere with the binding of peptide. Open pores presented higher cation (K (+)) over anion (Cl-) selectivity. The pore diameter was estimated at between 8.5and 9.8 angstrom in azolectin membranes and about 4.3 angstrom in DPhPC membranes. The results are discussed based on the toroidal pore model for membrane pore-forming activity and ion selectivity. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease that remains a considerable public health problem worldwide. Since the mainstay of schistosomiasis control is chemotherapy with a single drug, praziquantel, drug resistance is a concern. Here, we examined the in vitro effects of dermaseptin 01 (DS 01), an antimicrobial peptide found in the skin secretion of frogs of the genus Phyllomedusa, on Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. DS 01 at a concentration of 100 mg/ml reduced the worm motor activity and caused the death of all worms within 48 h in RPMI 1640 medium. At the highest sublethal concentration of antimicrobial peptide (75 mg/ml), a 100% reduction in egg output of paired female worms was observed. Additionally, DS 01 induced morphological alterations on the tegument of S. mansoni, and a quantitative analysis carried out by confocal microscopy revealed extensive destruction of the tubercles in a dose-dependent manner over the concentration range of 50-200 mu g/ml. It was the first time that an anthelmintic activity towards schistosomes has been reported for a dermaseptin.


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Background: Antimicrobial peptides are present in animals, plants and microorganisms and play a fundamental role in the innate immune response. Gomesin is a cationic antimicrobial peptide purified from haemocytes of the spider Acanthoscurria gomesiana. It has a broad-spectrum of activity against bacteria, fungi, protozoa and tumour cells. Candida albicans is a commensal yeast that is part of the human microbiota. However, in immunocompromised patients, this fungus may cause skin, mucosal or systemic infections. The typical treatment for this mycosis comprises three major categories of antifungal drugs: polyenes, azoles and echinocandins; however cases of resistance to these drugs are frequently reported. With the emergence of microorganisms that are resistant to conventional antibiotics, the development of alternative treatments for candidiasis is important. In this study, we evaluate the efficacy of gomesin treatment on disseminated and vaginal candidiasis as well as its toxicity and biodistribution. Results: Treatment with gomesin effectively reduced Candida albicans in the kidneys, spleen, liver and vagina of infected mice. The biodistribution of gomesin labelled with technetium-99 m showed that the peptide is captured in the kidneys, spleen and liver. Enhanced production of TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-6 was detected in infected mice treated with gomesin, suggesting an immunomodulatory activity. Moreover, immunosuppressed and C. albicans-infected mice showed an increase in survival after treatment with gomesin and fluconazole. Systemic administration of gomesin was also not toxic to the mice Conclusions: Gomesin proved to be effective against experimental Candida albicans infection. It can be used as an alternative therapy for candidiasis, either alone or in combination with fluconazole. Gomesin's mechanism is not fully understood, but we hypothesise that the peptide acts through the permeabilisation of the yeast membrane leading to death and/or releasing the yeast antigens that trigger the host immune response against infection. Therefore, data presented in this study reinforces the potential of gomesin as a therapeutic antifungal agent in both humans and animals.


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We examined the interaction of the cationic antimicrobial peptide (AMP) tritrpticin (VRRFPWWWPFLRR, TRP3) with Langmuir monolayers of zwitterionic (dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, DPPC, and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, DPPE) and negatively charged phospholipids (dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid, DPPA, and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylglycerol, DPPG). Both surface pressure and surface potential isotherms became more expanded upon addition of TRP3 (DPPE similar to DPPC << DPPA < DPPG). The stronger interaction with negatively charged phospholipids agrees with data for vesicles and planar lipid bilayers, and with AMPs greater activity against bacterial membranes versus mammalian cell membranes. Considerable expansion of negatively charged monolayers occurred at 10 and 30 mol% TRP3, especially at low surface pressure. Moreover, a difference was observed between PA and PG, demonstrating that the interaction, besides being modulated by electrostatic interactions, displays specificity with regard to headgroup, being more pronounced in the case of PG, present in large quantities in bacterial membranes. In previous studies, it was proposed that the peptide acts by a toroidal pore-like mechanism [1,2]. Considering the evidence from the literature that PG shows a propensity to form a positive curvature as do toroidal pores, the observation of TRP3's preference for the PG headgroup and the dramatic increase in area promoted by this interaction represent further support for the toroidal pore mechanism of action proposed for TRP3. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we examine the interaction between the 13-residue cationic antimicrobial peptide (AMP) tritrpticin (VRRFPWWWPFLRR, TRP3) and model membranes of variable lipid composition. The effect on peptide conformational properties was investigated by means of CD (circular dichroism) and fluorescence spectroscopies. Based on the hypothesis that the antibiotic acts through a mechanism involving toroidal pore formation, and taking into account that models of toroidal pores imply the formation of positive curvature, we used large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) to mimic the initial step of peptide-lipid interaction, when the peptide binds to the bilayer membrane, and micelles to mimic the topology of the pore itself, since these aggregates display positive curvature. In order to more faithfully assess the role of curvature, micelles were prepared with lysophospholipids containing (qualitatively and quantitatively) head groups identical to those of bilayer phospholipids. CD and fluorescence spectra showed that, while TRP3 binds to bilayers only when they carry negatively charged phospholipids. binding to micelles occurs irrespective of surface charge, indicating that electrostatic interactions play a less predominant role in the latter case. Moreover, the conformations acquired by the peptide were independent of lipid composition in both bilayers and micelles. However, the conformations were different in bilayers and in micelles, suggesting that curvature has an influence on the secondary structure acquired by the peptide. Fluorescence data pointed to an interfacial location of TRP3 in both types of aggregates. Nevertheless, experiments with a water soluble fluorescence quencher suggested that the tryptophan residues are more accessible to the quencher in micelles than in bilayers. Thus, we propose that bilayers and micelles can be used as models for the two steps of toroidal pore formation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As the resistance of bacteria to conventional antibiotics has become an increasing problem, new antimicrobial drugs are urgently needed. One possible source of new antibacterial agents is a group of cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs) produced by practically all living organisms. These peptides are typically small, amphipathic and positively charged and contain well defined a-helical or b-sheet secondary structures. The main antibacterial action mechanism of CAMPs is considered to be disruption of the cell membrane, but other targets of CAMPs also exist. Some bacterial species have evolved defence mechanisms against the harmful effects of CAMPs. One of the most effective defence mechanisms is reduction of the net negative charge of bacterial cell surfaces. Global analysis of gene expression of two Gram-positive bacteria, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, was used to further study the stress responses induced by different types of CAMPs. B. subtilis cells were treated with sublethal concentrations of a-helical peptide LL-37, b-sheet peptide protegrin 1 or synthetic analogue poly-L-lysine, and the changes in gene expression were studied using DNA macroarrays. In the case of S. aureus, three different a-helical peptides were selected for the transcriptome analyses: temporin L, ovispirin-1 and dermaseptin K4-S4(1-16). Transcriptional changes caused by peptide stress were examined using oligo DNA microarrays. The transcriptome analysis revealed two main cell signalling mechanisms mediating CAMP stress responses in Gram-positive bacteria: extracytoplasmic function (ECF)sigma factors and two-component systems (TCSs). In B. subtilis, ECF sigma factors sigW and sigM as well as TCS LiaRS responded to the cell membrane disruption caused by CAMPs. In S. aureus, CAMPs caused a similar stress response to antibiotics interfering in cell wall synthesis, and TCS VraSR was strongly activated. All of these transcriptional regulators are known to respond to several compounds other than CAMPs interfering with cell envelope integrity, suggesting that they sense cell envelope stress in general. Among the most strongly induced genes were yxdLM (in B. subtilis) and vraDE (in S. aureus) encoding homologous ABC transporters. Transcription of yxdLM and vraDE operons is controlled by TCSs YxdJK and ApsRS, respectively. These TCSs seemed to be responsible for the direct recognition of CAMPs. The yxdLM operon was specifically induced by LL-37, but its role in CAMP resistance remained unclear. VraDE was proven to be a bacitracin transporter. We also showed that the net positive charge of the cell wall affects the signalrecognition of different TCSs responding to cell envelope stress. Inactivation of the Dlt system responsible for the D-alanylation of teichoic acids had a strong and differential effect on the activity of the studied TCSs, depending on their functional role in cells and the stimuli they sense.


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Amphibian skin is a rich resource of antimicrobial peptides like maximins and maximins H from toad Bombina maxima. A novel cDNA clone encoding a precursor protein that comprises maximin 3 and a novel peptide. named maximin H5. was isolated from a skin cDNA library of B. maxima. The predicted primary structure of maximin H5 is ILGPVLGLVSDTLDDVLGIL-NH2,. Containing three aspartate residues and no basic amino acid residues. maximin H5 is characterized by an anionic property. Different from cationic maximin H peptides. only Gram-positive strain Staphylococcus aureus was sensitive to maximin H5. while the other bacteria] and fungal strains tested ere resistant to it. The presence of metal ions. like Zn2+ and Mg2+, did not increase its antimicrobial potency. Maximin H5 represents the first example of potential anionic antimicrobial peptides from amphibians, The results provide the first evidence that. together kith cationic antimicrobial peptides. anionic antimicrobial peptides may also exist naturally as part of the innate defense system. (C), 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Cationic antimicrobial peptides and polymyxins are a group of naturally occurring antibiotics that can also possess immunomodulatory activities. They are considered a new source of antibiotics for treating infections by bacteria that are resistant to conventional antibiotics. Members of the genus Burkholderia, which includes various human pathogens, are inherently resistant to antimicrobial peptides. The resistance is several orders of magnitude higher than that of other Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This review summarizes our current understanding of antimicrobial peptide and polymyxin B resistance in the genus Burkholderia. These bacteria possess major and minor resistance mechanisms that will be described in detail. Recent studies have revealed that many other emerging Gram-negative opportunistic pathogens may also be inherently resistant to antimicrobial peptides and polymyxins and we propose that Burkholderia sp. are a model system to investigate the molecular basis of the resistance in extremely resistant bacteria. Understanding resistance in these types of bacteria will be important if antimicrobial peptides come to be used regularly for the treatment of infections by susceptible bacteria because this may lead to increased resistance in the species that are currently susceptible and may also open up new niches for opportunistic pathogens with high inherent resistance.


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Cathelicidin is an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) and signaling molecule in innate immunity and a direct target of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D3) in primary human keratinocytes (NHEK). The expression of cathelicidin is dysregulated in various skin diseases and its regulation differs depending on the epithelial cell type. The secondary bile acid lithocholic acid (LCA) is a ligand of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and can carry out in vivo functions of vitamin D3. Therefore we analyzed cathelicidin mRNA- and peptide expression levels in NHEK and colonic epithelial cells (Caco-2) after stimulation with LCA. We found increased expression of cathelicidin mRNA and peptide in NHEK, in Caco-2 colon cells no effect was observed after LCA stimulation. The VDR as well as MEK-ERK signaled the upregulation of cathelicidin in NHEK induced by LCA. Collectively, our data indicate that cathelicidin induction upon LCA treatment differs in keratinocytes and colonic epithelial cells. Based on these observations LCA-like molecules targeting cathelicidin could be designed for the treatment of cutaneous diseases that are characterized by disturbed cathelicidin expression.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are strongly expressed in lesional skin in psoriasis and play an important role as proinflammatory "alarmins" in this chronic skin disease. Vitamin D analogs like calcipotriol have antipsoriatic effects and might mediate this effect by changing AMP expression. In this study, keratinocytes in lesional psoriatic plaques showed decreased expression of the AMPs beta-defensin (HBD) 2 and HBD3 after topical treatment with calcipotriol. At the same time, calcipotriol normalized the proinflammatory cytokine milieu and decreased interleukin (IL)-17A, IL-17F and IL-8 transcript abundance in lesional psoriatic skin. In contrast, cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide expression was increased by calcipotriol while psoriasin expression remained unchanged. In cultured human epidermal keratinocytes the effect of different vitamin D analogs on the expression of AMPs was further analyzed. All vitamin D analogs tested blocked IL-17A induced HBD2 expression by increasing IkappaB-alpha protein and inhibition of NF-kappaB signaling. At the same time vitamin D analogs induced cathelicidin through activation of the vitamin D receptor and MEK/ERK signaling. These studies suggest that vitamin D analogs differentially alter AMP expression in lesional psoriatic skin and cultured keratinocytes. Balancing AMP "alarmin" expression might be a novel goal in treatment of chronic inflammatory skin diseases.


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Surface pressure measurements, external reflection- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and neutron re. flectivity have been used to investigate the lipid-binding behavior of three antimicrobial peptides: melittin, magainin II, and cecropin P1. As expected, all three cationic peptides were shown to interact more strongly with the anionic lipid, 1,2 dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycerol3-( phosphor-rac-( 1- glycerol)) ( DPPG), compared to the zwitterionic lipid, 1,2 dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine ( DPPC). All three peptides have been shown to penetrate DPPC lipid layers by surface pressure, and this was confirmed for the melittin-DPPC interaction by neutron reflectivity measurements. Adsorption of peptide was, however, minimal, with a maximum of 0.4 mg m(-2) seen for melittin adsorption compared to 2.1 mg m(-2) for adsorption to DPPG ( from 0.7 mu M solution). The mode of binding to DPPG was shown to depend on the distribution of basic residues within the peptide alpha-helix, although in all cases adsorption below the lipid layer was shown to dominate over insertion within the layer. Melittin adsorption to DPPG altered the lipid layer structure observed through changes in the external reflection-Fourier transform infrared lipid spectra and neutron reflectivity. This lipid disruption was not observed for magainin or cecropin. In addition, melittin binding to both lipids was shown to be 50% greater than for either magainin or cecropin. Adsorption to the bare air-water interface was also investigated and surface activity followed the trend melittin. magainin. cecropin. External re. ection- Fourier transform infrared amide spectra revealed that melittin adopted a helical structure only in the presence of lipid, whereas magainin and cecropin adopted helical structure also at an airwater interface. This behavior has been related to the different charge distributions on the peptide amino acid sequences.


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Many potent antimicrobial peptides also present hemolytic activity, an undesired collateral effect for the therapeutic application. Unlike other mastoparan peptides, Polybia-MP1 (IDWKKLLDAAKQIL), obtained from the venom of the social wasp Polybia paulista, is highly selective of bacterial cells. The study of its mechanism of action demonstrated that it permeates vesicles at a greater rate of leakage on the anionic over the zwitterionic, impaired by the presence of cholesterol or cardiolipin; its lytic activity is characterized by a threshold peptide to lipid molar ratio that depends on the phospholipid composition of the vesicles. At these particular threshold concentrations, the apparent average pore number is distinctive between anionic and zwitterionic vesicles, suggesting that pores are similarly formed depending on the ionic character of the bilayer. To prospect the molecular reasons for the strengthened selectivity in Polybia-MP1 and its absence in Mastoparan-X, MD simulations were carried out. Both peptides presented amphipathic alpha-helical structures, as previously observed in Circular Dichroism spectra, with important differences in the extension and stability of the helix; their backbone solvation analysis also indicate a different profile, suggesting that the selectivity of Polybia-MP1 is a consequence of the distribution of the charged and polar residues along the peptide helix, and on how the solvent molecules orient themselves according to these electrostatic interactions. We suggest that the lack of hemolytic activity of Polybia-MP1 is due to the presence and position of Asp residues that enable the equilibrium of electrostatic interactions and favor the preference for the more hydrophilic environment.


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Many potent antimicrobial peptides also present hemolytic activity, an undesired collateral effect for the therapeutic application. Unlike other mastoparan peptides, Polybia-MP1 (IDWKKLLDAAKQIL), obtained from the venom of the social wasp Polybia paulista, is highly selective of bacterial cells. The study of its mechanism of action demonstrated that it permeates vesicles at a greater rate of leakage on the anionic over the zwitterionic, impaired by the presence of cholesterol or cardiolipin; its lytic activity is characterized by a threshold peptide to lipid molar ratio that depends on the phospholipid composition of the vesicles. At these particular threshold concentrations, the apparent average pore number is distinctive between anionic and zwitterionic vesicles, suggesting that pores are similarly formed depending on the ionic character of the bilayer. To prospect the molecular reasons for the strengthened selectivity in Polybia-MP1 and its absence in Mastoparan-X, MD simulations were carried out. Both peptides presented amphipathic alpha-helical structures, as previously observed in Circular Dichroism spectra, with important differences in the extension and stability of the helix; their backbone solvation analysis also indicate a different profile, suggesting that the selectivity of Polybia-MP1 is a consequence of the distribution of the charged and polar residues along the peptide helix, and on how the solvent molecules orient themselves according to these electrostatic interactions. We suggest that the lack of hemolytic activity of Polybia-MP1 is due to the presence and position of Asp residues that enable the equilibrium of electrostatic interactions and favor the preference for the more hydrophilic environment.