411 resultados para carcasses


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This study evaluated the effect of eye muscle area (EMA), ossification, carcass weight, marbling and rib fat depth on the incidence of dark cutting (pH u > 5.7) using routinely collected Meat Standards Australia (MSA) data. Data was obtained from 204,072 carcasses at a Western Australian processor between 2002 and 2008. Binomial data of pH u compliance was analysed using a logit model in a Bayesian framework. Increasing eye muscle area from 40 to 80 cm 2, increased pH u compliance by around 14% (P < 0.001) in carcasses less than 350 kg. As carcass weight increased from 150 kg to 220 kg, compliance increased by 13% (P < 0.001) and younger cattle with lower ossification were also 7% more compliant (P < 0.001). As rib fat depth increased from 0 to 20 mm, pH u compliance increased by around 10% (P < 0.001) yet marbling had no effect on dark cutting. Increasing musculature and growth combined with good nutrition will minimise dark cutting beef in Australia.


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Petrifilm(R) (6410) was used directly on lamb carcasses to enumerate coliforms. 10 sites on 30 carcasses were sampled at each of 4 separate meat processing establishments (works). Coliform counts obtained by this technique were statistically analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) to select the optimum sampling sites on the carcass and to assess contamination of the carcass by gut flora at a particular establishment. There was a large variation between sites and between works. In general, works 3 and 4 produced cleaner carcasses than works 2, which in turn was cleaner than works 1. Works 1, 2 and 4 used conventional dressing techniques and works 3 used the inverted dressing method, therefore, the coliform counts found at works 3 and 4 are achievable regardless of dressing technique. Coliform bacteria were most concentrated around the posterior pelvic rim and less prevalent at the carcass extremities. The posterior pelvic rim (sites 3 and 4) had higher (P < 0.05) coliform counts than the exterior ventral flank area (sites 5, 6, 7 and 8), which in turn had higher (P < 0.05) counts than the proximal hind and proximal fore limbs (sites 1, 2, 9 and 10) across all works. With in-line routine testing it is recommended that the majority of carcasses sampled should give coliform counts of <50 cfu/20 cm2 for sites 4 and 8. Reprinted with permission from Journal of Food Protection. Copyright held by the International Association of Food Protection, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Authors affifiation. J.A.Guthrie & K.J.Dunlop International Food Institute of Queensland, Department of Primary Industries, Rockhampton and G.A.Saunders Veterinary Public Health Division, Livestock and Meat Authority of Queensland, Emerald.


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Poultry are considered a major source for campylobacteriosis in humans. A total of 1866 Campylobacter spp. isolates collected through the poultry processing chain were typed using flaA-restriction fragment length polymorphism to measure the impact of processing on the genotypes present. Temporally related human clinical isolates (n = 497) were also typed. Isolates were obtained from whole chicken carcass rinses of chickens collected before scalding, after scalding, before immersion chilling, after immersion chilling and after packaging as well as from individual caecal samples. A total of 32 genotypes comprising at least four isolates each were recognised. Simpson's Index of Diversity (D) was calculated for each sampling site within each flock, for each flock as a whole and for the clinical isolates. From caecal collection to after packaging samples the D value did not change in two flocks, decreased in one flock and increased in the fourth flock. Dominant genotypes occurred in each flock but their constitutive percentages changed through processing. There were 23 overlapping genotypes between clinical and chicken isolates. The diversity of Campylobacter is flock dependant and may alter through processing. This study confirms that poultry are a source of campylobacteriosis in the Australian population although other sources may contribute.


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Gyps vulture populations across the Indian subcontinent are declining rapidly and evidence indicates that veterinary use of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) diclofenac is the major cause. Exposure of vultures to diclofenac is likely to arise from the consumption of livestock carcasses that have been treated shortly before death, however, detailed information regarding the prevalence and residual levels of diclofenac in carcasses available to vultures in India remains unreported. Here, we present data on diclofenac residues in 1848 liver samples taken from carcasses of dead livestock sampled at 67 sites in 12 states within India, between May 2004 and July 2005. Diclofenac residues were detected in carcasses in all states except Orisa, where only one site was sampled. The overall prevalence of detectable diclofenac (>10 microg kg(-1)) across all states was 10.1% and varied significantly among states, with up to 22.3% prevalence determined in Bihar. The geometric mean concentration of diclofenac found in samples in which the drug was detected was 352 microg kg(-1). The prevalence of carcasses containing diclofenac is similar to that previously proposed to be required to have caused the observed Gyps vulture declines in India. On the 11th of May 2006, the Drug Controller General (India) ordered the withdrawal of all licenses granted for the manufacture of diclofenac for veterinary use within India. However, if Gyps vultures are to be protected, potentially substantial existing stocks now need to be quickly and effectively removed from the Indian veterinary market.


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There is increasing interest in developing abattoir-based welfare measures for pigs.The primary aim of this study was to determine the most appropriate place on theslaughter line to conduct assessments of welfare-related lesions, namely apparentaggression-related skin lesions (hereafter referred to as 'skin lesions'), loin bruising andapparent tail biting damage. The study also lent itself to an assessment of theprevalence of these lesions, and the extent to which they were linked with productionparameters. Finishing pigs processed at two abattoirs on the Island of Ireland (n =1950 in abattoir A, and n = 1939 in abattoir B) were used. Data were collected over 6days in each abattoir in July 2014. Lesion scoring took place at two points on theslaughter line: (1) at exsanguination (Slaughter Stage 1 [SS1]), and (2) followingscalding and dehairing of carcasses (Slaughter Stage 2 [SS2]). At both points, eachcarcass was assigned a skin and tail lesion score ranging from 0 (lesion absent) to 3 or4 (severe lesions), respectively. Loin bruising was recorded as present or absent.Differences in the percentage of pigs with observable lesions of each type werecompared between SS1 and SS2 using McNemar/McNemar-Bowker tests. Theassociations between each lesion type, and both cold carcass weight andcondemnations, were examined at batch level using Pearson's correlations. Batch wasdefined as the group of animals with a particular farm identification code on a givenday. The overall percentage of pigs with a visible skin lesion (i.e. score > 0) decreasedbetween SS1 and SS2 (P<0.001). However, the percentage of pigs with a severe skinlesion increased numerically from SS1 to SS2. The percentage of pigs with a visible taillesion and with loin bruising also increased between SS1 and SS2 (P<0.001). Therewas a positive correlation between the percentage of carcasses that were partiallycondemned, and the percentage of pigs with skin lesions, tail lesions and loin bruising(P<0.05). Additionally, as the batch-level frequency of each lesion type increased,average cold carcass weight decreased (P<0.001). These findings suggest that severeskin lesions, tail lesions and loin bruising are more visible on pig carcasses after theyhave been scalded and dehaired, and that this is when abattoir-based lesion scoringshould take place. The high prevalence of all three lesion types, and the links witheconomically important production parameters, suggests more research into identifying key risk factors is warranted.


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E. coli avec potentiel zoonotique pourrait éclore dans les réservoirs porcins et avicoles. Cette étude consiste à examiner la présence de souches E. coli porteuses de gènes virulents associés aux STEC (E. coli producteurs de Shiga-toxines), EPEC (E. coli entéropathogène), et ExPEC (E. coli pathogène extra-intestinal) chez les porcs et volailles élevés au Vietnam. Des prélèvements d’excréments et de carcasses ont été effectués dans des fermes et abattoirs porcins et avicoles sélectionnés où les animaux ont été suivis de l’élevage à l’abattage. Un total de 13,1% des souches, toutes sources confondues, ont été catégorisées comme potentiellement contaminées par ExPEC, possédant un ou plusieurs gènes de virulence iucD, tsh, papC et cnf. Peu d’isolats d’autres pathotypes ont été observés. Tous les gènes de virulence ExPEC, à l’exception de cnf, ont été identifiés plus fréquemment dans les isolats de fèces et carcasses avicoles que dans les isolats porcins. Même constatation pour le groupe du phylogénétique D. Une multirésistance aux médicaments a été régulièrement observée chez les deux isolats ExPEC. Les isolats de fèces de volailles ont souvent été associés à une résistance à l’acide nalidixique et à la ciprofloxacine (P<0.05), de même qu’au gène blaTEM, alors que les gènes qnr et aac(6’)-Ib ont peu été rencontrés des deux côtés. Cette étude démontre que les isolats ExPEC avicoles sont potentiellement plus pathogèniques que ceux porcins et que les isolats ExPEC de carcasses porcines et avicoles peuvent provenir de leurs excréments par la contamination associée au processus d'abattage. Ainsi, la volaille, particulièrement, serait un facteur de transmission de souches ExPEC zoonotiques.


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Au Vietnam, les informations sur la contamination de la viande de volaille par les salmonelles sont presque limitées. L’étude cherche à comparer la prévalence des salmonelles entre les marchés traditionnels et les supermarchés ainsi qu’entre les carcasses fraîches et congelées en plus de mesurer la température interne au moment de l’achat. Deux cent quarante-cinq carcasses de poulets entiers ont été achetées des marchés et des supermarchés dans sept arrondissements de la ville de Hanoi au Vietnam de juin à juillet 2011. L’échantillonnage a inclu 110 carcasses fraîches de marchés traditionnels (F/M), 109 carcasses fraîches des supermarchés (F/SM) et 26 carcasses congelées des supermarchés (FZ/SM). La température intérieure des carcasses a été évalué au moment de l’achat des carcasses. Salmonella a été isolé à partir de rinçage de carcasses et les isolats ont été sérotypés. La prévalence de carcasses positives pour Salmonella était de 66,5% (163/245) et variait entre les trois catégories : 84,55% (93/110) de F/M, 59,63% (65/109) de F/SM et 19,23% (5/26) de FZ/SM (P<0.05). Pour un total de 25 sérovars détectés, le sérovar principal fut Agona (24,78%) suivi de Albany (20,43%) et enfin Corvallis (10%). Deux des sérovars repérés se retrouvaient sur les mêmes carcasses pour 66 échantillons (26,9%). La température interne des carcasses des marchés traditionnels et des supermarchés était associé une différence significative (P < 0.05) avec une température moyenne de 27,3°C et 15,8°C respectivement. Cette étude dévoile une prévalence élevée de Salmonellaspp.des carcasses de poulets à Hanoi et démontre une difficulté partagée par tous les types de marchés à maintenir une température adéquate des carcasses.


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Les marchés traditionnels et maintenant les supermarchés approvisionnent les demandes sans cesse en augmentation pour la viande de volaille au Vietnam. Peu d’études ont examiné la présence des E. coli pathogènes extra-intestinaux (ExPEC), une cause commune d’infection urinaire chez les humains, de même que la résistance aux antimicrobiens, la multi-résistance des Escherichia coli dans la viande de volaille au Vietnam. Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer la salubrité de la viande de volaille au Vietnam et de comparer les patrons de résistance aux antimicrobiens entre le Canada et le Vietnam. Des carcasses fraîches et congelées des marchés traditionnels et des supermarchés ont été échantillonnées au Vietnam. Les E. coli obtenus par rinçage des carcasses ont été caractérisé pour les gènes de virulence ExPEC (iucD, cnf, papC, tsh, Kps, afa, sfa) et pour la résistance aux antimicrobiens, phénotypiquement (Sensititre Aris®) et génotypiquement par PCR. Une multi-résistance et une fréquence élevée de résistance aux antimicrobiens d’importance pour les humains ont été détectées dans les isolats ExPEC. Les E. coli producteurs de β-lactamases à spectre élargi et de type AmpC et les gènes de résistance CTX-M et CMY correspondant ont été détectés. Des isolats multi-résistants BLSE putatif ont été identifiés appartenant au phylogroupe F. Les stratégies sur les antimicrobiens employés sur la ferme au Canada et au Vietnam pourraient influencer les profils de résistance des E. coli provenant des carcasses de poulets. En conclusion, la présence des ExPEC, la fréquence élevée de la résistance aux antimicrobiens et la détection des beta-lactamases soulignent la présence de danger pour la santé humaine de la viande de volaille crue ou insuffisamment cuite au Vietnam.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of an Escherichia coli with the multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) phenotype to withstand the stresses of slaughter compared to an isogenic progenitor strain. A wild type E. coli isolate (345-2RifC) of porcine origin was used to derive 3 isogenic MAR mutants. Escherichia coli 345-2RifC and its MAR derivatives were inoculated into separate groups of pigs. Once colonisation was established, the pigs were slaughtered and persistence of the E. coli strains in the abattoir environment and on the pig carcasses was monitored and compared. No significant difference (P>0.05) was detected between the shedding of the different E. coli strains from the live pigs. Both the parent strain and its MAR derivatives persisted in the abattoir environment, however the parent strain was recovered from 6 of the 13 locations sampled while the MAR derivatives were recovered from 11 of 13 and the number of MAR E. coil recovered was 10-fold higher than the parent strain at half of the locations. The parent strain was not recovered from any of the 6 chilled carcasses whereas the MAR derivatives were recovered from 3 out of 5 (P<0.001). This study demonstrates that the expression of MAR in 345-2RifC increased its ability to survive the stresses of the slaughter and chilling processes. Therefore in E. coli, MAR can give a selective advantage, compared to non-MAR strains, for persistence on chilled carcasses thereby facilitating transit of these strains through the food chain. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sampling protocols for detecting Salmonella on poultry differ among various countries. In the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service dictates that whole broiler carcasses should be rinsed with 400 ml of 1% buffered peptone water, whereas in the European Union 25-g samples composed of neck skin from three carcasses are evaluated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a whole carcass rinse (WCR) and a neck skin excision (NS) procedure for Salmonella and Escherichia coli isolation from the same broiler carcass. Carcasses were obtained from three broiler processing plants. The skin around the neck area was aseptically removed and bagged separately from the carcass, and microbiological analysis was performed. The corresponding carcass was bagged and a WCR sample was evaluated. No significant difference (alpha <= 0.05) in Salmonella prevalence was found between the samples processed by the two methods, but both procedures produced many false-negative Salmonella results. Prechill, 37% (66 carcasses), 28% (50 carcasses), and 51% (91 carcasses) of the 180 carcasses examined were positive for Salmonella by WCR, NS, and both procedures combined, respectively. Postchill, 3% (5 carcasses), 7% (12 carcasses), and 10% (17 carcasses) of the 177 carcasses examined were positive for Salmonella by the WCR, NS, and combination of both procedures, respectively. Prechill, E. coli plus coliform counts were 3.0 and 2.6 log CFU/ml by the WCR and NS methods, respectively. Postchill. E. coli plus coliform counts were 1.7 and 1.4 log CFU/ml by the WCR and NS methods, respectively.


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Beef carcass sponge samples collected between March 2003 and August 2005 at an abattoir in Brazil were surveyed for the presence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). Only one carcass among the 80 tested showed a STEC, stx2-encoding gene by PCR amplification. The frequency of carcass contamination by E. coli during processing was tested at three situations, respectively: preevisceration, postevisceration and postprocessing, during the rain and dry seasons. The prevalence of E. coli at the three points was of 30.0%, 70.0%, 27.5% in the rain season and of 22.5%, 55.0%, 17.5% during the dry season, respectively. The E. coli isolates exhibited a high level (45.0%) of multidrug resistance to two or more antimicrobial agents. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)