999 resultados para capital equipment
This paper undertakes a normative investigation of the quantitative properties of optimal tax smoothing in a business cycle model with state contingent debt, capital-skill complementarity, endogenous skill formation and stochastic shocks to public consumption as well as total factor and capital equipment productivity. Our main finding is that an empirically relevant restriction which does not allow the relative supply of skilled labour to adjust in response to aggregate shocks, signi cantly changes the cyclical properties of optimal labour taxes. Under a restricted relative skill supply, the government fi nds it optimal to adjust labour income tax rates so that the average net returns to skilled and unskilled labour hours exhibit the same dynamic behaviour as under fl exible skill supply.
Investment in machinery is a key aspect in the analysis of long-term economic growth during the era of the spread of industrialisation. But, historiography has only revealed what the pace of capital accumulation was in a few Latin American economies. This article offers continuous (annual) and consistent series on the magnitude of this investment in all of the Latin American countries for the period at the height of the first globalisation, 1890-1930. The paper gives special attention to comparative analysis, showing the differences that exist at the heart of the Latin American community, in the levels of capital formation in machinery as well as in the national development of this over time. The differences in the levels appear very indicative of the unequal degree of development reached by these economies. This article puts to test the hypothesis of intraregional divergence, obtaining the tentative result that there was divergence until 1913, but that there was convergence from 1914-1930.
The remediation of contaminated sites supports the goal of sustainable development but may also have environmental impacts at a local, regional and global scale. Life cycle assessment (LCA) has increasingly been used in order to support site remediation decision-making. This review article discusses existing LCA methods and proposed models focusing on critical decisions and assumptions of the LCA application to site remediation activities. It is concluded that LCA has limitations as an adequate holistic decisionmaking tool since spatial and temporal differentiation of non-global impacts assessment is a major hurdle in site remediation LCA. Moreover, a consequential LCA perspective should be adopted when the different remediation services to be compared generate different site’s physical states, displacing alternative post-remediation scenarios. The environmental effects of the post-remediation stage of the site is generally disregarded in the past site remediation LCA studies and such exclusion may produce misleading conclusions and misdirected decision-making. In addition, clear guidance accepted by all stakeholders on remediation capital equipment exclusion and on dealing with multifunctional processes should be developed for site remediation LCA applications.
This paper analyses optimal income taxes over the business cycle under a balanced-budget restriction, for low, middle and high income households. A model incorporating capital-skill complementarity in production and differential access to capital and labour markets is developed to capture the cyclical characteristics of the US economy, as well as the empirical observations on wage (skill premium) and wealth inequality. We .nd that the tax rate for high income agents is optimally the least volatile and the tax rate for low income agents the least countercyclical. In contrast, the path of optimal taxes for the middle income group is found to be very volatile and counter-cyclical. We further find that the optimal response to output-enhancing capital equipment technology and spending cuts is to increase the progressivity of income taxes. Finally, in response to positive TFP shocks, taxation becomes more progressive after about two years.
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin metsäpalveluyritysten toimintaympäristöä sekä menestymistä ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin 27 metsäpalveluyrittäjää kesäkuussa 1999. Heikommin menestyneiden ja Menestyneimpien metsäpalveluyritysten löytämiseksi luotiin kaksi menestyspistejärjestelmää: KASKARA (KASvu, KAnnattavuus & RAhoitus) -mittaristo ja Tasapainotettu (Balanced Scorecard) mittaristo. KASKARA-mittaristossa tarkastelun kohteena olivat yrityksen kasvu (yrityksen liikevaihdon kasvuprosentti ja investoinnit) ja kannattavuus sekä rahoituksellinen tila (maksuvalmius ja vakavaraisuus) yrittäjän itsensä arvioimana. Toisaalta käytettäessä Tasapainotettua mittaristoa KASKARA-mittaristoon liitettiin vielä neljä muuttujaa: yrityksen tärkeimmän asiakkaan antama palaute yrittäjälle, yrittäjän hankkima täydennyskoulutus, kovien kilpailijoiden lukumäärä yrityksen nykyisellä toiminta-alueella ja yrittäjän oma arvio yrityksensä paremmuudesta kilpailijoihin nähden. Tutkimuksen Menestyneimpiä yrityksiä voitiin kuvata seuraavasti: yrittäjä kertoi olleensa luottavainen yritystä perustaessaan; yhtenä tärkeimmistä motiiveista yrityksensä perustamiseen yrittäjä piti pyrkimystä ansiotulojen kasvattamiseen; hieman alle puolet yrityksistä oli hakkuuseen painottuneita yrityksiä - muut päätoimialat olivat puukauppa, metsätalouden suunnittelupalvelut sekä mittauspalvelut; yrittäjän lisäksi yritykseen on palkattu keskimäärin kaksi vakinaista työntekijää; yrityksen kirjanpidosta huolehtii joku muu (useimmiten tilitoimisto) kuin yrittäjä; yrityksen kaluston määrä on kasvanut yrityksen perustamisvuodesta, mutta yrityksen asiakaskunta on pysynyt lähes samana; yrityksen tärkeimmän asiakkaan osuus yrityksen liikevaihdosta on 90%; tulevaisuudessa yrittäjä haluaa ylläpitää nykyisiä asiakassuhteita; ja kartoitettaessa yrittäjän halukkuutta ryhtyä uudelleen yrittäjäksi saamien kokemustensa pohjalta valtaosin yrittäjät sanoivat varmasti ryhtyvänsä uudelleen metsäpalveluyrittäjäksi. Vastaavasti Heikommin menestyneitä yrityksiä ja niiden toimintaa voitiin luonnehtia seuraavien tekijöiden avulla: yrittäjä oli ollut iältään yli 40-vuotias, kun hän oli perustanut metsäpalveluyrityksensä; yrittäjä oli toiminut maanviljelijänä ennen metsäpalveluyrittäjäuraansa; lähes puolet yrittäjistä olivat olleet melko epävarmoja yritystä käynnistäessään; yrityksen päätoimiala on useimmiten hakkuu; yrityksessä ei ole yrittäjän lisäksi palkattua, vakinaista henkilöstöä; yrityksen toiminta-alueen säde on alle 40 kilometriä; valtaosin yrittäjät hoitavat itse yrityksensä kirjanpidon; yrityksen kaluston määrä ei ole kasvanut yrityksen perustamisvuodesta; yrityksellä on nykyisin alle viisi asiakasta; tärkeimmän asiakkaan osuus yrityksen liikevaihdosta on noin 60%; tulevaisuudessa yrittäjä suunnittelee hankkivansa uusia asiakkaita nykyisten asiakassuhteiden ylläpidon lisäksi; ja jos yrittäjä saisi tehdä uudelleen yrityksensä perustamispäätöksen, runsas kaksi kolmasosaa yrittäjistä kertoi harkitsevansa tarkkaan perustamispäätöstä, mutta perustavansa uudelleen metsäpalveluyrityksen.
This paper documents and discusses a dramatic change in the cyclical behavior of aggregate hours worked by individuals with a college degree (skilled workers) since the mid-1980’s. Using the CPS outgoing rotation data set for the period 1979:1-2003:4, we find that the volatility of aggregate skilled hours relative to the volatility of GDP has nearly tripled since 1984. In contrast, the cyclical properties of unskilled hours have remained essentially unchanged. We evaluate the extent to which a simple supply/demand model for skilled and unskilled labor with capital-skill complementarity in production can help explain this stylized fact. Within this framework, we identify three effects which would lead to an increase in the relative volatility of skilled hours: (i) a reduction in the degree of capital-skill complementarity, (ii) a reduction in the absolute volatility of GDP (and unskilled hours), and (iii) an increase in the level of capital equipment relative to skilled labor. We provide empirical evidence in support of each of these effects. Our conclusion is that these three mechanisms can jointly explain about sixty percent of the observed increase in the relative volatility of skilled labor. The reduction in the degree of capital-skill complementarity contributes the most to this result.
El WACC o Coste Medio Ponderado de Capital es la tasa a la que se deben descontar los flujos para evaluar un proyecto o empresa. Para calcular esta tasa es necesario determinar el costo de la deuda y el costo de los recursos propios de la compañía; el costo de la deuda es la tasa actual del mercado que la empresa está pagando por su deuda, sin embargo el costo de los recursos propios podría ser difícil y más complejo de estimar ya que no existe un costo explícito. En este trabajo se presenta un panorama de las teorías propuestas a lo largo de la historia para calcular el costo de los recursos propios. Como caso particular, se estimará el costo de los recursos propios sin apalancamiento financiero de seis empresas francesas que no cotizan en bolsa y pertenecientes al sector de Servicios a la Persona (SAP). Para lograr lo anterior, se utilizará el Proceso de Análisis Jerárquico (AHP) y el Modelo de Valoración del Precio de los Activos Financieros (CAPM) con base en lo presentado por Martha Pachón (2013) en “Modelo alternativo para calcular el costo de los recursos propios”.
We determined the direct cost of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) bed in a tertiary referral Australian ICU and the cost drivers thereof, by retrospectively analysing a number of prospectively designed Hospital- and Unit-specific electronic databases. The study period was a financial year, from 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2003. There were 1615 patients occupying 5692 fractional occupied bed days at a total cost of A$15,915,964, with an average length of stay of 3.69 days (range 0.5-77, median 1.06, interquartile range 2.33). The main cost driver not incorporated into this analysis was blood products (paid for centrally). The average costs of an ICU day and total stay per patient were A$2670 and A$9852 respectively. Staff-related charges were 68.76%, with consumables related expenditure making up 19.65%, clinical support services 9.55% and capital equipment 2.04%. Overtime charges and nursing agency staff were 19.4% of staff-related charges (2.9% for agency staff), 3.9% lower than expenditure associated with full-time employment charges, such as pension and leave. The emergency nature of ICU means it is difficult to accurately set a nursing establishment to cater for all admissions and therefore it is hard to decide what is an acceptable percentage difference between agency/overtime costs compared with the costs associated with full-time staff appointments. Consumable expenditure is likely to increase the most with new innovation and therapies. Using protocol driven practices may tighten and control costs incurred in ICU.
Developing countries depend on foreign providers to ensure successful adoption of new technology. This paper investigates the role of buyer-supplier relationships (BSR) in technology adoption using a survey of 147 Malaysian firms. In particular the authors examined the impact on performance of different patterns of buyer-supplier relationship. Results show that firms demonstrating closer relationships with their suppliers are more likely to achieve higher levels of performance than those that do not. There are also insights that are especially pertinent to an improved understanding of buyersupplier relationships in the procurement of capital equipment, about which the current research literature is limited.
Purpose – Developing countries are heavily dependent on the resources and commitment of foreign providers to ensure successful adoption of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT). The purpose of this paper is to describe the important role of buyer-supplier relationships (BSRs) in the process of technology selection, acquisition and implementation. Design/methodology/approach – A survey of 147 Malaysian manufacturing firms is the main instrument used in the research investigations and data analysis is carried out by the structured equation modelling (SEM) technique. In particular, the authors examine the impact on performance of different patterns of relationship between technology buyers and suppliers. Findings – Although the majority of the firms reported improvements in their performance since the acquisition of AMT, closer investigation reveals that those demonstrating a closer relationship with their suppliers are more likely to achieve higher levels of technology and implementation performance (IP) than those that do not. Research limitations/implications – The paper only assesses the strength of BSR from the buyers' perspective and they may have limited experience of acquisition, whereas suppliers may have more experience of selling AMT. Also, the research is undertaken in Malaysia and the findings may be different in other countries, especially where the technology being acquired is not imported but sourced locally. Practical implications – The findings relating to BSR, technology acquisition and IP have important implications both for customers and supplier firms as well as for industrial policy makers in developing countries. Originality/value – The result of the research provides useful insights that are especially pertinent to an improved understanding of BSRs in the procurement of capital equipment, about which the current research literature is limited.
New techniques in manufacturing, popularly referred to as mechanization and automation, have been a preoccupation of social and economic theorists since the industrial revolution. A selection of relevant literature is reviewed, including the neoclassical economic treatment of technical change. This incorporates alterations to the mathematical production function and an associated increase in the efficiency with which the factors of production are converted into output. Other work emphasises the role of research and development and the process of diffusion, whereby new production techniques are propagated throughout industry. Some sociological writings attach importance to the type of production technology and its effect on the organisational structure and social relations within the factory. Nine detailed case studies are undertaken of examples of industrial innovation in the rubber, automobile, vehicle components, confectionery and clothing industries. The old and new techniques are compared for a range of variables, including capital equipment, labour employed, raw materials used, space requirements and energy consumption, which in most cases exhibit significant change with the innovation. The rate of output, labour productivity, product quality, maintenance requirements and other aspects are also examined. The process by which the change in production method was achieved is documented, including the development of new equipment and the strategy of its introduction into the factory, where appropriate. The firm, its environment, and the attitude of different sectors of the workforce are all seen to play a part in determining the motives for and consequences which flow from the innovations. The traditional association of technical progress with its labour-saving aspect, though an accurate enough description of the cases investigated, is clearly seen to afford an inadequate perspective for the proper understanding of this complex phenomenon, which also induces change in a wide range of other social, economic and technical variables.
This paper reports on a part of work for the UNIDO initiative on technology transfer for sustainable industrial development. The proposed technology transfer framework, adapted from the East Asian late industrialisers model, identifies two categories of countries requiring support for enhancing their technological capabilities: (a) very late industrialisers (“low income” developing countries), and (b) slow industrialisers (countries with sizeable manufacturing sectors but limited success in gaining international competitiveness) and three technology transfer routes: (a) through trade and aid to strengthen indigenous production for domestic markets (Route 1); (b) through FDI and contracting to develop export oriented firms (Route 2), and (c) through the supply chain of capital equipment and materials to develop local subcontracting capacity (Route 3). Very late industrialisers need support to start with Route 1 in selected sectors and upgrade through imported mature technologies. Appropriate product innovations are also possible. The slow industrialisers have more scope for increased technology transfer through Routes 2 and 3.
Objective: To study the linkage between material deprivation and mortality from all causes, for men and women separately, in the capital cities of the provinces in Andalusia and Catalonia (Spain). Methods: A small-area ecological study was devised using the census section as the unit for analysis. 188 983 Deaths occurring in the capital cities of the Andalusian provinces and 109 478 deaths recorded in the Catalan capital cities were examined. Principal components factorial analysis was used to devise a material deprivation index comprising the percentage of manual labourers, unemployment and illiteracy. A hierarchical Bayesian model was used to study the relationship between mortality and area deprivation. Main results: In most cities, results show an increased male mortality risk in the most deprived areas in relation to the least depressed. In Andalusia, the relative risks between the highest and lowest deprivation decile ranged from 1.24 (Malaga) to 1.40 (Granada), with 95% credibility intervals showing a significant excess risk. In Catalonia, relative risks ranged between 1.08 (Girona) and 1.50 (Tarragona). No evidence was found for an excess of female mortality in most deprived areas in either of the autonomous communities. Conclusions: Within cities, gender-related differences were revealed when deprivation was correlated geographically with mortality rates. These differences were found from an ecological perspective. Further research is needed in order to validate these results from an individual approach. The idea to be analysed is to identify those factors that explain these differences at an individual level.
Most of economic literature has presented its analysis under the assumption of homogeneous capital stock.However, capital composition differs across countries. What has been the pattern of capital compositionassociated with World economies? We make an exploratory statistical analysis based on compositional datatransformed by Aitchinson logratio transformations and we use tools for visualizing and measuring statisticalestimators of association among the components. The goal is to detect distinctive patterns in the composition.As initial findings could be cited that:1. Sectorial components behaved in a correlated way, building industries on one side and , in a lessclear view, equipment industries on the other.2. Full sample estimation shows a negative correlation between durable goods component andother buildings component and between transportation and building industries components.3. Countries with zeros in some components are mainly low income countries at the bottom of theincome category and behaved in a extreme way distorting main results observed in the fullsample.4. After removing these extreme cases, conclusions seem not very sensitive to the presence ofanother isolated cases
Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli analysoida ja kehittää lopputuotteiden varastointia Halton Oy:ssä. Työ toteutettiin, koska yrityksen laajasta tuotevalikoimasta monia nimikkeitä varastoidaan tällä hetkellä ja ne sitovat runsaasti pääomaa varastoon. Lisäksi yrityksellä on vain rajallinen varastointitila käytettävissä ja sitä haluttiin hyödyntää optimaalisesti. Työssä suunniteltiin yritykselle varastoitavien tuotenimikkeiden hallintaprosessi ja lisäksi tutkittiin kuinka yritys voisi tarjota tuotteitaan nopeammin tärkeimmille ulkomaan markkina-alueille. Työn alussa huomio kohdistui myynniltään vähemmän merkittäviin varastonimikkeisiin, joita analysoitiin suunniteltujen kriteerien avulla. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä varastonimikkeistä voitaisiin siirtää tilausohjautuviksi. Tärkeimpinä analysointikriteereinä käytettiin nimikkeiden alhaista myyntimäärää, lyhyttä tuotannonläpimenoaikaa sekä varastoitavien nimikkeiden lukumäärää tuoteryhmässä. Työssä huomioitiin kuitenkin myös muita mahdollisia syitä varastointiin. Lisäksi tehtiin havaintoja tilausohjautuvista nimikkeistä, jotka saattaisivat tarvita varastointia. Suunniteltuun hallintaprosessiin sisältyi kriteerien lisäksi myös varastotasojen määrittäminen yrityksen nykyisen varastomallin pohjalta. Työssä tutkittiin kuitenkin myös mahdollisia tulevaisuuden varastomalleja, joiden tarkoituksena olisi parantaa asiakaspalvelua ulkomailla. Tutkimus keskittyi pääasiassa nimikkeiden kysyntöjen analysointiin eri varastomallien myyntialueilla.