1000 resultados para cadmium determination


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Cadmium is known to be a toxic agent that accumulates in the living organisms and present high toxicity potential over lifetime. Efforts towards the development of methods for microanalysis of environmental samples, including the determination of this element by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES), and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) techniques, have been increasing. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (UBS) is an emerging technique dedicated to microanalysis and there is a lack of information dealing with the determination of cadmium. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of LIBS for cadmium detection in soils. The experimental setup was designed using a laser Q-switched (Nd:YAG, 10 Hz, lambda = 1064 nm) and the emission signals were collimated by lenses into an optical fiber Coupled to a high-resolution intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD)-echelle spectrometer. Samples were cryogenically ground and thereafter pelletized before LIBS analysis. Best results were achieved by exploring a test portion (i.e. sampling spots) with larger surface area, which contributes to diminish the uncertainty due to element specific microheterogeneity. Calibration curves for cadmium determination were achieved using certified reference materials. The metrological figures of merit indicate that LIBS can be recommended for screening of cadmium contamination in soils. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The spectrophotometric determination of Cd(II) using a flow injection system provided with a solid-phase reactor for cadmium preconcentration and on-line reagent preparation, is described. It is based on the formation of a dithizone-Cd complex in basic medium. The calibration curve is linear between 6 and 300 µg L-1 Cd(II), with a detection limit of 5.4 µg L-1, an RSD of 3.7% (10 replicates in duplicate) and a sample frequency of 11.4 h-1. The proposed method was satisfactorily applied to the determination of Cd(II) in surface, well and drinking waters.


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Many studies have drawn attention to the occurrence and concentration of toxic elements found in the fruiting body of mushrooms. Some edible mushroom species are known to accumulate high levels of inorganic contaminants, mainly cadmium, mercury, and lead. There are about 2,000 known edible mushroom species, but only 25 of them are cultivated and used as food. In Brazil, the most marketed and consumed mushroom species are Agaricus bisporus, known as Paris champignon, Lentinus edodes, or Shitake and Pleurotus sp, also called Shimeji or Hiratake. In this study, the concentration of cadmium was determined in Lentinus edodes mushrooms from different cities in São Paulo state and some samples imported from Japan and China. The analyses were performed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after HNO3-H2O2 digestion. The results showed a lower concentration of Cd in the mushrooms cultivated in São Paulo (0.0079 to 0.023 mg.kg-1 in natura) than that of the mushrooms cultivated abroad (0.125 to 0.212 mg.kg-1 in natura). Although there is no tolerance limit for Cd in mushrooms in Brazil, the results show that Lentinus edodes mushrooms can be safely consumed.


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The present paper describes the use of sugar cane bagasse as solid phase extractor for cadmium determination after complexation of the analyte with ammonium diethyldithiophosphate (ADDP) and sorption of the Cd-DDP complexes on the solid support. The concomitants were separated using a flow injection analysis (FIA) system coupled to flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) for determination. The main parameters such as ADDP concentration, acid medium, flow rate, reaction coil length, and reaction time were investigated.The results obtained with HNO3 showed good accuracy and precision. The enhancement factor was 20.5 times for a 120-second preconcentration time, and the analytical frequency was 25 determinations per hour. The calibration curve was linear over the concentration range of 1-40 mu g L-1 Cd with a LOD of 0.697 mu g L-1 Cd and a relative standard deviation of 0.96% after 12 successive measurements of 30 mu g L-1 Cd.The proposed method was evaluated for the FIA-FAAS analysis of certified reference materials (tomato leaves, spinach leaves, and bovine liver) and Cd-spiked foods (shrimp, sardine, tuna, chicken liver and bovine liver). Good recoveries (80.0-97.1%) for the Cd-spiked samples and certified reference materials were obtained. The results of bagasse-packed minicolumns were compared with Si-C,8 packed minicolumns. The F-test was applied between Si-C-18/Bagasse minicolumns, Si-C-18/certified values, and bagasse/certified values. It was found that the results were in agreement with the certified values at a 95% confidence level.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Many studies have drawn attention to the occurrence and concentration of toxic elements found in the fruiting body of mushrooms. Some edible mushroom species are known to accumulate high levels of inorganic contaminants, mainly cadmium, mercury, and lead. There are about 2,000 known edible mushroom species, but only 25 of them are cultivated and used as food. In Brazil, the most marketed and consumed mushroom species are Agaricus bisporus, known as Paris champignon, Lentinus edodes, or Shitake and Pleurotus sp, also called Shimeji or Hiratake. In this study, the concentration of cadmium was determined in Lentinus edodes mushrooms from different cities in São Paulo state and some samples imported from Japan and China. The analyses were performed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after HNO3-H2O2 digestion. The results showed a lower concentration of Cd in the mushrooms cultivated in São Paulo (0.0079 to 0.023 mg.kg-1 in natura) than that of the mushrooms cultivated abroad (0.125 to 0.212 mg.kg-1 in natura). Although there is no tolerance limit for Cd in mushrooms in Brazil, the results show that Lentinus edodes mushrooms can be safely consumed.


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A flow injection (FI) micelle-mediated separation/preconcentration procedure for the determination of lead and cadmium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) has been proposed. The analytes reacted with 1-(2-thiazolylazo)-2-naphthol (TAN) to form hydrophobic chelates, which were extracted into the micelles of 0.05% (w/v) Triton X-114 in a solution buffered at pH 8.4. In the preconcentration stage, the micellar solution was continuously injected into a flow system with four mini-columns packed with cotton, glass wool. or TNT compresses for phase separation. The analytes-containing micelles were eluted from the mini-columns by a stream of 3 mol L(-1) HCl solution and the analytes were determined by FAAS. Chemical and flow variables affecting the preconcentration of the analytes were studied. For 15 mL. of preconcentrated solution, the enhancement factors varied between 15.1 and 20.3, the limits of detection were approximately 4.5 and 0.75 mu g L(-1) for lead and cadmium, respectively. For a solution containing 100 and 10 mu g L(-1) of lead and cadmium, respectively, the R.S.D. values varied from 1.6 to 3.2% (n = 7). The accuracy of the preconcentration system was evaluated by recovery measurements on spiked water samples. The method was susceptible to matrix effects, but these interferences were minimized by adding barium ions as masking agent in the sample solutions, and recoveries from spiked sample varied in the range of 95.1-107.3%. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the proposed method, carbon tetrachloride and ethanol were used as extraction and dispersive solvents. Several factors that may be affected on the extraction process, such as extraction solvent, disperser solvent, the volume of extraction and disperser solvent, pH of the aqueous solution and extraction time were optimized. Under the optimal conditions, linearity was maintained between 1.0 ng mL-1 to 1.5 mg mL-1 for zinc and 1.0 ng mL-1 to 0.4 mg mL-1 for cadmium. The proposed method has been applied for determination of trace amount of zinc and cadmium in standard and water samples with satisfactory results.


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In the present study, cadmium and lead in the muscle, lung, liver and kidney of dolphins (Sotalia guianensis and Stenella clymene) of the Bahia coast in the northwest of Brazil were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Samples were digested using a diluted oxidant mixture (HNO(3) + H(2)O(2)) with a microwave heating program performed in five steps. The optimized temperatures and chemical modifier for the pyrolysis and atomization were 700 degrees C, 1400 degrees C and Pd plus Mg for Cd, and 900 degrees C, 1800 degrees C and NH(4)H(2)PO(4) for Pb, respectively. Characteristic masses and limits of detections (n = 20, 3 sigma) for Cd and Pb were 1.6 and 9.0 pg and 0.82 ng g(-1) and 0.50 ng g(-1), respectively. Repeatability ranged from 0.87 to 8.22% for Cd and 4.31 to 8.09% for Pb. The found concentrations presented no statistical differences at the 95% confidence level when compared with the ICP OES methods. Addition and recovery tests were also performed and the results ranged between 87 and 112% for both elements. Samples of cetacean Dolphinidae (S. guianensis and S. clymene) were analyzed, and the higher concentrations ranged from 0.09 to 46.2 mu g g(-1) for Cd and 0.04 to 0.47 mu g g(-1) for Pb in liver, and from 0.133 to 277 mu g g(-1) for Cd in the kidney. (C) 2010 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A new strategy for minimization of Cu2+ and Pb2+ interferences on the spectrophotometric determination of Cd2+ by the Malachite green (MG)-iodide reaction using electrolytic deposition of interfering species and solid phase extraction of Cd2+ in flow system is proposed. The electrolytic cell comprises two coiled Pt electrodes concentrically assembled. When the sample solution is electrolyzed in a mixed solution containing 5% (v/v) HNO3, 0.1% (v/v) H2SO4 and 0.5 M NaCl, Cu2+ is deposited as Cu on the cathode, Pb2+ is deposited as PbO2 on the anode while Cd2+ is kept in solution. After electrolysis, the remaining solution passes through an AG1-X8 resin (chloride form) packed minicolumn in which Cd2+ is extracted as CdCl4/2-. Electrolyte compositions, flow rates, timing, applied current, and electrolysis time was investigated. With 60 s electrolysis time, 0.25 A applied current, Pb2+ and Cu2+ levels up to 50 and 250 mg 1-1, respectively, can be tolerated without interference. For 90 s resin loading time, a linear relationship between absorbance and analyte concentration in the 5.00-50.0 μg Cd 1-1 range (r2 = 0.9996) is obtained. A throughput of 20 samples per h is achieved, corresponding to about 0.7 mg MG and 500 mg KI and 5 ml sample consumed per determination. The detection limit is 0.23 μg Cd 1-1. The accuracy was checked for cadmium determination in standard reference materials, vegetables and tap water. Results were in agreement with certified values of standard reference materials and with those obtained by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry at 95% confidence level. The R.S.D. for plant digests and water containing 13.0 μg Cd 1-1 was 3.85% (n = 12). The recoveries of analyte spikes added to the water and vegetable samples ranged from 94 to 104%. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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A method was developed for quantification of Cd and Pb in ethanol fuel by filter furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Filter furnace was used to eliminate the need for chemical modification, to stabilize volatile analytes and to allow the application of short pyrolysis step. The determinations in samples were carried out against calibration solutions prepared in ethanol. Recovery tests were made in seven commercial ethanol fuel samples with values between 90 and 120%. Limits of detection were 0.1 µg L-1 for Cd and 0.3 µg L-1 for Pb. Certified water samples (APS 1071, APS 1033, NIST 1643d, NIST 1640) were also used to evaluate accuracy and recoveries from 86.8% to115% were obtained.


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Calculation of uncertainty of results represents the new paradigm in the area of the quality of measurements in laboratories. The guidance on the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement of the ISO / International Organization for Standardization assumes that the analyst is being asked to give a parameter that characterizes the range of the values that could reasonably be associated with the result of the measurement. In practice, the uncertainty of the analytical result may arise from many possible sources: sampling, sample preparation, matrix effects, equipments, standards and reference materials, among others. This paper suggests a procedure for calculation of uncertainties components of an analytical result due to sample preparation (uncertainty of weights and volumetric equipment) and instrument analytical signal (calibration uncertainty). A numerical example is carefully explained based on measurements obtained for cadmium determination by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results obtained for components of total uncertainty showed that the main contribution to the analytical result was the calibration procedure.


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A flow injection on-line pre-concentration system coupled to thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) for cadmium determination at sub μg L-1 levels in seawater samples was developed. The on-line system was evaluated by analysing cadmium containing in a synthetic seawater matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2). A sample volume of 2 mL allows determining Cd with a detection limits of 30 ng L-1 (3* σblank/slope), pre-concentration factor of 34 and repeatability of 1,8% (calculated as RSD, N=8 and containing 200 ng L-1 of Cd ).


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This paper describes methods for the direct determination of Cd and Pb in hair segments (c.a. 5 mm similar to 80 mu g) by solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, becoming possible longitudinal profiles in a single strand of hair. To distinguish endogenous and exogenous content. strands of hair were washed by using two different procedures: IAEA protocol (acetone + water + acetone) and the combination of IAEA protocol with HCl washing (acetone + water + acetone + 0.1 mol l(-1) HCl). The concentration of Cd and Pb increased from the root Until the tip of hair washed according to IAEA protocol. However, when the strand of hair was washed using the combination of IAEA protocol and 0.1 mol l(-1) HCl, Cd concentrations decreased in all segments, and Pb concentrations decreased drastically near to the root (5 to 12 mm) and was systematically higher ill the end. The proposed method showed to be useful to assess the temporal variation to Cd and Pb exposure and call be Used for toxicological and environmental investigations. The limits of detection were 2.8 ng g(-1) for Cd and 40 ng g(-1) for Pb. The characteristic masses based oil integrated absorbance were 2.4 pg for Cd and 22 pg for Pb.