994 resultados para bypass fat


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da gordura protegida sobre a produção e composição do leite em ovelhas da raça Bergamácia. Utilizaram-se 77 ovelhas distribuídas, por ordem de parição e idade, em duas dietas: uma composta de silagem de milho e concentrado; e outra com gordura protegida (35 g/ovelha/dia) no concentrado. As dietas foram isoenergéticas e isoproteicas e continham 70% NDT e 16% PB com base na matéria seca. Os cordeiros permaneceram com suas mães até os 45 dias de idade, quando foram desmamados. Quarenta e oito horas após o parto, deu-se início a ordenha realizada uma vez ao dia, às 7 h, para mensuração diária da produção de leite durante 60 dias. Amostras de leite foram coletadas semanalmente para análise da composição centesimal e do teor de caseína. A dieta com gordura protegida promoveu maior produção média diária de leite após a desmama (0,531 vs 0,489 kg/dia), entretanto, a produção total do período não diferiu entre controle e com gordura protegida (0,453 vs 0,468 kg/dia, respectivamente). Não foi observada influência das dietas sobre os teores de gordura do leite até a sexta semana de lactação. As diferenças ocorreram apenas após a desmama. Os teores de alfa e beta caseínas diferiram entre os grupos controle e gordura protegida (31,73 vs 18,56 Kda para alfa-caseína e 32,67 vs 26,44 Kda para beta-caseína, respectivamente). A adição de gordura protegida na dieta não altera a produção nem a composição centesimal do leite até a desmama.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito do uso de gordura protegida na dieta de ovelhas da raça Bergamácia sobre a produção e composição do leite e a dinâmica de peso das ovelhas. Utilizaram-se 77 ovelhas distribuídas em 2 grupos de forma homogênea por ordem de parição e idade, mantidas com uma dieta controle, com silagem de milho e concentrado, ou com a dieta controle contendo gordura protegida (35 g/ovelha.dia) adicionada ao concentrado. As dietas foram isoenergéticas e isoproteicas e continham 16% PB e 70% NDT na matéria seca. Durante o dia, os cordeiros eram mantidos com suas mães em pasto, à noite eram separados e retornavam à suas mães após a ordenha matinal; foram desmamados aos 45 dias de idade. As ovelhas, após 48 horas do parto, foram ordenhadas mecanicamente uma vez ao dia, às 7 h, e sua produção de leite foi mensurada diariamente durante 60 dias. Amostras de leite foram coletadas semanalmente para determinação dos teores de proteína e gordura. A dieta com gordura protegida proporcionou maior produção média diária de leite após a desmama dos cordeiros (0,531 vs 0,489 kg/animal.dia). Entretanto, a produção de todo o período não diferiu entre as dietas (0,468 vs 0,453 kg/animal.dia, com gordura protegida e controle, respectivamente). As produções de leite corrigidas para 6,5% de gordura e para 6,5% de gordura e 5,8% de proteína foram semelhantes entre as dietas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aims to evaluate the thickness of the femoral quadriceps and biceps brachii and brachialis muscles bilaterally and the adjacent subcutaneous fat in patients undergoing gastric bypass Roux-en-Y before and after surgery, using ultrasound as the diagnostic method of choice. We studied 12 patients undergoing this surgical method preoperatively and during the first, third, and sixth postoperative months. During these periods, patients were evaluated by ultrasound to determine the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue and muscle of the upper and lower limbs. Postoperatively, these patients showed a reduction in the thickness of the upper and lower extremities muscle and adipose tissue as compared to their preoperative values. There was a significant difference in the loss of muscle thickness in all postoperative months and in the thickness of fatty tissue in the sixth month after surgery, compared to the preoperative muscle and fatty tissue thickness. Ultrasound can be considered as the diagnostic method of choice when assessment of the fat and lean body mass is required in morbidly obese patients before and after bariatric surgery.


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Milk provides many key nutrients but the saturated and trans fatty acids in milk fat are associated with perceived negative effects on human health, especially cardiovascular disease. Recent epidemiological studies and dietary intervention trials challenge this perception, however; available evidence does not support the concept that consumption of saturated fats or dairy products adversely affects the risk of coronary heart disease (although replacing some saturated fats with mono or polyunsaturated fats is likely to provide benefit). Furthermore, the trans fats found in dairy products are consumed in very low amounts and do not appear to have the negative health effects associated with the consumption of industrial sources of trans fat. Milk fat is an excellent source of oleic acid that originates mainly by endogenous synthesis from stearic acid, but increasing the milk fat content of unsaturated fatty acids requires dietary formulations that bypass rumen biohydrogenation. Recent research indicates that long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids have potential beneficial effects in health maintenance and the prevention of chronic diseases. Enhancing the milk fat content of these fatty acids offers exciting possibilities, but educating consumers about inaccurate and inappropriate generalisations about fat remains the primary challenge. Finally, individuals do not simply consume milk-fat-derived fatty acids on their own, but rather as components in dairy foods which are highly complex and may contain many beneficial ingredients. Overall, dairy products are critical in providing many of the essential nutrients in the human diet. Nevertheless, dairy products vary in their nutrient composition, including fat, and this needs to be considered in the context of dietary recommendations and our need to consume a balanced diet.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: Obesity associated with atypical antipsychotic medications is an important clinical issue for people with schizophrenia. The purpose of this project was to determine whether there were any differences in resting energy expenditure (REE) and respiratory quotient (RQ) between men with schizophrenia and controls. Method: Thirty-one men with schizophrenia were individually matched for age and relative body weight with healthy, sedentary controls. Deuterium dilution was used to determine total body water and subsequently fat-free mass (FFM). Indirect calorimetry using a Deltatrac metabolic cart was used to determine REE and RQ. Results: When corrected for FFM, there was no significant difference in REE between the groups. However, fasting RQ was significantly higher in the men with schizophrenia than the controls. Conclusion: Men with schizophrenia oxidised proportionally less fat and more carbohydrate under resting conditions than healthy controls. These differences in substrate utilisation at rest may be an important consideration in obesity in this clinical group.


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Background: Altered mechanical properties of the heel pad have been implicated in the development of plantar heel pain. However, the in vivo properties of the heel pad during gait remain largely unexplored in this cohort. The aim of the current study was to characterise the bulk compressive properties of the heel pad in individuals with and without plantar heel pain while walking. ---------- Methods: The sagittal thickness and axial compressive strain of the heel pad were estimated in vivo from dynamic lateral foot radiographs acquired from nine subjects with unilateral plantar heel pain and an equivalent number of matched controls, while walking at their preferred speed. Compressive stress was derived from simultaneously acquired plantar pressure data. Principal viscoelastic parameters of the heel pad, including peak strain, secant modulus and energy dissipation (hysteresis), were estimated from subsequent stress–strain curves.---------- Findings: There was no significant difference in loaded and unloaded heel pad thickness, peak stress, peak strain, or secant and tangent modulus in subjects with and without heel pain. However, the fat pad of symptomatic feet had a significantly lower energy dissipation ratio (0.55 ± 0.17 vs. 0.69 ± 0.08) when compared to asymptomatic feet (P < .05).---------- Interpretation: Plantar heel pain is characterised by reduced energy dissipation ratio of the heel pad when measured in vivo and under physiologically relevant strain rates.