953 resultados para bus transportation
The book acts as a companion to the Irish pavilion at the 2014 Venice Biennale for Architecture. This chapter examines the context of roads transport and then analyses how its architectural infrastructure developed in this period, concentrating on the work carried out mainly by one Irish firm: Michael Scott and Partners.
Mode of access: Internet.
Currently, there is a public bus transportation route in Waterville, Maine. However, this system could be improved. Our goal was to use GIS to find optimal public transportation routes throughout the city based on given points of interest and high population density areas. Three different groups of points of interest were created in the North, West, and South sections of Waterville. Using the Network Analyst tool, which calculates optimal routes, using existing street data, based on the input of stops, barriers, and impedance, we ran an analysis of what we thought would be the routes that best served the greatest number of people. Two different sets of routes were found: one with length as the impedance (the shortest length between the selected stops was favored), and one with population density as the impedance (the roads with the highest population density were favored). Finally, the times of the resulting routes (given a constant speed limit of 25 mph) were calculated and evaluated.
After an open competition, we were selected to commission, curate and design the Irish pavilion for the Venice biennale 2014. Our proposal engage with the role of infrastructure and architecture in the cultural development of the new Irish state 1914-2014. This curatorial programme was realised in a demountable, open matrix pavilion measuring 12 x 5 x 6 metres.
How modernity is absorbed into national cultures usually presupposes an attachment to previous conditions and a desire to reconcile the two. In an Irish context, due to the processes of de-colonisation and political independence, this relationship is more complicated.
In 1914, Ireland was largely agricultural and lacked any significant industrial complex. The construction of new infrastructures after independence in 1921 became central to the cultural imagining of the new nation. The adoption of modernist architecture was perceived as a way to escape the colonial past. As the desire to reconcile cultural and technological aims developed, these infrastructures became both the physical manifestation and concrete identity of the new nation with architecture an essential element in this construct.
Technology and infrastructure are inherently cosmopolitan. Beginning with the Shannon hydro-electric facility at Ardnacrusha (1929) involving the German firm of Siemens-Schuckert, Ireland became a point of various intersections between imported international expertise and local need. By the turn of the last century, it had become one of the most globalised countries in the world, site of the European headquarters of multinationals such as Google and Microsoft. Climatically and economically expedient to the storing and harvesting of data, Ireland has subsequently become an important repository of digital information farmed in large, single-storey sheds absorbed into dispersed suburbs. In 2013, it became the preferred site for Intel to design and develop its new microprocessor board, the Galileo, a building block for the internet of things.
The story of the decades in between, of shifts made manifest in architecture and infrastructure, from the policies of economic protectionism to the embracing of the EU is one of the influx of technologies and cultural references into a small country on the edges of Europe: Ireland as both a launch-pad and testing ground for a series of aspects of designed modernity.
O sistema de transporte coletivo por ônibus da cidade de São Paulo teve diversas mudanças nos últimos 25 anos, o que resultou em modelos de concessão distintos, impactando nos custos, nas receitas e na remuneração desse serviço, além da variação da qualidade decorrente destes fatores. O estudo analisa o caso da cidade de São Paulo, detalhando principalmente as formas de remuneração, financiamento, política tarifária e Taxa Interna de Retorno, desde 1990 até o início do ano de 2015; descreve também boas práticas de outros municípios, que não foram adotadas na capital paulista no período analisado. As manifestações de junho de 2013 abriram a janela de oportunidade para que o governo municipal implementasse as políticas de mobilidade urbana que, até então, eram rejeitadas pela mídia e por parte da sociedade. Os projetos realizados pelo governo nos anos seguintes ainda não foram suficientes para atender as expectativas dos usuários do transporte coletivo. Portanto, a partir da análise do modelo vigente e a conjuntura favorável para implementar novas mudanças, a pesquisa apresenta possíveis alternativas a serem consideradas em um novo modelo de concessão de transporte coletivo.
No entorno de um hospital universitário do interior do estado de São Paulo há pessoas dormindo, se alimentando ou descansando nos gramados e arredores, permanecendo nestes locais durante horas. Este estudo objetivou identificar e caracterizar indivíduos vulneráveis em área externa deste hospital, oferecendo ajuda. A coleta dos dados foi realizada no período de novembro de 2007 a outubro de 2008, semanalmente, em dias e horários sorteados. Identificaram-se pessoas que permaneciam nesses locais, sendo entrevistados 52 sujeitos. Esses indivíduos são, predominantemente, do sexo feminino (67,3%), brancos (51,9%), casados (59,6%), com escolaridade de até quatro anos de estudo (44,2%) e sem profissão definida (84,6%). A maioria aguardava o horário do ônibus da prefeitura de seu município de origem; o tempo médio de espera foi de aproximadamente 90 minutos e grande parte dos sujeitos apresentou necessidades durante os períodos de espera. Foi oferecida ajuda a 15 pessoas que referiram necessidades no momento da entrevista. Concluiu-se que esses indivíduos se encontram em situação de vulnerabilidade individual, social e programática, destacando-se a vulnerabilidade sócio-econômica, apresentam capacidade de autodeterminação reduzida, submetendo-se a condições desfavoráveis por dependerem dos serviços públicos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
"Published after expiration of Emergency railroad transportation act, 1933."
With the installation by the Pacific Electric Railway of a bus system in Pasadena to supplant most of its trolley lines, the problem of the comparison of the costs of the two systems naturally presented itself. The study here undertaken was originally started as just a comparison of the motor bus and Birney Safety Car, but as the work progressed it seemed advisable to include the trolley bus as well - a method of transportation that is comparatively new as far as development is concerned, but which seems to be finding increasing favor in the East.
Urban Mass Transit Administration, Washington, D.C.
The common approach to estimate bus dwell time at a BRT station is to apply the traditional dwell time methodology derived for suburban bus stops. In spite of being sensitive to boarding and alighting passenger numbers and to some extent towards fare collection media, these traditional dwell time models do not account for the platform crowding. Moreover, they fall short in accounting for the effects of passenger/s walking along a relatively longer BRT platform. Using the experience from Brisbane busway (BRT) stations, a new variable, Bus Lost Time (LT), is introduced in traditional dwell time model. The bus lost time variable captures the impact of passenger walking and platform crowding on bus dwell time. These are two characteristics which differentiate a BRT station from a bus stop. This paper reports the development of a methodology to estimate bus lost time experienced by buses at a BRT platform. Results were compared with the Transit Capacity and Quality of Servce Manual (TCQSM) approach of dwell time and station capacity estimation. When the bus lost time was used in dwell time calculations it was found that the BRT station platform capacity reduced by 10.1%.
The common approach to estimate bus dwell time at a BRT station platform is to apply the traditional dwell time methodology derived for suburban bus stops. Current dwell time models are sensitive towards bus type, fare collection policy along with the number of boarding and alighting passengers. However, they fall short in accounting for the effects of passenger/s walking on a relatively longer BRT station platform. Analysis presented in this paper shows that the average walking time of a passenger at BRT platform is 10 times more than that of bus stop. The requirement of walking to the bus entry door at the BRT station platform may lead to the bus experiencing a higher dwell time. This paper presents a theory for a BRT network which explains the loss of station capacity during peak period operation. It also highlights shortcomings of present available bus dwell time models suggested for the analysis of BRT operation.
Weather is one of the most significant elements affecting transit ridership on a daily basis. Until now, there has been limited focus in the literature investigating this issue. Adverse weather conditions impact travellers in choosing travel mode and route, travel schedule, and trip making itself. This paper explores the relationship between adverse weather and transit ridership by analysing the correlation between daily bus ridership and daily precipitation for a three-year period from 2010 to 2012. It is observed from the analysis that wet weather has varying impacts on daily bus ridership. Overall, rainfall negatively affects the daily bus ridership in this region. Morning peak-hours and weekend ridership were found more sensitive to rain than entire day’s ridership and weekdays. The study also found a negative correlation between the morning-peak precipitation level and the daily bus ridership, which suggests that a small amount of morning peak-hours rain reduces a significant amount bus ridership for the whole day. The analysis also confirms that summer rain has the most significant effect on ridership compared with the other three seasons. The study findings will contribute to enhancing the fundamental understanding of traveller behaviours, particularly mode choice behaviour under adverse weather conditions.
This paper presents mathematical models for BRT station operation, calibrated using microscopic simulation modelling. Models are presented for station capacity and bus queue length. No reliable model presently exists to estimate bus queue length. The proposed bus queue model is analogous to an unsignalized intersection queuing model.
Stations on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines ordinarily control line capacity because they act as bottlenecks. At stations with passing lanes, congestion may occur when buses maneuvering into and out of the platform stopping lane interfere with bus flow, or when a queue of buses forms upstream of the station blocking inflow. We contend that, as bus inflow to the station area approaches capacity, queuing will become excessive in a manner similar to operation of a minor movement on an unsignalized intersection. This analogy is used to treat BRT station operation and to analyze the relationship between station queuing and capacity. In the first of three stages, we conducted microscopic simulation modeling to study and analyze operating characteristics of the station under near steady state conditions through output variables of capacity, degree of saturation and queuing. A mathematical model was then developed to estimate the relationship between average queue and degree of saturation and calibrated for a specified range of controlled scenarios of mean and coefficient of variation of dwell time. Finally, simulation results were calibrated and validated.