39 resultados para brokering


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This report summarises the research undertaken that informed the Protocol, the process of development, and the first eighteen months of implementation. Particular chapters examine shopping centre use by young poeple, understanding conflict and opposition in the Centre, the Protocol development process, and the monitoring and review of the Protocol.


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What is the contribution of innovation brokers in leveraging research and development (R&D) investment to enhance industry-wide capabilities? The case of the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation (CRC CI) is considered in the context of motivating supply chain firms to improve their organizational capabilities in order to acquire, assimilate, transfer and exploit R&D outcomes to their advantage, and to create broader industry and national benefits. A previous audit and analysis has shown an increase in business R&D investment since 2001. The role of the CRC CI in contributing to growth in the absorptive capacity of the Australian construction industry as a whole is illustrated through two programmes: digital modelling building information modelling (BIM) and construction site safety. Numerous positive outcomes in productivity, quality, improved safety and competitiveness were achieved between 2001 and 2009.


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This article examines motivations and methods for external evaluators in taking on a brokerage relationship between artists, arts managers and governments (national and local) during an appraisal process of community arts events. The argument is situated in our experience evaluating the Creating Queensland programme, a multifaceted community arts programme presented as part of the one of Australia’s largest arts events the Brisbane Festival, in 2009 and 2010. We use this case to identify a number of principles and processes that may assist in establishing an effective evaluation process – defined, for us, as a process in which partners representing different elements of the community arts project can share information in a learning network, or an innovation network, that embraces the idea of continuous improvement. We explain that we, as consultants, are not necessarily the only participants in the evaluation process in a position to broker the decision making about what to research and report on. We argue that empowering each of the delivery partners to act as brokers, using the principles, protocols and processes to negotiate what should be researched, when, how and how it should be shared, is something each delivery partner can do. This can help create a common understanding that can reduce anxieties about using warts-and-all evaluation data to learn, grow and improve in the arts. It can, as a result, be beneficial both for the participating partners and the community arts sector as a whole.


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We present a novel Service Level Agreement (SLA)-driven service provisioning architecture, which enables dynamic and flexible bandwidth reservation schemes on a per-user or per-application basis. Various session level SLA negotiation schemes involving bandwidth allocation, service start time and service duration parameters are introduced and analyzed. The results show that these negotiation schemes can be utilized for the benefit of both end users and network providers in achieving the highest individual SLA optimization in terms of key Quality of Service (QoS) metrics and price. The inherent characteristics of software agents such as autonomy, adaptability and social abilities offer many advantages in this dynamic, complex, and distributed network environment especially when performing Service Level Agreements (SLA) definition negotiations and brokering tasks. This article also presents a service broker prototype based on Fujitsu's Phoenix Open Agent Mediator (OAM) agent technology, which was used to demonstrate a range of SLA brokering scenarios.


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Questa tesi presenta i risultati di una ricerca qualitativa condotta presso la scuola primaria Diego Fabbri di Forlì. Si è voluto indagare sul fenomeno della mediazione linguistica ad opera di bambini in relazione con la scelta del sistema scolastico italiano di impartire un’educazione di tipo interculturale. Ci si è quindi concentrati sul percorso di accoglienza riservato agli alunni stranieri neo-arrivati. In particolare si sono analizzate le strategie messe in atto dall’istituto e dagli insegnanti per favorire l’integrazione all’interno di classi multiculturali, nonché il ruolo riservato ai compagni, sia italiani che stranieri. La prima parte del testo costituisce un quadro teorico indirizzato a meglio comprendere gli obiettivi e i risultati dello studio. Il primo capitolo verte sulle tematiche dell’immigrazione e dell’integrazione. Vengono qui esposti i principali modelli di acculturazione sviluppati dai vari paesi del mondo e in diverse epoche storiche, con particolare riferimento al contesto europeo e alle scelte operate dall’Italia nei confronti degli stranieri presenti sul suo territorio. Il secondo capitolo presenta poi il tema dell’educazione interculturale. A partire da una riflessione concettuale e terminologica sulla dicotomia fra multicultura e intercultura, si analizza la linea di pensiero seguita dalla scuola italiana nella gestione della crescente diversità etnica e culturale all’interno delle classi. Il terzo capitolo affronta il fenomeno del child language brokering o mediazione linguistica ad opera di bambini. Ne sono valutati aspetti positivi e negativi, soffermandosi specialmente sulle particolarità del contesto scolastico e dell’interazione fra pari. Gli ultimi due capitoli riguardano invece la parte operativa del lavoro di ricerca. Nel quarto capitolo è presentata la metodologia applicata, con un approfondimento sulla combinazione delle tecniche dell’osservazione e dell’intervista e la conduzione di una ricerca con i bambini. Infine, nel quinto capitolo, sono analizzati i dati raccolti sul campo.


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The main aim of this study is to provide a description of the phenomenon defined as Child Language Brokering (CLB), a common practice among language minority communities but which has received less attention in the academic literature. As the children of immigrants often learn the host language much more quickly than their parents, they contribute to family life by acting as language and cultural mediators between a family members and different language speakers. Many immigrant families prefer a language broker from within their own family to an external mediator or interpreter, even though there is a well-found resistance to the use of these young interpreters by professionals. In this study I report some findings from surveys of teachers in schools in Ravenna where there has been some use of students as CLBs and of students who have acted or are still acting as mediators for their families in different contexts, not only while at school. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter one aims at providing an overview of recent migration to Italy and of the differences between first-generation immigrants and second-generation immigrants. The chapter also discusses the available professional interpreting facilities provided by the municipality of Ravenna. Chapter two presents an overview of the literature on child language brokering. Chapter three provides a description of the methodology used in order to analyze the data collected. Chapter four contains a detailed analysis of the questionnaires administered to the students and the interviews submitted to the teachers in four schools in Ravenna. Chapter five focuses on the studies carried out by the researchers of the Thomas Coram Research Unit and University College London and draws a general comparison between their findings from on-line surveys of teachers in schools and my own findings on teachers’ points of view. The results of this study demonstrate that CLB is a common practice among immigrant children living in Ravenna and, although almost all students reported positive appreciation, further work is still needed to assess the impact of this phenomenon.


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Questa tesi presenta i risultati di un case-study condotto presso la scuola primaria G. Marconi e la scuola secondaria di I grado G. Diotti di Casalmaggiore (CR), volto ad indagare sul fenomeno della mediazione linguistica ad opera di bambini che, nel panorama moderno caratterizzato da una presenza straniera in continuo aumento, risulta una delle soluzioni più accessibili ai migranti per garantirsi un supporto linguistico che permetta l’accesso ai servizi pubblici fondamentali. La prima parte del testo costituisce un quadro teorico che consente di comprendere meglio gli obiettivi e i risultati dell’indagine condotta. Il primo capitolo si concentra sul rapporto immigrazione-scuola analizzando la situazione attuale, illustrando le caratteristiche e le esigenze della popolazione scolastica straniera ed esaminando le proposte ministeriali in materia di integrazione e accoglienza. Il secondo capitolo, invece, sposta l’attenzione sulla mediazione linguistica e culturale in Italia. Nello specifico viene dapprima approfondita la mediazione professionale facendo riferimento al quadro normativo e alle competenze specifiche del mediatore linguistico e culturale. In un secondo momento, viene introdotto il fenomeno della mediazione non professionale e viene illustrata la letteratura inerente. Da ultimo viene introdotto il tema del Child Language Brokering (CLB), ovvero il fenomeno della mediazione ad opera di minori. Partendo da una panoramica generale viene studiato lo sviluppo del CLB come oggetto di ricerca e ne vengono valutati aspetti positivi e negativi, soffermandosi in particolare sul contesto scolastico. Gli ultimi due capitoli, invece, sono dedicati alla parte operativa del lavoro di ricerca. Nel terzo capitolo viene presentato in maniera dettagliata il case-study analizzando la metodologia applicata, il campione selezionato e l’elaborazione dei questionari realizzati per la raccolta dei dati. Infine, nel quarto capitolo, sono esaminati i dati raccolti sul campo. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti viene dapprima delineato il profilo del fenomeno in ciascuna delle scuole campione per poi mettere a confronto le tendenze generali emerse.


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Purpose – The strategic management literature lacks a comprehensive explanation as to why seemingly similar business models in the same industry perform differently. This paper strives to explain this phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach – The model is conceptualized and accompanied by a case study on the airline industry to explain knowledge brokerage that creates value from the effective utilization of knowledge resources acquired from intra- and inter-firm environments. Findings – The model explains a cyclical view of business model flexibility in which the knowledge-based resource accumulation of the business model is spread across the intra- and inter-firm environments. Knowledge brokerage strategies from the inter- and intra-firm environments result in improved performance of the business model. The flexibility that the business model acquires is determined by how efficiently resource accumulation is aligned with its external environment. Originality/value – The paper effectively integrates the concepts of knowledge brokerage and business models from a resource accumulation-based view and simultaneously arrives at the performance heterogeneity of seemingly similar business models within the same industry. It has performance implications for firms that start out without any distinct resources of their own, or that use an imitated business model, to attain better performance through business model evolution aligned with successful knowledge brokerage strategies. It adds to the resource accumulation literature by explaining how resources can be effectively acquired to create value.


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Questo lavoro si prefigge di analizzare il fenomeno del Child Language Brokering (CLB), ossia la mediazione linguistica interculturale ad opera di bambini e adolescenti, immigrati o figli di immigrati, che si trovano spesso a tradurre per i genitori, i membri della propria comunità etnica di appartenenza e i rappresentati delle istituzioni locali del paese ospitante. L’obiettivo principale è quello di mettere in luce questo fenomeno, ancora pressoché invisibile e trascurato, sulla scia del progetto In MediO PUER(I) realizzato dall’Università di Bologna. Nel primo capitolo si propone una panoramica sulla situazione migratoria a livello nazionale e internazionale e si traccia un breve excursus sullo stato dell’arte della ricerca in materia di CLB. Nel secondo capitolo, invece, ci si concentra su episodi reali di mediazione a opera di bambini avvenuti nell’ambito del centro “Welcome”, realtà forlivese che opera nell’ambito dell’integrazione, del sociale e dell’educazione. Dopo aver analizzato gli aspetti più peculiari delle interazioni, nel terzo capitolo si illustreranno le conclusioni tratte dall’analisi dei dati presentati, sottolineando maggiormente la necessità di ulteriori approfondimenti del fenomeno del CLB, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale.


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Il presente elaborato si pone l’obiettivo di mostrare e analizzare il fenomeno sempre più diffuso del Child Language Brokering (CLB). Si tratta di una scelta dettata non solo dall’attualità dell’argomento, tenuto conto dei grandi flussi migratori che hanno caratterizzato di recente lo scenario europeo, ma anche da motivi di carattere personale. Nelle pagine seguenti mi occuperò di descrivere la situazione all’interno della quale questo fenomeno si sviluppa, i motivi per i quali il bambino riveste il ruolo di language broker, in che misura questo lo condiziona a livello emotivo e come cambiano le sue relazioni all’interno della famiglia e con i propri pari. Successivamente analizzerò cosa significa realmente mediare e quali sono le strategie che questi piccoli mediatori adottano per svolgere questa attività. Nell’ultimo capitolo mi soffermerò sull’impatto che tale ruolo può avere sull’identità e sulle conseguenze che comporta il vivere tra due culture.


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"NY-06-0154"--P. 1 of Cover.


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The increasing needs for computational power in areas such as weather simulation, genomics or Internet applications have led to sharing of geographically distributed and heterogeneous resources from commercial data centers and scientific institutions. Research in the areas of utility, grid and cloud computing, together with improvements in network and hardware virtualization has resulted in methods to locate and use resources to rapidly provision virtual environments in a flexible manner, while lowering costs for consumers and providers. ^ However, there is still a lack of methodologies to enable efficient and seamless sharing of resources among institutions. In this work, we concentrate in the problem of executing parallel scientific applications across distributed resources belonging to separate organizations. Our approach can be divided in three main points. First, we define and implement an interoperable grid protocol to distribute job workloads among partners with different middleware and execution resources. Second, we research and implement different policies for virtual resource provisioning and job-to-resource allocation, taking advantage of their cooperation to improve execution cost and performance. Third, we explore the consequences of on-demand provisioning and allocation in the problem of site-selection for the execution of parallel workloads, and propose new strategies to reduce job slowdown and overall cost.^


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The increasing needs for computational power in areas such as weather simulation, genomics or Internet applications have led to sharing of geographically distributed and heterogeneous resources from commercial data centers and scientific institutions. Research in the areas of utility, grid and cloud computing, together with improvements in network and hardware virtualization has resulted in methods to locate and use resources to rapidly provision virtual environments in a flexible manner, while lowering costs for consumers and providers. However, there is still a lack of methodologies to enable efficient and seamless sharing of resources among institutions. In this work, we concentrate in the problem of executing parallel scientific applications across distributed resources belonging to separate organizations. Our approach can be divided in three main points. First, we define and implement an interoperable grid protocol to distribute job workloads among partners with different middleware and execution resources. Second, we research and implement different policies for virtual resource provisioning and job-to-resource allocation, taking advantage of their cooperation to improve execution cost and performance. Third, we explore the consequences of on-demand provisioning and allocation in the problem of site-selection for the execution of parallel workloads, and propose new strategies to reduce job slowdown and overall cost.