311 resultados para bored piles
This paper presents the behavior of three bored piles conducted in diabasic soil submitted to uplift forces. The piles were built at the site for Experimental Studies in Soil Mechanics and Foundations of UNICAMP, located in the city of Campinas, Brazil. Field tests have already been conducted at the site (SPT, CPT, DMT and PMT), as well as laboratory tests by using sample soils taken from a well up to 17 m deep. The water table is not checked until a depth of 17 m. In order to check the behavior of the piles when submitted to uplift forces, slow static load tests were carried out as the recommendations of NBR 12131. The carrying capacity of these piles was also provided by means of theoretical methods, appropriate for uplift forces, and through semi-empirical methods appropriate for compression forces, considering only the portion of lateral resistance. The values estimated by using the considered methods were compared to those obtained by means of load tests. One of the tested piles was extracted from the soil to be the subject of a study on its geometry.
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas
An experimental study has been conducted to investigate the behavior of continuous flight auger (cfa) bored piles and metalic driven H-section piles under lateral loading in cohesionless soils. The piles were tested in two different areas at the same site. Both areas consisted of a 3-m thick compacted superficial fill of pure fine sand, underlain by layers of naturally occurring pure fine-thick sand. Fills are differentiated by the relative densities which were compressed, 45% e 70%, respectively. Each area received one identical pair of cfa piles and two identical pairs of H-piles. A static lateral loading test was performed in each pair of piles. In this work, the pile load test results are reported and interpreted. The horizontal coefficient of subgrade reaction was determined from the results of the loading tests and compared with values determined by correlations based on penetration resistance index of SPT tests (NSPT). p-y formulations describing the static behavior of the piles were applied to the problem under evaluation. Back Analyses were made through theoretical and experimental p-y curves for obtaining input parameters for the analytic models, among which the coefficient of horizontal reaction. The soil pile system horizontal loading at rupture was determined by the theoretical methods and the results were compared with the experimental results, checking its validity
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
In Geotechnical engineering the foundation projects depend on the bearing capacity and the acceptable displacements. One of the possible ways to predict the bearing capacity of foundations is through semi-empirical statistical methods which correlate in-situ tests (SPT and CPT). The piles breaking loads are defined by the interpretation of the load x head displacement curve and the experimental data acquired through the load test. In this work it is studied the behavior of bored piles executed in the Araquari/SC region, comparing the bearing capacity values predicted by the methods DECOURT & QUARESMA MODIFICADO (1996), AOKI & VELLOSO MODIFICADO MONTEIRO (2000), MILITITISKY E ALVES (1985), DECOURT & QUARESMA (1978), MÉTODO DE AOKI & VELLOSO (1975) e PHILOPANNAT (1986), with the results of the load test, evaluating their differences and discussing parameters that have direct effects on the prediction
In Geotechnical engineering the foundation projects depend on the bearing capacity and the acceptable displacements. One of the possible ways to predict the bearing capacity of foundations is through semi-empirical statistical methods which correlate in-situ tests (SPT and CPT). The piles breaking loads are defined by the interpretation of the load x head displacement curve and the experimental data acquired through the load test. In this work it is studied the behavior of bored piles executed in the Araquari/SC region, comparing the bearing capacity values predicted by the methods DECOURT & QUARESMA MODIFICADO (1996), AOKI & VELLOSO MODIFICADO MONTEIRO (2000), MILITITISKY E ALVES (1985), DECOURT & QUARESMA (1978), MÉTODO DE AOKI & VELLOSO (1975) e PHILOPANNAT (1986), with the results of the load test, evaluating their differences and discussing parameters that have direct effects on the prediction
Le facteur empirique de correlation du torque K(T), qui represente la capacite de soulevement du torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux, est generalement utilise comme instrument de controle de la qualite sur le terrain pour ce type de fondations. Dans cet article, une relation theorique entre la capacite de soulevement et le torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux places profondement dans du sable est presentee. Un programme experimental, qui comprend des essais centrifuge et de cisaillement direct a l`interface, a ete effectue dans le but de valider cette relation theorique. Les resultats experimentaux ont ete compares aux resultats predits par l`approche suggeree, et les resultats montrent une bonne concordance. Puisque le modele developpe depend de l`angle de friction residuel a l`interface delta(r) entre la surface de l`helice du pieu et le sable, les resultats de delta(r) obtenus a partir de differents echantillons de sable sont presentes afin d`etre utilises lors de l`application sur le terrain de la relation theorique proposee. De plus, les valeurs de K(T) obtenues dans ces travaux ont ete comparees a celles reportees dans la litterature; celles-ci ayant ete obtenues lors d`essais sur le terrain et en laboratoire sur des pieux helicoidaux dans le sable. Cette analyse a permis de demontrer que les valeurs mesurees de K(T) diminuent lorsque la dimension des pieux augmente, ainsi qu`avec une augmentation de l`angle de friction du sable, dans la plupart des cas. Ces derniers resultats ont aussi ete demontres avec le modele presente.
The objective of this work was to select indigenous vegetal species for restoration programs aiming at the regeneration of ombrophilous dense forest. Thirty-five spoil piles located in the county of Sideropolis, Santa Catarina, that received overburden disposal for 39 years (1950-1989) were selected for study because they exhibited remarkable spontaneous regrowth of trees compared to surrounding spoil piles. Floristic inventory covered the whole area of the 35 piles, whereas survey on phytosociology and natural regeneration studies were conducted in 70 plots distributed along the 35 piles. Floristic inventory recorded 83 species from 28 botanical families. Herbaceous terricolous plants constituted the predominant species (47.0%), followed by shrubs (26.5%), trees (19.3%), and vines (7.2%). Results from surveys on phytosociology and natural regeneration, focused on shrubs and trees, recorded incipient ecological succession. In addition, the most adapted species recorded on the overburden piles, as ranked by index of natural regeneration (RNT) plus importance value index (IVI), were as follows: Clethra scabra (RNT = 23.93%; IVI = 17.28%), Myrsine coriacea (RNT = 20.93%, IVI = 11.26%), Eupatorium intermedium (RNT 7.56%, IVI 0.40%), Miconia ligustroides (RNT 5.84%, IVI 2.37%), Ossaea amygdaloides (RNT 3.84%, IVI 1.30%), Tibouchina sellowiana (RNT 3.29%, M 1.94%), Eup. inulaefolium (RNT = 2.65%, IVI = 0.80%), and Baccharis dracunculifolia (RNT = 2.28%; IVI = 0.56%). High values of IVI and RNT exhibited by the exotic species Eucalyptus saligna (IVI = 21.73%, RNT = 51.41%) indicated strong competition between exotic and indigenous species. Severe chemical (acidic pH and lack of nutrients) and physical (coarse substrate and slope angle of 40-50 degrees) characteristics displayed by the overburden piles constituted limitations to floristic diversity and size of indigenous trees, indicating the need for substrate reclamation prior to forest restoration.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2015
Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2008. Existeixen al mercat una gran varietat de piles de diversos costos. Mitjançant un aproximació teòrica s’explica el concepte de pila, el seu funcionament i els tipus, així com també els fonaments teòrics per fer les mesures de l’energia de cada pila. Posteriorment s’ha mesurat l’energia de tretze piles per tal de: determinar quines són la pila més rendible i la menys rendible del mercat (entenent per rendible aquella que aporta més energia per menys preu, determinar si existeix alguna relació entre el preu i l’energia de les piles (és a dir, si la pila més cara és la que aporta més energia); i, finalment, comparar una pila salina, una pila alcalina i una pila de liti.
Les piles de combustible permeten la transformació eficient de l’energia química de certs combustibles a energia elèctrica a través d’un procés electroquímic. De les diferents tecnologies de piles de combustible, les piles de combustible de tipus PEM són les més competitives i tenen una gran varietat d’aplicacions. No obstant, han de ser alimentades únicament per hidrogen. Per altra banda, l’etanol, un combustible interessant en el marc dels combustibles renovables, és una possible font d’hidrogen. Aquest treball estudia la reformació d’etanol per a l’obtenció d’hidrogen per a alimentar piles de combustible PEM. Només existeixen algunes publicacions que tractin l’obtenció d’hidrogen a partir d’etanol, i aquestes no inclouen l’estudi dinàmic del sistema. Els objectius del treball són el modelat i l’estudi dinàmic de reformadors d’etanol de baixa temperatura. Concretament, proposa un model dinàmic d’un reformador catalític d’etanol amb vapor basat en un catalitzador de cobalt. Aquesta reformació permet obtenir valors alts d’eficiència i valors òptims de monòxid de carboni que evitaran l’enverinament d’una la pila de combustible de tipus PEM. El model, no lineal, es basa en la cinètica obtinguda de diferents assaigs de laboratori. El reformador modelat opera en tres etapes: deshidrogenació d’etanol a acetaldehid i hidrogen, reformat amb vapor d’acetaldehid, i la reacció WGS (Water Gas Shift). El treball també estudia la sensibilitat i controlabilitat del sistema, caracteritzant així el sistema que caldrà controlar. L’anàlisi de controlabilitat es realitza sobre la resposta de dinàmica ràpida obtinguda del balanç de massa del reformador. El model no lineal és linealitzat amb la finalitat d’aplicar eines d’anàlisi com RGA, CN i MRI. El treball ofereix la informació necessària per a avaluar la possible implementació en un laboratori de piles de combustibles PEM alimentades per hidrogen provinent d’un reformador d’etanol.
The use of precast, prestressed concrete piles in the foundation of bridge piers has long been recognized as a valuable option for bridge owners and designers. However, the use of these precast, prestressed concrete piles in integral abutment bridges has not been widespread because of concerns over pile flexibility and the potential for concrete cracking and deterioration of the prestressing strands due to long-term exposure to moisture. This report presents the details of the first integral abutment bridge in the state of Iowa that utilized precast, prestressed concrete piles in the abutment. The bridge, which was constructed in Tama County in 2000, consists of a 110 ft. long, 30 ft. wide, single-span PC girder superstructure with a left-side-ahead 20º skew angle. The bridge was instrumented with a variety of strain gages, displacement sensors, and thermocouples to monitor and help in the assessment of structural behavior. The results of this monitoring are presented, and recommendations are made for future application of precast, prestressed concrete piles in integral abutment bridges. In addition to the structural monitoring data, this report presents the results of a survey questionnaire that had been mailed to each of the 50 state DOT chief bridge engineers to ascertain their current practices for precast, prestressed concrete piles and especially the application of these piles in integral abutment bridges.
The strategic plan for bridge engineering issued by AASHTO in 2005 identified extending the service life and optimizing structural systems of bridges in the United States as two grand challenges in bridge engineering, with the objective of producing safer bridges that have a minimum service life of 75 years and reduced maintenance cost. Material deterioration was identified as one of the primary challenges to achieving the objective of extended life. In substructural applications (e.g., deep foundations), construction materials such as timber, steel, and concrete are subjected to deterioration due to environmental impacts. Using innovative and new materials for foundation applications makes the AASHTO objective of 75 years service life achievable. Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) with compressive strength of 180 MPa (26,000 psi) and excellent durability has been used in superstructure applications but not in geotechnical and foundation applications. This study explores the use of precast, prestressed UHPC piles in future foundations of bridges and other structures. An H-shaped UHPC section, which is 10-in. (250-mm) deep with weight similar to that of an HP10×57 steel pile, was designed to improve constructability and reduce cost. In this project, instrumented UHPC piles were cast and laboratory and field tests were conducted. Laboratory tests were used to verify the moment-curvature response of UHPC pile section. In the field, two UHPC piles have been successfully driven in glacial till clay soil and load tested under vertical and lateral loads. This report provides a complete set of results for the field investigation conducted on UHPC H-shaped piles. Test results, durability, drivability, and other material advantages over normal concrete and steel indicate that UHPC piles are a viable alternative to achieve the goals of AASHTO strategic plan.
In response to the mandate on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) implementations by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) sponsored these research projects to develop regional LRFD recommendations. The LRFD development was performed using the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pile Load Test database (PILOT). To increase the data points for LRFD development, develop LRFD recommendations for dynamic methods, and validate the results ofLRFD calibration, 10 full-scale field tests on the most commonly used steel H-piles (e.g., HP 10 x 42) were conducted throughout Iowa. Detailed in situ soil investigations were carried out, push-in pressure cells were installed, and laboratory soil tests were performed. Pile responses during driving, at the end of driving (EOD), and at re-strikes were monitored using the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), following with the CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) analysis. The hammer blow counts were recorded for Wave Equation Analysis Program (WEAP) and dynamic formulas. Static load tests (SLTs) were performed and the pile capacities were determined based on the Davisson’s criteria. The extensive experimental research studies generated important data for analytical and computational investigations. The SLT measured loaddisplacements were compared with the simulated results obtained using a model of the TZPILE program and using the modified borehole shear test method. Two analytical pile setup quantification methods, in terms of soil properties, were developed and validated. A new calibration procedure was developed to incorporate pile setup into LRFD.