995 resultados para bone pain
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of metastatic bone pain palliation and medullar toxicity associated with samarium-153-EDTMP treatment. METHODS: Seventy-three patients with metastatic bone pain having previously undergone therapy with samarium-153-EDTMP (1 mCi/kg) were retrospectively evaluated. Routine follow-up included pain evaluation and blood counts for 2 months after treatment. Pain was evaluated using a subjective scale (from 0 to 10) before and for 8 weeks after the treatment. Blood counts were obtained before treatment and once a week for 2 months during follow-up. Dosimetry, based upon the urinary excretion of the isotope, was estimated in 41 individuals, and the resulting radiation absorbed doses were correlated with hematological data. RESULTS: Reduction in pain scores of 75% to 100% was obtained in 36 patients (49%), with a decrease of 50% to 75%, 25% to 50%, and 0% to 25% in, respectively, 20 (27%), 10 (14%), and 7 (10%) patients. There was no significant relationship between the pain response and location of the primary tumor (breast or prostate cancer). Mild to moderate myelosuppression was noted in 75.3% of patients, usually with hematological recovery at 8 weeks. The mean bone marrow dose was 347 ± 65 cGy, and only a weak correlation was found between absorbed dose and myelosuppression (Pearson coefficient = .4). CONCLUSIONS: Samarium-153-EDTMP is a valuable method for metastatic bone pain palliation. A mild to moderate and transitory myelosuppression is the main toxicity observed after samarium therapy, showing a weak correlation with dosimetric measures.
Background and purpose: Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group 96.05 is a prospective randomized controlled trial comparing a single 8 Gy with 20 Gy in five fractions of radiotherapy (RT) for neuropathic pain due to bone metastases. This paper summarizes the quality assurance (QA) activities for the first 234 patients (accrual target 270). Materials and methods: Independent audits to assess compliance with eligibility/exclusion criteria and appropriateness of treatment of the index site were conducted after each cohort of approximately 45 consecutive patients. Reported serious adverse events (SAEs) in the form of cord/cauda equina compression or pathological fracture developing at the index site were investigated and presented in batches to the Independent Data Monitoring Committee. Finally, source data verification of the RT prescription page and treatment records was undertaken for each of the first 234 patients to assess compliance with the protocol. Results: Only one patient was found conclusively not to have genuine neuropathic pain, and there were no detected 'geographical misses' with RT fields. The overall rate of detected infringements for other eligibility criteria over five audits (225 patients) was 8% with a dramatic improvement after the first audit. There has at no stage been a statistically significant difference in SAEs by randomization arm. There was a 22% rate of RT protocol variations involving ten of the 14 contributing centres, although the rate of major dose violations (more than +/- 10% from protocol dose) was only 6% with no statistically significant difference by randomization arm (P = 0.44). Conclusions: QA auditing is an essential but time-consuming component of RT trials, including those assessing palliative endpoints. Our experience confirms that all aspects should commence soon after study activation. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims: The aim of the thesis was to identify verbal descriptors of cancer induced bone pain (CIBP) and neuropathic cancer pain (NCP). An examination of the verbal descriptors associated with these two pain syndromes further considered the relationship between common verbal descriptors, cancer type, performance status and analgesia. Methods: The project was conducted in two phases; Phase one was a systematic review of the literature to examine current evidence of verbal descriptors in CIBP and NCP. Phase two utilised secondary data analysis methodology. Data from 120 patients with confirmed CIBP and 61 patients with confirmed NCP were deemed eligible for entry into a de novo database for secondary analysis. Key descriptive data were considered such as gender, ECOG and pain scores to characterise the patient population. Verbal descriptors of CIBP and NCP were considered in detail across the secondary de novo database. Results: Gender was not identified as a diagnostic characteristic of CIBP and NCP with similar distribution across prevalence of pain reporting and also pain severity. Patients with breast (n=52,43.3%), prostate (n=35,29.2%) and lung (n=14,11.7%) cancer were found to be at an increased risk of CIBP. Those with NCP more was found more commonly among patients with breast cancer (n=21,34.4%). Patients with CIBP were found to have an ECOG performance of 1 (n=49, 40.8%) or 2 (n=43, 35.8%) which was lower than those with NCP with an ECOG of 0 (n=32, 52.5%) or 2 (n=18, 29.5%). Comparisons were made across analgesia and treatment options for CIBP and NCP. Patients with CIBP received a greater variety of treatment options including bisphosphonates and radiotherapy while patients with NCP were more commonly treated with analgesia alone. Patients with CIBP and NCP were taking strong opioids, however those with NCP (n=45, 73.8%) were more likely to utilise strong opioids than those with CIBP (n=61, 50.8%). It was noted that those with NCP required a daily morphine equivalence of almost 50% higher than those with CIBP. Average consumption of opioids was 155.6mg, for patients with NCP, compared to 76mg in patients with CIBP. Common verbal descriptors of CIBP and NCP were identified. The most common verbal descriptors for CIBP were aching, gnawing and throbbing and the most common verbal descriptors of NCP were aching, tender and sharp. Of the most common 6 descriptors for CIBP and NCP only one descriptor was unique to each pain type, gnawing for CIBP and stabbing for NCP. Conclusions: Patients with CIBP and NCP use similar verbal descriptors to characterise their pain with gnawing being unique to CIBP and stabbing being unique to NCP in the data considered within project. Further research is required to explore verbal descriptors which are both common and unique to CIBP and NCP. Further exploration of verbal descriptors would assist development of a comprehensive pain assessment tool which would enhance pain assessment for nurses, clinicians and patients.
Paget's disease of bone is a common condition characterized by bone pain, deformity, pathological fracture, and an increased incidence of osteosarcoma. Genetic factors play a role in the pathogenesis of Paget's disease but the molecular basis remains largely unknown. Susceptibility loci for Paget's disease of bone have been mapped to chromosome 6p21.3 (PDB1) and 18q121.1-q22 (PDB2) in different pedigrees, We have identified a large pedigree of over 250 individuals with 49 informative individuals affected with Paget's disease of bone; 31 of whom are available for genotypic analysis. The disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait in the pedigree with high penetrance by the sixth decade. Linkage analysis has been performed with markers at PDB1; these data show significant exclusion of linkage with log,, of the odds ratio (LOD) scores < -2 in this region. Linkage analysis of microsatellite markers from the PDB2 region has excluded linkage with this region, with a 30 cM exclusion region (LOD score < -2.0) centered on D18S42, These data confirm the genetic heterogeneity of Paget's disease of bone. Our hypothesis is that a novel susceptibility gene relevant to the pathogenesis of Paget's disease of bone lies elsewhere in the genome in the affected members of this pedigree and will be identified using a microsatellite genomewide scan followed by positional cloning.
A 50-year-old post-menopausal recipient of a kidney allograft with bone pain, osteoporosis, persistent hypercalcaemia and elevated parathormone (PTH) levels, despite a satisfactory graft function, was treated with bisphosphonates and cinacalcet starting, respectively, 5 and 6 months after renal transplantation (RT). Sixteen months after treatment, there was improvement of bone mineral density (BMD) measured by dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). A bone biopsy was taken, unveiling a surprising and worrisome result. Post-RT bone disease is different from classic CKD-MBD and should be managed distinctly, including, in some difficult cases, an invasive evaluation through the performance of a bone biopsy, as suggested in the KDIGO guidelines.
Considerable progress has been achieved in recent years in treating children affected by bone diseases. Advances in the understanding of the molecular pathophysiology of genetic bone diseases have led to the development of enzyme replacement therapies for various lysosomal storage diseases, following the breakthrough initiated in treating Gaucher disease. Clinical studies are underway with tailored molecules correcting bone fragility and alleviating chronic bone pain and other manifestations of hypophosphatasia, or promoting growth of long bones in achondroplasia patients. We further report our very encouraging experience with intravenous bisphosphonate treatment in children suffering from secondary osteopenia and the high prevalence of calcium and vitamin D deficits in these severely disabled children.
Résumé de l'article L'hypovitaminose D3 est bien connue et courante chez la population âgée en Occident. Toutefois, elle est probablement sous-diagnostiquée chez les jeunes femmes immigrantes, bien qu'elle soit bien documentée, principalement en Angleterre dans la population Indo-Pakistanaise. Lorsque ce déficit est diagnostiqué, le traitement substitutif est simple et bon marché. Nous avons suspecté une haute prévalence chez de jeunes femmes requérantes d'asile, surtout chez celles provenant de cultures différant quant à l'exposition solaire et la diète. Nous publions donc une série de 11 cas de patientes avec une hypovitaminose D symptomatique issues de la consultation générale de la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire. Toutes les patientes présentaient une anamnèse d'une faible exposition solaire et de douleurs osseuses diffuses, d'une fatigue, d'une faiblesse musculaire ou des modifications de la marche. Toutefois, les premiers diagnostics évoqués par les médecins étaient une possible somatisation (3 patientes), des douleurs dorso-lombaires chroniques (4 patientes) et des symptômes somatiques multiples et inexpliqués (3 patientes). Le diagnostic a été posé d'emblée chez une patiente seulement. La durée moyenne des plaintes avant la pose du diagnostic était de 38 mois et 5 jours. Avec le traitement de cholecalciférol et de calcium, les symptômes disparaissaient entre 1 et 3 mois, chez une patiente ils ont duré sept mois. Le taux moyen de 250H vitamine D3 était de 10.9 nmol/l (IR 21-131). Le taux moyen de calcium était de 2.19 mmol/l (2.15-2.55) et quatre patientes présentaient une hypocalcémie. Nous pensons donc que les femmes requérantes d'asile sont à risque d'une durée prolongée de symptômes, de part la possible haute prévalence de cette condition et la difficulté chez les médecins à la reconnaître. Le diagnostic d'hypovitaminose devrait être recherché chez les femmes requérantes d'asile souffrant de douleurs musculo-squelettiques de longue durée. Le premier diagnostic souvent évoqué, dans un contexte psychosocial souvent difficile, était de l'ordre d'un trouble somatoforme douloureux ou de somatisations. Toutefois, les douleurs liées à l'hypovitaminose D3 sont relativement bien définies ; elles sont symétriques, osseuses, débutent souvent dans la région lombaire pour ensuite s'étendre au bassin, aux membres inférieures proximalement et à la cage thoracique. Le traitement substitutif est simple, peu onéreux et il serait judicieux d'initier d'autres études pour évaluer le besoin d'une substitution de routine dans la population présentée. Abstract: Deficiency of vitamin D, which can lead to osteomalacia, is common in elderly patients in Western countries. However, it is still widely underdiagnosed in young immigrant women, even though the condition has been extensively reported in the immigrant Indo- Asian population in the United Kingdom since the 1960s. A recent study reports an average 59 months before diagnosis was established, and another study found a prevalence of 78% of hypovitaminosis D3 (compared with 58% in controls) in an Indo-Asian population attending a UK rheumatology clinic. When recognised, hypovitaminosis D3 is easily treatable. A study on osteomalacic myopathy in veiled Arabic women in Denmark found that muscle strength returned to normal (except in maximal voluntary con-traction) after six months' treatment. We expected to see this disease in female asylum seekers, especially in those from societies with different customs regarding exposure to sunlight and diet We report 11 cases of symptomatic hypovitaminosis D3 in female asylum seekers (table 1). We focus on the pathology encountered by the primary care doctors caring for these 11 patients, the length of time between the appearance of symptoms, and the establishment of the diagnosis of hypovitaminosis D3 as well as the women's response to treatment by the improvement of a wide range of clinical symptoms-bone pain, muscular weakness, and fatigue.
The recombinant amino-terminal fragment of human parathyroid hormone (Teriparatide) is a bone anabolic agent which reduces fracture risk by increasing bone mass and improving bone microarchitecture. Teriparatide reduces vertebral fracture risk by 65 % and non-vertebral by 50 %. Its efficacy is higher as bisphosphonates to prevent corcicosteroid-induced osteoporosis. Teriparatide may also have a direct effect on bone pain. Teriparatide may be initiating immediately after an anticatabolic agent. However, it is not recommended to associate both treatments. At the end of teripatide treatment, an anticatabolic agent may be given. According to cost-effectiveness studies, Teriparatide should be considered as first line treatment for postmenopausal women and for men with severe osteoporosis.
Bone metastases are responsible for different clinical complications defined as skeletal-related events (SREs) such as pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, hypercalcaemia, bone marrow infiltration and severe bone pain requiring palliative radiotherapy. The general aim of these three years research period was to improve the management of patients with bone metastases through two different approaches of translational research. Firstly in vitro preclinical tests were conducted on breast cancer cells and on indirect co-colture of cancer cells and osteoclasts to evaluate bone targeted therapy singly and in combination with conventional chemotherapy. The study suggests that zoledronic acid has an antitumor activity in breast cancer cell lines. Its mechanism of action involves the decrease of RAS and RHO, as in osteoclasts. Repeated treatment enhances antitumor activity compared to non-repeated treatment. Furthermore the combination Zoledronic Acid + Cisplatin induced a high antitumoral activity in the two triple-negative lines MDA-MB-231 and BRC-230. The p21, pMAPK and m-TOR pathways were regulated by this combined treatment, particularly at lower Cisplatin doses. A co-colture system to test the activity of bone-targeted molecules on monocytes-breast conditioned by breast cancer cells was also developed. Another important criticism of the treatment of breast cancer patients, is the selection of patients who will benefit of bone targeted therapy in the adjuvant setting. A retrospective case-control study on breast cancer patients to find new predictive markers of bone metastases in the primary tumors was performed. Eight markers were evaluated and TFF1 and CXCR4 were found to discriminate between patients with relapse to bone respect to patients with no evidence of disease. In particular TFF1 was the most accurate marker reaching a sensitivity of 63% and a specificity of 79%. This marker could be a useful tool for clinicians to select patients who could benefit for bone targeted therapy in adjuvant setting.
Die Fallzahlen von Prostata- und Brustkrebs nehmen aktuell die Spitzenplätze bei Krebserkrankungen weltweit ein. Eine schwerwiegende Folge dieser Erkrankung stellen Metastasierungen in das Knochengewebe dar, welche zu einer dramatischen Verschlechterung des Allgemeinzustandes und der Lebensqualität des Patienten führen. Die Symptome sind gekennzeichnet durch enorme Schmerzen in Kombination mit osteoblastischen und osteolytischen Knochenveränderungen, bis hin zu Frakturen und spinalen Kompressionssyndromen, sowie einer metabolischen Hypercalcaemie.rnBei der Diagnose und Therapie nehmen verschiedene Radiopharmaka eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Konjugate aus makrozyklischen Chelatoren und knochenaffinen Bisphosphonaten stellen ein geeignetes Mittel dar als so genannte Theranostika, die Diagnose und Therapie in einem Molekül vereinen. Hierbei konnten mit dem Generator basierenden PET-Nuklid 68Ga(III) und dem Therapienuklid 177Lu(III) erste Erfolge mit der Verbindung BPAMD am Patienten erzielt werden. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es gelungen, die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der BPAMD-Leitstruktur weiter zu optimieren und neue Derivate erfolgreich zu synthetisieren. Diese zeichneten sich durch eine erhöhte Knochenaffinität und eines besseren ´target to background´ Verhältnisses aus. Im Zuge der Derivatisierung ist es außerdem gelungen, erfolgreich eine Substanz darzustellen, welche über eine gesteigerte Blutretention verfügt und die letztendlich die Bioverfügbarkeit des Tracers erhöhte. Verbindungen solchen Typs können zu einem besseren Tumor zu gesundem Knochen Verhältnis beitragen und eventuell einen höheren Therapieerfolg erzielen. Eines dieser neuen vielversprechenden Bisphosphonate, [68Ga]NO2APBP konnte innerhalb einer klinischen Phase 0 bzw. I sein großes Potential als Diagnostikum zur Erfassung von Skelettmetastasen unter Beweis stellen. Innerhalb einer Testreihe mit 12 Patienten wurde eine hohe diagnostische Übereinstimmung mit dem Goldstandard 18F-Fluorid erreicht. In ausgesuchten Metastasen konnte sogar eine höhere Tracer-Aufnahme erzielt werden.rnIn Zukunft können makrozyklische Bisphosphonate eine wichtige Rolle bei der palliativen Schmerztherapie von Knochenmetastasen einnehmen. rn
Pamidronate results in symptom control of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in cystic fibrosis
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA) may complicate the advanced lung disease that is associated with cystic fibrosis, resulting in severe joint pain and early-morning stiffness. Symptoms are usually controlled with the administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, and, on occasions, oral corticosteroids. I This report describes a case of refractory HPOA with complete remission following the administration of IV pamidronate, which is a potent inhibitor of osteoclastic bone resorption. Symptom relief resulted for up to 3 months, but repeated courses of pamidronate have been required to maintain symptom control.
Although a metastatic presentation of an occult prostatic adenocarcinoma is not uncommon, the majority of these patients present with bone metastasis affecting the axial skeleton. Cranial metastases to the paranasal sinuses are extremely rare. A 56-year-old man presented with loss of vision and numbness of the right side of the face. Computed tomography (CT) scan and cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a mass invading the sphenoid sinus. The patient underwent surgery to remove the lesion, and the histopathological examination suggested metastasis of an adenocarcinoma, with positive staining to prostatic specific antigen (PSA). However, serum PSA was 4 ng/mL, and the patient did not report any lower urinary tract symptoms or bone pain. Transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy revealed prostatic adenocarcinomas with a Gleason score of 8 [4 + 4]. The subsequent treatment consisted of radiotherapy and androgen deprivation, followed by first- and second-line chemotherapy (docetaxel and cabazitaxel) when the disease progressed. The patient achieved a good response with the last cycle of cabazitaxel and after a 5-year followup is currently alive. Cranial metastases of prostate adenocarcinoma are rare, and there is currently no standard treatment for these patients. Whenever possible, surgery combined with radiotherapy and hormonotherapy is the recommended option.
Gluten-induced enteropathy or coeliac disease is a condition characterized by malabsorption and a variety of clinical manifestations. In adults, coeliac disease may be discovered while investigating iron-deficient anemia, bone pain or unexplained weight loss. We have recently diagnosed a case of gluten-induced enteropathy in an elderly woman whose symptoms were unusual. The patient had episodes of laryngospasm secondary to severe hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia. The malabsorption syndrome was responsible for low levels of vitamin D, causing the electrolytic imbalance. Laryngospasm is a rare symptom of hypocalcemia and has not, to our knowledge, been described in the context of coeliac disease.
OBJECTIVE: Intraosseous lipomas may be less rare lesions than previously suggested in the literature. They have frequently been misdiagnosed as other benign bone lesions. A combination of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and radiography is essential for decreasing misdiagnosis rates. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study presents ten cases of intraosseous lipoma. The patients' ages ranged from 25 to 80 years, and six of them were female. Six patients presented with bone pain, whereas four patients were asymptomatic with incidentally discovered lesions. The involved bones were: femur (four patients), tibia (two patients), calcaneus (one patient), sacrum (one patient), iliac bone (one patient), navicular bone (one patient). All of the patients were assessed by means of conventional radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the affected region. RESULTS: In all of the cases, plain films revealed well-defined lytic lesions. Both computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were quite useful in demonstrating fat within the femur. The histologic pattern of all tumors was that of mature adipose tissue. CONCLUSION: Intraosseous lipoma is a well-defined entity that may develop with varying presentations. Plain radiographs alone cannot establish the diagnosis of this lesion. However, both computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are quite useful methods in these cases.
Purpose: Many patients with metastatic bone disease have to use radiopharmaceuticals associated with chemotherapy to relieve bone pain. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of docetaxel on the biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP in bones and other organs of rats. Methods: Wistar male rats were randomly allocated into 2 groups of 6 rats each. The DS (docetaxel/samarium) group received docetaxel (15 mg/kg) intraperitoneally in two cycles 11 days apart. The S (samarium/control) group rats were not treated with docetaxel. Nine days after chemotherapy, all the rats were injected with 0.1ml of samarium-153-EDTMP via orbital plexus (25μCi). After 2 hours, the animals were killed and samples of the brain, thyroid, lung, heart, stomach, colon, liver, kidney and both femurs were removed. The percentage radioactivity of each sample (% ATI/g) was determined in an automatic gamma-counter (Wizard-1470, Perkin-Elmer, Finland). Results: On the 9th day after the administration of the 2nd chemotherapy cycle, the rats had a significant weight loss (314.50±22.09g) compared (p<0.5) to pre-treatment weight (353.66± 22.8). The % ATI/g in the samples of rats treated with samarium-153-EDTMP had a significant reduction in the right femur, left femur, kidney, liver and lungs of animals treated with docetaxel, compared to the control rats. Conclusion: The combination of docetaxel and samarium-153-EDTMP was associated with a lower response rate in the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical to targeted tissues. Further investigation into the impact of docetaxel on biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP would complement the findings of this study