990 resultados para blocking statutes


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This article offers a typology of so-called blocking legislation and analyses its development, functions and legality under international law. It also presents and discusses the new Russian blocking Order, issued in September 2012, focusing on its possible effects on the European Commission's investigation of Gazprom's business practices (in light of EU competition law) as well as, more broadly, on foreign operations of Russian strategic enterprises.


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In this paper, the train scheduling problem is modelled as a blocking parallel-machine job shop scheduling (BPMJSS) problem. In the model, trains, single-track sections and multiple-track sections, respectively, are synonymous with jobs, single machines and parallel machines, and an operation is regarded as the movement/traversal of a train across a section. Due to the lack of buffer space, the real-life case should consider blocking or hold-while-wait constraints, which means that a track section cannot release and must hold the train until next section on the routing becomes available. Based on literature review and our analysis, it is very hard to find a feasible complete schedule directly for BPMJSS problems. Firstly, a parallel-machine job-shop-scheduling (PMJSS) problem is solved by an improved shifting bottleneck procedure (SBP) algorithm without considering blocking conditions. Inspired by the proposed SBP algorithm, feasibility satisfaction procedure (FSP) algorithm is developed to solve and analyse the BPMJSS problem, by an alternative graph model that is an extension of the classical disjunctive graph models. The proposed algorithms have been implemented and validated using real-world data from Queensland Rail. Sensitivity analysis has been applied by considering train length, upgrading track sections, increasing train speed and changing bottleneck sections. The outcomes show that the proposed methodology would be a very useful tool for the real-life train scheduling problems


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Abstract Being as a relatively new approach of signalling, moving-block scheme significantly increases line capacity, especially on congested railways. This paper describes a simulation system for multi-train operation under moving-block signalling scheme. The simulator can be used to calculate minimum headways and safety characteristics under pre-set timetables or headways and different geographic and traction conditions. Advanced software techniques are adopted to support the flexibility within the simulator so that it is a general-purpose computer-aided design tool to evaluate the performance of moving block signalling.


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The paper investigates train scheduling problems when prioritised trains and non-prioritised trains are simultaneously traversed in a single-line rail network. In this case, no-wait conditions arise because the prioritised trains such as express passenger trains should traverse continuously without any interruption. In comparison, non-prioritised trains such as freight trains are allowed to enter the next section immediately if possible or to remain in a section until the next section on the routing becomes available, which is thought of as a relaxation of no-wait conditions. With thorough analysis of the structural properties of the No-Wait Blocking Parallel-Machine Job-Shop-Scheduling (NWBPMJSS) problem that is originated in this research, an innovative generic constructive algorithm (called NWBPMJSS_Liu-Kozan) is proposed to construct the feasible train timetable in terms of a given order of trains. In particular, the proposed NWBPMJSS_Liu-Kozan constructive algorithm comprises several recursively-used sub-algorithms (i.e. Best-Starting-Time-Determination Procedure, Blocking-Time-Determination Procedure, Conflict-Checking Procedure, Conflict-Eliminating Procedure, Tune-up Procedure and Fine-tune Procedure) to guarantee feasibility by satisfying the blocking, no-wait, deadlock-free and conflict-free constraints. A two-stage hybrid heuristic algorithm (NWBPMJSS_Liu-Kozan-BIH) is developed by combining the NWBPMJSS_Liu-Kozan constructive algorithm and the Best-Insertion-Heuristic (BIH) algorithm to find the preferable train schedule in an efficient and economical way. Extensive computational experiments show that the proposed methodology is promising because it can be applied as a standard and fundamental toolbox for identifying, analysing, modelling and solving real-world scheduling problems.


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The optimisation study of the fabrication of a compact TiO2 blocking layer (via Spray Pyrolysis Deposition) for poly (3-hexylthiopene) (P3HT) for Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (SDSCs) is reported. We used a novel spray TiO2 precursor solution composition obtained by adding acetylacetone to a conventional formulation (Diisopropoxytitanium bis (acetylacetonate) in ethanol). By Scanning Electron Microscopy a TiO2 layer with compact morphology and thickness of around 100 nmis shown. Through a Tafel plot analysis an enhancement of the device diode-like behaviour induced by the acetylacetone blocking layer respect to the conventional one is observed. Significantly, the device fabricatedwith the acetylacetone blocking layer shows an overall increment of the cell performance with respect to the cellwith the conventional one (DJsc/Jsc = +13.8%, DFF/FF = +39.7%, DPCE/PCE = +55.6%). A conversion efficiency optimumis found for 15 successive spray cycles where the diode-like behaviour of the acetylacetone blocking layer is more effective. Over three batches of cells (fabricated with P3HT and dye D35) an average conversion efficiency value of 3.9% (under a class A sun simulator with 1 sun A.M. 1.5 illumination conditions) was measured. From the best cell we fabricated a conversion efficiency value of 4.5% was extracted. This represents a significant increment with respect to previously reported values for P3HT/dye D35 based SDSCs.


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As a decentralised communication technology, the Internet has offered much autonomy and unprecedented communication freedom to the Chinese public. Yet the Chinese government has imposed different forms of censorship over cyberspace. However, the Hong Kong erotic photo scandal reshuffles the traditional understanding of censorship in China as it points to a different territory. The paper takes the Hong Kong erotic photo scandal in 2008 as a case study and aims to examine the social and generational conflicts hidden in China. When thousands of photos containing sexually explicit images of Hong Kong celebrities were released on the Internet, gossip, controversies and eroticism fuelled the public discussion and threatened traditional values in China. The Internet provides an alternative space for the young Chinese who have been excluded from mainstream social discourse to engage in public debates. This, however, creates concerns, fear and even anger among the older generations in China, because they can no longer control, monitor and educate their children in the way that their predecessors have done for centuries. The photo scandal illustrates the internal social conflicts and distrust between generations in China and the generational conflict has a far-reaching political ramification as it creates a new concept of censorship.


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Large scale screening of libraries consisting of natural and small molecules led to the identification of many small molecule inhibitors repressing Wnt/β-Catenin signaling. However, targeted synthesis of novel Wnt pathway inhibitors has been rarely described. We developed a modular and expedient way to create the aromatic ring system with an aliphatic ring in between. Our synthesis opens up the possibility, in principle, to substitute all positions at the ring system with any desired substituent. Here, we tested five different haloquinone analogs carrying methoxy- and hydroxy-groups at different positions. Bona fide Wnt activity assays in cell culture and in Xenopus embryos revealed that two of these compounds act as potent inhibitors of aberrant activated Wnt/β-Catenin signaling.


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The grammatical meaning of a statutory provision may not always gel with the purpose of the statute. The court may strive to give the provision an interpretation at odds with its ordinary and natural meaning to meet the purpose of the legislation. On occasion, this may involve notionally adding words to, or substituting words in, a statutory provision. This process of “reading in” words demands that close attention be paid to the boundary between statutory construction and judicial legislation, particularly where a court is invited to carve out an exception from grammatically clear words. In Jones v Wrotham Park Settled Estates [1980] AC 74, Lord Diplock identified three pre-conditions to reading words into a statute. This article analyses the utility of those conditions within the context of the modern purposive approach to statutory interpretation and evaluates whether they remain sufficient guideposts for identifying the boundary between interpretation and legislation.


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Measurements of half-field beam penumbra were taken using EBT2 film for a variety of blocking techniques. It was shown that minimizing the SSD reduces the penumbra as the effects of beam divergence are diminished. The addition of a lead block directly on the surface provides optimal results with a 10-90% penumbra of 0.53 ± 0.02 cm. To resolve the uncertainties encountered in film measurements, future Monte Carlo measurements of halffield penumbras are to be conducted.


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The ability of blocking ELISAs and haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) tests to detect antibodies in sera from chickens challenged with either Avibacterium (Haemophilus) paragallinarum isolate Hp8 (serovar A) or H668 (serovar C) was compared. Serum samples were examined weekly over the 9 weeks following infection. The results showed that the positive rate of serovar A specific antibody in the B-ELISA remained at 100% from the second week to the ninth week. In chickens given the serovar C challenge, the highest positive rate of serovar C specific antibody in the B-ELISA appeared at the seventh week (60% positive) and was then followed by a rapid decrease. The B-ELISA gave significantly more positives at weeks 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 post-infection for serovar A and at week 7 post-infection for serovar C. In qualitative terms, for both serovar A and serovar C infections, the HI tests gave a lower percentage of positive sera at all time points except at 9 weeks post-infection with serovar C. The highest positive rate for serovar A HI antibodies was 70% of sera at the fourth and fifth weeks post-infection. The highest rate of serovar C HI antibodies was 20% at the fifth and sixth weeks post-infection. The results have provided further evidence of the suitability of the serovar A and C B-ELISAs for the diagnosis of infectious coryza.


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By using electric-field-induced optical second-harmonic generation (EFISHG) measurement, we analyzed hysteresis behavior of capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of IZO/polyterpenol (PT)/C₆₀/pentacene/Au diodes, where PT layer is actively working as a hole-transport electron-blocking layer. The EFISHG measurement verified the presence of interface accumulated charges in the diodes, and showed that a space charge electric field from accumulated excess electrons (holes) that remain at the PT/C₆₀ (C₆₀/pentacene) interface is responsible for the hysteresis loop observed in the C-V characteristics.


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The carrier blocking property of polyterpenol thin films derived from non-synthetic precursor is studied using Electric Field Induced Optical Second Harmonic Generation (EFISHG) technique that can directly probe carrier motion in organic materials. A properly biased double-layer MIM device with a structure of indium zinc oxide (IZO)/polyterpenol/C₆₀/Al shows that by incorporating the polyterpenol thin film, the electron transport can be blocked while the hole transport is allowed. The inherent electron blocking hole transport property is verified using Al/C₆₀/Alq3/polyterpenol/IZO and Al/Alq3/polyterpenol/IZO structures. The rectifying property of polyterpenol is very promising and can be utilized in the fabrication of many organic devices.


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Time-resolved electric field induced second harmonic generation technique was used to probe the carrier transients within double-layer pentacene-based MIM devices. Polyterpenol thin films fabricated from non-synthetic environmentally sustainable source were used as a blocking layer to assist in visualisation of single-species carrier transportation during charging and discharging under different bias conditions. Results demonstrated that carrier transients were comprised of charging on electrodes, followed by carrier injection and charging of the interface. Polyterpenol was demonstrated to be a sound blocking material and can therefore be effectively used for probing of double-layer devices using EFISHG.


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Peruna kestää A-virusta estämällä sen leviämistä Peruna on maissin ohella maailman kolmanneksi tärkein ravintokasvi vehnän ja riisin jälkeen. Perunaa lisätään kasvullisesti mukuloita istuttamalla, jolloin virukset siirtyvät sairaiden siemenmukuloiden välityksellä kasvukaudesta toiseen. Virustauteja voi torjua ainoastaan terveen siemenperunan ja kestävien lajikkeiden avulla. Kestävyys perustuu usein siihen, että kasvi estää viruksen leviämisen tartuntakohdasta välttyäkseen virustaudilta. Tässä työssä tutkittiin kolmea perunan A-viruksen (PVA) liikkumista estävää kestävyysmekanismia perunassa. Lisäksi työn kokeelliseen osaan oleellisesti kuuluvaa virustartutusta varten kehitettiin uusi paranneltu versio geenipyssystä. Tämä itse rakennettu laite optimoitiin PVA:n tartuttamiseen mahdollisimman helposti ja pienin käyttökustannuksin. Tutkimuksen kohteena olleessa perunan risteytysjälkeläistössä oli PVA:ta kestäviä kasveja (ryhmä nnr), jotka estivät viruksen liikkumisen aiheuttamatta oireita tartutuskohdassa, sekä kasveja, joissa PVA aiheutti kuolioläikkinä näkyvän yliherkkyysvasteen (ryhmä HR). Molemmissa kestävyystyypeissä virus pystyi monistumaan ja leviämään solusta soluun paikallisesti, mutta liikkuminen muihin kasvinosiin nilan kautta estyi. Ryhmän nnr kasveissa PVA-tartunta ei aiheuttanut tilastollisesti merkitsevää muutosta useimpien geenien ilmenemiseen tartuntakohdassa. Ainoastaan geeniperhe, joka ilmentää tiettyä proteinaasi-inhibiittoria (PI), reagoi PVA:han 24 tuntia tartutuksesta. Kun tämän PVA:han reagoivan geeniperheen jäsenet hiljennettiin nnr- perunalinjoissa, ne muuttuivat alttiiksi PVA:lle ja virus levisi tartuntakohdasta muihin kasvinosiin. Tulos osoittaa, että PI on viruskestävyystekijä. Lisäksi muut tutkimuksessa saadut tulokset tukevat mahdollisuutta, että PI estää PVA:n P1-proteinaasin toimintaa. HR-linjoissa todettiin erilaisiin puolustusvasteisiin liittyvien PR-geenien aktivoitumista PVA-tartunnan seurauksena, mutta myös ilman sitä kasvien kasvettua mullassa noin neljä viikkoa. Sen sijaan solukkoviljelyssä tai vasta kaksi viikkoa mullassa kasvaneissa kasveissa vastaavaa ei vielä todettu. Tulos viittaa siihen, että HR-perunat reagoivat herkemmin ympäristöön ja/tai kasvin kehitysasteeseen laukaisten puolustusvasteita, jotka saattavat parantaa kestävyyttä taudinaiheuttajia vastaan. Kolmas tutkittu kestävyystyyppi havaittiin Pito-perunalajikkeessa. Se muistutti nnr-kestävyyttä siten, että myös siinä viruksen liikkuminen nilassa muihin kasvinosiin estyi. PVA:n todettiin pysähtyvän vasta lehtiruodin tyvelle muodostuvaan irtoamisvyöhykkeeseen, mitä havainnollistettiin käyttämällä muunnettua PVA-rotua, joka tuotti UV-valossa fluoresoivaa vihreää valoa. Tulos viittaa siihen, että virus ei pääse kulkemaan vyöhykkeeseen kuuluvan suojaavan kerroksen läpi, jollei sillä ole pääsyä nilaan. Tällainen kestävyys on tarpeen, jotta virus ei voi korvata nilakuljetusta solusta soluun leviämisellä. Tulokset tuovat uusia näkökulmia kasvien viruskestävyyteen ja auttavat selittämään viruksen nilakuljetuksen estymistä sekä solusta soluun leviämisen pysähtymistä kestävissä kasveissa.


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While the endocrine role of oestrogen is well established, its function in follicular maturation as an autocrine or paracrine regulator is less well understood. This study was designed to delineate the requirement of oestrogen for follicular development in immature rats. Exogenous gonadotrophin (25 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) per rat) was administered to 21- to 23-day old female rats to induce follicular growth and development. In the experimental animals, synthesis of oestrogen was blocked by implanting an Alzet pump containing the aromatase inhibitor (AI) CGS 16949A (fadrozole hydrochloride; 50 mu g/rat per day). The treatment resulted in blockade of the PMSG induced increase in both serum and intrafollicular oestrogen (>95%), thus leading to an inhibition in uterine weight increment. Compared with the controls, ovarian weight increased markedly in both the PMSG (295%)- and PMSG+AI (216%)-primed animals. There was no significant difference in either the proliferative capabilities of the ovarian granulosa cells or their responsiveness to human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG; 200 pg/ml) and ovine FSH (20 ng/ml) between the PMSG- and PMSG+AI-treated groups. Histological examination of the ovary, however, indicated a decrease in the number of healthy antral follicles in the Al-treated group compared with the PMSG-primed animals but both the groups showed a percentage increase over the controls (PMSG, 225; PMSG+AI, 158). The responsiveness of the animals to an ovulatory dose of hCG was drastically reduced (>80% inhibition of ovulation) in the oestrogen-deprived animals; this could be overriden by exogenous administration of oestrogen. In conclusion, although blocking oestrogen synthesis in the PMSG-primed rat does not seem to alter the functional properties of the isolated granulosa cells in vitro there appears to be an effect on the number of follicles which complete maturation and are able to ovulate in vivo.