315 resultados para bizkaian dialect
Presentado en las II. Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica / Euskal-Erromantze Linguistika II. Jardunaldietan aurkeztua (Bilbo, 2007)
Traditional speech enhancement methods optimise signal-level criteria such as signal-to-noise ratio, but these approaches are sub-optimal for noise-robust speech recognition. Likelihood-maximising (LIMA) frameworks are an alternative that optimise parameters of enhancement algorithms based on state sequences generated for utterances with known transcriptions. Previous reports of LIMA frameworks have shown significant promise for improving speech recognition accuracies under additive background noise for a range of speech enhancement techniques. In this paper we discuss the drawbacks of the LIMA approach when multiple layers of acoustic mismatch are present – namely background noise and speaker accent. Experimentation using LIMA-based Mel-filterbank noise subtraction on American and Australian English in-car speech databases supports this discussion, demonstrating that inferior speech recognition performance occurs when a second layer of mismatch is seen during evaluation.
Recently, the debate around critical literacy has dissipated as literacy education agendas and attendant policies shift to embrace more hybrid approaches to the teaching of senior English. This paper reports on orientations towards critical literacy as expressed by four teachers of senior English who teach culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Teachers’ understandings of critical literacy are important given the emphasis on Critical and Creative Thinking as well as Literacy as General Capabilities underpinning the Australian Curriculum. Using critical discourse analysis and Janks' (2010) Synthesis Model of Critical Literacy, interview and classroom data from four teachers of English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) learners in two high schools were analysed for the ways these teachers constructed critical literacy in their talk and practice. While all four teachers indicated significant commitment to critical literacy as an approach to English language teaching, their understandings varied. These ranged from providing access to powerful genres, to rationalist approaches to interrogating text, with less emphasis on multimodal design and drawing on learner diversity. This has significant implications for what kind of learning is being offered to EAL/D learners in the name of English teaching, for syllabus design, and for teacher professional development.
The purpose of this research was to analyse the phonological system of the Limi dialect of Humla Bhotia. Humla Bhotia is a Tibeto-Burman language that is spoken by approximately 4000 5000 people in the far northwestern Humla province of the Kingdom of Nepal. The language has not previously been the subject of analysis. The data base for this thesis was collected on two different dialects of Humla Bhotia in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, from February to May 2000. I had three language informants who speak Humla Bhotia as their mother tongue. One of the informants speaks the Upper Humla dialect and the other two informants speak the Limi dialect. In this thesis I have concentrated on the phonology of the dialect of Limi but occasionally I also make reference to the Upper Humla dialect. The Limi data base consists of 600 words elicited in isolation, sentences where words have been checked for consonantal and pitch variation, and five texts comprising 117 sentences. Firstly, I have studied the geographical location, population and dialects of Humla Bhotia. Five dialects were identified: Limi, Upper Humla, La Yakba, Nyinba and Humli Khyampa. Information on the dialect areas is based on the accounts of seven mother tongue speakers of the language and on Nancy Levine s (1988) anthropological research of the ethnic group Nyinba. Secondly, I have analysed the phonological system of Limi from the viewpoint of American stucturalism much along the lines followed by Pike 1966 [1947] ja 1967 [1948]. In defining the prosodic elements I have also used acoustic analysis. In the Limi dialect there are 7 vowel phonemes. No vowel clusters occur within the same syllable. In this preliminary analysis 29 contrastive plosives, 8 affricates and 5 6 fricatives were found. The data also revealed 4 nasal phonemes, two rhotic phonemes, one lateral phoneme and two central approximants. Further research is however called for to check the phonemic status of these segments. Four contrastive prosodic elements were encountered: nasalisation, length, phonation type and pitch movement. There are two contrastive types of phonation: tense and lax. Many words were found with a third type of phonation, modal phonation. How modal phonation relates to the prosodic system is unclear at this stage and is therefore left for further research to determine. There are two contrastive pitch movement tonemes: a rising toneme and falling toneme. The falling toneme occurs in free variation with a level pitch contour. Rising appears to be linked with lax phonation and falling with tense phonation.
Lan honek Bizkaiko eskaut mugimenduko, eskaut begiraleen profila aztertzen du. Hasiera batean, aisialdi hezitzailearen, eskaut mugimenduaren, eskaut begiraleen eta gizarte hezitzailearen lana aisialdiaren eremuan azterketa teoriko bat egin da. Marko enpirikoari dagokionez ikerketa kualitatibo zein kuantitatibo txiki bat eraman da aurrera, zeinen helburua profil honetan aurkitu daitezkeen 13 elementu aztertzea izan da. Horretarako lurralde honetako begiraleen %10ari galdetegi bat helarazi izan zaio. Amaitzeko jasotako emaitzak aztertuak izan dira.
Aurkibidea: - Hitzaurrea (Salvatore Aricò). - Aurkezpena (Miren Onaindia, Iosu Madariaga, Igone Palacios eta Xabier Arana). - Mezu gakoak. - Milurteko Ekosistemen Ebaluazioa Bizkaian proiektua: sarrera, helburuak eta kontzeptu orokorrak. - Zer zerbitzu ematen dizkigute Bizkaiko ekosistemek? - Nola banatzen dira lurraldean ekosistemen zerbitzuak? - Zer joera izan dute Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuek azken hamarkadetan? - Azterketa-kasuak: Bilboaldeko ingurune berdea, Urdaibai Biosfera Erreserba, Lea ibaiaren arroa eta Urkiolako Parke Naturala. - Murriztu daiteke lurraldeak kanpo-ekosistemen zerbitzuekiko duen mendekotasuna? - Nolakoa nahi genuke izatea Bizkaia 2050. urtean? - Zer erantzun-aukera ditugu eta zer erabaki har ditzakegu? - Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuen katalogoa. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten argitalpenak. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten webguneak. - Glosarioa.
[EUS] Foruako aztarnategi arkeologikotik datozen erromatar garaiko forja zepa metalikoen karakterizazioa, garai hartan indarrean zegoen siderurgiari buruzko ezagutza handitzeko asmoz.
Review of: Vardah Shiloh, Millon 'Ivri-'Arami-'Aššuri bs-Lahag Yihude Zaxo (A New Neo-Aramaic Dictionary: Jewish Dialect of Zakho). Volume I: 'alef—nun\ Volume II: samex-tav. V. Shilo (16 Ben-Gamla Street), Jerusalem 1995. Pp. xiv + 488 (Vol. I); 489-963 (Vol. II). (Modern Hebrew, Zakho Jewish Neo-Aramaic). Hbk.