988 resultados para birch Kraft pulp


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The transformation of a traditional pulp mill into an integrated forest biorefinery utilizing wood-derived biomass presents a promising opportunity for enterprise revival of the pulp and paper industry by offering new sources of revenue and significantly improved industry profitability. One proposed next generation process step for an integrated forest biorefinery is the extraction of hemicelluloses, allowing the co-production of pulp and ethanol or chemicals. The extraction of hemicelluloses, however, will likely have downstream effects on pulp quality. In the literature survey an overview of the integrated forest biorefinery and possible next generation technologies implementable in such facility were reviewed. Moreover, some hemicellulose extraction methods suitable for the co-production of pulp and hemicellulose products were looked into in more detail. Also, an overview on the significance of pulp’s hemicellulose content on papermaking properties of pulp fibers was made. In the literature it is stated that the hemicellulose content of pulp affects on many papermaking properties of pulp fibers, hornification and paper strength properties in particular. In the experimental part the goal was to investigate what effects alkaline hemicellulose extraction after bleaching has on the papermaking properties of birch Kraft pulp. It was discovered that tested pulps, normal and hemi-poor birch Kraft pulp, were different in many ways regarding to pulp properties. Differences were observed in both physical and chemical characteristics. Furthermore, clear distinctions were seen in tested paper properties, especially in strength properties, between the handsheets made from hemi-poor or normal birch Kraft pulp. Hemi-poor and normal birch Kraft pulps were also compared as a raw material of laboratory made copy paper. Based on this comparison, usage of hemi-poor birch pulp as the raw material of copy paper does not drastically deteriorate its quality.


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The objective of this work was to study the effects of partial removal of wood hemicelluloses on the properties of kraft pulp.The work was conducted by extracting hemicelluloses (1) by a softwood chip pretreatment process prior to kraft pulping, (2) by alkaline extraction from bleached birch kraft pulp, and (3) by enzymatic treatment, xylanase treatment in particular, of bleached birch kraft pulp. The qualitative and quantitative changes in fibers and paper properties were evaluated. In addition, the applicability of the extraction concepts and hemicellulose-extracted birch kraft pulp as a raw material in papermaking was evaluated in a pilot-scale papermaking environment. The results showed that each examined hemicellulose extraction method has its characteristic effects on fiber properties, seen as differences in both the physical and chemical nature of the fibers. A prehydrolysis process prior to the kraft pulping process offered reductions in cooking time, bleaching chemical consumption and produced fibers with low hemicellulose content that are more susceptible to mechanically induced damages and dislocations. Softwood chip pretreatment for hemicellulose recovery prior to cooking, whether acidic or alkaline, had an impact on the physical properties of the non-refined and refined pulp. In addition, all the pretreated pulps exhibited slower beating response than the unhydrolyzed reference pulp. Both alkaline extraction and enzymatic (xylanase) treatment of bleached birch kraft pulp fibers indicated very selective hemicellulose removal, particularly xylan removal. Furthermore, these two hemicellulose-extracted birch kraft pulps were utilized in a pilot-scale papermaking environment in order to evaluate the upscalability of the extraction concepts. Investigations made using pilot paper machine trials revealed that some amount of alkalineextracted birch kraft pulp, with a 24.9% reduction in the total amount of xylan, could be used in the papermaking stock as a mixture with non-extracted pulp when producing 75 g/m2 paper. For xylanase-treated fibers there were no reductions in the mechanical properties of the 180 g/m2 paper produced compared to paper made from the control pulp, although there was a 14.2% reduction in the total amount of xylan in the xylanase-treated pulp compared to the control birch kraft pulp. This work emphasized the importance of the hemicellulose extraction method in providing new solutions to create functional fibers and in providing a valuable hemicellulose co-product stream. The hemicellulose removal concept therefore plays an important role in the integrated forest biorefinery scenario, where the target is to the co-production of hemicellulose-extracted pulp and hemicellulose-based chemicals or fuels.


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää kustannustehokkaita keinoja uuteaineiden vähentämiseksi koivusulfaattimassasta. Uuteaineet voivat aiheuttaa ongelmia muodostaessaan saostumia prosessilaitteisiin. Saostumat aiheuttavat tukkeumia ja mittaushäiriöitä, mutta irrotessaan ne myös huonontavat sellun laatua. Lopputuotteeseen joutuessaan ne voivat lisäksi aiheuttaa haju- ja makuhaittoja, joilla on erityistä merkitystä esimerkiksi valmistettaessa elintarvikekartonkeja. Tämä työ tehtiin Stora Enson sellutehtaalla, Enocell Oy:llä, Uimaharjussa. Teoriaosassa käsiteltiin uuteaineiden koostumusta ja niiden aiheuttamia ongelmia sellu– ja paperitehtaissa. Lisäksi koottiin aikaisempien tehdaskokeiden fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia keinoja vähentää koivu-uutetta. Tarkastelualueina olivat puunkäsittely, keitto, pesemö ja valkaisu. Kokeellisessa osassa suoritettiin esikokeita laboratorio- ja tehdasmittakaavassa, jotta saavutettaisiin käytännöllistä tietoa itse lopuksi tehtävää tehdasmittakaavan koetta varten. Laboratoriokokeissa tutkittiin mm. keiton kappaluvun, lisäaineiden ja hartsisaippuan vaikutusta koivu-uutteeseen. Lisäksi suoritettiin myös happo- (A) ja peretikkahappovaiheen (Paa) laboratoriokokeet. Tehdasmittakaavassa tarkasteltiin mm. keiton kappaluvun, pesemön lämpötilan, A-vaiheen, valkaisun peroksidi- ja Paa-vaiheen vaikutusta koivu-uutteeseen. Uutteenpoistotehokkuutta eri menetelmien välillä vertailtiin niin määrällisesti kuin rahallisesti. Uutteenpoistotehokkuudella mitattuna vertailuvaihe oli tehokkain pesemön loppuvaiheessa ja valkaisun alkuvaiheessa. Pesemön loppuvaiheessa uutteenpoistoreduktiot olivat noin 30 % ja valkaisun alkuvaiheessa 40 %. Peroksidivaihe oli tehokkain käytettynä valkaisun loppuvaiheessa noin 40 % reduktiolla. Kustannustehokkuudella mitattuna tehokkaimmaksi osoittautui A-vaihe yhdessä peroksidivaiheen kanssa. Säästöt vertailujaksoon verrattuna olivat noin 0.3 €/ADt. Lisäksi kyseinen yhdistelmä osoittautui hyväksi keinoksi säilyttää uutetaso alle maksimirajan kuitulinja 2:lla, kun kuitulinjalla 1 tuotettiin samanaikaisesti armeeraussellua.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the anaerobic degradation of black liquor with and without additional carbon sources. Batch experiments were conducted using black liquor, from an integrated pulp and paper mill adding ethanol, methanol and nutrients. The PCR/DGGE technique was used to characterize the structure of the microbial community. The addition of extra sources of carbon did not significantly influence the degradation of black liquor under the conditions evaluated and the microbial community was similar in all experiments. It was observed an increase in some members of the archaeal in reactors that had the best efficiencies for removal of black liquor (around 7.5%). Either ethanol or methanol can be used as co-substrates because the produce the same quantitative and qualitative effect.


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Irgazyme, a commercial xylanase preparation from Trichoderma longibrachiatum, and xylanase D a purified enzyme from Trichoderma harzianum E58 were tested for their ability to enhance peroxide bleaching of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) kraft pulp. A treatment with Irgazyme caused a much larger increase in brightness than did xylanase D. A double xylanase treatment with Irgazyme, before and after peroxide bleaching, resulted in the highest final brightness. Alkaline extraction increased the brightness of Douglas-fir brownstock. Treatment with Irgazyme released more lignin and carbohydrates than did xylanase D. The molecular mass of the lignin extracted from Irgazyme-treated brownstock was much larger than that from the control pulp. The lignin-like macromolecules directly solubilized from peroxide bleached pulps were substantially larger than those solubilized from the brownstock, irrespective of whether they were produced during xylanase or control treatments. This indicates that different kinds of materials were solubilized when a xylanase treatment was applied at different points in the bleaching sequence and raises concerns about the role of lignin entrapment in the mechanism by which xylanase enhances peroxide bleaching.


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Fiber damages comprise fiber deformations, characterized as fiber curl, kink, dislocations and strength losses as well as some yet unidentified factors. This recently discovered phenomenon is especially evident in mill scale kraftpulps. Laboratory produced pulps tend to have less damages and superior strength properties compared to those produced in pulp mills. Generally fiber damages pose a problem in the production of reinforcement pulp because they tend to decrease the ability of fibers to transmit load. Previous studies on fiber damage have shown that most of the fiber damages occur during brown stock processing starting from cooking and discharging. This literature review gives an overall picture on fiber damages occurring during softwood kraft pulp production with an emphasis on the oxygen delignification stage. In addition the oxygen delignification stage itself is described in more detailed extent in order to understand the mechanisms behind the delignification and fiber damaging effect. The literature available on this subject is unfortunately quite contradictory and implicates a lotof different terms. Only a few studies have been published which help to understand the nature of fiber damages. For that reason the knowledge presented in this work is not only based on previous studies but also on research scientist and mill staff interviews.


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The study is focused on the opportunity to improve the power performance from black liquor at Kraft pulp mills. The first part of the paper includes an overview of a traditional recovery system, its development and indication of the integral drawbacks which provoke the search for more efficient methods of black liquor treatment. The second part is devoted to the investigation of black liquor gasification as a technology able to increase electric energy generation at pulp mills. In addition, a description of two most promising gasification processes and their comparison to each other are presented. The paper is based on a literature review and interviews of specialists in this field. The findings showed that while the modern recovery system meets demands of the pulp mills, pressurized oxygen-blown black liquor gasification has good potential to be used as an alternative technology, increasing the power output from black liquor.


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Our previous paper showed fragmentary evidence that pulp brightness reversion may be negatively affected by its organically bound chlorine (OX) content. A thorough investigation on eucalyptus kraft pulp led to the conclusion that OX increases reversion of certain pulps but this trend is not universal. Alkaline bleaching stages decrease reversion regardless of pulp OX content. Pulps bleached with high temperature chlorine dioxide revert less than those bleached with conventional chlorine dioxide in sequences ending with a chlorine dioxide stage but similarly in sequences ending with a final peroxide stage. The use of secondary condensate for pulp washing decreases reversion.


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The use of 12-year-old Pinus tecunumanii (Eguiluz e Perry) grown in Colombia was evaluated for bleached kraft pulp production. Kraft pulps of kappa number 30 ± 1 were produced, and oxygen delignified and bleached to 90% ISO with ECF processes. The bleached pulps produced under optimum conditions were evaluated with regard to their strength properties. Pinus tecunumanii wood required low effective alkali charge to reach the desired kappa number and the unbleached pulp showed high oxygen delignification efficiency and bleachability when a OD(EO)DED sequence was used. The bleached pulps presented good physical-mechanical properties, which are comparable to those obtained with more traditional pines such as Pinus taeda and Pinus radiata. The results demonstrate that this tropical pine species is a suitable raw material for bleached kraft pulp production


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The efficient use of materials and natural recourses, for ecological and economic reasons, has become more and more important in all industries. In the forest industries this means higher levels of closure in the material circulations of the mills. One possibility to reduce wastewater discharge is to re-use part of the 2nd clarifier effluent as process water. The main target of this thesis was to evaluate the technical suitability of several mechanical and chemical tertiary treatment methods for water re-use. Some of the tested methods seemed to have high potential for the removal of some specific constituents from the wastewater. Tertiary treatment is needed because higher levels of closure may cause problems with increasing amounts of non-process elements in different points of kraft pulp process. The aspect of sustainable development was taken into account by evaluating positive and negative environmental effects of the treatment processes. Environmental benefits can be gained by using some of the tertiary treatment methods tested. These methods should still be researched more for system optimization.


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Application of the xylanase in the pulp bleaching process has been shown to be effective in decreasing the amount of chlorinating agents in the process and improving the brightness of the pulp. The use of thermostable cellulase-free xylanase might enhance both the technical and economic feasibility of the process. In this work an alkalophylic strain of Bacillus sp 77-2, was isolated which showed a high production of xylanase and free cellulases. The xylanase of Bacillus sp displayed an optimum pH of 6.0 (with 70% activity at pH 9.0), all optimum temperature of 60 degrees C, pH stability in the range 5-10 and thermal stability of 50 degrees C. These characteristics are important to the kraft pulp bleaching because they are similar to those found in the industrial paper environment.


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Alkalophilic Bacillus licheniformis 77-2 produced an extracellular alkali-tolerant xylanase with negligible cellulase activity in medium containing corn straw. The effectiveness of crude xylanase on treatment of eucalyptus Kraft pulp was evaluated. A biobleaching experiment was carried out to compare the chlorine saving with pulp treated and untreated by the enzyme. Two-stage bleaching was employed, using a ClO2 chlorination and NaOH extraction (DE sequence). With the enzymatic treatment, in order to obtain the same value of Kappa number and brightness, respectively 28.5 and 30% less ClO2 was required in comparison to the enzymatically untreated samples.


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The alkalophilic Bacillus circulans D1 was isolated from decayed wood. It produced high levels of extracellular cellulase-free xylanase. The enzyme was thermally stable up to 60°C, with an optimal hydrolysis temperature of 70°C. It was stable over a wide pH range (5.5-10.5), with an optimum pH at 5.5 and 80% of its activity at pH 9.0. This cellulase-free xylanase preparation was used to biobleach kraft pulp. Enzymatic treatment of kraft pulp decreased chlorine dioxide use by 23 and 37% to obtain the same kappa number (κ number) and brightness, respectively. Separation on Sephadex G-50 isolated three fractions with xylanase activity with distinct molecular weights.


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Two extracellular xylanases produced by the thermotolerant fungus Aspergillus caespitosus grown in sugar cane bagasse were purified and characterized. Estimated molecular masses were 26.3 and 27 kDa (xyl I); 7.7 and 17.7 kDa (xyl II) for gel filtration and SDS-PAGE, respectively. Optimal temperature for both xylanases was 50-55°C. Optimal pH was 6.5-7.0 for xyl I, and 5.5-6.5 for xyl II. The thermostability (T half) at 55°C was 27.3 min (xyl I) and >90 min (xyl II). Xylanase activity was inhibited by several ions. β-mercaptoethanol activated 59 and 102% xyl I and xyl II activities, respectively. These enzymes preferentially hydrolyzed birchwood xylan, and the K m and V max values were 2.5 mg/ml and 1679 U/mg protein (xyl I), and 3.9 mg/ml and 113 U/mg protein (xyl II). The action of both xylanases mainly that of xyl II, on kraft pulp reduced kappa number and increased pulp viscosity. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.