60 resultados para binaural


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Binaural experiments are described which indicate that the ability of the brain to localize a desired sound and to suppress undesired sounds coming from other directions can be traced in part to the different times of arrival of a sound at the two ears. It is suggested that the brain inserts a time delay in one of the two nerve paths associated with the ears so as to be able to compare, and thus concentrate on, those sounds arriving at the ears with this particular time of arrival distance.The ability to perceive weak sounds binaurally in the presence of noise is shown to be a simple function of the direction of the desired sound and noise. An explanation is given for the effect reported by Koenig that front and rear confusion is avoided by head movements.


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Binaural hearing studies show that the auditory system uses the phase-difference information in the auditory stimuli for localization of a sound source. Motivated by this finding, we present a method for demodulation of amplitude-modulated-frequency-modulated (AM-FM) signals using a ignal and its arbitrary phase-shifted version. The demodulation is achieved using two allpass filters, whose impulse responses are related through the fractional Hilbert transform (FrHT). The allpass filters are obtained by cosine-modulation of a zero-phase flat-top prototype halfband lowpass filter. The outputs of the filters are combined to construct an analytic signal (AS) from which the AM and FM are estimated. We show that, under certain assumptions on the signal and the filter structures, the AM and FM can be obtained exactly. The AM-FM calculations are based on the quasi-eigenfunction approximation. We then extend the concept to the demodulation of multicomponent signals using uniform and non-uniform cosine-modulated filterbank (FB) structures consisting of flat bandpass filters, including the uniform cosine-modulated, equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB), and constant-Q filterbanks. We validate the theoretical calculations by considering application on synthesized AM-FM signals and compare the performance in presence of noise with three other multiband demodulation techniques, namely, the Teager-energy-based approach, the Gabor's AS approach, and the linear transduction filter approach. We also show demodulation results for real signals.


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The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method has direct applications in musical instrument modeling, simulation of environmental acoustics, room acoustics and sound reproduction paradigms, all of which benefit from auralization. However, rendering binaural impulse responses from simulated
data is not straightforward to accomplish as the calculated pressure at FDTD grid nodes does not contain any directional information. This paper addresses this issue by introducing a spherical array to capture sound pressure on a finite difference grid, and decomposing it into a plane-wave density
function. Binaural impulse responses are then constructed in the spherical harmonics domain by combining the decomposed grid data with free field head-related transfer functions. The effects of designing a spherical array in a Cartesian grid are studied, and emphasis is given to the relationships
between array sampling and the spatial and spectral design parameters of several finite-difference


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Due to its efficiency and simplicity, the finite-difference time-domain method is becoming a popular choice for solving wideband, transient problems in various fields of acoustics. So far, the issue of extracting a binaural response from finite difference simulations has only been discussed in the context of embedding a listener geometry in the grid. In this paper, we propose and study a method for binaural response rendering based on a spatial decomposition of the sound field. The finite difference grid is locally sampled using a volumetric array of receivers, from which a plane wave density function is computed and integrated with free-field head related transfer functions, in the spherical harmonics domain. The volumetric array is studied in terms of numerical robustness and spatial aliasing. Analytic formulas that predict the performance of the array are developed, facilitating spatial resolution analysis and numerical binaural response analysis for a number of finite difference schemes. Particular emphasis is placed on the effects of numerical dispersion on array processing and on the resulting binaural responses. Our method is compared to a binaural simulation based on the image method. Results indicate good spatial and temporal agreement between the two methods.


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The purpose of this project was to determine whether a monaural FM or binaural FM fitting strategy is more appropriate for children with Auditory Processing Disorders.


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This paper reviews a study to determine optimum hearing aid settings based on loudness.


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When speech is in competition with interfering sources in rooms, monaural indicators of intelligibility fail to take account of the listener’s abilities to separate target speech from interfering sounds using the binaural system. In order to incorporate these segregation abilities and their susceptibility to reverberation, Lavandier and Culling [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 387–399 (2010)] proposed a model which combines effects of better-ear listening and binaural unmasking. A computationally efficient version of this model is evaluated here under more realistic conditions that include head shadow, multiple stationary noise sources, and real-room acoustics. Three experiments are presented in which speech reception thresholds were measured in the presence of one to three interferers using real-room listening over headphones, simulated by convolving anechoic stimuli with binaural room impulse-responses measured with dummy-head transducers in five rooms. Without fitting any parameter of the model, there was close correspondence between measured and predicted differences in threshold across all tested conditions. The model’s components of better-ear listening and binaural unmasking were validated both in isolation and in combination. The computational efficiency of this prediction method allows the generation of complex “intelligibility maps” from room designs. © 2012 Acoustical Society of America


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For enhanced immersion into a virtual scene more than just the visual sense should be addressed by a Virtual Reality system. Additional auditory stimulation appears to have much potential, as it realizes a multisensory system. This is especially useful when the user does not have to wear any additional hardware, e.g., headphones. Creating a virtual sound scene with spatially distributed sources requires a technique for adding spatial cues to audio signals and an appropriate reproduction. In this paper we present a real-time audio rendering system that combines dynamic crosstalk cancellation and multi-track binaural synthesis for virtual acoustical imaging. This provides the possibility of simulating spatially distributed sources and, in addition to that, near-to-head sources for a freely moving listener in room-mounted virtual environments without using any headphones. A special focus will be put on near-to-head acoustics, and requirements in respect of the head-related transfer function databases are discussed.


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When two pure tones of slightly different frequency are presented separately to each ear, the listener perceives a third single tone with amplitude variations at a frequency that equals the difference between the two tones, this perceptual illusion is known as binaural auditory beat. There are anecdotal reports that suggest that the binaural beat can entrain EEG activity and may affect the arousal levels, although few studies have been published. There is a need for double-blind, well-designed studies in order to establish a solid foundation for these sounds, as most of the documented benefits come from self-reported cases that could be affected by placebo effect. As BB’s are a cheap technology (it even exists a free open source programmable bin aural-beat generator on the internet named Gnaural), any achievement in this area could be of public interest. The aim in our research was to explore the potential of BB’s in a particular field: tasks that require focus and concentration. In order to detect changes in the brain waves that could relate to any particular improvement, EEG recordings of a small sample of individuals were also obtained. In this study we compare the effect of different binaural stimulation in 7 EEG frequency ranges, 78 participants were exposed to 20 min binaural beat stimulation. The effects were obtained both qualitative with cognitive test and quantitative with EEG analysis. Results suggest no significant statistical improvement in 20 min stimulation.


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Several groups all over the world are researching in several ways to render 3D sounds. One way to achieve this is to use Head Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs). These measurements contain the Frequency Response of the human head and torso for each angle. Some years ago, was only possible to measure these Frequency Responses only in the horizontal plane. Nowadays, several improvements have made possible to measure and use 3D data for this purpose. The problem was that the groups didn't have a standard format file to store the data. That was a problem when a third part wanted to use some different HRTFs for 3D audio rendering. Every of them have different ways to store the data. The Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics or SOFA was created to provide a solution to this problem. It is a format definition to unify all the previous different ways of storing any kind of acoustics data. At the moment of this project they have defined some basis for the format and some recommendations to store HRTFs. It is actually under development, so several changes could come. The SOFA[1] file format uses a numeric container called netCDF[2], specifically the Enhaced data model described in netCDF 4 that is based on HDF5[3]. The SoundScape Renderer (SSR) is a tool for real-time spatial audio reproduction providing a variety of rendering algorithms. The SSR was developed at the Quality and Usability Lab at TU Berlin and is now further developed at the Institut für Nachrichtentechnik at Universität Rostock [4]. This project is intended to be an introduction to the use of SOFA files, providing a C++ API to manipulate them and adapt the binaural renderer of the SSR for working with the SOFA format. RESUMEN. El SSR (SoundScape Renderer) es un programa que está siendo desarrollado actualmente por la Universität Rostock, y previamente por la Technische Universität Berlin. El SSR es una herramienta diseñada para la reproducción y renderización de audio 2D en tiempo real. Para ello utiliza diversos algoritmos, algunos orientados a sistemas formados por arrays de altavoces en diferentes configuraciones y otros algoritmos diseñados para cascos. El principal objetivo de este proyecto es dotar al SSR de la capacidad de renderizar sonidos binaurales en 3D. Este proyecto está centrado en el binaural renderer del SSR. Este algoritmo se basa en el uso de HRTFs (Head Related Transfer Function). Las HRTFs representan la función de transferencia del sistema formado por la cabeza y el torso del oyente. Esta función es medida desde diferentes ángulos. Con estos datos el binaural renderer puede generar audio en tiempo real simulando la posición de diferentes fuentes. Para poder incluir una base de datos con HRTFs en 3D se ha hecho uso del nuevo formato SOFA (Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics). Este nuevo formato se encuentra en una fase bastante temprana de su desarrollo. Está pensado para servir como formato estándar para almacenar HRTFs y cualquier otro tipo de medidas acústicas, ya que actualmente cada laboratorio cuenta con su propio formato de almacenamiento y esto hace bastante difícil usar varias bases de datos diferentes en un mismo proyecto. El formato SOFA hace uso del contenedor numérico netCDF, que a su vez esta basado en un contenedor más básico llamado HRTF-5. Para poder incluir el formato SOFA en el binaural renderer del SSR se ha desarrollado una API en C++ para poder crear y leer archivos SOFA con el fin de utilizar los datos contenidos en ellos dentro del SSR.


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When two pure tones of slightly different frequency are presented separately to each ear, the listener perceives a third single tone with amplitude variations at a frequency that equals the difference between the two tones; this perceptual illusion is known as the binaural auditory beat (BB). There are anecdotal reports that suggest that the binaural beat can entrain EEG activity and may affect the arousal levels, although few studies have been published. There is a need for double-blind, well-designed studies in order to establish a solid foundation for these sounds, as most of the documented benefits come from self-reported cases that could be affected by placebo effect. As BBs are a cheap technology (it even exists a free open source programmable binaural- beat generator on the Internet named Gnaural), any achievement in this area could be of public interest. The aim in our research was to explore the potential of BBs in a particular field: tasks that require focus and concentration. In order to detect changes in the brain waves that could relate to any particular improvement, EEG recordings of a small sample of individuals were also obtained. In this study we compare the effect of different binaural stimulation in 7 EEG frequency ranges. 78 participants were exposed to 20-min binaural beat stimulation. The effects were obtained both quali- tative with cognitive test and quantitative with EEG analysis. Results suggest no significant statistical improvement in 20-min stimulation.


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La medicina y la ingeniería del siglo XXI han dado como fruto numerosos avances para la sociedad aunque en la mayoría de los casos los tratamientos suelen ser costosos e invasivos. La educación que recibe la sociedad sobre la salud es escasa, ya que sólo vamos al médico cuando realmente estamos enfermos. Este trabajo presenta nuestra apuesta por las terapias complementarias, para el desarrollo de una metodología terapéutica no invasiva y con un costo muy bajo. La finalidad de esta Tesis, que se enmarca en un equipo multidisciplinar, fruto de la estrecha colaboración en el que participan psicopedagogos, ingenieros y médicos, es perfilar una metodología que luego pueda ser aplicable a patologías neurológicas. Aquí, dejamos sentadas las bases. Faltarán nuevos investigadores que continúen este camino para tener una base de datos lo suficientemente extensa de registros de sujetos que hayan sido sometidos a terapia binaural, para poder sacar unas conclusiones sólidas. La aportación de esta Tesis deja cubierta la aplicación, selección, procesado de señal y desarrollo de algoritmos, test cognitivos indicados para el caso específico que nos ocupa, cálculo de incertidumbre del sistema utilizado para la aplicación del estímulo y desarrollo de un test psicoacústico específico. EL empleo del sonido en medicina como es la musicoterapia o sonoterapia ha experimentado una gran difusión en los últimos años, más de 100.000 nuevas citas bibliográficas han aparecido con respecto al año anterior. Sin embargo, son escasísimas las que hacen referencia a las características físico acústicas del sonido empleado, tan sólo hemos encontrado una par de ellas que correlacionan las características físicas del sonido con el tipo de respuesta terapéutica. No encontramos citas bibliográficas específicas que planteen un modelo experimental científico capaz de reproducir las mismas respuestas ante los mismos parámetros y estímulos. En esta Tesis proponemos el uso de estimulación sonora binaural, que consiste en la utilización de dos tonos puros idénticos pero ligeramente diferentes en frecuencia que se presentan de manera separada cada uno en un oído, como consecuencia, la persona que recibe la estimulación percibe un tercer tono, llamado tono binaural, formado por la diferencia de frecuencia de ambos variando su amplitud. Existen estudios que sugieren que dichas frecuencias binaurales pueden modificar los patrones eléctricos de la actividad cerebral y los niveles de arousal, conociéndose en la literatura bajo el nombre de “entrainment”. Tras la revisión bibliográfica del estado del arte, podemos concluir que es necesario el desarrollo de estudios doble ciego bien diseñados, con el objetivo de establecer una base sólida sobre los efectos de este tipo de estimulación, ya que la mayoría de los beneficios documentados se refieren a muestras muy pequeñas y con poco rigor científico, siendo los resultados positivos obtenidos debidos al efecto placebo. La tecnología binaural es barata siendo cualquier avance en esta dirección de interés público. El objetivo concreto de la investigación es estudiar el potencial de las ondas binaurales en un área en particular: tareas que requieren atención y concentración. Se busca obtener cualquier cambio en las ondas cerebrales que se puedan correlar con la mejoras. A la vista de los resultados de estas investigaciones se intentará aplicar esta metodología en neuropatologías que presenten alguna deficiencia en el área de atención como es el Trastorno de espectro Autista. En esta Tesis presentamos los resultados de dos estudios independientes, el primero para sentar las bases del método (tiempos, diseño de estimulaciones, procesado) en una muestra de 78 adultos sanos, el segundo a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el primero, afinando la metodología y para un grupo de 20 niños entre 8 y 12 años, los resultados del segundo estudio sirven para justificar su aplicación en niños con TEA que presenten déficit de atención. ABSTRACT Medicine and engineering in the 21st century have resulted in advances for society but in most cases the treatments are often costly and invasive. The health education society receive is scarce, since only go to the doctor when we are really sick. With this work I present my commitment to complementary therapies, my little grain of sand in the development of a noninvasive therapeutic approach and very low cost, well and can be used in a preventive manner resulting in a society with less sick. The purpose of this thesis is to outline a methodology that can then be applied to neurological diseases, here we lay the groundwork. New researchers are needed to continue this path for a sufficiently extensive records database of subjects who have undergone binaural therapy, and so to draw firm conclusions. The contribution of this thesis includes: the application, selection, signal processing and algorithm development, indicated cognitive tests for the specific case at hand, calculation of system uncertainty of the system and development of a specific psychoacoustic test. The use of sound in medicine, such as music therapy or sound therapy has experienced a great diffusion in recent years, more than 100,000 new citations have appeared over the previous year but very few are those referring to acoustic physical characteristics of sound employee, we have only found a couple of them that physical sound characteristics are correlated with the therapeutic response. We found no specific citations posing a scientific experimental model capable of reproducing the same answers to the same parameters and stimuli. In this thesis we propose the use of binaural sound stimulation which involves the use of two identical but slightly different in frequency pure tones presented separately each in one ear, as a result the subject perceives a third tone, called binaural tone, formed by the difference in frequency with amplitude variations Studies suggest that these binaural frequencies can modify the electrical patterns of brain activity and arousal levels, being known in the literature under the name of “entrainment”. After the literature review of the state of the art, we conclude, it is necessary to develop well-designed double-blind studies, in order to establish a solid foundation on the effects of such stimulation, since most of the documented benefits relate to very small samples and unscientific may be obtained positive results due to the placebo effect. The binaural technology is cheap being any progress in this direction in the public interest. The specific objective of the research is to study the potential of binaural waves in a particular area: tasks requiring attention and concentration also we want to get any change in brain waves that can correlate with improvements. In view of the results of this research we seek to apply this methodology in neuropathology presenting any deficiency in the area of attention such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this thesis we present the results of two independent studies, the first to lay the foundation of the method (times, stimulation design, processing) in a sample of 78 healthy adults, the second from the results obtained in the first, refine the methodology for a group of 20 children between 8 and 12 years, the results of the second study used to justify its use in children with ASD that present attention deficit.


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Binaural pitches are auditory percepts that emerge from combined inputs to the ears but that cannot be heard if the stimulus is presented to either ear alone. Here, we describe a binaural pitch that is not easily accommodated within current models of binaural processing. Convergent magnetoencephalography (MEG) and psychophysical measurements were used to characterize the pitch, heard when band-limited noise had a rapidly changing interaural phase difference. Several interesting features emerged: First, the pitch was perceptually lateralized, in agreement with the lateralization of the evoked changes in MEG spectral power, and its salience depended on dichotic binaural presentation. Second, the frequency of the pure tone that matched the binaural pitch lay within a lower spectral sideband of the phase-modulated noise and followed the frequency of that sideband when the modulation frequency or center frequency and bandwidth of the noise changed. Thus, the binaural pitch depended on the processing of binaural information in that lower sideband.