994 resultados para bHLH-PAS


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Hypoxia-inducible factor, a heterodimeric transcription complex, regulates cellular and systemic responses to low oxygen levels (hypoxia) during normal mammalian development or tumor progression. Here, we present evidence that a similar complex mediates response to hypoxia in Caenorhabditis elegans. This complex consists of HIF-1 and AHA-1, which are encoded by C. elegans homologs of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) α and β subunits, respectively. hif-1 mutants exhibit no severe defects under standard laboratory conditions, but they are unable to adapt to hypoxia. Although wild-type animals can survive and reproduce in 1% oxygen, the majority of hif-1-defective animals die in these conditions. We show that the expression of an HIF-1:green fluorescent protein fusion protein is induced by hypoxia and is subsequently reduced upon reoxygenation. Both hif-1 and aha-1 are expressed in most cell types, and the gene products can be coimmunoprecipitated. We conclude that the mechanisms of hypoxia signaling are likely conserved among metazoans. Additionally, we find that nuclear localization of AHA-1 is disrupted in an hif-1 mutant. This finding suggests that heterodimerization may be a prerequisite for efficient nuclear translocation of AHA-1.


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Hypoxia results in adaptive changes in the transcription of a range of genes including erythropoietin. An important mediator is hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), a DNA binding complex shown to contain at least two basic helix-loop-helix PAS-domain (bHLH-PAS) proteins, HIF-1 alpha and aryl hydrocarbon nuclear receptor translocator (ARNT), In response to hypoxia, HIF-1 alpha is activated and accumulates rapidly in the cell. Endothelial PAS domain protein 1 (EPAS-1) is a recently identified bHLH-PAS protein with 48% identity to HIF-1 alpha, raising the question of its role in responses to hypoxia. We developed specific antibodies and studied expression and regulation of EPAS-1 mRNA and protein across a range of human cell lines. EPAS-1 was widely expressed, and strongly induced by hypoxia at the level of protein but not mRNA. Comparison of the effect of a range of activating and inhibitory stimuli showed striking similarities in the EPAS-1 and HIF-1 alpha responses. Although major differences were observed in the abundance of EPAS-1 and HIF-1 alpha in different cell types, differences in the inducible response were subtle with EPAS-1 protein being slightly more evident in normoxic and mildly hypoxic cells. Functional studies in a mutant cell line (Ka13) expressing neither HIF-1 alpha nor EPAS-1 confirmed that both proteins interact with hypoxically responsive targets, but suggest target specificity with greater EPAS-1 transactivation (relative to HIF-1 alpha transactivation) of the VEGF promoter than the LDH-A promoter. (C) 1998 by The American Society of Hematology.


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The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor through which halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons such as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) cause altered gene expression and toxicity. The AHR belongs to the basic helix–loop–helix/Per-ARNT-Sim (bHLH-PAS) family of transcriptional regulatory proteins, whose members play key roles in development, circadian rhythmicity, and environmental homeostasis; however, the normal cellular function of the AHR is not yet known. As part of a phylogenetic approach to understanding the function and evolutionary origin of the AHR, we sequenced the PAS homology domain of AHRs from several species of early vertebrates and performed phylogenetic analyses of these AHR amino acid sequences in relation to mammalian AHRs and 24 other members of the PAS family. AHR sequences were identified in a teleost (the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus), two elasmobranch species (the skate Raja erinacea and the dogfish Mustelus canis), and a jawless fish (the lamprey Petromyzon marinus). Two putative AHR genes, designated AHR1 and AHR2, were found both in Fundulus and Mustelus. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the AHR2 genes in these two species are orthologous, suggesting that an AHR gene duplication occurred early in vertebrate evolution and that multiple AHR genes may be present in other vertebrates. Database searches and phylogenetic analyses identified four putative PAS proteins in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, including possible AHR and ARNT homologs. Phylogenetic analysis of the PAS gene family reveals distinct clades containing both invertebrate and vertebrate PAS family members; the latter include paralogous sequences that we propose have arisen by gene duplication early in vertebrate evolution. Overall, our analyses indicate that the AHR is a phylogenetically ancient protein present in all living vertebrate groups (with a possible invertebrate homolog), thus providing an evolutionary perspective to the study of dioxin toxicity and AHR function.


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L’obésité provient d’un déséquilibre de l’homéostasie énergétique, c’est-à-dire une augmentation des apports caloriques et/ou une diminution des dépenses énergétiques. Plusieurs données, autant anatomiques que physiologiques, démontrent que l’hypothalamus est un régulateur critique de l’appétit et des dépenses énergétiques. En particulier, le noyau paraventriculaire (noyau PV) de l’hypothalamus intègre plusieurs signaux provenant du système nerveux central (SNC) et/ou de la périphérie, afin de contrôler l’homéostasie énergétique via des projections axonales sur les neurones pré-ganglionnaires du système autonome situé dans le troc cérébral et la moelle épinière. Plusieurs facteurs de transcription, impliqués dans le développement du noyau PV, ont été identifiés. Le facteur de transcription SIM1, qui est produit par virtuellement tous les neurones du noyau PV, est requis pour le développement du noyau PV. En effet, lors d’une étude antérieure, nous avons montré que le noyau PV ne se développe pas chez les souris homozygotes pour un allèle nul de Sim1. Ces souris meurent à la naissance, probablement à cause des anomalies du noyau PV. Par contre, les souris hétérozygotes survivent, mais développent une obésité précoce. De façon intéressante, le noyau PV des souris Sim1+/- est hypodéveloppé, contenant 24% moins de cellules. Ces données suggèrent fortement que ces anomalies du développement pourraient perturber le fonctionnement du noyau PV et contribuer au développement du phénotype d’obésité. Dans ce contexte, nous avons entrepris des travaux expérimentaux ayant pour but d’étudier l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur : 1) le développement du noyau PV et de ses projections neuronales efférentes; 2) l’homéostasie énergétique; et 3) les voies neuronales physiologiques contrôlant l’homéostasie énergétique chez les souris Sim1+/-. A cette fin, nous avons utilisé : 1) des injections stéréotaxiques combinées à des techniques d’immunohistochimie afin de déterminer l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur le développement du noyau PV et de ses projections neuronales efférentes; 2) le paradigme des apports caloriques pairés, afin de déterminer l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur l’homéostasie énergétique; et 3) une approche pharmacologique, c’est-à-dire l’administration intra- cérébroventriculaire (i.c.v.) et/ou intra-péritonéale (i.p.) de peptides anorexigènes, la mélanotane II (MTII), la leptine et la cholécystokinine (CCK), afin de déterminer l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur les voies neuronales contrôlant l’homéostasie énergétique. Dans un premier temps, nous avons constaté une diminution de 61% et de 65% de l’expression de l’ARN messager (ARNm) de l’ocytocine (Ot) et de l’arginine-vasopressine (Vp), respectivement, chez les embryons Sim1+/- de 18.5 jours (E18.5). De plus, le nombre de cellules produisant l’OT et la VP est apparu diminué de 84% et 41%, respectivement, chez les souris Sim1+/- adultes. L’analyse du marquage axonal rétrograde des efférences du noyau PV vers le tronc cérébral, en particulier ses projections sur le noyau tractus solitaire (NTS) aussi que le noyau dorsal moteur du nerf vague (X) (DMV), a permis de démontrer une diminution de 74% de ces efférences. Cependant, la composition moléculaire de ces projections neuronales reste inconnue. Nos résultats indiquent que l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 : i) perturbe spécifiquement le développement des cellules produisant l’OT et la VP; et ii) abolit le développement d’une portion importante des projections du noyau PV sur le tronc cérébral, et notamment ses projections sur le NTS et le DMV. Ces observations soulèvent donc la possibilité que ces anomalies du développement du noyau PV contribuent au phénotype d’hyperphagie des souris Sim1+/-. En second lieu, nous avons observé que la croissance pondérale des souris Sim1+/- et des souris Sim1+/+ n’était pas significativement différente lorsque la quantité de calories présentée aux souris Sim1+/- était la même que celle consommée par les souris Sim1+/+. De plus, l’analyse qualitative et quantitative des tissus adipeux blancs et des tissus adipeux bruns n’a démontré aucune différence significative en ce qui a trait à la taille et à la masse de ces tissus chez les deux groupes. Finalement, au terme de ces expériences, les souris Sim1+/--pairées n’étaient pas différentes des souris Sim1+/+ en ce qui a trait à leur insulinémie et leur contenu en triglycérides du foie et des masses adipeuses, alors que tous ces paramètres étaient augmentés chez les souris Sim1+/- nourries ad libitum. Ces résultats laissent croire que l’hyperphagie, et non une diminution des dépenses énergétiques, est la cause principale de l’obésité des souris Sim1+/-. Par conséquent, ces résultats suggèrent que : i) l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 est associée à une augmentation de l’apport calorique sans toutefois moduler les dépenses énergétiques; ii) l’existence d’au moins deux voies neuronales issues du noyau PV : l’une qui régule la prise alimentaire et l’autre la thermogénèse; et iii) l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 affecte spécifiquement la voie neuronale qui régule la prise alimentaire. En dernier lieu, nous avons montré que l’injection de MTII, de leptine ainsi que de CCK induit une diminution significative de la consommation calorique des souris des deux génotypes, Sim1+/+ et Sim1+/-. De fait, la consommation calorique cumulative des souris Sim1+/- et Sim1+/+ est diminuée de 37% et de 51%, respectivement, durant les 4 heures suivant l’administration i.p. de MTII comparativement à l’administration d’une solution saline. Lors de l’administration i.c.v. de la leptine, la consommation calorique cumulative des souris Sim1+/- et Sim1+/+ est diminuée de 47% et de 32%, respectivement. Finalement, l’injection i.p. de CCK diminue la consommation calorique des souris Sim1+/- et Sim1+/+ de 52% et de 36%, respectivement. L’ensemble des résultats suggère ici que l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 diminue l’activité de certaines voies neuronales régulant l’homéostasie énergétique, et particulièrement de celles qui contrôlent la prise alimentaire. En résumé, ces travaux ont montré que l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 affecte plusieurs processus du développement au sein du noyau PV. Ces anomalies du développement peuvent conduire à des dysfonctions de certains processus physiologiques distincts régulés par le noyau PV, et notamment de la prise alimentaire, et contribuer ainsi au phénotype d’obésité. Les souris hétérozygotes pour le gène Sim1 représentent donc un modèle animal unique, où l’hyperphagie, et non les dépenses énergétiques, est la principale cause de l’obésité. En conséquence, ces souris pourraient représenter un modèle expérimental intéressant pour l’étude des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires en contrôle de la prise alimentaire.


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The ubiquitously expressed basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH)-PAS protein ARNT (arylhydrocarbon receptor nuclear transporter) forms transcriptionally active heterodimers with a variety of other bHLH-PAS proteins, including HIF-1α (hypoxia-inducible factor-1α) and AHR (arylhydrocarbon receptor). These complexes regulate gene expression in response to hypoxia and xenobiotics, respectively, and mutation of the murine Arnt locus results in embryonic death by day 10.5 associated with placental, vascular, and hematopoietic defects. The closely related protein ARNT2 is highly expressed in the central nervous system and kidney and also forms complexes with HIF-1α and AHR. To assess unique roles for ARNT2 in development, and reveal potential functional overlap with ARNT, we generated a targeted null mutation of the murine Arnt2 locus. Arnt2−/− embryos die perinatally and exhibit impaired hypothalamic development, phenotypes previously observed for a targeted mutation in the murine bHLH-PAS gene Sim1 (Single-minded 1), and consistent with the recent proposal that ARNT2 and SIM1 form an essential heterodimer in vivo [Michaud, J. L., DeRossi, C., May, N. R., Holdener, B. C. & Fan, C. (2000) Mech. Dev. 90, 253–261]. In addition, cultured Arnt2−/− neurons display decreased hypoxic induction of HIF-1 target genes, demonstrating formally that ARNT2/HIF-1α complexes regulate oxygen-responsive genes. Finally, a strong genetic interaction between Arnt and Arnt2 mutations was observed, indicating that either gene can fulfill essential functions in a dose-dependent manner before embryonic day 8.5. These results demonstrate that Arnt and Arnt2 have both unique and overlapping essential functions in embryonic development.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Recently a new human authentication scheme called PAS (predicate-based authentication service) was proposed, which does not require the assistance of any supplementary device. The main security claim of PAS is to resist passive adversaries who can observe the whole authentication session between the human user and the remote server. In this paper we show that PAS is insecure against both brute force attack and a probabilistic attack. In particular, we show that its security against brute force attack was strongly overestimated. Furthermore, we introduce a probabilistic attack, which can break part of the password even with a very small number of observed authentication sessions. Although the proposed attack cannot completely break the password, it can downgrade the PAS system to a much weaker system similar to common OTP (one-time password) systems.


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Performance psychology has more recently included a focus on applied practice within the performing arts, and specifically the dance industry. Whilst the use of psychology within this field has been occurring for a number of years, it has primarily taken its cues from the area of sport psychology or clinical psychology when dealing with ‘problems’ (e.g. eating disorders). What has been evident with the more recent introduction of positive psychology concepts with this population is the observed responsiveness from dancers towards a strengths-based approach. The aim of the inclusion of these frameworks has been to assist in increasing the empowerment, personal responsibility and effectiveness of the dancers’ psychological preparation and skills in the area of performance – whether on stage or off.


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Background Pollens of the Panicoideae subfamily of grasses including Bahia (Paspalum notatum) are important allergen sources in subtropical regions of the world. An assay for specific IgE to the major molecular allergenic component, Pas n 1, of Bahia grass pollen (BaGP) would have immunodiagnostic utility for patients with pollen allergy in these regions. Methods Biotinylated Pas n 1 purified from BaGP was coated onto streptavidin ImmunoCAPs. Subjects were assessed by clinical history of allergic rhinitis and skin prick test (SPT) to aeroallergens. Serum total, BaGP-specific and Pas n 1-specific IgE were measured. Results: Pas n 1 IgE concentrations were highly correlated with BaGP SPT (r = 0.795, p < 0.0001) and BaGP IgE (r = 0.915, p < 0.0001). At 0.23 kU/l Pas n 1 IgE, the diagnostic sensitivity (92.4%) and specificity (93.1%) for the detection of BaGP allergy was high (area under receiver operator curve 0.960, p < 0.0001). The median concentrations of Pas n 1 IgE in non-Atopic subjects (0.01 kU/l, n = 67) and those with other allergies (0.02 kU/l, n = 59) showed no inter-group difference, whilst grass pollen-Allergic patients with allergic rhinitis showed elevated Pas n 1 IgE (6.71 kU/l, n = 182, p < 0.0001). The inter-Assay coefficient of variation for the BaGP-Allergic serum pool was 6.92%. Conclusions Pas n 1 IgE appears to account for most of the BaGP-specific IgE. This molecular component immunoassay for Pas n 1 IgE has potential utility to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of diagnosis of BaGP allergy for patients in subtropical regions.


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Background Bahia grass pollen (BaGP) is a major cause of allergic rhinitis. Subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy is effective for grass pollen allergy, but is unsuitable for patients with moderate to severe asthma due to the risk of anaphylaxis. T cell-reactive but IgE nonreactive peptides provide a safer treatment option. This study aimed to identify and characterize dominant CD4+ T cell epitope peptides of the major BaGP allergen, Pas n 1. Methods Pas n 1-specific T cell lines generated from the peripheral blood of BaGP-allergic subjects were tested for proliferative and cytokine response to overlapping 20-mer Pas n 1 peptides. Cross-reactivity to homologous peptides from Lol p 1 and Cyn d 1 of Ryegrass and Bermuda grass pollen, respectively, was assessed using Pas n 1 peptide-specific T cell clones. MHC class II restriction of Pas n 1 peptide T cell recognition was determined by HLA blocking assays and peptide IgE reactivity tested by dot blotting. Results Three Pas n 1 peptides showed dominant T cell reactivity; 15 of 18 (83%) patients responded to one or more of these peptides. T cell clones specific for dominant Pas n 1 peptides showed evidence of species-specific T cell reactivity as well as cross-reactivity with other group 1 grass pollen allergens. The dominant Pas n 1 T cell epitope peptides showed HLA binding diversity and were non-IgE reactive. Conclusions The immunodominant T cell-reactive Pas n 1 peptides are candidates for safe immunotherapy for individuals, including those with asthma, who are allergic to Bahia and possibly other grass pollens.


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Background Group 1 grass pollen allergens are glycoproteins of the β-expansin family. They are a predominant component of pollen and are potent allergens with a high frequency of serum IgE reactivity in grass pollen-allergic patients. Bahia grass is distinct from temperate grasses and has a prolonged pollination period and wide distribution in warmer climates. Here we describe the purification of the group 1 pollen allergen, Pas n 1, from Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum), an important subtropical aeroallergen source. Methods Pas n 1 was purified from an aqueous Bahia grass pollen extract by ammonium sulphate precipitation, hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion chromatography, and assessed by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting and ELISA. Results Pas n 1 was purified to a single 29-kDa protein band containing two dominant isoforms detected by an allergen-specific monoclonal antibody and serum IgE of a Bahia grass pollen-allergic donor. The frequency of serum IgE reactivity with purified Pas n 1 in 51 Bahia grass pollen-allergic patients was 90.6%. Serum IgE reactivity with purified Pas n 1 was highly correlated with serum IgE reactivity with Bahia grass pollen extract and recombinant Pas n 1 (r = 0.821 and 0.913, respectively). Conclusions Pas n 1 is a major allergen reactive at high frequency with serum IgE of Bahia grass pollen-allergic patients. Purified natural Pas n 1 has utility for improved specific diagnosis and immunotherapy for Bahia grass pollen allergy.


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Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum, is an important pollen allergen source with a long season of pollination and wide distribution in subtropical and temperate regions. We aimed to characterize the 55. kDa allergen of Bahia grass pollen (BaGP) and ascertain its clinical importance. BaGP extract was separated by 2D-PAGE and immunoblotted with serum IgE of a grass pollen-allergic patient. The amino-terminal protein sequence of the predominant allergen isoform at 55. kDa had similarity with the group 13 allergens of Timothy grass and maize pollen, Phl p 13 and Zea m 13. Four sequences obtained by rapid amplification of the allergen cDNA ends represented multiple isoforms of Pas n 13. The predicted full length cDNA for Pas n 13 encoded a 423 amino acid glycoprotein including a signal peptide of 28 residues and with a predicted pI of 7.0. Tandem mass spectrometry of tryptic peptides of 2D gel spots identified peptides specific to the deduced amino acid sequence for each of the four Pas n 13 cDNA, representing 47% of the predicted mature protein sequence of Pas n 13. There was 80.6% and 72.6% amino acid identity with Zea m 13 and Phl p 13, respectively. Reactivity with a Phl p 13-specific monoclonal antibody AF6 supported designation of this allergen as Pas n 13. The allergen was purified from BaGP extract by ammonium sulphate precipitation, hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion chromatography. Purified Pas n 13 reacted with serum IgE of 34 of 71 (48%) grass pollen-allergic patients and specifically inhibited IgE reactivity with the 55. kDa band of BaGP for two grass pollen-allergic donors. Four isoforms of Pas n 13 from pI 6.3-7.8 had IgE-reactivity with grass pollen allergic sera. The allergenic activity of purified Pas n 13 was demonstrated by activation of basophils from whole blood of three grass pollen-allergic donors tested but not control donors. Pas n 13 is thus a clinically relevant pollen allergen of the subtropical Bahia grass likely to be important in eliciting seasonal allergic rhinitis and asthma in grass pollen-allergic patients.