998 resultados para atmospheric precipitation


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A series of coupled atmosphere–ocean–ice aquaplanet experiments is described in which topological constraints on ocean circulation are introduced to study the role of ocean circulation on the mean climate of the coupled system. It is imagined that the earth is completely covered by an ocean of uniform depth except for the presence or absence of narrow barriers that extend from the bottom of the ocean to the sea surface. The following four configurations are described: Aqua (no land), Ridge (one barrier extends from pole to pole), Drake (one barrier extends from the North Pole to 35°S), and DDrake (two such barriers are set 90° apart and join at the North Pole, separating the ocean into a large basin and a small basin, connected to the south). On moving from Aqua to Ridge to Drake to DDrake, the energy transports in the equilibrium solutions become increasingly “realistic,” culminating in DDrake, which has an uncanny resemblance to the present climate. Remarkably, the zonal-average climates of Drake and DDrake are strikingly similar, exhibiting almost identical heat and freshwater transports, and meridional overturning circulations. However, Drake and DDrake differ dramatically in their regional climates. The small and large basins of DDrake exhibit distinctive Atlantic-like and Pacific-like characteristics, respectively: the small basin is warmer, saltier, and denser at the surface than the large basin, and is the main site of deep water formation with a deep overturning circulation and strong northward ocean heat transport. A sensitivity experiment with DDrake demonstrates that the salinity contrast between the two basins, and hence the localization of deep convection, results from a deficit of precipitation, rather than an excess of evaporation, over the small basin. It is argued that the width of the small basin relative to the zonal fetch of atmospheric precipitation is the key to understanding this salinity contrast. Finally, it is argued that many gross features of the present climate are consequences of two topological asymmetries that have profound effects on ocean circulation: a meridional asymmetry (circumpolar flow in the Southern Hemisphere; blocked flow in the Northern Hemisphere) and a zonal asymmetry (a small basin and a large basin).


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Stable oxygen isotope composition of atmospheric precipitation (δ18Op) was scrutinized from 39 stations distributed over Switzerland and its border zone. Monthly amount-weighted δ18Op values averaged over the 1995–2000 period showed the expected strong linear altitude dependence (−0.15 to −0.22‰ per 100 m) only during the summer season (May–September). Steeper gradients (~ −0.56 to −0.60‰ per 100 m) were observed for winter months over a low elevation belt, while hardly any altitudinal difference was seen for high elevation stations. This dichotomous pattern could be explained by the characteristically shallower vertical atmospheric mixing height during winter season and provides empirical evidence for recently simulated effects of stratified atmospheric flow on orographic precipitation isotopic ratios. This helps explain "anomalous" deflected altitudinal water isotope profiles reported from many other high relief regions. Grids and isotope distribution maps of the monthly δ18Op have been calculated over the study region for 1995–1996. The adopted interpolation method took into account both the variable mixing heights and the seasonal difference in the isotopic lapse rate and combined them with residual kriging. The presented data set allows a point estimation of δ18Op with monthly resolution. According to the test calculations executed on subsets, this biannual data set can be extended back to 1992 with maintained fidelity and, with a reduced station subset, even back to 1983 at the expense of faded reliability of the derived δ18Op estimates, mainly in the eastern part of Switzerland. Before 1983, reliable results can only be expected for the Swiss Plateau since important stations representing eastern and south-western Switzerland were not yet in operation.


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The first step for the application of stable isotope analyses of ice wedges for the correct paleoclimatic reconstruction supposes the study of the isotopic composition of modern ice wedges and their relationship with the isotopic composition of modern precipitation. The purpose of this research is to present, to analyze and to discuss new data on isotopic composition (d18O, dD, 3H) of modern ice wedges obtained in the Laptev Sea region in 1998-99. Investigations were carried out at two sites: on Bykovsky Peninsula in 1998 and on Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island in 1999 and were based on the combined application of both tritium CH) and stable isotope (d18O, dD) analyses. Tritium analyses of the atmospheric precipitation collected during two field seasons show seasonal variations: high tritium concentration in snow (to a maximum of 207 TU) and low values of tritium concentration (<20 TU) in rain. High tritium concentrations are also observed in the surface water, in suprapermafrost ground waters, and in the upper part of permafrost. High tritium concentrations range between 30-40 TU and 750 TU in the studied modern ice wedges (active ice wedges), which let us believe that they are of modern growth. Such high tritium concentrations in ice wedges can not be associated with old thermonuclear tritium because of the radioactive decay. High tritium concentrations found in the snow cover in 1998/99, in the active layer and in the upper part of permafrost give evidence of modern (probably the last decade) technogenic tritium arrival from the atmosphere on to the Earth surface in the region. The comparison of the isotopic composition (d18O, dD and d-excess) of active ice wedges and modern winter precipitation in both sites shows: 1) the isotopic composition of snow correlates linearly with a slope close to 8.0 and parallel to the GMWL at both sites; 2) the mean isotopic composition of active ice wedges on Bykovsky Peninsula is in good agreement with the mean isotopic composition of modern snow; 3) the isotopic composition of active ice wedges and snow on Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island are considerably different. There are low values of d-excess in all studied active ice wedges (mean value is about 4.8 per mil), while in snow, the mean value of d-excess is about 9.5 per mil. Possible reasons for this gap are the following: 1) the modification of the isotopic composition in snow during the spring period; 2) changes in the isotopic composition of ice wedges due to the process of ice sublimation in open frost cracks during the cold period; 3) mixing of snowmelt water with different types of surface water during the spring period; 4) different moisture source regions.


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Boron and chlorine were determined in rain water and in atmospheric moisture condensed in a "Saratov" refrigerator. Ocean is the main source of boron on the earth surface. Boron evaporates from the ocean and enriches atmospheric precipitation: B/Cl ratio of ocean water (0.00024) increases by factor of 10-15. Assuming that the average Cl content in global river runoff is 7.8 mg/l and boron content 0.013 mgl, B/Cl ratio in this runoff is 0.0017. The average B/Cl ratio in rain water of the Golubaya (Blue) Bay (Gelendzhik, Black Sea region) is 0.0026 and in condensates of atmospheric moisture during onshore and offshore winds in the same region it averages from 0.0029 to 0.0033. The maximum boron content in the condensates of this region during onshore winds was 0.032 mg/l and the minimum during offshore winds, 0.004 mg/l. /Cl ratio in sea water over the Atlantic Ocean and in the Gelendzhik area of the Black Sea varied within narrow range, mostly from 0.0025 to 0.0035. Similar B/Cl ratio (0.0024) was found for atmospheric precipitation on the slope of the Terskei Ala-Tau near the Issyk-Kul Lake in 1969. Thus, although chemistries of boron and chlorine (in chlorides) are very different, the B/Cl ratio in the atmosphere is fairly constant. This can be taken as a confirmation of an assumption that salt composition of sea water passes into the atmosphere in molecularly dispersed state. Supposing that the ocean-atmosphere system is in equilibrium as regards to the boron budget, it can be assumed that the same amount of boron passes from the ocean into bottom sediments and from lithosphere rocks and soils into the hydrosphere.


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გამოკვლეულია ატმოსფერული ნალექების ჯამურ მინერალიზაციაზე მიწისპირა ჰაერის ტემპერატურის გავლენა. შედგენილია ასეთი დამოკიდებულების რეგრესიის განტოლება მეოთხე რიგის პოლინომის სახით. გამოთვლილია აპროქსიმაციის საიმედობის კოეფიციენტი და კორელაციის ინდექსი.


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სტატისტიკურად უზრუნველყოფილ ექსპერიმენტულ მასალაზე დაყრდნობით განსაზღვრულია საქართველოს კახეთის რეგიონის თბილი სეზონის ატმოსფერული ნალექების ინტენსივობასა და რადიოლოკაციურ ამრეკვლადობას შორის დამოკიდებულების წრფივი რეგრესიის განტოლების მუდმივი კოეფიციენტები, აგრეთვე გამოთვლილია აპროქსიმაციის საიმედობის მაჩვენებლის მნიშვნელობა


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აღმოსავლეთ საქართველოს ატმოსფერული ნალექების ქიმიური ანალიზის მონაცემების შესწავლის შედეგად დადგენილია, რომ ამ ნალექებში მთავარი იონების და მათი ჯამური კონცენტრაციები იცვლება იმ უნალექო 12 საათიანი დროის ინტერვალის რიცხვის მიხედვით, რომელიც წინ უსწრებდა გაანალიზებული სინჯის აღებას. დამოკიდებულება ზრდადია და კარგად აღიწერება მესამე რიგის პოლინომით. ყველა იონისათვის გამოთვლილია ემპირიულ დამოკიდებულებაში შემავალი მუდმივი კოეფიციენტი.


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High lead concentrations up to 5478 mg kg-1 were detected in dry atmospheric precipitations in Rio Grande city and adjacent area. Lead anomalies cover up to 30% of the study area. Lead concentration measurement in dry atmospheric precipitation and suspended particulate matter provides a possibility to detect concentrations above lead threshold in the air. The most impacted areas are fishermen's villages. The most possible source of lead in the air is uncontrolled sub industrial activity of local population


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The present work is a preliminary study of total and wet precipitation in the Candiota region, RS. The samples were collected from January to June 2001 at four different sites. The following variables were analysed: pH, conductivity, alkalinity, Cl-, NO3-, F-, SO4(2-), Na+, K+, Mg2+, NH4+, Ca2+ and Zn, Cu, Fe, Al, Mn. The results showed slightly acidic precipitation and higher concentrations of NH4+, Na+, Cl- and SO4(2-). Factor analysis applied to the variables studied allowed identifying the major sources. Na+, Cl- and Mg2+ have their origin in sea salts and NH4+, Ca2+, K+, SO4(2-) and NO3- are from local anthropogenic sources.


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Eutrophication caused by anthropogenic nutrient pollution has become one of the most severe threats to water bodies. Nutrients enter water bodies from atmospheric precipitation, industrial and domestic wastewaters and surface runoff from agricultural and forest areas. As point pollution has been significantly reduced in developed countries in recent decades, agricultural non-point sources have been increasingly identified as the largest source of nutrient loading in water bodies. In this study, Lake Säkylän Pyhäjärvi and its catchment are studied as an example of a long-term, voluntary-based, co-operative model of lake and catchment management. Lake Pyhäjärvi is located in the centre of an intensive agricultural area in southwestern Finland. More than 20 professional fishermen operate in the lake area, and the lake is used as a drinking water source and for various recreational activities. Lake Pyhäjärvi is a good example of a large and shallow lake that suffers from eutrophication and is subject to measures to improve this undesired state under changing conditions. Climate change is one of the most important challenges faced by Lake Pyhäjärvi and other water bodies. The results show that climatic variation affects the amounts of runoff and nutrient loading and their timing during the year. The findings from the study area concerning warm winters and their influences on nutrient loading are in accordance with the IPCC scenarios of future climate change. In addition to nutrient reduction measures, the restoration of food chains (biomanipulation) is a key method in water quality management. The food-web structure in Lake Pyhäjärvi has, however, become disturbed due to mild winters, short ice cover and low fish catch. Ice cover that enables winter seining is extremely important to the water quality and ecosystem of Lake Pyhäjärvi, as the vendace stock is one of the key factors affecting the food web and the state of the lake. New methods for the reduction of nutrient loading and the treatment of runoff waters from agriculture, such as sand filters, were tested in field conditions. The results confirm that the filter technique is an applicable method for nutrient reduction, but further development is needed. The ability of sand filters to absorb nutrients can be improved with nutrient binding compounds, such as lime. Long-term hydrological, chemical and biological research and monitoring data on Lake Pyhäjärvi and its catchment provide a basis for water protection measures and improve our understanding of the complicated physical, chemical and biological interactions between the terrestrial and aquatic realms. In addition to measurements carried out in field conditions, Lake Pyhäjärvi and its catchment were studied using various modelling methods. In the calibration and validation of models, long-term and wide-ranging time series data proved to be valuable. Collaboration between researchers, modellers and local water managers further improves the reliability and usefulness of models. Lake Pyhäjärvi and its catchment can also be regarded as a good research laboratory from the point of view of the Baltic Sea. The main problem in both of them is eutrophication caused by excess nutrients, and nutrient loading has to be reduced – especially from agriculture. Mitigation measures are also similar in both cases.


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A well-dated suite of Lake Van climate-proxy data covering the last 360 ka documents environmental changes over 4 glacial/interglacial cycles in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The picture of cold and dry glacials and warm and wet interglacials emerging from pollen, organic carbon, authigenic carbonate content, elemental profiling by XRF and lithological analyses is inconsistent with classical interpretation of ox- ygen isotopic composition of carbonates pointing to a more complex pattern in Lake Van region. Detailed analysis of glacial terminations allows for the constraining of a depositional model explaining different patterns observed in all the proxies. We hypothesize that variations in relative contribution of rainfall, snowmelt and glacier meltwater recharging the basin have a very important role for all sedimentary processes in Lake Van. Lake level of glacial Lake Van, predominantly fed by snowmelt, was low, the water column was oxic, and carbonates precipitating in the epilimnion recorded the light isotopic signature of inflow. During terminations, increasing rainfall and significant supply of mountain glaciers' meltwater contributed to lake level rise. Increased rainfall enhanced density gradients in the water column, and hindered mixing leading to development of bottom-water anoxia. Carbonates precipitating during terminations show large fluctuations in their isotopic composition. Full interglacial conditions in Lake Van are characterized by high or slowly falling lake level. Rainfall and snowmelt feed the lake but due to re-established mixing, the isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates is heavier and closer to that of evaporation-influenced lake water than that of runoff representing snowmelt and atmospheric precipitation.


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The data collection "Deep Drilling of Glaciers: Soviet-Russian projects in Arctic, 1975-1995" was collected by the following basic considerations: - compilation of deep (>100 m) drilling projects on Arctic glaciers, using data of (a) publications; (b) archives of IGRAN; (c) personal communication of project participants; - documentation of parameters, references. Accuracy of data and techniques applied to determine different parameters are not evaluated. The accuracy of some geochemical parameters (up to 1984 and heavy metalls) is uncertain. Most reconstructions of ice core age and of annual layer thickness are discussed; - digitizing of published diagrams (in case, when original numerical data were lost) and subsequent data conversion to equal range series and adjustment to the common units. Therefore, the equal-range series were calculated from original data or converted from digitized chart values as indicated in the metadata. For the methodological purpose, the equal-range series obtained from original and reconstructed data were compared repeatedly; the systematic difference was less then 5-7%. Special attention should be given to the fact, that the data for individual ice core parameters varies, because some parameters were originally measured or registered. Parameters were converted in equal-range series using 2 m steps; - two or more parameter values were determined, then the mean-weighted (i.e. accounting the sample length) value is assigned to the entire interval; - one parameter value was determined, measured or registered independently from the parameter values in depth intervals which over- and underlie it, then the value is assigned to the entire interval; - one parameter value was determined, measured or registered for two adjoining depth intervals, then the specific value is assigned to the depth interval, which represents >75% of sample length ; if each of adjoining depth intervals represents <75% of sample length, then the correspondent parameter value is assigned to both intervals of depth. This collection of ice core data (version 2000) was made available through the EU funded QUEEN project by S.M. Arkhipov, Moscow.


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Distribution of Cd and Pb in sea ice and in under-ice water of the Amur Bay at the end of February 1998 is considered. The metals were determined by technique of inversion voltammetry. Contribution of Cd and Pb from atmospheric precipitation and from under-ice water to sea ice examined is discussed. On the basis of analysis of vertical distribution in ice, atmospheric fluxes supplying metals to the aquatic area of the bay are estimated at 100 and 2000 µg/m**2/year for Cd and Pb, respectively. Concentrations of Cd and Pb found in middle and lower parts of ice cores allow to suggest that their accumulation relative to main ions of seawater occurs in the ice. Estimated enrichment factors of Cd and Pb in sea ice relative to seawate are ~9 and ~5. A possible mechanism of relative metal accumulation in sea ice is considered.