997 resultados para artisanal-looking objects


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Depuis quelques temps, on note que les objets d’apparence artisanale symbolisent souvent des qualités écologiques telles que des matériaux naturels et une fabrication éthique. Les visées de l’étude ont été d’explorer les perceptions à l’égard des objets à caractère artisanal et cela, en vue de reconnaître quelles qualités écologiques sont attribuées à ces derniers, tout en tentant de comprendre les raisons qui se cachent derrière ces associations. Une étude auprès d’usagers a permis d’explorer l’ensemble des qualités pouvant être liées à ce type d’objet, en considérant plus précisément le rapport entre les qualités écologiques leur étant accordées et leur durée de vie projetée. Pour ce faire, au cours d’entretiens individuels, des thèmes comme l’appréciation à long terme, la signification et la considération de la diversité culturelle ont été examinés. Les résultats montrent entre autres que les objets à caractère artisanal sont caractérisés comme étant composés de matériaux naturels et sains pour la santé des usagers. Leur usure est reconnue comme éveillant les représentations quant à leur « histoire », alors que leur originalité leur confère une « âme ». Enfin, car ils sont considérés comme ayant été fabriqués par des créateurs autonomes, ces objets sont associés à des conditions de travail éthiques et sont perçus comme étant capables de faire tourner l’économie locale. Les renseignements recueillis peuvent informer les théories et la pratique en design industriel quant à la disposition des objets à caractère artisanal à être appréciés par les usagers, de leur durée de vie projetée et du désir de les entretenir et de les léguer. Ce projet constitue un premier répertoire des perceptions entourant ce type d’objet, un champ de recherche encore très peu documenté, malgré qu’il s’inscrive à l’intérieur d’un contexte environnemental et social bien actuel. Les résultats obtenus contribuent à leur façon à la perspective d’une conception, d’une fabrication et d’une consommation davantage viables.


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Many terrorist attacks are accomplished by bringing explosive devices hidden in ordinary-looking objects to public places. In such case, it is almost impossible to distinguish a terrorist from ordinary people just from the isolated appearance. However, valuable clues might be discovered through analyzing a series of actions of the same person. Abnormal behaviors of object fetching, deposit, or exchange in public places might indicate potential attacks. Based on the widely equipped CCTV surveillance systems at the entrance of many public places, this paper proposes an algorithm to detect such abnormal behaviors for early warning of terrorist attack.


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It has long been known that tunas frequently associate with floating objects, such as trees washed out to sea during periods of heavy rainfall, and fishermen have taken advantage of this behavior to facilitate the capture of fish. In some coastal areas, such as the Philippines, artisanal fishermen construct anchored fish-aggregating devices (FADs) to attract fish. More recently, large numbers of free-floating FADs have been constructed for deployment by large purse seiners on the high seas. The FADs often can be interrogated by the seiner and located at great distances using radio telemetry and/or GPS (Global Positioning System) technologies. In some cases a fleet of fishing vessels has a tender vessel which deploys and maintains the FADs, and notifies the fishing vessels when fish are seen around them. This workshop was convened by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission and sponsored by Bumble Bee Seafoods, Inc., for the purpose of bringing together scientists and fishermen who have studied the association of tunas with floating objects. Special efforts were made to get participants from all the areas in which tunas associated with floating objects are the targets of fisheries. Thus the "regional review papers" include contributions for the eastern Atlantic, the southern Caribbean Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the eastern and western Pacific Oceans. Many of these reviews and other contributed papers are published in this proceedings volume. Other papers discussed in the workshop were published elsewhere; these papers are cited in the list of background documents in the Report of the Workshop.


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Two experiments are described which explore the relationship between parental reports of infants' receptive vocabularies at 1; 6 (Experiment 1a) or 1-3, 1;6 and 1;9 (Experiment 1b) and the comprehension infants demonstrated in a preferential looking task. The instrument used was the Oxford CD1, a British English adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates CD1 (Words & Gestures). Infants were shown pairs of images of familiar objects, either both name-known or both name-unknown according to their parent's responses on the CD1. At all ages, and on both name-known and name-unknown trials, preference for the target image increased significantly from baseline when infants heard the target's label. This discrepancy suggests that parental report underestimates infants' word knowledge.


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This paper will focus upon the use of found objects in stop-motion animation. It will survey a number of found-object animated films, exploring how the viewer might closely identify with such objects in motion, as well as attributing to them multiple meanings. This analysis will be furthered through the consideration of an object-orientated phenomenological perspective, referencing Graham Harman and Martin Heidegger. It will also consider how the cinema studies concept of star studies might be applied to the use of found objects in animation as a means of detecting additional layers of meaning.


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Previous research showed that the eyes revisit the location in which the stimulus has been encoded when visual or verbal information is retrieved from memory. A recent study showed that this behavior still occurs 1 week after encoding, suggesting that visual, spatial and linguistic information is tightly associated with the oculomotor trace and stored as an integrated memory representation. However, it is yet unclear whether looking behavior simply remains stable between encoding and recall or whether it changes over time in a more fine-tuned manner. Here, we investigate the time course of looking behavior during recall in multiple sessions across 1 week. Participants encoded visual objects presented in one of the four locations on the computer screen. In five sessions during the week after encoding, they performed on a visual memory recall task. During retrieval, participants looked back to the encoding location, but only in the recall sessions within 1 day of encoding. We discuss different explanations for the temporal dynamics of looking behavior during recall, searching for the role of eye movements in memory.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The defeat of South Vietnam in 1975 transformed Vietnamese men into fleeing refugees, boat people, and state-sponsored asylees. Writing against the popular and scholarly representations of Vietnamese refugee men as incapacitated objects of rescue, this paper provides an in-depth analysis of the intimate, insightful, and intense portrayal of Vietnamese masculinities in lê thi diem thúy’s novel, The Gangster We Are All Looking For. Focusing on the “sad and broken” father in the novel, the article conceptualizes his bouts of domestic violence neither as a private family matter nor an example of individual failing, but as a social, historical, and transnational affair that exposes the conditions—war, urban neglect, poverty—under which Vietnamese masculinity is continually produced, negotiated and transformed.


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There are two series of images in this exhibition: Series # 1: Images 4 – 9 Astronomical observatories in different countries and telescopes which have made some important discoveries in science of astronomy. These images were taken with simple primitive camera including a homemade toy camera and a Holga pinhole camera. The toy camera use a simple plastic lens and film. It produces a very softly focused and blurred image. The Holga Pinhole camera has a panoramic format and also uses film. (The pinhole camera has no lens and only a very small pinhole to lets the light into the camera to produce a simple image) For me the limited resolution of these primitive cameras invoke a sense of wonder, mystery and imagination which the ancient observers must have experienced when looking at the night sky. Series # 2: Images 1 – 3 and 9 - 14 presents individual celestial objects including, the planet Saturn, the Moon, the Sun, a comet and a Star Cluster. All these images have been re-photographed through a number of large primitive lenses. Some are hand made glass lenses and others are hollow and filled with water. These primitive lenses distort and stretch the images and represent the way in which the lens and (the telescope) have changed our vision of the cosmos. They also represent the subjectivity of the lens, something that all photographers know about - just because we see something through a lens, does not mean that all has been revealed and that what finally perceive is both a combination of what we see and what we feel inside and our imagination. The toy and pinhole camera images were made during a 5 year period starting in 2010 and up to 2015. The second series have all been made during 2015.


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