999 resultados para artesanato intelectual
Este artigo relata a experiência das autoras como orientadoras de pesquisa de dissertações e teses. Elas sustentam que o desenvolvimento de uma atitude reflexiva em pesquisa pode ser um caminho para a renovação do pensamento administrativo, da prática organizacional e da gestão e política públicas. Argumentam em favor do estímulo ao compromisso dos pesquisadores com as próprias posições ontológicas e epistemológicas, bem como com a aplicação do conhecimento produzido por seus trabalhos de pesquisa.
Inspirés par la « méthode » artisanat intellectuel propose par le sociologue Wright Mills, notre étude porte sur la formation du champ de pratiques discursives et non discursives (Michel Foucault) de la nutrition sociale dans le contexte de la société brésilienne dans lequel s insère le champ de la santé. Le travail empirique s épuise sur une source de documents normatifs de ce champ et s oriente à vérifier et à comprendre comment le praticien de la nutrition émerge dans le scènario des pratiques de la santé au Brésil à partir du milieux du 20ème siècle, tout en construisant son « regime de vérité » fondé dans des processus biopolitiques du champ de la médecine sociale. Nous avons relié deux phénomènes: a) l émergeance du champ biomédical de la nutrition comme une instance biopolitique, en approchant cette formation à l'histoire de la médecine sociale, depuis ses débuts européens jusqu'au contexte brésilien ; b) les pratiques discursives et non discursives du champ de la nutrition lequel est compris dans le Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS - Système Unique de Santé) brésilien. La démarche de recherche comprend l'élaboration et analyse d'une archive composée de publications qui contiennent l'Histoire du praticien de la nutrition au Brésil et des publications officielles disponibles dans le site web « Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição » (Politique Nationale d'Alimentation et de Nutrition) lesquelles sont considérées comme des guides d actions des praticiens de la nutrition sociale dans le Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Le concept de biopouvoir, décrit par Michel Foucault entre 1974 et 1979, et la notion de biopolitique, dans son sens réinterprété et mis à jour par Giorgio Agamben, Antônio Negri et Michael Hardt, ont fourni le support théorique de cette recherche
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender los sentidos dados a la relación entre el planeamiento y el proceso de formación continuada por profesores de una escuela pública municipal de la ciudad de Natal (RN). La conjetura guía es la percepción de que los profesores parecen no concebir el planeamiento escolar como espacio de formación colectiva y continuada. Así, esta conjetura es motivo de reflexión a medida que el planeamiento puede ser visto como un proceso cargado por tensiones y conflictos estructurales reprimidos en la escuela. Nuestro principio teórico metodológico es una interpretación de múltiples referencias que parte de conceptos en diferentes modelos de análisis en la comprensión de una realidad en que diferenciadas dimensiones están entremezcladas. Adoptamos como metodología de investigación la Entrevista Comprensiva, en que el objeto de la investigación se construye por medio de la elaboración teórica de las hipótesis surgidas en el campo de la investigación. El investigador busca dominar y personaliza los instrumentos y teoría a un proyecto concreto de investigación, cuya imagen más cercana es lo que se denomina de artesanía intelectual . En el proceso de construcción comprendemos la necesidad de entender el registro de un saber social incorporado por los individuos a su historicidad, a sus orientaciones y definiciones de su acción en relación al conjunto de la sociedad. En este sentido, los profesores entrevistados comentan su entendimiento revelando sentidos sobre cómo hacer efectivo un planeamiento que atienda las realidades del cotidiano de los alumnos. Observamos en nuestros análisis que parte del grupo de profesores tiene consciencia de hacer del planeamiento como base del trabajo docente no apenas dirigido al aspecto práctico elaboración y ejecución -, sino relacionado a un proceso de otros aspectos simultáneos como la reflexión acción-reflexión sobre la acción. De este modo, existe la posibilidad de mejorar el planeamiento transformándolo en más dinámico y participativo a través de los proyectos de trabajo como alternativa de enseñanza y de acercar la práctica pedagógica a la realidad de los alumnos, por ese motivo el planeamiento diario es de fundamental relevancia, ya que el espacio escolar es complejo y dinámico. Sin embargo, percibimos que existe incomprensión del planeamiento como espacio de formación continuada en la escuela en consecuencia de prácticas sin reflexión, y por eso, el proceso de planeamiento tiende a ser visto apenas como técnico y no un proceso político que apunta hacia la acción reflexiva. Por estas razones surgen tensiones externas e internas, unidas a las incertidumbres del trabajo docente en el cotidiano escolar, asociada a los sentimientos antagónicos que pueden ser elementos que dificultan y limitan el trabajo profesional de los docentes, llevándolos a la improvisación. Los profesores sugieren la construcción de la propuesta pedagógica dirigida a la formación continuada, coligada a la introducción de una práctica reflexiva que considere a la colectividad, siendo incluidas la autonomía, la flexibilidad y la abertura del planeamiento, y resaltan la actuación mediadora del coordinador pedagógico como de fundamental importancia para fortalecer el trabajo colectivo en la escuela y de enfatizar practicas reflexivas
In this research, we have as study object the identification process with the profession of students of the Undergraduate course for preparing professors for teaching Physics of the Federal University of Piauí. We start from the following question: - What relationships can be established among the senses given by the students to the group of the experiences lived in their initial formation and the identity construction as teacher? The presupposition is that the process of identification with the profession can contain formative experiences that are impossible to be reduced to the situations of disciplines learning. We considered that, in the development of the process of professional identification, the articulations and the connections that the students established with themselves, with the others - their formative teachers, managers - and with the world - the University, the public school - they should be understood in the interdependence relationships, consubstantiated in the experiences lived during the initial stage of their formation. Therefore, our objective is to understand the process of identification of the students with the teaching profession, based in the senses given to their formative experiences. In order to get this aim, we used the methodology of the Comprehensive Interview, and we chose as methodological and theoretical principles: the multi-referential theoretical framework, 'configuration and interdependence', the relationship among 'identity and alterity', the sensitive hearing and the 'intellectual craft'. The study is organized in two parts: the first, contains two chapters, that have introductory character. The second part is unfolded in five chapters, and it constitutes the development of the thesis. In the "paths", we revealed, starting from the actions and intentions that mobilized the students, processes involved in the choice of the course, and, this way, the initial identifications with the being an university student. We looked for to identify possible dissonances among the curriculum 'instituted and instituting', as well as the implications of its management of the formative experiences of future teachers. In short, we tried to capture, through the speeches of a group of students, the signs, the images and the senses of their formative experiences, which indicate as a vision of how their teaching profession is built. With this study, we sought to contribute for the researches on the field of degrees, taking as axis the formative processes that configure those courses. Finally, that the proposition of professor formation politics should be fundamentally based in internal demands, lived in the formative processes.
The study describes the comprehension of concepts about sexuality by youths diagnosed with intellectual deficiency, during classes on sexual education. The analysis of selected episodes from video transcriptions of five classes (Human Body, Kiss, Flirting, Coitus, Condom/STD) showed: the appropriation and understanding of concepts, partial difficulties of comprehension, and inhibition. The analysis of the transcripts indicated that all students were attentive to the classes, participated in the proposed tasks, and answered the questions. The observed signs of inhibition and the expression of values were similar to those observed in other youngsters, indicating the appropriation of culturally established values. The obtained evidences contrast with mythical visions related to sexuality in these youngsters, and suggest more studies about their competences.
This paper deals with the main evolutions that explain the emergence of new institutional arrangements that characterize the post-fordism. (i) Hence, I will show that the property rights modifications bring forth new forms of competition;(ii) Also, I will make explicit the concrete expressions of this new competition, as well as how it translates itself in a sub-optimum allocation in the framework of the market game; (iii) I will study the modifications of externalities nature produced by technical progress; (iv) Finally, I will analyze the macroeconomic implications in regard to growth mechanisms and to capital nature.
Este trabalho apresenta e discute diferentes aspectos da realidade da Pós-Graduação brasileira, relevantes para a discussão de sua produção intelectual. Também são descritas e discutidas as estratégias adotadas para a avaliação dessa produção.
Esta pesquisa visa compreender as relações entre o artesanato, o patrimônio cultural imaterial e o mercado, analisando as influências que um exerce sobre o outro. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo de caso comparativo entre as paneleiras de Goiabeiras, cujo ofício é registrado como patrimônio cultural imaterial, e os paneleiros de Guarapari, que possuem um modo de fazer panela diferenciado das paneleiras de Goiabeiras. Sendo assim, analisamos os modos de fazer dos dois grupos, as semelhanças e diferenças nas duas produções, as relações mercadológicas, sociais, políticas e ambientais envolvidas entre ambos e as políticas públicas que apoiam ou não os grupos pesquisados. Inicialmente apresentamos os grupos e seus modos de fazer panela de barro preta, utilizando os conceitos de patrimônio cultural e artesanato para contextualizar essas produções. Em seguida, observamos as principais diferenças e semelhanças nesses modos de produção, analisamos como acontece a inserção e o desenvolvimento do artesanato e do patrimônio no mercado, assim como as relações sociais entre os grupos de artesãos; identificamos as políticas de salvaguarda e os principais programas de incentivo ao artesanato; e apontamos as influências e relações entre artesanato, patrimônio cultural imaterial e mercado.
The importance of intangible resources has increased dramatically in recent years comparing to tangible ones. The economy in which we live is the result of competitive pressures that have imposed the implementation of business at an international level as well as a requirement in the application of sophisticated technologies that allow us to follow this fast evolution. In this age of information and innovation organizations will only survive if they are inserted in a global network of strategic relations, generically called as the network economy by Lev (2003). The service sector has stood out against the more traditional sectors of the economy. The intensive use of knowledge and a strong customer orientation created a new reality in today’s organizations: a growing importance attached to innovation, to the quality of products and services offered, to the information and communication technologies adopted, and to the creativity and particular abilities of human resources. The concept of intangible assets is more common in an accounting language and intellectual capital is most often applied in the context of management, being associated with a more comprehensive, multidimensional approach, representing all the knowledge that the institution owns and that it applies in the form of expertise, the creativity and organizational competencies that lead to innovation and to the sustained attainment of future economic benefits. An analysis of the scope of intellectual capital is fundamental to take more appropriate management decisions so that a more appropriate accounting treatment could be given by the accounting standardization organizations. This study intends to analyse the practices of information disclosure of the intellectual capital in the banking sector in Portugal, complementing the analysis of the disclosure of intangible assets in the context of accounting standards with the disclosure of intellectual capital in the context of organizational management. In particular, our main aims are to identify the extent of disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal and also to identify the factors that determine such a disclosure. The disclosure in the context of accounting standards will be studied by checking the disclosure of intangible assets through the items listed in the International Accounting Standard 38 developed by the International Accounting Standards Board. The context of management was analysed by means of creating a voluntary disclosure index based on assumptions of the model Intellectus, developed by the Centro de Investigación sobre la Sociedad del Conocimiento – Instituto de Administración de Empresas (CIC-IADE) of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, and of the model Intellectual Capital Statement (made in Europe) (InCaS), both promoted by the European Commission and that we have adapted to the banking sector. When analysing the disclosure of intangible assets based on the context of accounting standards and the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, this study has tried to raise awareness about the importance of issuing reports on the intellectual capital as an alternative tool to take management decisions in the existing organizations and reflects the transparency and legitimacy that these institutions seek through a more extensive and more detailed information disclosure of their intellectual capital. Based on a complimentarily of economic theories, together with social and political theories, we tried to check the extent, evolution and tendencies of the compulsory disclosure of intangible assets and of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital analysed in the period 2001-2011. Banks characteristics were also analysed in order to deduce those factors that determine or promote a larger disclosure in this sector. Based on these objectives, we adopted a longitudinal approach to explore the extent and the development of the disclosure of intangible assets as well as the factors that have determined it. Furthermore, we sought to assess the impact of the adoption of IAS 38 in the financial statements of the organizations in this sector. The disclosure index created on the basis of the disclosure requirements stated in IAS 38 from IASB was applied to the consolidated financial statements of the seventeen banks that rendered their statements in Portugal from 2001 to 2009. Since the information disclosed in the context of accounting standards may not have an important role as a management tool once it was not able to reflect what really contributes to the competitiveness and organizational growth, the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital was analysed according to the information obtained from the 2010 annual individual reports of the banks operating in Portugal in that year and from their respective websites in 2011. We tried to analyse the extent of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital and of each of its components, human capital, structural capital and relational capital. The comparative analysis of their annual reports and their web pages allowed us to assess the incidence of the disclosure and discover what channel the banking sector focuses on when disclosing their intellectual capital. Also in this analysis the study of the disclosure determinants has allowed us to conclude about the influence of particular characteristics in the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. The results of the analysis to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the consolidated financial statements of the banking groups in Portugal in the period 2001-2009 have shown an average information disclosure of 0.24. This information disclosure evolved from an average value of 0.1940 in 2001 to 0.2778 in 2009. The average value is 0.8286 if it is only considered the disclosure of the intangible assets that the banks possessed. The evolution of this index means an increase in the average disclosure from 0.7852 in 2001 to 0.8788 in 2009. From the first results that are related to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the financial statements, we can verify that the banking groups present a low disclosure level of these resources. However, when considering the disclosure of only the intangible assets that each institution owns, the disclosure level appears to be in compliance with the disclosure requirements for this sector. An evolution in the disclosure of intangible assets for the period considered was confirmed, showing an increase in the information disclosure of intangible assets in 2005, the year in which the accounting rules for intangible assets changed. The analysis that focused on the disclosure in the context of management tried to understand the extent, the incidence and the determinants of the voluntary information disclosure of intellectual capital in the annual reports of 2010 and on their web pages in 2011, studying the 32 banks operating in Portugal in this period. The average voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in the 2010 annual reports is 0.4342 while that in web pages is 0.2907. A review of the components of the intellectual capital allowed us to assess the importance that the banks confer to each of these components. The data obtained show that the relational capital, and more specifically the business capital, is the most disclosed component by banks in Portugal both in the annual reports and in their institutional web pages, followed by the structural capital and, finally, by the human capital. The disclosure of the human capital and the structural capital is higher in the annual reports than that in the websites, while the relational capital is more disclosed in the websites than in the annual reports. The results have also shown that the banks make a complementary use of both sources when disclosing information about their structural capital and relational capital but they do not show any information about their human capital in their websites. We tried to prove the influence of factors that could determine the accounting disclosure and the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in this sector. The change in the IASB accounting rules as from January 1st 2005 gave a greater disclosure of accounting information of intangible assets in the financial statements of banks. The bank size and corporate governance measures have statistically proved to have an influence on the extent of the accounting disclosure of intangible assets and on the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. Economic and financial variables such as profitability, operating efficiency or solvency were not determinants of information disclosure. The instability that the banking sector has experienced in economic and financial indicators in recent years as a result of the global financial markets imbalance has worsen indicators such as profitability, efficiency and solvency and caused major discrepancies in the economic situation between banks in Portugal. This empirical analysis has contributed to confront the disclosure required by accounting rules performed in the financial statements of organizations with that performed in the main disclosure media which is available for entities and which is increasingly requested in the process of taking management decisions. It also allowed us to verify whether there is homogeneity between institutions in the fulfilment of the requirements for information disclosure of intangible assets. However, as for voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, there are large disparities in the disclosure extent between organizations. Regardless of this sector specific characteristics, the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal follows the trends in other sectors and the practices adopted in other countries, namely regarding the amount of information disclosed, the incidence of the disclosure on the indicators of relational capital and the importance of variables such as size as determinants of disclosure of intellectual capital. For a further knowledge in this field, we created a specific index for the banking sector, considering appropriate indicators for an incisive, comprehensive analysis in order to consider the most relevant indicators of intellectual capital components. Besides, confronting the analysis of disclosure in the context of accounting standards with the study of voluntary disclosure brought a new analysis approach to the research on intellectual capital disclosure. With this study, we have also intended to raise greater awareness of the need for harmonization in the intellectual capital disclosure on the part of the regulatory banking authority by means of a demanding, consistent and transparent report of intellectual capital with simple, clear, objective indicators so that those interested in disclosing intellectual capital information in the organizations in this sector may obtain more harmonized and comparable information. A research on the disclosure quality of intellectual capital, together with the application of other analysis methodologies in this sector, might be a promising approach for future research. Applying the voluntary disclosure index to the same sector in other countries may also contribute to the knowledge of disclosure practices in different geographical environments. We highlight the relevance of further studies contributing to the harmonization and consistency in the presentation of an intellectual capital report so as to enable organizations to disclose the resources that contribute most to their competitiveness and growth.
A informação e a comunicação provocaram a abertura a um mercado global, produziram e semearam conhecimento e os mercados evoluíram e incentivaram a competitividade e a inovação. As empresas mais competitivas são as que usam novas tecnologias de informação, as que apostam nos recursos humanos qualificados, as que evoluem na investigação e as que se centram na estratégia e nas ligações estratégicas. Estas empresas debatem-se com um novo activo que adquire cada vez mais importância e relevo no seu dia-a-dia, tornando-se, em algumas delas, o principal factor de produção. Segundo Stewart (1998, p.92) “o capitalismo intelectual necessita desesperadamente de uma linguagem prática, caso contrário cairá num charco de lodo verbal sem sentido“. O objectivo deste trabalho centra-se na análise de alguns dos métodos desenvolvidos para valorizar o activo já consagrado como o que mais contribui para o desenvolvimento empresarial e social: o capital intelectual.
Com o presente estudo procuramos analisar a extensão da divulgação voluntária do capital intelectual nos relatórios anuais e nas páginas Web dos grupos bancários em Portugal. Os resultados revelaram que os grupos bancários divulgam em média 0,5335 de informação do capital intelectual nos relatórios anuais e 0,3493 nas suas páginas Web. O componente mais divulgado, tanto nos relatórios anuais como nas páginas Web, é o capital relacional, seguido do capital estrutural e do capital humano. Os grupos bancários em Portugal atribuem maior importância à divulgação de informação do capital negócio nos relatórios anuais e do capital sociedade nas páginas Web.
divulgação do capital intelectual no setor bancário em Portugal.
O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em analisar os determinantes da divulgação de informação sobre o capital intelectual nos bancos que desenvolveram a sua atividade em Portugal, em 2010 e 2011. Esta análise contempla igualmente a divulgação sobre os diferentes componentes do capital intelectual: o capital humano, o capital estrutural e o capital relacional, obtendo-se, para o efeito, os dados nos relatórios anuais e nas páginas Web destas entidades no período considerado. Os resultados revelaram que as dimensões organização e conselho de administração são considerados os determinantes da divulgação de informação sobre o capital intelectual, tanto nos relatórios anuais como nas Webpages. As variáveis económicofinanceiras de rendibilidade, de eficiência e de solvabilidade não se apresentaram, na análise multivariada, como fatores que determinam a divulgação de informação sobre o capital intelectual pelos bancos em Portugal. Saliente-se, no entanto, que numa análise univariada, a solvabilidade apresenta um nível de associação estatisticamente significativo com a divulgação de informação, revelando que os bancos com menor solvabilidade divulgam mais informação sobre o seu capital intelectual.