992 resultados para art philosophy
A la infància, Enric Canadell químic teòric i Àlex Nogué artista visual comparteixen pupitre i jocs de carrer a Castellfollit de la Roca, un poble de la Garrotxa, Girona. Segueixen trajectes vitals ben diferents i desenvolupen una ampla experiència professional internacional en la ciència i l'art. Quaranta-cinc anys més tard es retroben novament sota el projecte "En comptes de la revolució, converses" promogut per Cafè Central i l'Associació per les Arts Contemporànies H.ACC per tal de cercar coincidències en les seves activitats professionals aparentment tan dispars i en la seva forma de viure-les.
This thesis discusses socio-political issues worldwide through philosophical approaches to performance, politics and composition. My research also discuss sound decisions which I regard to be simultaneously an outlet for personal expression, as well as a practical tool to inspire a socio-political change in society. Although the latter is paramount to the methodology of the project, the sound cannot be regarded in isolation as a “political composition”. It can only become truly functional in a political sense through interaction with other art forms, within the context of a specific place and time. My portfolio for this project is of two socio-political projects which are my chief concern. The first project concerns the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I named this project PATH. PATH aims to foster and expand peaceful thought between Jewish and Palestinian civilians in Israel-Palestine. Through performance art, PATH spreads a message of acceptance, unity and brotherhood between our peoples. Above all, PATH demands and end to intolerance, hatred and violence among all the inhabitants of the State of Israel. The second project concerns women’s rights globally. I have realised that although we have come a long way in our struggle for rights for women, great challenges remain. There is a need to unite women and men against a form of oppression that discriminates against 50% of the world’s population. I called this project, For Utopia.
The focus of this research is in ascertaining how and why the Irish state patronises the visual arts. The framework that the state puts in place for the support of the arts influences the creation of art. The initial standpoint from which to evaluate the system is founded on the belief that art is of social good. The second source of belief is in the necessity for an autonomous setting in which it can be created. These two beliefs underpin state patronage of the arts in contemporary society. Therefore they have to be examined carefully in order to see if they hold up. This requires an investigation into the formation of value. This is undertaken by looking into the social development of western society and its influence on the placement of arts value. Establishing how arts value to society is defined provides a means by which to investigate the manner in which the state patronises the visual arts. Two case studies provide the evidence in how the state supports the arts and why it chooses to do so. The Irish Museum of Modem Art is used as an example of the state’s role in the maintenance of the canon of art. The second case study looks at the work being done by Breaking Ground. Breaking Ground is an extensive art project as an element of the regeneration process happening in Ballymun funded by the state. It provides and insight into how the state utilises art in the unification of a social group.
Tämä opinnäytetyöni käsittelee provokatiivista väittämää: taide on aina poliittista. Kerron työssä omasta taidekäsityksestäni, sekä omasta maailmankatsomuksestani. Kaikessa kirjoittamassani rinnalla kulkee koko työn läpi oma taiteellinen työni, eli tulkintani Sergi Belbelin näytelmästä Kuolemia, jonka ohjasin Helsingin Kellariteatteriin keväällä 2006. Opinnäytetyöni on filosofista pohdintaa siitä, mitä taide on. Se ei näin ollen esitä minkäänlaista kiistämätöntä faktatietoa, vaan lähinnä omia ajatuksiani ja mielipiteitäni. Tämä työ ei käsittele poliittista taidetta, vaan taiteen tekemistä sinänsä poliittisena toimintana. Työni tarkoitus on hahmottaa omaa taidekäsitystäni kokemusteni, sekä lähdekirjallisuuden pohjalta. Taiteellisen työn tekemisen lisäksi ajatteluuni on vaikuttanut Teemu Mäen esseekokoelma Näkyvä Pimeys (2005). Toivon, että tämä työ provosoi ajattelemaan ja keskustelemaan.
Si le rapport entre Derrida et Bergson n’a pas fait l’objet de nombreuses études, les commentaires existants témoignent à peu près tous d’une vision commune : entre les deux philosophes, les divergences peuvent être atténuées, voire dissoutes, par la considération de convergences plus fondamentales. Les pages qui suivent seront l’occasion pour nous de faire contrepoids à cette vulgate interprétative. Sans nier l’existence de points de contact entre Derrida et Bergson, nous voudrions en effet montrer qu’un important désaccord subsiste entre eux au sujet de la possibilité de l’intuition. Alors que Derrida met en cause les doctrines intuitionnistes, Bergson érige l’intuition en méthode philosophique. Le présent mémoire prendra pour fil conducteur les motifs de cette discorde. Réduit à sa plus simple expression, l’objectif que nous y poursuivrons sera de montrer que les pensées bergsonienne et derridienne, lorsque mises en dialogue, révèlent un désaccord partiel qui permet de réfléchir de façon féconde sur la possibilité de l’intuition. Pour être plus exact, nous caresserons ici une triple ambition : i/ cerner étroitement l’objet du litige entre Derrida et Bergson, trop peu souligné par les commentateurs, et dont nous montrons qu’il s’articule à une entente partielle ; ii/ tirer au clair les diverses raisons qui amènent l’un à s’en prendre à l’intuition, l’autre à embrasser la méthode intuitive ; iii/ établir que certains arguments de Bergson, bien qu’ils connaissent un regain d’intérêt depuis quelques années, paraissent lacunaires lorsqu’on les confronte à différentes objections.
Ciertos videojuegos hoy en día, a parte de ser objetos culturales reconocidos en la cultura digital, brindan una experiencia estética que desde la filosofía del arte debe ser analizada. El presente texto investiga a fondo sobre la naturaleza y un posible status artístico de algunos videojuegos "candidatos", siguiendo las teorías de reconocimiento según criterios de los objetos del arte planteada por Dutton y Gaut.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
The most challenging Deleuze/Guattari’s lesson regar- ding art is that it is an autonomous way of thinking and bears of no lack relatively to philosophy and science. In fact, creating artistically is thinking. Throughout this article, I will try to show that art and philosophy are autonomous modes of thinking, as far as the statute of their creations is multiplicity. The multiplicity that characterizes philosophy is concept; the multiplicity that characterizes art is sen- sation. Both of them have their multiplicity character guaranteed by the instance of the problems, to which they are solutions. The most important is that the problems although independent constitute in- terference channels through which two modalities of meeting could happen. First, sensations point out how could a thinker endures in the instance of problems, avoiding both to deprive the concept and to fall in philosophical illusions. In second place in the instance of the problem philosophy and art exchange, so that either a thinker takes an art sensation and extracts from it its generating problem to be philosophically solved or, vice-versa, an artist takes a concept and solves its problem creating new art sensations.
Esta investigación analiza la capacidad del urbanismo de albergar sistemas emergentes de gestión urbana. El objetivo de esta tesis es describir estos procedimientos informales, realizando un exhaustivo recorrido a través de diversas experiencias de alteración del modo de gestión urbana al uso, para dar lugar a una sistematización de estos procesos que siente las bases para plantear nuevas formas de gestión urbana. Es decir, el fin no es tanto hacer una clasificación de las intervenciones más relevantes en materia urbana, sino descubrir su estructura, un orden para el desorden, una taxonomía en esas actuaciones que permita reformular las formas actuales de gestión de lo público. Se ha tratado de dibujar un mapa de oportunidades posibles en torno a la gestión del espacio urbano. A través de los procesos estudiados, esta investigación analiza los éxitos y fracasos obtenidos en los últimos cinco años de gestión alternativa de espacios vacantes, buscando extraer formulas susceptibles de incorporarse al modo actual de hacer ciudad. Este estudio pretende abordar un aspecto parcial, aunque fundamental del urbanismo, dando prioridad a lo público, sin la intención de negar el resto de formas del espacio urbano. Se concentra en los parámetros relativos a la interpretación de lo público: desatiende al conjunto urbano para descifrar ese fragmento. Así, el interés principal de esta tesis se concentra en la producción del espacio público. Al entender este ámbito como no exclusivo del urbanismo, otras actividades como el arte, la filosofía, la antropología o la sociología han aportado aspectos fundamentales dentro de esta investigación. De esta forma se ofrece un acercamiento poliédrico desde puntos de vista interdisciplinares, tratando de descubrir con rigor las posibilidades contrastadas de mejora del espacio urbano producido por los procesos emergentes de gestión informal de lo público. Mediante un metodología creada ex profeso (una estructura definida por tres líneas estratégicas: Gobernanza, Complejidad y Cohesión Social, que se desglosan en seis conceptos clave cada una) esta investigación analiza los aspectos relativos a la producción informal del espacio público de los sistemas emergentes. En relación con la Gobernanza, una parte de esta tesis se dedica al estudio de la informalidad, la transversalidad, la apropiación, la participación, la transparencia y las redes. La Complejidad se ha estudiado en su relación con la diversidad urbana, el uso sostenible del espacio público, la reactivación, la producción de espacio público, la ecología urbana y los procesos creativos. Para Cohesión Social se ha investigado la innovación en equipamientos, los procesos bottom-up, el rizoma, la identidad, los sistemas líquidos y el empoderamiento. Esta máquina para analizar se prueba en tres soportes urbanos: la escena urbana, los edificios-contenedores y los vacíos urbanos. Se han estudiado cinco situaciones urbanas en la ciudad de Madrid, seleccionados por ser las prácticas urbanas más relevantes de los últimos cinco años. Si bien este análisis nace de estos cincos casos, el modelo podría ser útil para otras investigaciones interesadas en los aspectos informales de la gestión urbana. Esta investigación se propone reclamar otras dimensiones más innovadoras que, si bien se escapan a los modos habituales de trabajar del urbanista, se revelan intensamente en los modos actuales de reclamar y producir espacio urbano. Se ha pretendido descubrir el espacio urbano como contenedor situacional del sentido público, potencial multiplicador de efectos funcionales como la gestión, la temporalidad, la participación, la rehabilitación, la multiplicidad de usos, la corrección del compacidad; efectos perceptuales y estéticos en la escena urbana; efectos políticos, de formación, de adquisición de poder; efectos sociales como la generación de nuevas redes, la creación de identidades. Se pretende que esta investigación arroje conclusiones que puedan tener aplicabilidad en la gestión y planificación del espacio público de ciudades y entornos urbanos inmersos a procesos semejantes. ABSTRACT This research examines the ability of urban planning to accommodate emerging urban management systems. The purpose of this thesis is to describe such informal procedures, by carrying out an exhaustive review across the different approaches to urban management, in order to systematize them as the basis for new ways of urban management. The aim is not, that is, to classify relevant urban interventions, but to recognize the intrinsic structure, an order for disorder, a taxonomy in those proceedings that could help reformulating existing forms of public management. The attempt has been to draw a map of possible opportunities around the management of urban space. Through the processes that have been the object of study, this research analyzes the successes and failures over the last five years of alternative management of vacant spaces, seeking to extract formulas that are likely to join the current way of making city. The focus of this urban study is the interpretation of public concepts, considered as key dimensions, not obliterating the other forms of urban space, but trying to make an in-depth analysis of this fragment within the global urban concept. Other activities intrinsically associated to public space generation, such as art, philosophy, anthropology or even sociology, are also contributing to this research. This interdisciplinary approach tries to enrich the research by recognizing the informal elements participating in emergent public management processes. The ex profeso devised methodology is structured by three main strategies: governance, complexity and Social Cohesiveness. Governance considers elements associated to informality, transversal dynamics, appropriation, participation, transparency and networking. Complexity encompasses elements of urban diversity, sustainable usage of public space, reactivation, urban space production, urban ecology and creative processes. Social Cohesiveness includes elements for equipment innovation, bottom-up processes, rhizome, identity, liquid systems and empowerment. This analyzing machine is tested on three urban scenarios: the urban scene, container buildings and empty spaces. Five relevant urban situations in Madrid have been selected, all of them developed in last five years, thus establishing the basis for other experiences of informal urban management. The result of the research, confirms the relevance of additional dimensions to traditional approaches for urban development. The urban space is recognized as a situational container of public sense and a potential multiplier of functional effects such as public management, temporality, participation, rehabilitation, multiplicity of uses, correction of compactness; perceptual and esthetic effects on the urban scene; politic effects, training, empowerment; social effects as generating new networks and identity creation. To sum up, the purpose of this thesis is to share the conclusions obtained by evaluating reference scenarios that could be applied in similar processes for cities and urban environment management and planning.
Mode of access: Internet.
This research studies the landscape paintings of the artist Ido Finotti, specifically the Brazilian cerrado vegetation and rivers landscape paintings, in the region of Triângulo Mineiro, mainly Uberlândia and the surrounding cities as Uberaba and Araguari. The artist produced the landscape paintings from 1947 to 1980. This study searches to understand the poetic in the paintings and identify the elements that the artist chose to create the visuality of landscape to build a regional identity. Therefore, it links the artistic and historical reflections with the general ideas about the landscape painting in the Universal History of Art and in the Brazilian History of Art through the main landscape painters. First, this work shows the trajectory of the artist Ido Finotti and the two phases of his paintings: as a decorative painter of walls from 1920 to 1940, then as an oil painter artist on canvas. Second, the national and foreign authors studied were from several fields: Visual Arts, History, History of the Art, Philosophy and Geography, but had produced literature on the idea and the subject of landscape in the painting. The initial reading was about some workmanships of Ido Finotti, which included 142 landscapes paintings; interviews; articles, periodicals and magazines collected; documents, brochures and catalogues gathered. The comparison between the written and visual sources made possible the textual construction of this research.