377 resultados para archiving


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Plain radiography still accounts for the vast majority of imaging studies that are performed at multiple clinical instances. Digital detectors are now prominent in many imaging facilities and they are the main driving force towards filmless environments. There has been a working paradigm shift due to the functional separation of acquisition, visualization, and storage with deep impact in the imaging workflows. Moreover with direct digital detectors images are made available almost immediately. Digital radiology is now completely integrated in Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) environments governed by the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard. In this chapter a brief overview of PACS architectures and components is presented together with a necessarily brief account of the DICOM standard. Special focus is given to the DICOM digital radiology objects and how specific attributes may now be used to improve and increase the metadata repository associated with image data. Regular scrutiny of the metadata repository may serve as a valuable tool for improved, cost-effective, and multidimensional quality control procedures.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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PADICAT is the web archive created in 2005 in Catalonia (Spain ) by the Library of Catalonia (BC ) , the National Library of Catalonia , with the aim of collecting , processing and providing permanent access to the digital heritage of Catalonia . Its harvesting strategy is based on the hybrid model ( of massive harvesting . SPA top level domain ; selective compilation of the web site output of Catalan organizations; focused harvesting of public events) . The system provides open access to the whole collection , on the Internet . We consider necessary to complement the current search for new and visualization software with open source software tool, CAT ( Curator Archiving Tool) , composed by three modules aimed to effectively managing the processes of human cataloguing ; to publish directories where the digital resources and special collections ; and to offer statistical information of added value to end users. Within the framework of the International Internet Preservation Consortium meeting ( Vienna 2010) , the progress in the development of this new tool, and the philosophy that has motivated his design, are presented to the international community.


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There is a growing body of qualitative research data being made available in data archives in both Ireland and the UK. Examples of Irish qualitative data currently available for further analysis include Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) and Life Histories and Social Change in 20th Century Ireland. The Timescapes Research Programme, at the University of Leeds, hosts a wide variety of economic and social research data relevant to child and family researchers; data which is available to researchers in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Access to this data provides researchers with greater opportunities to explore the issues that affect children, their families and their  communities and which may ultimately contribute to informing children's policy. In this the second master class of the Children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland, participants will learn about the various qualitativ edatasets that are publicly-available for research purposes in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.


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View the webcast of the presentations at the Archiving and Accessing Qualitative data master class, February 2012.


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La preservació digital (PD) s'ha convertit en un problema persistent per a tots els que vulguin conservar la seva informació digital, garantir el seu estat i consultar aquest informació en el transcurs del temps. Fins ara només grans institucions amb coneixement expert i eines especialitzades han pogut fer front a aquest problema, però la preservació digital no pot ser abordada per una sola institució o nació. Les biblioteques, arxius i altres institucions de conservació de la memòria comparteixen aquest repte de la mateixa manera que els col•leccionistes i creadors, que ho fan a títol individual.L’objectiu del projecte és crear l'aplicació Pyramid que està concebuda com una eina de suport orientada a l'usuari domèstic (sense coneixements tècnics ni de preservació) per a la preservació a mig i llarg termini de col•leccions digitals, texts i vídeos, tal que funcioni com un antivirus (en BackGround) i preservi la informació sense requerir un cost addicional a l'ordinador i que l'usuari no noti cap molèstia a l'hora de fer les seves tasques diàries


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L’arxivament del web és una disciplina que te el seu origen en el camp de la biblioteconomia i les ciències de la informació i és aliena al món arxivístic del nostre país. La primera part del present treball ofereix un breu estat de la qüestió sobre l’arxivament de les pàgines web i, des d’una perspectiva arxivística, intentarà donar resposta a qüestions com en què consisteix l’arxivament de les pàgines web? Per a què serveix? Des de quan es practica? Quines organitzacions el practiquen? Com es captura i emmagatzema el web? En la segona part es proposa una reflexió sobre l’aplicació de l’arxivament web des de la disciplina arxivística. Paraules clau: Preservació digital, arxivament web, arxivística, Internet, Biblioteques Nacionals, documents electrònics, tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació


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The recent trend for journals to require open access to primary data included in publications has been embraced by many biologists, but has caused apprehension amongst researchers engaged in long-term ecological and evolutionary studies. A worldwide survey of 73 principal investigators (Pls) with long-term studies revealed positive attitudes towards sharing data with the agreement or involvement of the PI, and 93% of PIs have historically shared data. Only 8% were in favor of uncontrolled, open access to primary data while 63% expressed serious concern. We present here their viewpoint on an issue that can have non-trivial scientific consequences. We discuss potential costs of public data archiving and provide possible solutions to meet the needs of journals and researchers.


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The paper analyzes publishers" copyright policies and self-archiving conditions of Spanish scientific journals. Data are extracted from the directory DULCINEA that contains information of 1318 Spanish journals, of which 775 (61%) allow some form of self-archiving to be about 60% of the post-print version and allowing them 87% of the deposit of the version of record. In 72% of journals the deposit can be performed immediately after publication and in 16% after article acceptance. 72% of the journals are freely available without charge to the user this figure raises up to 86% if free access after an embargo is considered. Only 18% of the journals use Creative Commons licenses. The adoption of different open access journals model in Spain is favorable, however there is still a high percentage of journals (39%) that do not provide any information about authors and publishers rights and that difficult or inhibits reuse of published articles.


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This report describes web archiving in the National Library of Finland. The National Library of Finland has been archiving Finnish web on a regular basis since 2006. Web archiving is an important part of the Library'ʹs endeavours to collect and preserve Finnish published cultural heritage. In 2010, the amount of harvested data was 200 million files, or 25 Terabytes. The report takes the reader through the relevant legislation; internal plans and policies; funding and their allocation; the practices of web archiving; arrangements for the use of the archive; and issues rising from data security, sensitive materials, &c.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014