985 resultados para approach speed


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Two questions emerge from the literature concerning the perceptual-motor processes underlying the visual regulation of step length. The first concerns the effects of velocity on the onset of visual control (VCO), when visual regulation of step length begins during goal-directed locomotion. The second concerns the effects of different obstacles such as a target or raised surface on step length regulation. In two separate experiments, participants (Experiment 1 & 2: n=12, 6 female, 6 male) walked, jogged, or sprinted towards an obstacle along a 10 m walkway, consisting of two marker-strips with alternating black and white 0.50 m markings. Each experiment consisted of three targeting or obstacle tasks with the requirement to both negotiate and continue moving (run-through) through the target. Five trials were conducted for each task and approach speed, with trials block randomised between the six participants of each gender. One 50 Hz video camera panned and filmed each trial from an elevated position, adjacent to the walkway. Video footage was digitized to deduce the gait characteristics. Results for the targeting tasks indicate a linear relationship between approach velocity and accuracy of final foot placement (r=0.89). When foot placement was highly constrained by the obstacle step length shortened during the entire approach. VCO was found to occur at an earlier tau-margin for lower approach velocities for both experiments, indicating that the optical variable ‘tau' is affected by approach velocity. A three-phase kinematic profile was found for all tasks, except for the take-off board condition when sprinting. Further research is needed to determine whether this velocity affect on VCO is due to ‘whole-body' approach velocity or whether it is a function of the differences between gait modes.


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Film thinning experiments have been conducted with aqueous films between two air phases in a thin film pressure balance. The films are free of added surfactant but simple NaCl electrolyte is added in some experiments. Initially the experiments begin with a comparatively large volume of water in a cylindrical capillary tube a few millimeters in diameter, and by withdrawing water from the center of the tube the two bounding menisci are drawn together at a prescribed rate. Thismodels two air bubbles approaching at a controlled speed. In pure water, the results show three regimes of behavior depending on the approach speed; at slow speed (<1 μm/s) it is possible to form a flat film of pure water, ∼100 nm thick, that is stabilized indefinitely by disjoining pressure due to repulsive double-layer interactions between naturally charged air/water interfaces. The data are consistent with a surface potential of -57mV on the bubble surfaces. At intermediate approach speed (∼1-150 μm/s), the films are transiently stable due to hydrodynamic drainage effects, and bubble coalescence is delayed by ∼10-100 s. At approach speeds greater than ∼150 μm/s, the hydrodynamic resistance appears to become negligible, and the bubbles coalesce without any measurable delay. Explanations for these observations are presented that take into account Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek and Marangoni effects entering through disjoining pressure, surface mobility, and hydrodynamic flow regimes in thin film drainage. In particular, it is argued that the dramatic reduction in hydrodynamic resistance is a transition from viscosity-controlled drainage to inertia-controlled drainage associated with a change from immobile to mobile air/water interfaces on increasing the speed of approach of two bubbles. A simple model is developed that accounts for the boundaries between different film stability or coalescence regimes. Predictions of the model are consistent with the data, and the effects of adding electrolyte can be explained. In particular, addition of electrolyte at high concentration inhibits the near-instantaneous coalescence phenomenon, thereby contributing to increased foam film stability at high approach speeds, as reported in previous literature. This work highlights the significance of bubble approach speed as well as electrolyte concentration in affecting bubble coalescence.


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Level crossing crashes have been shown to result in enormous human and financial cost to society. According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) [5] a total of 632 Railway Level crossing (RLX) collisions, between trains and road vehicles, occurred in Australia between 2001 and June 2009. The cost of RLX collisions runs into the tens of millions of dollars each year in Australia [6]. In addition, loss of life and injury are commonplace in instances where collisions occur. Based on estimates that 40% of rail related fatalities occur at level crossings [12], it is estimated that 142 deaths between 2001 and June 2009 occurred at RLX. The aim of this paper is to (i) summarise crash patterns in Australia, (ii) review existing international ITS interventions to improve level crossing and (iii) highlights open human factors research related issues. Human factors (e.g., driver error, lapses or violations) have been evidenced as a significant contributing factor in RLX collisions, with drivers of road vehicles particularly responsible for many collisions. Unintentional errors have been found to contribute to 46% of RLX collisions [6] and appear to be far more commonplace than deliberate violations. Humans have been found to be inherently inadequate at using the sensory information available to them to facilitate safe decision-making at RLX and tend to underestimate the speed of approaching large objects due to the non-linear increases in perceived size [6]. Collisions resulting from misjudgements of train approach speed and distance are common [20]. Thus, a fundamental goal for improved RLX safety is the provision of sufficient contextual information to road vehicle drivers to facilitate safe decision-making regarding crossing behaviours.


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Improving safety at railway level crossings is an important issue for the Australian transport system. Governments, the rail industry and road organisations have tried a variety of countermeasures for many years to improve railway level crossing safety. New types of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) interventions are now emerging due to the availability and the affordability of technology. These interventions target both actively and passively protected railway level crossings and attempt to address drivers’ errors at railway crossings, which are mainly a failure to detect the crossing or the train and misjudgement of the train approach speed and distance. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of three emerging ITS that the rail industry considers implementing in Australia: a visual in-vehicle ITS, an audio in-vehicle ITS, as well as an on-road flashing beacons intervention. The evaluation was conducted on an advanced driving simulator with 20 participants per trialled technology, each participant driving once without any technology and once with one of the ITS interventions. Every participant drove through a range of active and passive crossings with and without trains approaching. Their speed approach of the crossing, head movements and stopping compliance were measured. Results showed that driver behaviour was changed with the three ITS interventions at passive crossings, while limited effects were found at active crossings, even with reduced visibility. The on-road intervention trialled was unsuccessful in improving driver behaviour; the audio and visual ITS improved driver behaviour when a train was approaching. A trend toward worsening driver behaviour with the visual ITS was observed when no trains were approaching. This trend was not observed for the audio ITS intervention, which appears to be the ITS intervention with the highest potential for improving safety at passive crossings.


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The dissertation deals with remote narrowband measurements of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by lightning flashes. A lightning flash consists of a number of sub-processes. The return stroke, which transfers electrical charge from the thundercloud to to the ground, is electromagnetically an impulsive wideband process; that is, it emits radiation at most frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, but its duration is only some tens of microseconds. Before and after the return stroke, multiple sub-processes redistribute electrical charges within the thundercloud. These sub-processes can last for tens to hundreds of milliseconds, many orders of magnitude longer than the return stroke. Each sub-process causes radiation with specific time-domain characteristics, having maxima at different frequencies. Thus, if the radiation is measured at a single narrow frequency band, it is difficult to identify the sub-processes, and some sub-processes can be missed altogether. However, narrowband detectors are simple to design and miniaturize. In particular, near the High Frequency band (High Frequency, 3 MHz to 30 MHz), ordinary shortwave radios can, in principle, be used as detectors. This dissertation utilizes a prototype detector which is essentially a handheld AM radio receiver. Measurements were made in Scandinavia, and several independent data sources were used to identify lightning sub-processes, as well as the distance to each individual flash. It is shown that multiple sub-processes radiate strongly near the HF band. The return stroke usually radiates intensely, but it cannot be reliably identified from the time-domain signal alone. This means that a narrowband measurement is best used to characterize the energy of the radiation integrated over the whole flash, without attempting to identify individual processes. The dissertation analyzes the conditions under which this integrated energy can be used to estimate the distance to the flash. It is shown that flash-by-flash variations are large, but the integrated energy is very sensitive to changes in the distance, dropping as approximately the inverse cube root of the distance. Flashes can, in principle, be detected at distances of more than 100 km, but since the ground conductivity can vary, ranging accuracy drops dramatically at distances larger than 20 km. These limitations mean that individual flashes cannot be ranged accurately using a single narrowband detector, and the useful range is limited to 30 kilometers at the most. Nevertheless, simple statistical corrections are developed, which enable an accurate estimate of the distance to the closest edge of an active storm cell, as well as the approach speed. The results of the dissertation could therefore have practical applications in real-time short-range lightning detection and warning systems.


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The third edition of the Australian Standard AS1742 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 7 provides a method of calculating the sighting distance required to safely proceed at passive level crossings based on the physics of moving vehicles. This required distance becomes greater with higher line speeds and slower, heavier vehicles so that it may return quite a long sighting distance. However, at such distances, there are also concerns around whether drivers would be able to reliably identify a train in order to make an informed decision regarding whether it would be safe to proceed across the level crossing. In order to determine whether drivers are able to make reliable judgements to proceed in these circumstances, this study assessed the distance at which a train first becomes identifiable to a driver as well as their, ability to detect the movement of the train. A site was selected in Victoria, and 36 participants with good visual acuity observed 4 trains in the 100-140 km/h range. While most participants could detect the train from a very long distance (2.2 km on average), they could only detect that the train was moving at much shorter distances (1.3 km on average). Large variability was observed between participants, with 4 participants consistently detecting trains later than other participants. Participants tended to improve in their capacity to detect the presence of the train with practice, but a similar trend was not observed for detection of the movement of the train. Participants were consistently poor at accurately judging the approach speed of trains, with large underestimations at all investigated distances.


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El modo tradicional de estimar el nivel de seguridad vial es el registro de accidentes de tráfico, sin embargo son altamente variables, aleatorios y necesitan un periodo de registro de al menos 3 años. Existen metodologías preventivas en las cuales no es necesario que ocurra un accidente para determinar el nivel de seguridad de una intersección, como lo es la técnica de los conflictos de tráfico, que introduce las mediciones alternativas de seguridad como cuantificadoras del riesgo de accidente. El objetivo general de la tesis es establecer una metodología que permita clasificar el riesgo en intersecciones interurbanas, en función del análisis de conflictos entre vehículos, realizado mediante las variables alternativas o indirectas de seguridad vial. La metodología para el análisis y evaluación temprana de la seguridad en una intersección, estará basada en dos medidas alternativas de seguridad: el tiempo hasta la colisión y el tiempo posterior a la invasión de la trayectoria. El desarrollo experimental se realizó mediante estudios de campo, para la parte exploratoria de la investigación, se seleccionaron 3 intersecciones interurbanas en forma de T donde se obtuvieron las variables que caracterizan los conflictos entre vehículos; luego mediante técnicas de análisis multivariante, se obtuvo los modelos de clasificación del riesgo cualitativo y cuantitativo. Para la homologación y el estudio final de concordancia entre el índice propuesto y el modelo de clasificación, se desarrollaron nuevos estudios de campo en 6 intersecciones interurbanas en forma de T. El índice de riesgo obtenido resulta una herramienta muy útil para realizar evaluaciones rápidas conducentes a estimar la peligrosidad de una intersección en T, debido a lo simple y económico que resulta obtener los registros de datos en campo, por medio de una rápida capacitación a operarios; la elaboración del informe de resultados debe ser por un especialista. Los índices de riesgo obtenidos muestran que las variables originales más influyentes son las mediciones de tiempo. Se pudo determinar que los valores más altos del índice de riesgo están relacionados a un mayor riesgo de que un conflicto termine en accidente. Dentro de este índice, la única variable cuyo aporte es proporcionalmente directo es la velocidad de aproximación, lo que concuerda con lo que sucede en un conflicto, pues una velocidad excesiva se manifiesta como un claro factor de riesgo ya que potencia todos los fallos humanos en la conducción. Una de las principales aportaciones de esta tesis doctoral a la ingeniería de carreteras, es la posibilidad de aplicación de la metodología por parte de administraciones de carreteras locales, las cuales muchas veces cuentan con recursos de inversión limitados para efectuar estudios preventivos, sobretodo en países en vías de desarrollo. La evaluación del riesgo de una intersección luego de una mejora en cuanto a infraestructura y/o dispositivos de control de tráfico, al igual que un análisis antes – después, pero sin realizar una comparación mediante la ocurrencia de accidentes, sino que por medio de la técnica de conflictos de tráfico, se puede convertir en una aplicación directa y económica. Además, se pudo comprobar que el análisis de componentes principales utilizado en la creación del índice de riesgo de la intersección, es una herramienta útil para resumir todo el conjunto de mediciones que son posibles de obtener con la técnica de conflictos de tráfico y que permiten el diagnóstico del riesgo de accidentalidad en una intersección. En cuanto a la metodología para la homologación de los modelos, se pudo establecer la validez y confiabilidad al conjunto de respuestas entregadas por los observadores en el registro de datos en campo, ya que los resultados de la validación establecen que la medición de concordancia de las respuestas entregadas por los modelos y lo observado, son significativas y sugieren una alta coincidencia entre ellos. ABSTRACT The traditional way of estimating road safety level is the record of occurrence of traffic accidents; however, they are highly variable, random, and require a recording period of at least three years. There are preventive methods which do not need an accident to determine the road safety level of an intersection, such as traffic conflict technique, which introduces surrogate safety measures as parameters for the evaluation of accident risks. The general objective of the thesis is to establish a methodology that will allow the classification of risk at interurban intersections as a function of the analysis of conflicts between vehicles performed by means of surrogate road safety variables. The proposal of a methodology for the analysis and early evaluation of safety at an intersection will be based on two surrogate safety measures: the time to collision and the post encroachment time. On the other hand, the experimental development has taken place by means of field studies in which the exploratory part of the investigation selected three interurban T-intersections where the application of the traffic conflict technique gave variables that characterize the conflicts between vehicles; then, using multivariate analysis techniques, the models for the classification of qualitative and quantitative risk were obtained. With the models new field studies were carried out at six interurban Tintersections with the purpose of developing the homologation and the final study of the agreement between the proposed index and the classification model. The risk index obtained is a very useful tool for making rapid evaluations to estimate the hazard of a T-intersection, as well as for getting simply and economically the field data records after a fast training of the workers and then preparing the report of results by a specialist. The risk indices obtained show that the most influential original variables are the measurements of time. It was determined that the highest risk index values are related with greater risk of a conflict resulting in an accident. Within this index, the only variable whose contribution is proportionally direct is the approach speed, in agreement with what happens in a conflict, because excessive speed appears as a clear risk factor at an intersection because it intensifies all the human driving faults. One of the main contributions of this doctoral thesis to road engineering is the possibility of applying the methodology by local road administrations, which very often have limited investment resources to carry out these kinds of preventive studies, particularly in developing countries. The evaluation of the risk at an intersection after an improvement in terms of infrastructure and/or traffic control devices, the same as a before/after analysis, without comparison of accident occurrence but by means of the traffic conflict technique, can become a direct and economical application. It is also shown that main components analysis used for producing the risk index of the intersection is a useful tool for summarizing the whole set of measurements that can be obtained with the traffic conflict technique and allow diagnosing accident risk at an intersection. As to the methodology for the homologation of the models, the validity and reliability of the set of responses delivered by the observers recording the field data could be established, because the results of the validation show that agreement between the observations and the responses delivered by the models is significant and highly coincident.


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The usual way of modeling variability using threshold voltage shift and drain current amplification is becoming inaccurate as new sources of variability appear in sub-22nm devices. In this work we apply the four-injector approach for variability modeling to the simulation of SRAMs with predictive technology models from 20nm down to 7nm nodes. We show that the SRAMs, designed following ITRS roadmap, present stability metrics higher by at least 20% compared to a classical variability modeling approach. Speed estimation is also pessimistic, whereas leakage is underestimated if sub-threshold slope and DIBL mismatch and their correlations with threshold voltage are not considered.


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A simple and effective down-sample algorithm, Peak-Hold-Down-Sample (PHDS) algorithm is developed in this paper to enable a rapid and efficient data transfer in remote condition monitoring applications. The algorithm is particularly useful for high frequency Condition Monitoring (CM) techniques, and for low speed machine applications since the combination of the high sampling frequency and low rotating speed will generally lead to large unwieldy data size. The effectiveness of the algorithm was evaluated and tested on four sets of data in the study. One set of the data was extracted from the condition monitoring signal of a practical industry application. Another set of data was acquired from a low speed machine test rig in the laboratory. The other two sets of data were computer simulated bearing defect signals having either a single or multiple bearing defects. The results disclose that the PHDS algorithm can substantially reduce the size of data while preserving the critical bearing defect information for all the data sets used in this work even when a large down-sample ratio was used (i.e., 500 times down-sampled). In contrast, the down-sample process using existing normal down-sample technique in signal processing eliminates the useful and critical information such as bearing defect frequencies in a signal when the same down-sample ratio was employed. Noise and artificial frequency components were also induced by the normal down-sample technique, thus limits its usefulness for machine condition monitoring applications.


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Majority of the current research on the mounting system has emphasised on the low/medium power engine, rare work has been reported for the high-speed and heavy-duty engine, the vibration characteristics of which exhibits significantly increased complexity and uncertainty. In this work, a general dynamics model was firstly established to describe the dynamic properties of a mounting system with various numbers of mounts. Then, this model was employed for the optimization of the mounting system. A modified Powell conjugate direction method was developed to improve the optimization efficiency. Basing on the optimization results obtained from the theoretical model, a mounting system was constructed for a V6 diesel engine. The experimental measurement of the vibration intensity of the mounting systems shows excellent agreement with the theoretical calculations, indicating the validity of the model. This dynamics model opens a new avenue in assessing and designing the mounting system for a high-speed and heavy-duty engine. On the other hand, the delineated dynamics model, and the optimization algorithm should find wide applications for other mounting systems, such as the power transmission system which usually has various uncertain mounts.


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The issues surrounding collision of projectiles with structures has gained a high profile since the events of 11th September 2001. In such collision problems, the projectile penetrates the stucture so that tracking the interface between one material and another becomes very complex, especially if the projectile is essentially a vessel containing a fluid, e.g. fuel load. The subsequent combustion, heat transfer and melting and re-solidification process in the structure render this a very challenging computational modelling problem. The conventional approaches to the analysis of collision processes involves a Lagrangian-Lagrangian contact driven methodology. This approach suffers from a number of disadvantages in its implementation, most of which are associated with the challenges of the contact analysis component of the calculations. This paper describes a 'two fluid' approach to high speed impact between solid structures, where the objective is to overcome the problems of penetration and re-meshing. The work has been carried out using the finite volume, unstructured mesh multi-physics code PHYSICA+, where the three dimensional fluid flow, free surface, heat transfer, combustion, melting and re-solidification algorithms are approximated using cell-centred finite volume, unstructured mesh techniques on a collocated mesh. The basic procedure is illustrated for two cases of Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow to test various of its component capabilities in the analysis of problems of industrial interest.


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The limited availability of experimental data and their quality have been preventing the development of predictive methods and Computer Aided Molecular Design (CAMD) of ionic liquids (ILs). Based on experimental speed of sound data collected from the literature, the inter-relationship of surface tension (s), density (?), and speed of sound (u) has been examined for imidazolium based ILs containing hexafluorophosphate (PF6), tetrafluoroborate (BF4), bis(trifluoromethanesulphonyl) amide (NTf2), methyl sulphate (MeSO4), ethyl sulphate (EtSO4), and trifluoromethanesulphonate (CF3SO3) anions, covering wide ranges of temperature, 278.15–343.15 K and speed of sound, 1129.0–1851.0 m s-1. The speed of sound was correlated with a modified Auerbach's relation, by using surface tension and density data obtained from volume based predictive methods previously proposed by the authors. It is shown that a good agreement with literature data is obtained. For 133 data points of 14 ILs studied a mean percent deviation (MPD) of 1.96% with a maximum deviation inferior to 5% was observed. The correlations developed here can thus be used to evaluate the speeds of sound of new ionic liquids.