Driver’s behavioural changes with new Intelligent Transport System interventions at railway level crossings: A driving simulator study

Autoria(s): Larue, Gregoire S.; Kim, Inhi; Rakotonirainy, Andry; Haworth, Narelle L.; Ferreira, Luis



Improving safety at railway level crossings is an important issue for the Australian transport system. Governments, the rail industry and road organisations have tried a variety of countermeasures for many years to improve railway level crossing safety. New types of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) interventions are now emerging due to the availability and the affordability of technology. These interventions target both actively and passively protected railway level crossings and attempt to address drivers’ errors at railway crossings, which are mainly a failure to detect the crossing or the train and misjudgement of the train approach speed and distance. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of three emerging ITS that the rail industry considers implementing in Australia: a visual in-vehicle ITS, an audio in-vehicle ITS, as well as an on-road flashing beacons intervention. The evaluation was conducted on an advanced driving simulator with 20 participants per trialled technology, each participant driving once without any technology and once with one of the ITS interventions. Every participant drove through a range of active and passive crossings with and without trains approaching. Their speed approach of the crossing, head movements and stopping compliance were measured. Results showed that driver behaviour was changed with the three ITS interventions at passive crossings, while limited effects were found at active crossings, even with reduced visibility. The on-road intervention trialled was unsuccessful in improving driver behaviour; the audio and visual ITS improved driver behaviour when a train was approaching. A trend toward worsening driver behaviour with the visual ITS was observed when no trains were approaching. This trend was not observed for the audio ITS intervention, which appears to be the ITS intervention with the highest potential for improving safety at passive crossings.








Larue, Gregoire S., Kim, Inhi, Rakotonirainy, Andry, Haworth, Narelle L., & Ferreira, Luis (2015) Driver’s behavioural changes with new Intelligent Transport System interventions at railway level crossings: A driving simulator study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 81, pp. 74-85.



Copyright 2015 Elsevier


Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety - Qld (CARRS-Q); Division of Research and Commercialisation; Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Psychology & Counselling

Palavras-Chave #Railway crossing #Intelligent Transport Systems #Compliance #Driving simulation

Journal Article