943 resultados para apis mellifera
Detection of major mite pests of Apis mellifera and development of non-chemical control of varroasis
Hyönteispölytys lisää monien ristipölytteisten viljelykasvien siemensatoa sekä parantaa sadon laatua. Marjakasveilla, kuten mansikalla ja vadelmalla marjojen koko suurenee sekä niiden laatu paranee onnistuneen pölytyksen seurauksena. Aiempien havaintojen mukaan mansikan kukat eivät pääsääntöisesti houkuttele mehiläisiä, kun taas vadelma on yksi mehiläisten pääsatokasveista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten tehokkaasti mehiläiset vierailevat mansikalla sekä vadelmalla, keskittyen kukkakohtaisiin käynteihin tuntia kohti. Mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää Gliocladium catenulatum-vektoreina torjuttaessa mansikan ja vadelman harmaahometta (Botrytis cinerea). Kukkavierailujen perusteella arvioidaan, onko vektorilevitys riittävän tehokas torjumaan harmaahometta ja miten hyvin mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää pölytyspalveluihin, etenkin mansikalla. Havainnot kerättiin kuudelta eri tilalta Sisä-Savosta kesällä 2007. Kukkavierailuja laskettiin mansikan ja vadelman kukinnan aikana erilaisissa sääolosuhteissa, eri kellonaikoina ja eri etäisyyksillä mehiläispesistä. Kukat valittiin satunnaisesti, ja valintaperusteena oli kukan avonaisuus. Tarkkailuaika riippui mehiläisten lentoaktiivisuudesta. Mansikan koko havaintojakson keskiarvoksi tuli 1,75 käyntiä kukkaa kohti tunnissa. Vadelmalla vastaava luku oli 4,27, joten keskiarvojen perusteella vadelma oli houkuttelevampi kuin mansikka. Kasvukauden vaiheella ei ollut eroja vierailuihin kummallakaan kasvilla, mutta vuorokaudenajan suhteen vierailuja oli enemmän aamupäivällä kuin iltapäivällä. Lämpötila korreloi positiivisesti vierailutiheyden kanssa kummallakin kasvilla. Sääolosuhteet rajoittivat havaintojen keräämistä ja kesä oli erittäin sateinen. Mehiläiset vierailivat kukissa riittävästi haastavissakin sääolosuhteissa niin, että harmaahometorjunta onnistui. Vektorilevitystä suunnitellessa, etenkin mansikalla, tulee ottaa huomioon pesien sijoittelu sekä riittävä lukumäärä. Pesien ravinnontarpeen tulee olla suuri, jotta mehiläiset keräisivät ravintoa kukista mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Pesiin voidaan lisätä tarvittaessa avosikiöitä tai poistaa siitepölyvarastoja ravinnonkeruuaktiivisuuden lisäämiseksi. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan pesien sijoittelun, kilpailevien kasvien sekä mansikkalajikkeiden houkuttelevuuden vaikutuksesta vierailutiheyteen. Suomalaisten mansikkalajikkeiden meden sekä siitepölyneritystä olisi myös hyvä selvittää.
本能和学习能力是动物生存所需的两种基本行为方式,它们之间存在一定的拮抗关系。巨尾阿丽蝇是一种具有强大生存本能的双翅目昆虫,而该物种是否具有良好的学习能力是本研究所关心的问题。而蜜蜂作为神经生物学研究中的模式生物,已有各种行为学范式对其进行了研究,包括束缚状态下的伸喙反射(PER)、螫刺反射(SER),及自由状态下与糖水结合的偏好性学习模式,但是对于自由状态下的回避反应尚没有研究。因此,本研究借鉴了啮齿类被动回避学习研究的范式,设计并制作了一个适用于研究昆虫在自由状态下的电击回避学习能力的装置,利用诱饵与电刺激相结合的方式对巨尾阿丽蝇和蜜蜂在自由状态下的电击回避学习能力进行了研究。研究得到以下结果:一、巨尾阿丽蝇能够学会回避此负性刺激,且当电压范围在5到45 V之间时有显著的回避行为,而电压达到60 V时则受到明显伤害。二、蜜蜂在被电击之后的采蜜频率有显著的降低。同样说明,它们能够学会对电刺激进行回避。有趣的是,是否有蜜蜂被电击后在电板上挣扎的情况也是影响它们采蜜频率的因素之一。三、本论文中所采用的实验范式可以成为一种新的对自由状态下昆虫电击回避学习能力进行研究的实验范式。
Despite a multitude of environmental stressors, the Varroa mite is still regarded as the greatest cause of honey bee mortality in its invaded range. Breeding honey bees that are resistant to the mite is an important area of research. This thesis aimed to gain a better understanding of the grooming and hygienic behaviours of Russian honey bees (RHB). The effect of a break in the synchrony of a mite’s life cycle on reproductive success was tested through brood inoculation experiments. Mites released by hygienic behaviour and forced to enter a new cell are less likely to lay male offspring. Through laboratory cage assays it was found that daughter mites are more susceptible to grooming behaviour. A new method of marking Varroa mites was developed which would enable a single cohort of mites to be followed after inoculation. A strong brood removal trait was noticed in RHB colonies, therefore they were tested for Varroa sensitive hygienic (VSH) behaviour. RHB demonstrated levels of VSH as high as the USDA line bred specifically for this behaviour. In addition the same QTL found to be responsible for the trait in VSH bees, was associated with VSH in RHB stock. Previous work showed that the ratio of older mites to total trapped mites (O/T) in the debris of honey bee colonies demonstrated the strongest association with colony infestation. This research showed that O/T is associated with VSH and brood removal behaviour. In addition, bees that displayed high levels of VSH in this study were also more likely to spend a longer amount of time grooming in laboratory assays. This indicates that both grooming and hygienic behaviours play important roles in the resistance of RHB stock. Their likelihood to be expressed by other stocks is discussed and recommendations for further research are provided.
Nosema ceranae, a microsporidian formerly regarded as confined to its Asiatic host Apis cerana, has recently been shown to parasitise Apis mellifera and to have spread throughout most of the world in the past few years. Using a temporal sequence of N = 28 Nosema isolates from Finland from 1986-2006, we now find (i) that N. ceranae has been present in Europe since at least 1998 and (ii) that it has increased in frequency across this time period relative to Nosema apis, possibly leading to higher mean spore loads per bee. We then present results of a single laboratory infection experiment in which we directly compare the virulence of N. apis with N. ceranae. Though lacking replication, our results suggest (iii) that both parasites build up to equal numbers per bee by day 14 post infection but that (iv) N. ceranae induces significantly higher mortality relative to N. apis.
The economically most important honey bee species, Apis mellifera, was formerly considered to be parasitized by one microsporidian, Nosema apis. Recently, [Higes, M., Martin, R., Meana, A., 2006. Nosema ceranae, a new microsporidian parasite in honeybees in Europe, J. Invertebr. Pathol. 92, 93-95] and [Huang, W.-F., Jiang, J.-H., Chen, Y.-W., Wang, C.-H., 2007. A Nosema ceranae isolate from the honeybee Apis mellifera. Apidologie 38, 30-37] used 16S (SSU) rRNA gene sequences to demonstrate the presence of Nosema ceranae in A. mellifera from Spain and Taiwan, respectively. We developed a rapid method to differentiate between N. apis and N. ceranae based on PCR-RFLPs of partial SSU rRNA. The reliability of the method was confirmed by sequencing 29 isolates from across the world (N = 9 isolates gave N. apis RFLPs and sequences, N = 20 isolates gave N. ceranae RFLPs and sequences; 100%, correct classification). We then employed the method to analyze N = 115 isolates from across the world. Our data, combined with N = 36 additional published sequences demonstrate that (i) N. ceranae most likely jumped host to A. mellifera, probably within the last decade, (ii) that host colonies and individuals may be co-infected by both microsporidia species, and that (iii) N. ceranae is now a parasite of A. mellifera across most of the world. The rapid, long-distance dispersal of N. ceranae is likely due to transport of infected honey bees by commercial or hobbyist beekeepers. We discuss the implications of this emergent pathogen for worldwide beekeeping. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A honeybee queen normally mates with 10-20 drones, and reproductive conflicts may arise among a colony's different worker patrilines, especially after a colony has lost its single queen and the workers commence egg laying. In this study, we employed microsatellite markers to study aspects of worker reproductive competition in two queenless Africanized honeybee colonies. First, we determined whether there was a bias among worker patrilines in their maternity of drones and, second, we asked whether this bias could be attributed to differences in the degree of ovary activation of workers. Third, we relate these behavioral and physiological factors to ontogenetic differences between workers with respect to ovariole number. Workers from each of three (colony A) and one (colony B) patrilineal genotypes represented less than 6% of the worker population, yet each produced at least 13% of the drones in a colony, and collectively they produced 73% of the drones. Workers representing these genotypes also had more developed follicles and a greater number of ovarioles per ovary. Across all workers, ovariole development and number were closely correlated. This suggests a strong effect of worker genotype on the development of the ovary already in the postembryonic stages and sets a precedent to adult fertility, so that
Nosema ceranae is an emergent and potentially virulent pathogen of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) that has spread across the world in the last 10 or so years. Its precise origin and timing of spread are currently unclear because of a lack of appropriate genetic markers and inadequate sampling in putative Asian source populations. Though it has been dismissed as a cause of CCD in the USA based on correlational analyses of snapshot sampling of diseased hives, observations of naturally infected colonies suggest that it leads to colony collapse in Spain. Experiments are sorely needed to investigate its impact on individuals and colonies, and to pin down a causal relationship between N. ceranae and colony collapse. Whether N. ceranae is displacing N. apis is uncertain. For temperate zone apiculturalists, global climate change may mean that N. ceranae presents more of a challenge than has hitherto been considered the case.
Deformed wing virus (DWV) represents an ideal model to study the interaction between mode of transmission and virulence in honey bees since it exhibits both horizontal and vertical transmissions. However, it is not yet clear if venereal-vertical transmission represents a regular mode of transmission for this virus in natural honey bee populations. Here, we provide clear evidence for the occurrence of high DWV titres in the endophallus of sexually mature drones collected from drone congregation areas (DCAs). Furthermore, the endophallus DWV titres of drones collected at their maternal hives were no different from drones collected at nearby DCAs, suggesting that high-titre DWV infection of the endophallus does not hinder the ability of drones to reach the mating area. The results are discussed within the context of the dispersal of DWV between colonies and the definition of DWV virulence with respect to the transmission route and the types of tissues infected.
Following allergen exposure, cytokines and other pro-inflammatory signals play an important role in the immunological cascade leading to allergic sensitization. Inflammasomes sense exogenous and endogenous danger signals and trigger IL-1β and IL-18 activation which in turn shape Th2 responses. Honey bee venom (BV) allergies are very common; however, the local inflammatory cascade leading to the initiation of allergic sensitization is poorly understood. In this study, the local inflammatory cascades in skin after exposure to BV were investigated.
La malnutrition est identifiée comme l’un des facteurs potentiellement responsables des mortalités élevées de colonies d’abeilles des dernières années au Québec. Pour contrer cela, les apiculteurs donnent des suppléments de pollen à leurs colonies, mais les impacts d’une telle pratique à diverses périodes sont méconnus. Les effets de la disponibilité du pollen sur le développement de colonies d’abeilles ont été mesurés pendant 3 différentes périodes : au printemps, durant la pollinisation de la canneberge et à la fin de l’été. À chacune des périodes correspondait une expérience distincte utilisant 40 colonies. Pour chaque expérience, des conditions d’abondance de supplément de pollen et de restriction de pollen naturel étaient créées chez les colonies pendant un mois selon un plan d’expérience factorielle 2x2. L’élevage du couvain et la récolte de miel ont été mesurés jusqu’à la fin de l’été (début de l’été suivant pour l’expérience de fin d’été). Au printemps, les colonies restreintes en pollen naturel ont élevé 18% moins de couvain (p<0.05) pendant la période de restriction et 11% de moins à la fin de l’été alors que l’utilisation du supplément n’a eu aucun effet (p>0.05). Les colonies supplémentées durant la pollinisation des canneberges ont élevé moins de couvain (p<0.05) à la fin de l’été. Pour l’expérience de fin d’été, les colonies supplémentées ont eut une meilleure reprise printanière (p<0.05) de l’élevage du couvain (60% de plus) alors qu’une restriction en pollen naturel avait un effet négatif (p>0.05). Les récoltes de miel ont été augmentées (p<0.05) de 1,3 kg pendant la pollinisation de la canneberge alors qu’elles ont été diminuées (p<0.05)par une restriction en pollen naturel de 4,2 kg à la fin de l’été et de 15 kg au printemps.
Five Mbo I (Mbo-A, Mbo-M, Mbo-C(1), Mbo-C(2) and Mbo-C(3)) and Hinf I (Hinf-1 to Hinf-5) patterns were observed in Apis mellifera samples after restriction of a 485 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b (cyt-b) gene. Associating the cyt-b Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern of each sample to its respective previously established COI-COII (Dra I sites) pattern, five restriction patterns (Mbo-C(1), Mbo-C(2), Mbo-C(3), Hinf-1 and Hinf-4) were observed in samples of maternal origin associated to the evolutionary branch C. No deletions or insertions were observed and the nucleotide substitution rate was estimated at 5.4%. Higher nucleotide diversity was observed among the branch C-haplotypes when compared with A and M lineages. Further studies are needed to confirm if the cyt-b + COI-COII haplotypes help to assign certain phylogeographic patterns to the branch C and to clarify phylogenetic relationships among A. mellifera subspecies.
Com o objetivo de determinar a eficiência da ação polinizadora de Apis mellifera L. no rendimento de sementes de Adesmia latifolia, estabeleceu-se três tratamentos na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul (300 S, 510 W) nos anos de 2000, 2001 e 2002. A partir da floração, analisou-se a freqüência de visitas por A. mellifera e outros insetos nas flores de A. latifolia pelo teste de Qui-quadrado, já o número de inflorescências por área, número de flores, flores abortadas e lomentos por inflorescência foi através da análise de regressão. Os resultados indicaram que A. mellifera não é eficiente na polinização de A. latifolia, sendo esta cultura dependente de insetos nativos como Megachile sp. e Centris sp para produção de sementes. A média de produção de sementes na área controlada e livre foi 5,4 e 83,5 kg/ha, respectivamente, enquanto na área isolada não houve produção de sementes. A baixa freqüência (10%) de visitas de A. mellifera na área livre em comparação com os insetos nativos (90%) indica que o néctar não é atrativo para as abelhas A. mellifera pois tem uma baixa concentração de açúcares totais (5,7%).