998 resultados para anti-snake plants


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We have observed that several plants used popularly as anti-snake venom show anti-inflammatory activity. From the list prepared by Rizzini, Mors and Pereira some species have been selected and tested for analgesic activity (number of contortions) and anti-inflammatory activity (Evans blue dye diffusion - 1% solution) according to Whittle's technique (intraperitoneal administration of 0.1 N-acetic acid 0.1 ml/10 g) in mice. Previous oral administration of a 10% infusion (dry plant) or 20% (fresh plant) corresponding to 1 or 2 g/Kg of Apuleia leiocarpa, Casearia sylvestris, Brunfelsia uniflora, Chiococca brachiata, Cynara scolymus, Dorstenia brasiliensis, Elephantopus scaber, Marsypianthes chamaedrys, Mikania glomerata and Trianosperma tayuya demonstrated analgesic and/or anti-inflammatory activities of varied intensity


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Many medicinal plants have been recommended for the treatment of snakebites. The aqueous extracts prepared from the leaves of Schizolobium parahyba (a plant found in Mata Atlantica in Southeastern Brazil) were assayed for their ability to inhibit some enzymatic and biological activities induced by Bothropspauloensis and Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms as well as by their isolated toxins neuwiedase (metalloproteinase), BnSP-7 (basic Lys49 PLA(2)) and CB (PLA(2) from crotoxin complex). Phospholipase A(2), coagulant, fibrinogenolytic, hemorrhagic and myotoxic activities induced by R pauloensis and C. d. terrificus venoms, as well as by their isolated toxins were significantly inhibited when different amounts of S. parahyba were incubated previously with these venoms and toxins before assays. However, when S. parahyba was administered at the same route as the venoms or toxins injections, the tissue local damage, such as hemorrhage and myotoxicity was only partially inhibited. The study also evaluated the inhibitory effect of S. parahyba upon the spreading of venom proteins from the injected area into the systemic circulation. The neutralization of systemic alterations induced by i.m. injection of R pauloensis venom was evaluated by measuring platelet and plasma fibrinogen levels which were significantly maintained when S. parahyba extract inoculation occurred at the same route after R pauloensis venom injection. In conclusion, the observations confirmed that the aqueous extract of S. parahyba possesses potent snake venom neutralizing properties. It may be used as an alternative treatment to serum therapy and as a rich source of potential inhibitors of toxins involved in several physiopathological human and animal diseases. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Context: Sapindus saponaria L. (Sapindaceae) bark, root, and fruits are used as sedatives and to treat gastric ulcer and also demonstrate diuretic and expectorant effects. Objective: The anti-snake venom properties of callus of S. saponaria are investigated here for the first time. Materials and methods: In vitro cultivated callus of Sapindus saponaria were lyophilized, and the extracts were prepared with different solvents, before submitting to phytochemical studies and evaluation of the anti-ophidian activity. Crude extracts were fractionated by liquid-liquid partition and the fractions were monitored by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Subsequently, anti-ophidian activities were analyzed toward Bothrops jararacussu Lacerda (Viperidae), B. moojeni Hoge (Viperidae), B. alternates Dumeril (Viperidea) and Crotalus durissus terrificus Lineu (Viperidae) venoms and isolated myotoxins and phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)). Results: Fractions A1, A2 and the extract in MeOH:H2O (9:1) significantly inhibited the toxic and pharmacological activities induced by snake venoms and toxins, when compared to other extracts and fractions. The lethal, clotting, phospholipase, edema-inducing, hemorrhagic and myotoxic activities were partially inhibited by the different extracts and fractions. TLC profiles of the crude extracts (B and C) and fractions (A1 and A2) showed beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol as their main compounds. Stigmasterol exhibited inhibitory effects on enzymatic and myotoxic activities of PLA(2). Discussion and conclusion: Sapindus saponaria extracts and fractions presented anti-ophidian activity and could be used as an adjuvant to serum therapy or for its supplementation, and in addition, as a rich source of potential inhibitors of enzymes involved in several pathophysiological human and animal diseases.


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In this article we present the plants used for the treatment of malaria and associated symptoms in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro in the Brazilian Amazon. The region has important biological and cultural diversities including more than twenty indigenous ethnic groups and a strong history in traditional medicine. The aims of this study are to survey information in the Baniwa, Baré, Desana, Piratapuia, Tariana, Tukano, Tuyuca, Yanomami ethnic communities and among caboclos (mixed-ethnicity) on: a) plant species used for the treatment of malaria and associated symptoms; b) dosage forms and c) distribution of these anti-malarial plants in the Amazon. Information was obtained through classical ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological methods from interviews with 146 informants in Santa Isabel municipality on the upper Negro River, Brazil. Fifty-five mainly native neotropical plant species from 34 families were in use. The detailed uses of these plants were documented. The result was 187 records (64.4%) of plants for the specific treatment of malaria, 51 records (17.5%) of plants used in the treatment of liver problems and 28 records (9.6%) of plants used in the control of fevers associated with malaria. Other uses described were blood fortification ('dar sangue'), headache and prophylaxis. Most of the therapeutic preparations were decoctions and infusions based on stem bark, root bark and leaves. These were administered by mouth. In some cases, remedies were prepared with up to three different plant species. Also, plants were used together with other ingredients such as insects, mammals, gunpowder and milk. This is the first study on the anti-malarial plants from this region of the Amazon. Aspidosperma spp. and Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke were the most cited species in the communities surveyed. These species have experimental proof supporting their anti-malarial efficacy. The dosage of the therapeutic preparations depends on the kind of plant, quantity of plant material available, the patient's age (children and adults) and the local expert. The treatment time varies from a single dose to up to several weeks. Most anti-malarial plants are domesticated or grow spontaneously. They are grown in home gardens, open areas near the communities, clearings and secondary forests, and wild species grow in areas of seasonally flooded wetlands and terra firme (solid ground) forest, in some cases in locations that are hard to access. Traditional knowledge of plants was found to be falling into disuse presumably as a consequence of the local official health services that treat malaria in the communities using commercial drugs. Despite this, some species are used in the prevention of this disease and also in the recovery after using conventional anti-malarial drugs.


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Infectious diarrhea results in 2 to 5 million deaths worldwide per year, and treatments that are safe, effective, and readily available are under investigation. The field of medicinal ethnobotany focuses on plants that are used by different cultural groups for treating various diseases and evaluates these plants for efficacy and cytotoxicity. In the present study, ethnobotanical research was conducted with Central Anatolian villagers in Turkey. Folk concepts and etiologies surrounding diarrhea were analyzed, as were salient plant-based remedies for diarrhea. Reviewing the literature, 91 plant species were described as anti-diarrheal in all of Turkey. In Central Anatolia, villagers described 35 species. For continued research via bactericidal and bacteriostatic bioassays, 15 plants were selected. Methanolic and aqueous extracts of medicinally used plant parts were evaluated for inhibitory properties against 10 diarrhea-causing bacteria in the first bioassay, and later 21 bacteria in a second assay utilizing spectrophotometry. The cytotoxic properties were also evaluated in an Alamar Blue Assay using HepG-2, PC-3, and SkMEL-5 human cell lines. While several extracts showed bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, the methanolic extract of R. canina galls inhibited the most bacteria at the lowest concentrations. They were not cytotoxic. Thus, R. canina methanolic gall extracts were selected for bio-assay guided fractionation. Antibacterial activity was maintained in the third fraction which was composed of almost pure ellagic acid. The bioassay was repeated with standard ellagic acid, and the polyphenol retained potency in inhibiting multiple bacterial strains. Several other extracts showed promise for safe, effective anti-bacterial remedies for diarrhea.


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Small molecular weight compounds from Mandevilla velutina and from Eclipta prostata were found to be active against snakebite.


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Snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) participate in a number of important biological, physiological and pathophysiological processes and are primarily responsible for the local tissue damage characteristic of viperid snake envenomations. The use of medicinal plant extracts as antidotes against animal venoms is an old practice, especially against snake envenomations. Such plants are sources of many pharmacologically active compounds and have been shown to antagonize the effects of some venoms and toxins. The present study explores the activity of triacontyl p-coumarate (PCT), an active compound isolated from root bark of Bombacopsis glabra vegetal extract (Bg), against harmful effects of Bothropoides pauloensis snake venom and isolated toxins (SVMPs or phospholipase A2). Before inhibition assays, Bg or PCT was incubated with venom or toxins at ratios of 1:1 and 1:5 (w/w; venom or isolated toxins/PCT) for 30 min at 37 °C. Treatment conditions were also assayed to simulate snakebite with PCT inoculated at either the same venom or toxin site. PCT neutralized fibrinogenolytic activity and plasmatic fibrinogen depletion induced by B. pauloensis venom or isolated toxin. PCT also efficiently inhibited the hemorrhagic (3MDH-minimum hemorrhagic dose injected i.d into mice) and myotoxic activities induced by Jararhagin, a metalloproteinase from B. jararaca at 1:5 ratio (toxin: inhibitor, w/w) when it was previously incubated with PCT and injected into mice or when PCT was administered after toxin injection. Docking simulations using data on a metalloproteinase (Neuwiedase) structure suggest that the binding between the protein and the inhibitor occurs mainly in the active site region causing blockade of the enzymatic reaction by displacement of catalytic water. Steric hindrance may also play a role in the mechanism since the PCT hydrophobic tail was found to interact with the loop associated with substrate anchorage. Thus, PCT may provide a alternative to complement ophidian envenomation treatments. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The production of anti-snake venom from large mammal's blood has been found to be low-yielding and arduous, consequently, antivenom immunoglobulins for treatment are achieved regularly as polyvalent serum. We have standardized an undemanding technique for making purified immunoglobulin IgY antivenom consisting of polyclonal antibodies against coral snake venom in the egg yolk of immunized hens. We have adapted a reported process of antibody purification from egg yolks, and achieved 90% antibody purity. The customized technique consisted of the removal of lipids from distilled water-diluted egg yolks by a freeze–thaw sequence. The specific immunoglobulins were present in the egg yolk for up to 180 days postimmunization. Therefore, by means of small venom quantities, a significant amount of immunoglobulins were found in an adequately purified state (The obtained material contained about 90% pure IgY). The antigen binding of the immunoglobulins was detected by a double immunodiffusion test. Titers of antibodies in the yolk were estimated with a serum protection assay (Median effective dose = ED50) (ED50= 477 mg/kg). Given that breeding hens is economically feasible, egg gathering is noninvasive and the purification of IgY antibodies is quick and easy, chicken immunization is an excellent alternative for the production of polyclonal antibodies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first coral snake antivenom prepared in birds.


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The Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) from Hevea brasiliensis has shown promise in biomedical applications due to its low cost, easy handling, mechanical properties and biocompatibility, being used for bone regeneration and wound healing due to its natural stimulus to angiogenesis. The aim of this work was to incorporate Casearia sylvestris Sw. extract in NRL biomembranes and study its release behavior. The complex membrane-extract has as object of study a new approach of using C. sylvestris extract in the treatment of wounds, for possessing antiseptic activity, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The C. sylvestris species (Salicaceae), popularly known as "guaçatonga", presents great distribution and is used in folk medicine as antiulcer, wound healing, anti-snake venom, properties which have been proven and related to clerodane diterpenes (casearins A-X). The release rate of C. sylvestris compounds from extract-membrane complex was monitored and analyzed using the method of optical spectroscopy (UV-VIS). The release varied with temperature ranging from 14 to 33 days, releasing more than 90%, with an interesting and promising biomedical application, such as wound healing and burns.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objectives Curcuma zedoaroides A. Chaveerach & T. Tanee, locally known as Wan-Paya-Ngoo-Tua-Mia, is commonly used in the North-Eastern part of Thailand as a 'snakebite antidote'. The aim of this study was to isolate the active compound from the rhizome of C. zedoaroides, to determine its structure and to assess its antagonistic activity in vitro and in vivo against King cobra venom. Methods The active compound was obtained from C. zedoaroides by extraction with acetone followed by purification using column chromatography; its X-ray structure was determined. Its inhibition of venom lethality was studied in vitro in rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragms and in vivo in mice. Key findings The acetone extract of the Curcuma rhizomes contained a C20 dialdehyde, [2-(5,5,8a-trimethyl-2-methylene-decahydro-naphthalen-1-yl)-ethylidene] -succinaldehyde, as the major component. The isolated curcuma dialdehyde was found active in vitro and in vivo for antivenin activity against the King cobra venom. Using isolated rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparations, a significant antagonistic effect on the inhibition of neuromuscular transmission was observed in vitro. Inhibition on muscle contraction, produced by the 4 μg/ml venom, was reversed by 2-16 μg/ml of Curcuma dialdehyde in organ bath preparations over a period of 2 h. Mice intraperitoneally injected with 0.75 mg/kg venom and dialdehyde at 100 mg/kg had a significantly increased survival time. Injection of Curcuma dialdehyde (100 mg/kg) 30 min before the subcutaneous injection of the venom resulted in a 100% survival time after 2 h compared with 0% for the control group. Conclusions The in vitro and in vivo evaluation confirmed the medicinal use of traditional snake plants against snakebites. The bioactivity is linked to an isolated molecule and not a result of synergistic effects of a mixture. The active compound was isolated and the structure fully elucidated, including its stereochemistry. This dialdehyde is a versatile chemical building block and can be easily obtained from this plant source. © 2010 Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.


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Plant-antivenom is a computational Websystem about medicinal plants with anti-venom properties. The system consists of a database of these plants, including scientific publications on this subject and amino acid sequences of active principles from venomous animals. The system relates these data allowing their integration through different search applications. For the development of the system, the first surveys were conducted in scientific literature, allowing the creation of a publication database in a library for reading and user interaction. Then, classes of categories were created, allowing the use of tags and the organization of content. This database on medicinal plants has information such as family, species, isolated compounds, activity, inhibited animal venoms, among others. Provision is made for submission of new information by registered users, by the use of wiki tools. Content submitted is released in accordance to permission rules defined by the system. The database on biological venom protein amino acid sequences was structured from the essential information from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Plant-antivenom`s interface is simple, contributing to a fast and functional access to the system and the integration of different data registered on it. Plant-antivenom system is available on the Internet at http://gbi.fmrp.usp.br/plantantivenom.


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Many plants are used in traditional medicine as active agents against various effects induced by snakebite. Few attempts have been made however to identify the nature of plain natural products with anti-ophidian properties. Baccharis trimera (Less) DC (Asteraceae), known in Brazil as carqueja. has been popularly used to treat liver diseases. rheumatism. diabetes, as well as digestive, hepatic and renal disorders. The active component was identified as 7alpha-hydroxy-3,13-clerodadiene-16,15:18,19-diolide, C20H28O5, (clerodane diterpenoid, Bt-CD). We report now the anti-proteolytic and anti-hemorrhagic propenies against snake venoms of a Bt-CD inhibitor from B. trimera. Bt-CD exhibited full inhibition of hemorrhage and proteolytic activity caused by Bothrops snake venoms. The inhibitor was able to neutralize the hemorrhagic, fibrinogenolytic and caseinolytic activities of class P-I and III metalloproteases isolated from B. neuwiedi and B. jararacussu venoms. No inhibition of the coagulant activity was observed. Bt-CD also partially inhibited the edema induced by other crude venoms, metallopronteases, basic and acidic phospholipases A(2). To further elucidate the inhibitory specificity of Bt-CD against metalloproteases isolated from snake venoms, a deeper understanding of its Structure and function is necessary. Furthermore, the potential use of these inhibitors to complement anti-venom as an alternative treatment of snakebite envenomations needs to be evaluated in future Studies. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2), EC, a major component of snake venoms, specifically catalyzes the hydrolysis of fatty acid ester bonds at position 2 of 1,2-diacyl-sn-3-phosphoglycerides in the presence of calcium. This article reports the purification and biochemical/functional characterization of BmooTX-I, a new myotoxic acidic phospholipase A(2) from Bothrops moojeni snake venom. The purification of the enzyme was carried out through three chromatographic steps (ion-exchange on DEAE-Sepharose, molecular exclusion on Sephadex G-75 and hydrophobic chromatography on Phenyl-Sepharose). BmooTX-I was found to be a single-chain protein of 15,000 Da and pI 4.2. The N-terminal sequence revealed a high homology with other acidic Asp49 PLA(2)S from Bothrops snake venoms. It displayed a high phospholipase activity and platelet aggregation inhibition induced by collagen or ADP. Edema and myotoxicity in vivo were also induced by BmooTX-I. Analysis of myotoxic activity was carried out by optical and ultrastructural microscopy, demonstrating high levels of leukocytary infiltrate. Previous treatment of BmooTX-1 with BPB reduced its enzymatic and myotoxic activities, as well as the effect on platelet aggregation. Acidic myotoxic PLA(2)S from Bothrops snake venoms have been little explored and the knowledge of its structural and functional features will be able to contribute for a better understanding of their action mechanism regarding enzymatic and toxic activities. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Promoting environmental and health education is crucial to allow students to make conscious decisions based on scientific criteria. The study is based on the outcomes of an Educational Project implemented with Portuguese students and consisted of several activities, exploring pre-existent Scientific Gardens at the School, aiming to investigate the antibacterial, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of plant extracts, with posterior incorporation in soaps and creams. A logo and a webpage were also created. The effectiveness of the project was assessed via the application of a questionnaire (pre- and post-test) and observations of the participants in terms of engagement and interaction with all individuals involved in the project. This project increased the knowledge about autochthonous plants and the potential medical properties of the corresponding plant extracts and increased the awareness about the correct design of scientific experiments and the importance of the use of experimental models of disease. The students regarded their experiences as exciting and valuable and believed that the project helped to improve their understanding and increase their interest in these subjects and in science in general. This study emphasizes the importance of raising students’ awareness on the valorization of autochthonous plants and exploitation of their medicinal properties.