982 resultados para anfotericina B


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A esporotricose é uma micose subcutânea, crônica, causada por espécies termo-dimórficas do complexo Sporothrix schenckii. Esta micose apresenta diferentes manifestações clínicas sendo mais comum a forma linfocutânea. Casos graves causados por Sporothrix brasiliensis têm sido descritos recentemente, exigindo um tratamento prolongado com antifúngicos de alta toxicidade como a anfotericina B-desoxicolato ou suas versões menos tóxicas, mas de alto custo. Neste trabalho visamos testar in vitro e in vivo a eficácia de uma nova formulação intravenosa de anfotericina B poliagregada (P-AmB) e testar in vivo sua versão semi-sólida (AmB tópica), comparando-a com o itraconazol (ITC) e a anfotericina B-desoxicolato (D-AmB). Ensaios de susceptibilidade in vitro com S. brasiliensis mostraram que esta espécie é suscetível aos antifúngicos testados. Para os testes de eficácia in vivo foram estabelecidos um modelo de esporotricose disseminada e outro de esporotricose subcutânea, causados por S. brasiliensis. No modelo de esporotricose disseminada camundongos BALB/c foram inoculados intravenosamente com leveduras de S. brasiliensis e, 72 h pós-infecção, tratados sob diferentes regimes terapêuticos: i) uma monoterapia de ITC, D-AmB ou P-AmB; ii) uma combinação terapêutica entre D-AmB e ITC ou P-AmB e ITC; iii) um regime de pulso com D-AmB ou P-AmB. A sobrevivência (n= nove) e a carga fúngica em órgãos internos (n= três, no mínimo) foram avaliadas, sendo observado que o regime de pulso com D-AmB ou P-AmB foi o mais efetivo em prolongar a sobrevivência dos animais e reduzir a carga fúngica nos órgãos, seguido pela combinação terapêutica, porém o tratamento com D-AmB e ITC foi a combinação mais efetiva. A monoterapia com ITC e P-AmB e D-AmB foram menos eficazes, sendo corroborados pelas análises histopatológicas. Ensaios de toxicidade in vivo com as diferentes drogas revelaram que ITC e D-AmB induziram a uma toxicidade hepática e renal nos animais, respectivamente, mas P-AmB não induziu a nenhuma toxicidade. Nos ensaios de citoxicidade in vitro foi observado que ITC foi a menos citotóxica e hemolítica e a mais seletiva das drogas testadas, seguida por P-AmB, que foi menos citotóxica e mais seletiva que D-AmB. No modelo de esporotricose subcutânea camundongos da mesma linhagem foram inoculados por via subcutânea com conídios de S. schenckii e de S. brasiliensis (n=9/ grupo). Os animais infectados com S. brasiliensis apresentaram regressão das lesões primárias e disseminação. Usando o modelo de esporotricose subcutânea murina causada por S. brasiliensis testamos peliminarmente a formulação tópica de AmB poliagregada, que reduziu a extensão das lesões de animais infectados. Este é o primeiro trabalho a avaliar diferentes regimes de tratamento da esporotricose disseminada murina causada por S. brasiliensis utilizando ITC, D-AmB e uma nova formulação menos tóxica de anfotericina B poliagregada. O estudo revelou que o regime de pulso foi o mais eficaz para as formulações intravenosas de AmB. Nosso estudo também estabeleceu pioneiramente um modelo de esporotricose subcutânea induzido por S. brasiliensis, que se revelou uma ferramenta útil para comparar a virulência das espécies do complexo S. schenckii e para testar a eficácia de antifúngicos contra essas novas espécies.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Introdução: A anfotericina B é a droga de escolha para o tratamento de doenças fúngicas severas, estando associada, no entanto, a alta incidência de nefrotoxicidade. O uso de anfotericinas modificadas está associado a elevado custo. Em grupos de baixo risco o uso de sobrecarga hidrossalina pode ser suficiente para evitar perda severa de função renal. Métodos: Foram estudados prospectivamente pacientes internados em hospital universitário, com idade superior a 12 anos, e que estavam dentro das primeiras 24 horas de uso de anfotericina B. Foram excluídos pacientes em centros de terapia intensiva e que estivessem em uso de drogas vasoativas. Solução salina 0,9% (500 ml) foi infundida antes e após a anfotericina B. Foram coletados exames na inclusão e no término do tratamento. A dosagem de creatinina sérica foi repetida após 30 dias do término do tratamento. Resultados: Foram estudados 48 pacientes. A média de elevação da creatinina sérica foi de 0,3 (0,18-0,41) mg/dl., representando um decréscimo médio de 25 (12,8-36,9) ml/min na depuração de creatinina endógena (DCE). Insuficiência renal aguda (IRA), definida pela elevação maior do que 50% da creatinina basal, ocorreu em 15 pacientes (31,3%). Pacientes que utilizaram antibióticos e aqueles em status pós-quimioterapia ou submetidos a transplante de medula óssea foram os que apresentaram maior risco de desenvolverem IRA. A creatinina e a DCE após 30 dias do término do tratamento não diferiram de seus valores basais. Conclusão: Em pacientes de baixo risco, o uso de anfotericina B com adminstração profilática de solução fisiológica foi associado à alteração pequena e reversível da função renal. Devido ao alto custo, o uso de métodos mais dispendiosos nestes pacientes não parece justificado no momento. Ensaios clínicos randomizados são necessários nesta população.


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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The aim of this work was to evaluate how an aqueous micellar system containing Amphotericin B (AmB) and sodium deoxycholate (DOC) can be rebuilt after heating treatment. Also a review of the literature about the new physicochemical and biological properties of this new system was carried out. Afterwards, heated (AmB-DOC-H) and unheated (AmB-DOC) micelles were subsequently diluted at four different concentrations (50mg.L-1, 5mg.L-1, 0.5mg.L-1 and 0.05mg.L-1) to perform the physicochemical study and, then, the pharmacotoxicity assay, in which two cell models were used for the in vitro experiments, Red Blood Cells (RBC) from human donors and Candida parapisilosis (Cp). While potassium (K+) and hemoglobin leakage from RBC were the used parameters to evaluate the acute and chronic toxicity, respectively, the efficacy of AmB-DOC and AmB-DOC-H were assessed by K+ leakage and cell survival rate from Cp. The spectral study revealed a slight change on the aggregate peak from 327nm to 323nm for AmB-DOC-H compared to AmB-DOC. Concerning the toxicity, although AmB-DOC and AmB-DOC-H presented different behavior for hemoglobin leakage, AmB-DOC produced higher leakage than AmB-DOC-H at high concentrations (from 5mg.L-1) with values tending to zero. However, concerning K+ leakage, both AmB-DOC and AmB-DOC-H, showed similar profile for both cell models, RBC and Cp (p<0,05). AmB-DOC-H and AmB-DOC also revealed similar profile of activity against Cp with equivalent survival rate. In short, the AmB-DOC-H showed much less toxicity than AmB-DOC, but remained as active as the late one against fungal cell. Therefore, the results highlight the importance of this new procedure as a simple, inexpensive and safe alternative to produce a new kind of micelle system for treatment of systemic fungal infections


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Background: Cutaneous lesions by Pythium insidiosum infection are commonly observed in horses, especially in those living at flooded environments. Equine pythiosis is characterized by the development of tumoral masses that are frequently located at distal limbs, ventral abdomen, thorax, breast and face. The lesions are usually granulomatous, serosanguineous and ulcerated, most often destroyed by self-mutilation due to the intense pruritus. The proposed treatment includes surgical excision followed by antifungal drugs administration, which can be done systemically or topically. Amphotericin B and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in association has been successfully used for cutaneous pythiosis topical treatment due to the DMSO property to carry any substance through plasmatic membranes.Case: The present report concerns a 12-year-old mixed breed gelding presenting with self-mutilation of a tumoral mass located at the left flank. The owners reported that the horse had initially presented a small wound that had evolved to a 20-cm in diameter mass in 4 weeks. Tissue samples were collected, processed and stained by the Gomori's methenamine silver (GMS) method. The histopathological analysis revealed Pythium insidiosum hyphae in a granulomatous tissue, especially located at peripheral region, where kunkers were present. Surgical excision of the mass followed by cauterization was indicated as initial treatment, and due to financial reasons, the owners elected only the topical antifungal therapy to control the fungus infection after surgery. Flunixin meglumine was also administrated for five days aiming the control of pain and inflammation. The wound was cleaned with povidone-iodine solution and rinsed with a solution containing, 50 mg, of amphotericin B in 10 mL of sterile water and 10 mL of DMSO. This procedure was carried Out twice a day. The wound healed fast due to an excellent centripetal epithelialization. and the horse was discharged after 64 days showing only 5% of the initial wound area. The owner reported by telephone the complete healing and hair growth 10 days after discharge.Discussion: Despite the atypical location of the tumoral lesion described at the present report, the history and clinical manifestations, especially the intense pruritus, showed similarity with other characteristic reports of equine cutaneous pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the histopathological examination showing hyphae structures, as described to be evidences of the presence of Pythium insidiosum in the tissue. The surgical procedure was the first step to provide remission of clinical signs, and one day after surgery the pruritus desapeared. After excision of the granulomatous tissue and cauterization, daily topical administration of amphotericin B associated with DMSO was effective in destroying the infectious agent, as observed by the excellent epithelization. A pink granulation tissue grew up providing an ideal surface for epithelial migration and the healing process progressed quickly. Centripetal epithelialization reduced the wound area until 3% of the initial area in 64 days of treatment, when the remaining wound was found almost completely healed and covered with hair. At the present report, the horse presenting pythiosis was only topically treated. The recommended therapy using amphotericin B and DMSO solution was effective, economically viable and low risk, considering that the systemic antifungal therapy usually suggested is expensive and extremely nephrotoxic. The atypical location of the lesion on the left flank shows that any anatomical region can be affected by the fungus, since the conditions for its development were present.


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Os Autores descrevem um caso de paracoccidioidomicose subaguda progressiva, com quadro clínico sugestivo de síndrome de má absorção, em que o doente não se beneficiara apenas com o tratamento antifúngico convencional. Ao se introduzir como medida auxiliar a nutrição parenteral houve evidente melhora clínica e laboratorial. Desta maneira os Autores propõe o uso associado da nutrição parenteral no tratamento de doentes com esta forma clínica de paracoccidioidomicose.


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O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a função renal de dez cães adultos saudáveis submetidos à administração de doses terapêuticas do antifúngico anfotericina B, cuja utilização tem sido limitada pelo seu elevado potencial nefrotóxico, e avaliar o método laboratorial mais sensível e precoce de diagnóstico de lesão renal. Foram realizadas, diariamente, urinálise, excreção fracionada de sódio e potássio, dosagem sérica de creatinina e uréia e atividade urinária de gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT). Concluiu-se que a anfotericina B provoca lesões nos túbulos proximal e distal, induzindo acidose tubular renal do tipo I e Diabetes insipidus nefrogênico em cães. Avaliação da função renal, preferencialmente por dosagens de creatinina, uréia e potássio séricos, é recomendada antes de cada aplicação do fármaco. A densidade urinária foi o parâmetro mais precocemente alterado pela lesão renal. A GGT urinária não foi eficaz para o diagnóstico precoce de lesão induzida por anfotericina B.


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A late survey of the renal function was performed in eighteen patients with paracoccidioidomycosis treated with amphotericin B, according to the glomerular filtration rate (RFG). The method was compartment analysis by single injection using EDTA Cr51, determined by its 'half biological life' and dosages of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. The patients were seventeen males and one female. They were from 22 to 76 years old. Ten of these patients received 2 g of amphotericin B and eight of them received 4 g. There were no expressive difference between the two groups, taking into account age, dose in mg/kg of weight/day, time of conclusion of the treatment, urea, creatinine, glomerular filtration was smaller than the normal, and average of the half biological life of the EDTA Cr51 was large than the normal. The achieved results permitted us to consider that the amphotericin B determines deficit of renal function. However, by the present study, it hasn't been possible to affirm if the modifications are definitive.


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The authors studied the incidence of thrombophlebitis in 41 patients treated intravenously with amphotericin B. The patients were divided in two different group: Group 1: patients treated with amphotericin B and hydrocortisone with heparin (1000 UI); Group 2: patients treated with amphotericin B and hydrocortisone. The results showed 23.81% of incidence of thrombophlebitis in Group 1 and 90% in Group 2. Thrombophlebitis in Group 1 ranged from mild to moderate without any change during the drug therapy. In Group 2, the incidence was 66.67% and the thrombophlebitis were severe being necessary the withdrawn of the drugs in 35.0% of the cases. We concluded that heparin, in low doses, in association with amphotericin B, was an efficient drug preventing or reducing the development of thrombophlebitis.


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As occurs with a number of drugs, the bioavailability of amphotericin B (AmB) used to treat fungal infections by the ocular route remains a great challenge to research scientists. In fact, the poor bioavailability of AmB is due mainly to the corneal barrier, which leads to a precorneal loss and consequent decrease in the absorption of this drug into the intraocular tissues. The toxicity associated with this molecule, together with its poor ability to penetrate the intact corneal epithelium, also represents a major drawback to its clinical use. New effective and safe drug vehicles for ocular delivery of AmB are therefore urgently needed. Microemulsions (MEs) seem to be an interesting system, owing to their transparent appearance, thermodynamic stability and favorable viscosity. Knowledge of the process of formation of AmB-containing MEs, as well as a good understanding of the physical chemistry of such systems, would provide reliable information on the best conditions for the use of these systems as eye drops. The goal of this research was thus to make an approach to this subject by reviewing the main studies on the use of MEs as delivery systems for AmB in topical eye treatment.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ