918 resultados para analytical instrumentation
Development of instrumentation for amperometric and coulometric detection using ultramicroelectrodes
In this work it is presented the development of a simple, portable and inexpensive instrumentation for amperometric and coulometric detection in different analytical instrumentation systems utilizing ultramicroelectrodes. The software, developed in LabVIEW 7.1TM, is capable to carry out three main detection techniques (amperometric, pulsed amperometric and coulometric detection) and a voltammetric technique (cyclic voltammetry). The instrumentation was successfully evaluated using the following systems: cyclic voltammograms of metallic electrodes in alkaline solutions, flow electrochemical detection of glucose and glycine and direct determination of herbicide glyphosate (electrochemical detection coupled to HPLC).
This article describes the use of a conventional CRT monitor as a high voltage power supply for capillary electrophoresis. With this monitor, a 23-kV high voltage with a ripple of 1.32% was observed. The reproducibility of the applied high voltage was evaluated by measuring the standard deviations of peak area and migration time for five consecutive injections of a test mixture containing potassium, sodium, and lithium cations at 50 mmol L-1. The errors were about 2.5% and 0.6% for peak area and migration time, respectively. The maximum current tested was about 180 mA, which covers most capillary electrophoresis applications. This system has been successfully used for several months, maintaining the desired level of performance.
Practical guidelines for monitoring and measuring compounds such as jasmonates, ketols, ketodi(tri)enes and hydroxy-fatty acids as well as detecting the presence of novel oxylipins are presented. Additionally, a protocol for the penetrant analysis of non-enzymatic lipid oxidation is described. Each of the methods, which employ gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, can be applied without specialist knowledge or recourse to the latest analytical instrumentation. Additional information on oxylipin quantification and novel protocols for preparing oxygen isotope-labelled internal standards are provided. Four developing areas of research are identified: (i) profiling of the unbound cellular pools of oxylipins; (ii) profiling of esterified oxylipins and/or monitoring of their release from parent lipids; (iii) monitoring of non-enzymatic lipid oxidation; (iv) analysis of unstable and reactive oxylipins. The methods and protocols presented herein are designed to give technical insights into the first three areas and to provide a platform from which to enter the fourth area.
This review covers the latest developments of long synthetic peptide technology for the rapid identification and development of malaria vaccine candidates and immunological modulators. A brief description of the two most common solid-phase synthetic procedures, together with the latest advances in optimisation of peptide chain assembly and analytical instrumentation, is given, with special attention to non-specialists. Several examples of vaccine candidates developed in the authors' or their collaborators' laboratories are also provided.
This article describes the use of a conventional CRT monitor as a high voltage power supply for capillary electrophoresis. With this monitor, a 23-kV high voltage with a ripple of 1.32% was observed. The reproducibility of the applied high voltage was evaluated by measuring the standard deviations of peak area and migration time for five consecutive injections of a test mixture containing potassium, sodium, and lithium cations at 50 mmol L-1. The errors were about 2.5% and 0.6% for peak area and migration time, respectively. The maximum current tested was about 180 mA, which covers most capillary electrophoresis applications. This system has been successfully used for several months, maintaining the desired level of performance.
This report describes a study about the feasibility of using a conventional digital camera, a cell-phone camera, an optical microscope, and a scanner as digital image capture devices on printed microzones. An array containing nine circular zones was drawn using graphics software and printed onto transparency film by a laser printer. Due to its superior analytical performance, the scanner was chosen for the quantitative determination of Fe2+ in pharmaceutical samples. The data achieved using scanned images did not differ statistically from those attained by the reference spectrophotometric method at the confidence level of 0.05.
Several factors render carotenoid determination inherently difficult. Thus, in spite of advances in analytical instrumentation, discrepancies in quantitative results on carotenoids can be encountered in the international literature. A good part of the errors comes from the pre-chromatographic steps such as sampling scheme that does not yield samples representative of the food lots under investigation; sample preparation which does not maintain representativity and guarantee homogeneity of the analytical sample; incomplete extraction; physical losses of carotenoids during the various steps, especially during partition or washing and by adsorption to glass walls of containers; isomerization and oxidation of carotenoids during analysis. on the otherhand, although currently considered the method of choice for carotenoids, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is subject to various sources of errors, such as: incompatibility of the injection solvent and the mobile phase, resulting in distorted or split peaks; erroneous identification; unavailability, impurity and instability of carotenoid standards; quantification of highly overlapping peaks; low recovery from the HPLC column; errors in the preparation of standard solutions and in the calibration procedure; calculation errors. Illustrations of the possible errors in the quantification of carotenoids by HPLC are presented.
Foram estudadas trinta e uma cepas fúngicas não identificadas, as quais foram denominadasX1 a X31. O potencial fotoprotetor foi avaliado pela medida espectrofotométrica da absorçãodos extratos na região do UV (280-400 nm). Os extratos com os melhores perfis de absorção em cultura estacionária foram X1, X2, X6, X12, X13, X18, X19, X22, X24 e X31 e, em cultura agitada X4 e X17. A reprodutibilidade do processo foi avaliada e as cepas fúngicas que apresentaram coeficiente de variação menor que 15% foram selecionadas para o estudo de fotoestabilidade. A fotoestabilidade dos extratos foi avaliada pela medida da viabilidade celular de fibroblastos L929 tratados com extratos previamente irradiados sob radiação UVA (11,2 J/cm2) e UVB (3,43 J/cm2) e extratos não irradiados, bem como, pela comparação das áreas sob as curvas de absorção na região do UV dos extratos irradiados e não irradiados. Os extratos selecionados para o estudo de fotoestabilidade foram X4, X12, X19, X22, X24 e X31. Os extratos não irradiados apresentaram os seguintes valores deIC50 para viabilidade celular (citotoxidade): X4-130µg/ml, X19-20µg/ml, X22-10 µg/ml e X24-60µg/ml. Após a radiação UVA e UVB, os extratos apresentaram redução significativa da viabilidade celular em relação ao IC50 dos extratos não irradiados. Sob luz UVB, os extratos X12 (IC50 35µg/ml) e X31 (IC50 70µg/ml) mantiveram a mesma porcentagem de redução da viabilidade celular quando comparado ao IC50 dos extratos não irradiados. No entanto após exposição à luz UVA, o extrato X12 aumentou a viabilidade celular de 50% (quando não irradiado) para 75% (irradiado). Enquanto que o extrato X31, mesmo após a radiação UVA, manteve a mesma redução de 50% da viabilidade celular. Nessa etapa os extratos selecionados foram os X12 e X31. O espectro de absorção na região do UV obtido para o extrato X12 mostrou uma redução da absorbância de 28,3% sob radiação UVB e de 60% sob radiação UVA em relação ao extrato não irradiado. O extrato X31 apresentou uma redução da absorbância de 17,6% e30% sob radiação UVB e UVA respectivamente, em relação ao extrato não irradiado. Os fungos selecionados foram identificados por PCR, sugerindo que o fungo X12 seja o Aspergillus terreus e o X31 seja o Talaromyces pinophilus. Por fim, foi feita a identificação da substância ativa do extrato X12 empregando a técnica de desreplicação, a qual fez o uso da instrumentação analítica acoplada UHPLC-DAD-(ESI)-HRMS associada ao banco de dados Chapman& Hall\'s Dictionary of Natural Products (DNP). No extrato X12 o composto majoritário foi identificado como sendo a citreoviridina. Assim, os resultados do presente trabalho permitiu estabelecer um procedimento para a seleção de fungos produtores de compostos absorvedores de radiação UV, que poderia ser aplicado na obtenção de novos filtros orgânicos naturais para protetores solares.
Laser heating Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology provides high analytical precision and accuracy, mum-scale spatial resolution. and statistically significant data sets for the study of geological and planetary processes, A newly commissioned Ar-40/Ar-39 laboratory at CPGeo/USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, equips the Brazilian scientific community with a new powerful tool applicable to the study of geological and cosmochemical processes. Detailed information about laboratory layout, environmental conditions, and instrumentation provides the necessary parameters for the evaluation of the CPGeo/USp Ar-40/Ar-39 suitability to a diverse range of applications. Details about analytical procedures, including mineral separation, irradiation at the IPEN/CNEN reactor at USP, and mass spectrometric analysis enable potential researchers to design the necessary sampling and sample preparation program suitable to the objectives of their study. Finally, the results of calibration tests using Ca and K salts and glasses, international mineral standards, and in-house mineral standards show that the accuracy and precision obtained at the Ar-40/Ar-39 laboratory at CPGeo/USP are comparable to results obtained in the most respected laboratories internationally. The extensive calibration and standardization procedures under-taken ensure that the results of analytical studies carried out in our laboratories will gain immediate international credibility, enabling Brazilian students and scientists to conduct forefront research in earth and planetary sciences.
A semi-analytical analysis of free vibration of plates with cross-sectional discontinuities due to abrupt changes in thickness is presented. A basic square element divided into suitable subdomains dependent upon the positions of these abrupt changes is used as the basic building element, Admissible functions that satisfy the essential or geometric boundary conditions are used to define the transverse deflection of each subdomain. Continuities in the displacement, slope, moment and higher derivatives between adjacent subdomains are enforced at the interconnecting edges. The resulting global energy functional from the proper assembly of the coupled strain and kinetic energy contributions of each subdomain is then minimized via the Ritz procedure to extract the frequencies and mode shapes. Contour plots of a range of new mode shapes are presented for the enhancement of understanding the dynamic behavior of this class of plates, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.
Hevea latex is a natural biological liquid of very complex composition .Besides rubber hydrocarbons,it contains many proteinous and resinous substances,carbohydrates,inorganic matter,water,and others.The Dry Rubber Content (DRC) of latex varies according to season, tapping system,weather,soil conditions ,clone,age of the tree etc. The true DRC of the latex must be determined to ensure fair prices for the latex during commercial exchange.The DRC of Hevea latex is a very familiar term to all in the rubber industry.It has been the basis for incentive payments to tappers who bring in more than the daily agreed poundage of latex.It is an important parameter for rubber and latex processing industries for automation and verious decesion making processes.This thesis embodies the efforts made by me to determine the DRC of rubber latex following different analytical tools such as MIR absorption,thermal analysis.dielectric spectroscopy and NIR reflectance.The rubber industry is still Looking for a compact instrument that is accurate economical,easy to use and environment friendly.I hope the results presented in this thesis will help to realise this goal in the near future.
La investigació que es presenta en aquesta tesi es centra en l'aplicació i millora de metodologies analítiques existents i el desenvolupament de nous procediments que poden ser utilitzats per a l'estudi dels efectes ambientals de la dispersió dels metalls entorn a les zones mineres abandonades. En primer lloc, es van aplicar diferents procediments d'extracció simple i seqüencial per a estudiar la mobilitat, perillositat i bio-disponibilitat dels metalls continguts en residus miners de característiques diferents. Per altra banda, per a estudiar les fonts potencials de Pb en la vegetació de les zones mineres d'estudi, una metodologia basada en la utilització de les relacions isotòpiques de Pb determinades mitjançant ICP-MS va ser avaluada. Finalment, tenint en compte l'elevat nombre de mostres analitzades per a avaluar l'impacte de les activitats mineres, es va considerar apropiat el desenvolupament de mètodes analítics d'elevada productivitat. En aquest sentit la implementació d'estratègies quantitatives així com l'aplicació de les millores instrumentals en els equips de XRF han estat avaluades per a aconseguir resultats analítics fiables en l'anàlisi de plantes. A més, alguns paràmetres de qualitat com la precisió, l'exactitud i els límits de detecció han estat curosament determinats en les diverses configuracions de espectròmetres de XRF utilitzats en el decurs d'aquest treball (EDXRF, WDXRF i EDPXRF) per a establir la capacitat de la tècnica de XRF com a tècnica alternativa a les clàssiques comunament aplicades en la determinació d'elements en mostres vegetals.
In chemical analyses performed by laboratories, one faces the problem of determining the concentration of a chemical element in a sample. In practice, one deals with the problem using the so-called linear calibration model, which considers that the errors associated with the independent variables are negligible compared with the former variable. In this work, a new linear calibration model is proposed assuming that the independent variables are subject to heteroscedastic measurement errors. A simulation study is carried out in order to verify some properties of the estimators derived for the new model and it is also considered the usual calibration model to compare it with the new approach. Three applications are considered to verify the performance of the new approach. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The performance of modular home made capillary electrophoresis equipment with spectrophotometric detection, at a visible region by means of a miniaturized linear charge coupled device, was evaluated for the determination of four food dyes. This system presents a simple but efficient home made cell detection scheme. A computer program that converts the spectral data after each run into the electropherograms was developed to evaluate the analytical parameters. The dyes selected for analytical evaluation of the system were Brilliant Blue FCF, Fast Green FCF, Sunset Yellow FCF, and Amaranth. Separation was carried out in a 29cm length and 75 mu m I.D fused silica capillary, using 10mmolL-1 borate buffer at pH 9, with separation voltage of 7.5kV. The detection limits for the dyes were between 0.3 and 1.5mgL-1 and the method presented adequate linearity over the ranges studied, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.99. The method was applied for determination and quantification of these dyes in fruit juices and candies.