954 resultados para amphetamine derivative
This study examined glucocorticoid-adrenergic interactions in modulating acquisition and memory storage for inhibitory avoidance training. Systemically (s.c.) administered amphetamine (1 mg/kg), but not epinephrine (0.1 mg/kg) or the peripherally acting amphetamine derivative 4-OH amphetamine (2 mg/kg), given to rats shortly before training facilitated acquisition performance in a continuous multiple-trial inhibitory avoidance (CMIA) task. Adrenocortical suppression with the 11beta-hydroxylase inhibitor metyrapone (50 mg/kg; s.c.), given to rats 90 min before training, did not block the effect of amphetamine and did not affect acquisition performance of otherwise untreated animals. Retention of CMIA and one-trial inhibitory avoidance was enhanced by either pre- or posttraining injections of amphetamine as well as 4-OH amphetamine and epinephrine. The finding that injections of amphetamine and epinephrine have comparable effects on memory is consistent with the view that amphetamine may modulate memory storage, at least in part, by inducing the release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla. Metyrapone pretreatment blocked the memory-enhancing effects of amphetamine, 4-OH amphetamine, and epinephrine but did not affect retention performance of otherwise untreated animals. Posttraining injections of different doses of epinephrine (ranging from 0.0001 to 1.0 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent memory enhancement for inhibitory avoidance training and metyrapone blocked the memory-enhancing effects of all these doses. These findings provide further evidence that the sympathoadrenal and adrenocortical systems are intimately coupled during processes of memory storage.
The amphetamine derivative 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) reverses dopamine and serotonin transporters to produce efflux of dopamine and serotonin, respectively, in regions of the brain that have been implicated in reward. However, the role of serotonin/dopamine interactions in the behavioral effects of MDMA remains unclear. We previously showed that MDMA-induced locomotion, serotonin and dopamine release are 5-HT(2B) receptor-dependent. The aim of the present study was to determine the contribution of serotonin and 5-HT(2B) receptors to the reinforcing properties of MDMA. We show here that 5-HT(2B) (-/-) mice do not exhibit behavioral sensitization or conditioned place preference following MDMA (10 mg/kg) injections. In addition, MDMA-induced reinstatement of conditioned place preference after extinction and locomotor sensitization development are each abolished by a 5-HT(2B) receptor antagonist (RS127445) in wild type mice. Accordingly, MDMA-induced dopamine D1 receptor-dependent phosphorylation of extracellular regulated kinase in nucleus accumbens is abolished in mice lacking functional 5-HT(2B) receptors. Nevertheless, high doses (30 mg/kg) of MDMA induce dopamine-dependent but serotonin and 5-HT(2B) receptor-independent behavioral effects. These results underpin the importance of 5-HT(2B) receptors in the reinforcing properties of MDMA and illustrate the importance of dose-dependent effects of MDMA on serotonin/dopamine interactions.
Väärinkäytettyjen aineiden seulontaan käytetyn menetelmän tulee olla herkkä, selektiivinen, yksinkertainen, nopea ja toistettava. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää yksinkertainen, mutta herkkä, esikäsittelymenetelmä bentsodiatsepiinien ja amfetamiinijohdannaisten kvalitatiiviseen seulomiseen virtsasta mikropilarisähkösumutussirun (μPESI) avulla, mikä tarjoaisi vaihtoehdon seulonnassa käytetyille immunologisille menetelmille, joiden herkkyys ja selektiivisyys ovat puutteellisia. Tavoitteena oli samalla tarkastella mikropilarisähkösumutussirun toimivuutta biologisten näytteiden analyysissa. Esikäsittely optimoitiin erikseen bentsodiatsepiineille ja amfetamiinijohdannaisille. Käytettyjä esikäsittelymenetelmiä olivat neste-nesteuutto, kiinteäfaasiuutto Oasis HLB-patruunalla ja ZipTip®-pipetinkärjellä sekä laimennus ja suodatus ilman uuttoa. Mittausten perusteella keskityttiin optimoimaan ZipTip®-uuttoa. Optimoinnissa tutkittavia yhdisteitä spiikattiin 0-virtsaan niiden ennaltamääritetyn raja-arvon verran, bentsodiatsepiineja 200 ng/ml ja amfetamiinijohdannaisia 300 ng/ml. Bentsodiatsepiinien kohdalla optimoitiin kutakin uuton vaihetta ja optimoinnin tuloksena näytteen pH säädettiin arvoon 5, faasi kunnostettiin asetonitriililla, tasapainotettiin ja pestiin veden (pH 5) ja asetonitriilin (10 % v/v) seoksella ja eluoitiin asetonitriilin, muurahaishapon ja veden (95:1:4 v/v/v) seoksella. Amfetamiinijohdannaisten uutossa optimoitiin näytteen ja liuottimien pH-arvoja ja tuloksena näytteen pH säädettiin arvoon 10, faasi kunnostettiin veden ja ammoniumvetykarbonaatin(pH 10, 1:1 v/v) seoksella, tasapainotettiin ja pestiin asetonitriilin ja veden (1:5 v/v) seoksella ja eluoitiin metanolilla. Optimoituja uuttoja testattiin Yhtyneet Medix Laboratorioista toimitetuilla autenttisilla virtsanäytteillä ja saatuja tuloksia verrattiin kvantitatiivisen GC/MS-analyysin tuloksiin. Bentsodiatsepiininäytteet hydrolysoitiin ennen uuttoa herkkyyden parantamiseksi. Autenttiset näytteet analysoitiin Q-TOF-laitteella Viikissä. Lisäksi hydrolysoidut bentsodiatsepiininäytteet mitattiin Yhtyneet Medix Laboratorioiden TOF-laitteella. Kehitetty menetelmä vaatii tulosten perusteella lisää optimointia toimiakseen. Ongelmana oli etenkin toistoissa ilmennyt tulosten hajonta. Manuaalista näytteensyöttöä tulisi kehittää toistettavammaksi. Autenttisten bentsodiatsepiininäytteiden analyysissa ongelmana olivat virheelliset negatiiviset tulokset ja amfetamiinijohdannaisten analyysissa virheelliset positiiviset tulokset. Virheellisiä negatiivisia tuloksia selittää menetelmän herkkyyden puute ja virheellisiä positiivisia tuloksia mittalaitteen, sirujen tai liuottimien likaantuminen.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate a physiological response to TA2005, a potent β2-adrenoceptor (β2-AR) selective agonist, in right atria isolated from stressed female rats under the influence of the estrous cycle. We obtained concentration-response curves to the agonist in the presence and in the absence of selective antagonists in right atria isolated from female rats submitted to three daily foot-shock sessions (30 min duration, 120 pulses of 1.0 mA, 1.0 s, applied at random intervals of 5- 25 s) and sacrificed at estrus or diestrus. Our results showed that the pD2 values of TA2005 were not influenced by estrous cycle phase or foot-shock stress. However, in right atria from stressed rats sacrificed during diestins, the concentration-response curve to TA2005 was biphasic, with a response being obtained at concentrations of 0.1 nM, whereas during estrus no response was observed at doses lower than 3 nM. ICI118,551, a β2-AR antagonist, abolished the response to nanomolar concentrations of TA2005 in right atria from stressed rats at diestrus, with no changes in agonist pD2 values in right atria from control rats (7.47 ± 0.09, p > 0.05) but a 3-fold decrease in pD2 values of TA2005 in right atria from foot shock stressed rats (7.90 ± 0.07, p ≤ 0.05). Concentration-response curves to TA2005 in the presence of ICI118,551 were best fitted by a one-site model equation. The β1-AR antagonist, CGP20712A, shifted to the right only the second part of the concentration-response curves to the agonist, unmasking the putative β2-AR-mediated response to the agonist in tissues isolated from stressed rats at diestrus. Under this condition, concentration-response curves to the agonist were best fitted by a two-site model equation, pD2 and maximum response of TA2005 interaction with β1- and putative β2-adrenoceptor components were calculated. Schild analyses gave a pK(B) value for CGP20712A that was typical for the interaction with β1-AR in each experimental group, pK(B) values for ICI118,551 could not be obtained in stressed rats sacrificed at diestins since Schild plot slopes were lower than 1.0. In right atria from control rats, ICI118,551 pK(B) values were similar to reported values for the interaction of the antagonist with β1-AR. These results confirm that a heterogenous β1-AR population mediating the chronotropic response to catecholamines can be demonstrated in right atria from foot shock stressed female rats sacrificed at diestins. The stress-induced response seems to be mediated by the β2-AR subtype. Right atria from rats sacrificed during estrus are protected against stress-induced alterations on the homogeneity of β-AR population.
A method for determination of lactose in food samples by Osteryoung square wave voltammetry (OSWV) was developed. It was based on the nucleophilic addition reaction between lactose and aqua ammonia. The carbonyl group of lactose can be changed into imido group, and this increases the electrochemical activity in reduction and the sensitivity. The optimal condition for the nucleophilic addition reaction was investigated and it was found that in NH4Cl–NH3 buffer of pH 10.1, the linear range between the peak current and the concentration of lactose was 0.6–8.4 mg L−1, and the detection limits was 0.44 mg L−1. The proposed method was applied to the determination of lactose in food samples and satisfactory results were obtained.
The results of a numerical investigation into the errors for least squares estimates of function gradients are presented. The underlying algorithm is obtained by constructing a least squares problem using a truncated Taylor expansion. An error bound associated with this method contains in its numerator terms related to the Taylor series remainder, while its denominator contains the smallest singular value of the least squares matrix. Perhaps for this reason the error bounds are often found to be pessimistic by several orders of magnitude. The circumstance under which these poor estimates arise is elucidated and an empirical correction of the theoretical error bounds is conjectured and investigated numerically. This is followed by an indication of how the conjecture is supported by a rigorous argument.
The detection and potential treatment of oxidative stress in biological systems has been explored using isoindoline-based nitroxide radicals. A novel tetraethyl-fluorescein nitroxide was synthesised for its use as a profluorescent probe for redox processes in biological systems. This tetraethyl system, as well as a tetramethyl-fluorescein nitroxide, were shown to be sensitive and selective probes for superoxide in vitro. The redox environment of cellular systems was also explored using the tetramethylfluorescein species based on its reduction to the hydroxylamine. Flow cytometry was employed to assess the extent of nitroxide reduction, reflecting the overall cellular redox environment. Treatment of normal fibroblasts with rotenone and 2-deoxyglucose resulted in an oxidising cellular environment as shown by the lack of reduction of the fluorescein-nitroxide system. Assessment of the tetraethyl-fluorescein nitroxide system in the same way demonstrated its enhanced resistance to reduction and offers the potential to detect and image biologically relevant reactive oxygen species directly. Importantly, these profluorescent nitroxide compounds were shown to be more effective than the more widely used and commercially available probes for reactive oxygen species such as 2’,7’-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate. Fluorescence imaging of the tetramethyl-fluorescein nitroxide and a number of other rhodamine-nitroxide derivatives was undertaken, revealing the differential cellular localisation of these systems and thus their potential for the detection of redox changes in specific cellular compartments. As well as developing novel methods for the detection of oxidative stress, a number of novel isoindoline nitroxides were synthesised for their potential application as small-molecule antioxidants. These compounds incorporated known pharmacophores into the isoindoline-nitroxide structure in an attempt to increase their efficacy in biological systems. A primary and a secondary amine nitroxide were synthesised which incorporated the phenethylamine backbone of the sympathomimetic amine class of drugs. Initial assessment of the novel primary amine derivative indicated a protective effect comparable to that of 5-carboxy-1,1,3,3- tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl. Methoxy-substituted nitroxides were also synthesised as potential antioxidants for their structural similarity to some amphetamine type stimulants. A copper-catalysed methodology provided access to both the mono- and di-substituted methoxy-nitroxides. Deprotection of the ethers in these compounds using boron tribromide successfully produced a phenolnitroxide, however the catechol moiety in the disubstituted derivative appeared to undergo reaction with the nitroxide to produce quinone-like degradation products. A novel fluoran-nitroxide was also synthesised from the methoxy-substituted nitroxide, providing a pH-sensitive spin probe. An amino-acid precursor containing a nitroxide moiety was also synthesised for its application as a dual-action antioxidant. N-Acetyl protection of the nitroxide radical was necessary prior to the Erlenmeyer reaction with N-acetyl glycine. Hydrolysis and reduction of the azlactone intermediate produced a novel amino acid precursor with significant potential as an effective antioxidant.
The statutory derivative action was introduced in Australia in 2000. This right of action has been debated in the literature and introduced in a number of other jurisdictions as well. However, it is by no means clear that all issues have been resolved despite its operation in Australia for over 10 years. This article considers the application of Pt 2F.1A of the Corporations Act to companies in liquidation under Ch 5. It demonstrates that the application involves consideration of not only proper statutory interpretation but also policy matters around the role and the supervision by the court of a liquidator once a company has entered liquidation.
In this paper, the spectral approximations are used to compute the fractional integral and the Caputo derivative. The effective recursive formulae based on the Legendre, Chebyshev and Jacobi polynomials are developed to approximate the fractional integral. And the succinct scheme for approximating the Caputo derivative is also derived. The collocation method is proposed to solve the fractional initial value problems and boundary value problems. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the derived methods.
Rayleigh–Stokes problems have in recent years received much attention due to their importance in physics. In this article, we focus on the variable-order Rayleigh–Stokes problem for a heated generalized second grade fluid with fractional derivative. Implicit and explicit numerical methods are developed to solve the problem. The convergence, stability of the numerical methods and solvability of the implicit numerical method are discussed via Fourier analysis. Moreover, a numerical example is given and the results support the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis.