89 resultados para amicus curiae
O projeto de pesquisa ora apresentado à banca de qualificação da Escola de Direito do Rio de Janeiro da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de Mestre em Poder Judiciário, situa-se na área de concentração das práticas jurisdicionais de fim. O problema de pesquisa é o processo decisório do Supremo Tribunal Federal, com o objetivo específico de estudar a influência exercida por atores externos ao Tribunal nas decisões de seus Ministros. Dentro desta problemática, o recorte escolhido foi a análise da influência exercida por agentes que participam formalmente dos processos sob a jurisdição do Supremo, atuando como amici curiae nas ações diretas de inconstitucionalidade. A dissertação está estruturada em está estruturado em 3 (três) seções, da seguinte forma: a primeira seção faz uma introdução da problemática escolhida e da metodologia utilizada, assim como os indicadores para a realização da análise da existência ou não da influência dos argumentos trazidos pelo amicus curiae. A segunda seção traz breve descrição acerca do controle concentrado de constitucionalidade e o papel do amicus curiae na ação direta de inconstitucionalidade. Traz, ainda, o estudo feito por Damares Medina, a diferença deste trabalho com relação ao primeiro e as ADI estudadas. A terceira seção traz uma análise do processo decisório nos tribunais e a influência exercida pelo amicus curiae nas decisões majoritárias do Supremo Tribunal Federal, em especial, o caso das ações direta de inconstitucionalidade, bem como a análise dos dados encontrados nas 53 (cinqüenta e três) ADI estudadas. Por fim, tem-se a conclusão deste trabalho.
O presente trabalho propõe uma reflexão acerca de um novo papel a ser desempenhado pelas Agências Reguladoras no Estado Democrático de Direito, repensando a teoria tripartite desenvolvida por Montesquieu - a importância de sua participação, como amicus curiae, nos processos que envolvem o ambiente regulado. O tema ganha importância quando se percebe que as decisões tomadas pelos reguladores tornam-se objeto de disputas judiciais, geralmente iniciadas por meio de ações civis públicas, que na defesa do princípio da transparência dos atos públicos e do interesse da coletividade, por vezes, acabam por esbarrar em questões técnicas fundamentais ao bom funcionamento do ambiente regulado, e que, se modificadas, prejudicam a própria prestação do serviço, consequentemente, os consumidores – em defesa dos quais foi proposta a ação. É objeto deste trabalho, portanto, propor uma solução, ou melhor, chamar atenção para uma solução em face do problema posto – visto que se encontra no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, porém tão pouco utilizada.
O Volume 2 dos CADERNOS FGV DIREITO RIO — Série Clínicas: Amicus Curiae e Centros de Pesquisa é resultado de uma integração no âmbito da FGV Direito Rio. Os Centros de Pesquisa e a Graduação, por meio do seu Núcleo de Prática Jurídica (NPJ), uniram-se em torno da produção de quatro memoriais de amici curiae no segundo semestre de 2012, os quais foram apresentados no Supremo Tribunal Federal. Um em cada área de atuação relativa a cada centro de pesquisa: Meio Ambiente (poder de polícia ambiental municipal); Justiça e Sociedade (publicação de biografias não autorizadas); Economia (RDC – regime diferenciado de contratações públicas); e Tecnologia (responsabilidade civil dos provedores e serviços de internet por atos praticados por seus usuários).
It presents a study about the control of constitutionality, its requirements and beddings. It brings, at first, notions about the concept of constitution, in its most varied aspects, as well as the systems of Control of Constitutionality. It emphasizes, considering the actual Brazilian situation, which passes through constitutional reforms and, therefore, assenting the appearance of an enormous amount of ordinary laws, the legal instability that has formed itself within the national panoram. Because of this situation, the institute of the Control of Constitutionality gains inmportancy as a way of protection of our Great Letter, against possible violations which can unfortunately happen. More ahead in the difuse control of constitutionality argues the new trend of generalization, especially after the recent reform that introduced the general repercussion as new requirement of admissibilidade of the appeal to the Brazilian Supreme Court. In the final chapter brings an analysis on the institute of amicus curiae, arguing its historical origins and its evolution, in the comparative jurisprudence, and the Brazilian right. From then is gone deep the paper of amicus curiae in the constitutionality control and, after quarrel on the difficulties of the Brazilian population to materialize its right before the judiciary, as this new institute could contribute in basic way for the materialization of the constitutional rule of access to justice
Número dedicado ao Novo Código de Processo Civil.
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Cover title.
This master thesis aims to research the tension established between the judicial review and democratic theory which was always present in the constitutional doctrine of separation of powers. In this regard, the expansion of the Brazilian constitutional jurisdiction checked after the occurrence of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the inertia of the Legislature in disciplinary relevant legal aspects of Brazilian society contributed to a hyperactivity of the Supreme Court. However, in a complex society of context, as is the Brazilian society, there are contained demands and political controversies that hardly would be well represented or resolved through the action of the Court of ministers at the expense of other government bodies. Among the supremacy of Parliament and the legitimacy deficit of these magistrates, is the constitutional text and the social fabric that makes this legal status of the political. Participatory democracy established by the guidelines of the Federal Constitution requires this perspective when the Supreme Court acting in place of concentrated constitutionality control. In a plural society, there is no reason to get rid of state decision moments popular participation. Lack the Supreme Court, this time, the democratizing perception that the institute brings to the interior of the Court, as state determination of space in which to come together and meet the aspirations of society and state claims. The dissertation investigates thus the possibility of amicus curiae Institute serve as a mediator of the democratic debate, to assist the Supreme Court in the preparation of the decision is, historically, that which is of greater legitimacy, from the perspective of a theory participatory democracy. Analyzes, likewise, the unfolding of abstract judicial review in the context of Brazilian law. Proposes, incidentally, a rereading of the separation of powers, with the call for the Judiciary be careful not to become the protagonist of national political decisions. It maintains, finally, that procedural opening the interpreters of the constitution, through the amicus curiae Institute, shows up as able to decrease the legitimacy deficit in the performance of the Brazilian Supreme Court.
This chapter considers the Public Patent Foundation as a novel institution in the patent framework. It contends that such a model can play a productive role in challenging the validity of high-profile patents; working as an amicus curiae in significant court cases; and also promoting patent law reform. However, there are limits to the ‘patent-busting’ of the Foundation. The not-for-profit legal services organization has only had the time and resources to challenge a number of noteworthy patents. Other jurisdictions – such as Australia – lack such public-spirited "patent-busting" entities. This chapter considers a number of key disputes involving the Public Patent Foundation. Part I examines the role of the Public Patent Foundation in the landmark dispute over Myriad Genetics’ patents in respect of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Part II considers the role of the Public Patent Foundation in litigation between organic farmers and Monsanto. Part III examines the role of the Public Patent Foundation in larger debates about patent law reform in the United States – particularly looking at the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act 2011 (US). The conclusion contends that the patent-busting model of the Public Patent Foundation should be emulated in respect of other technological fields, and other jurisdictions – such as Australia. The initiative could also be productively applied to other forms of intellectual property – such as trade mark law, designs law, plant breeders’ rights, plant breeders’ rights, and access to genetic resources.
This essay provides a critical assessment of the Fair Use Project based at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society. In evaluating the efficacy of the Fair Use Project, it is worthwhile considering the litigation that the group has been involved in, and evaluating its performance. Part 1 outlines the history of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, and the aims and objectives of the Fair Use Project. Part 2 considers the litigation in Shloss v. Sweeney over a biography concerning Lucia Joyce, the daughter of the avant-garde literary great, James Joyce. Part 3 examines the dispute over the Harry Potter Lexicon. Part 4 looks at the controversy over the Shepard Fairey poster of President Barack Obama, and the resulting debate with Associated Press. Part 5 of the essay considers the intervention of the Fair Use Project as an amicus curiae in the ‘Column case’. Part 6 explores the participation of the Fair Use Project as an amicus curiae in the litigation over 60 Years Later, an unauthorised literary sequel to J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. Part 7 of the essay investigates the role of the Fair Use project in disputes over copyright law and musical works. Part 8 investigates the role of the Fair Use Project as an advocate in disputes over copyright law, fair use, documentary films, and internet videos. The conclusion has main three arguments. First, it contends that Australia should establish a Fair Use Project to support creative artists in litigation over copyright exceptions. Second, it maintains that Australia should adopt a flexible, open-ended defence of fair use, and draw upon the rich jurisprudence in the United States on the fair use doctrine. Finally, this paper argues that support should be given at an international level to the proposal for a Treaty on Access to Knowledge.
In an exploration of intellectual property and fashion, this article examines the question of the intermediary liability of online auction-houses for counterfeiting. In the United States, the illustrious jewellery store, Tiffany & Co, brought a legal action against eBay Inc, alleging direct trademark infringement, contributory trademark infringement, false advertising, unfair competition and trademark dilution. The luxury store depicted the online auction-house as a pirate bazaar, a flea-market and a haven for counterfeiting. During epic litigation, eBay Inc successfully defended itself against these allegations in a United States District Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Tiffany & Co made a desperate, unsuccessful effort to appeal the matter to the Supreme Court of the United States. The matter featured a number of interventions from amicus curiae — Tiffany was supported by Coty, the Fashion Designer's Guild, and the International Anticounterfeiting Coalition, while eBay was defended by publicly-spirited civil society groups such as Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public Citizen, and Public Knowledge as well as Yahoo!, Google Inc, Amazon.com, and associations representing telecommunications carriers and internet service providers. The litigation in the United States can be counterpointed with the fusillade of legal action against eBay in the European Union. In contrast to Tiffany & Co, Louis Vuitton triumphed over eBay in the French courts — claiming its victory as vindication of the need to protect the commercial interests and cultural heritage of France. However, eBay has fared somewhat better in a dispute with L’Oréal in Great Britain and the European Court of Justice. It is argued that, in a time of flux and uncertainty, Australia should follow the position of the United States courts in Tiffany & Co v eBay Inc. The final part examines the ramifications of this litigation over online auction-houses for trade mark law reform and consumer rights; parallel disputes over intermediary liability and safe harbours in the field of copyright law and the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement 2010. The conclusion calls for a revision of trade mark law, animated by a respect for consumers’ rights and interests in the electronic marketplace.