400 resultados para amg 9810


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An involvement of the transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) 1 channel in the regulation of body temperature (T b) has not been established decisively. To provide decisive evidence for such an involvement and determine its mechanisms were the aims of the present study. We synthesized a new TRPV1 antagonist, AMG0347 [(E)-N-(7-hydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalen-1- yl)-3-(2-(piperidin-1-yl)-6-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-3-yl)acrylamide], and characterized it in vitro. We then found that this drug is the most potent TRPV1 antagonist known to increase T b of rats and mice and showed (by using knock-out mice) that the entire hyperthermic effect of AMG0347 is TRPV1 dependent. AMG0347-induced hyperthermia was brought about by one or both of the two major autonomic cold-defense effector mechanisms (tail-skin vasoconstriction and/or thermogenesis), but it did not involve warmth-seeking behavior. The magnitude of the hyperthermic response depended on neither T b nor tail-skin temperature at the time of AMG0347 administration, thus indicating that AMG0347-induced hyperthermia results from blockade of tonic TRPV1 activation by nonthermal factors. AMG0347 was no more effective in causing hyperthermia when administered into the brain (intracerebroventricularly) or spinal cord (intrathecally) than when given systemically (intravenously), which indicates a peripheral site of action. We then established that localized intra-abdominal desensitization of TRPV1 channels with intraperitoneal resiniferatoxin blocks the T b response to systemic AMG0347; the extent of desensitization was determined by using a comprehensive battery of functional tests. We conclude that tonic activation of TRPV1 channels in the abdominal viscera by yet unidentified nonthermal factors inhibits skin vasoconstriction and thermogenesis, thus having a suppressive effect on T b. Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience.


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Colloidal nanoparticle drug delivery systems have attracted much interest for their ability to enable effective formulation and delivery of therapeutic agents. The selective delivery of these nanoparticles to the disease site can be enhanced by coating the surface of the nanoparticles with targeting moieties, such as antibodies. In this current work, we demonstrate that antibodies on the surface of the particles can also elicit key biological effects. Specifically, we demonstrate the induction of apoptosis in colorectal HCT116 cancer cells using PLGA nanoparticles coated with Conatumumab (AMG 655) death receptor 5-specific antibodies (DR5-NP). We show that DR5-NP preferentially target DR5-expressing cells and present a sufficient density of antibody paratopes to induce apoptosis via DR5, unlike free AMG 655 or non-targeted control nanoparticles. We also demonstrate that DR5-targeted nanoparticles encapsulating the cytotoxic drug camptothecin are effectively targeted to the tumour cells, thereby producing enhanced cytotoxic effects through simultaneous drug delivery and apoptosis induction. These results demonstrate that antibodies on nanoparticulate surfaces can be exploited for dual modes of action to enhance the therapeutic utility of the modality. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Apoptosis is the final destiny of many cells in the body, though this process has been observed in some pathological processes. One of these pathological processes is femoral head non-traumatic osteonecrosis. Among many pro/anti-apoptotic factors, nitric oxide has recently been an area of further interest. Osteocyte apoptosis and its relation to pro-apoptotic action invite further research, and the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)—which produces a high concentration of nitric oxide—has been flagged. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and inducible NOS suppressor (Aminoguanidine) in prevention of femoral head osteonecrosis in an experimental model of osteonecrosis in spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHRs). Methods: After animal ethic approval 34 SHR rats were divided into four groups. Ten rats were allocated to the control group without any treatment, and eight rats were allocated to three treatment groups namely: HBO, Aminoguanidine (AMG), and the combination of HBO and AMG treatments (HBO+AMG). The HBO group received 250 kPa of oxygen via hyperbaric chamber for 30 days started at their 5th week of life; the AMG group received 1mg/ml of AMG in drinking water from the fifth week till the 17th week of life; and the last group received a combination of these treatments. Rats were sacrificed at the end of the 17th week of life and both femurs were analysed for evidence of osteonecrosis using Micro CT scan and H&E staining. Also, osteocyte apoptosis and the presence of two different forms of NOS (inducible (iNOS) and endothelial (eNOS)) were analysed by immunostaining and apoptosis staining (Hoechst and TUNEL). Results: Bone morphology of metaphyseal and epiphyseal area of all rats were investigated and analysed. Micro CT findings revealed significantly higher mean fractional trabecular bone volume (FBV) of metaphyseal area in untreated SHRs compared with all other treatments (HBO, P<0.05, HBO+AMG, P<0.005, and AMG P<0.001). Bone surface to volume ratio also significantly increased with HBO+AMG and AMG treatments when compared with the control group (18.7 Vs 20.8, P<0.05, and 18.7 Vs 21.1, P<0.05). Epiphyseal mean FBV did not change significantly among groups. In the metaphyseal area, trabecular thickness and numbers significantly decreased with AMG treatment, while trabecular separation significantly increased with both AMG and HBO+AMG treatment. Histological ratio of no ossification and osteonecrosis was 37.5%, 43.7%, 18.7% and 6.2% of control, HBO, HBO+AMG and AMG groups respectively with only significant difference observed between HBO and AMG treatment (P<0.01). High concentration of iNOS was observed in the region of osteonecrosis while there was no evidence of eNOS activity around that region. In comparison with the control group, the ratio of osteocyte apoptosis significantly reduced in AMG treatment (P<0.005). We also observed significantly fewer apoptotic osteocytes in AMG group comparing with HBO treatment (P<0.05). Conclusion: None of our treatments prevents osteonecrosis at the histological or micro CT scan level. High concentration of iNOS in the region of osteonecrosis and significant reduction of osteocyte apoptosis with AMG treatment were supportive of iNOS modulating osteocyte apoptosis in SHRs.


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The behavior of simetryn and thiobencarb in flooded rice soil was investigated in a 2-year study. The concentrations of simetryn and thiobencarb were in the hundreds of μg kg-1 in the top soil layer (0-5 cm) and became significantly lower in tens of μg kg-1 in the deeper soil layers (5-10 and 10-15 cm). The half-lives of the two herbicides were also shorter (36 and 17 days for simetryn and thiobencarb, respectively) in the top soil layer, as they were most affected by environmental conditions, compared with corresponding values of 82 and 69 days in the 5-10 cm soil layer. Simetryn concentration was stable, while thiobencarb's half-life was 165 days in the 10-15 cm layer. About 35% of the applied mass of simetryn and thiobencarb were found in the rice soil compartment.


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[ES] Este trabajo analiza la sostenibilidad de la Planificación Territorial de Bizkaia en relación al parámetro consumo de suelo. Para ello se estudian las propuestas realizadas por los Planes Territoriales Parciales en materia de nuevo suelo residencial destinado a acoger las necesidades de vivienda de los municipios incluidos en sus respectivas Áreas Funcionales.


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In underdense plasmas, the transverse ponderomotive force of an intense laser beam with Gaussian transverse profile expels electrons radially, and it can lead to an electron cavitation. An improved cavitation model with charge conservation constraint is applied to the determination of the width of the electron cavity. The envelope equation for laser spot size derived by using source-dependent expansion method is extended to including the electron cavity. The condition for self-guiding is given and illuminated by an effective potential for the laser spot size. The effects of the laser power, plasma density and energy dissipation on the self-guiding condition are discussed.


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Esse estudo buscou investigar o papel do estresse oxidativo e nitrosativo no enfisema pulmonar induzido por elastase. Foram utilizados camundongos machos C57BL/6 submetidos a dois modelos de indução do enfisema por elastase pancreática suína (PPE): intratraqueal (i.t.) e intranasal (i.n.). No modelo intratraqueal a PPE foi instilada nas doses de 0,05 U ou 0,5 U/camundongo para avaliação temporal do enfisema 7, 14 e 21 dias após instilação de PPE. Em outra etapa, o papel da iNOS foi avaliado através da sua inibição farmacológica por aminoguanidina (AMG) 1% na água de beber ou pela sua exclusão genética em camundongos deficientes em iNOS que tiveram o enfisema induzido por 0,5 U PPE i.t. após 21 dias. No modelo intranasal a dose de PPE foi 3 U/camundongo para avaliação temporal do enfisema (1, 7, 14 e 21 dias após PPE). O papel do estresse oxidativo e nitrosativo foi avaliado com diferentes tratamentos antioxidantes na água de beber: tempol, apocinina+alopurinol, n-acetilcisteína, vitamina C+E, e aminoguanidina durante os 21 dias de indução do enfisema. Os grupos controles foram submetidos à instilação de salina. Lavado broncoalveolar, imunoensaios, análises bioquímicas de estresse oxidativo e ensaios morfométricos foram realizados nos pulmões dos animais. O enfisema foi histologicamente alcançado em 21 dias após 0,5 U PPE i.t., evidenciado pelo aumento do diâmetro alveolar médio Lm e da densidade de volume dos espaços alveolares - Vvair em comparação ao grupo controle. TNF-α foi aumentado em 7 e 14 dias após 0,5 U PPE comparados ao controle, concomitante com a redução de IL-10 nos mesmos períodos, comparados ao controle. O estresse oxidativo foi observado na fase inicial do enfisema, com aumento dos níveis de nitrito, TBARS e superóxido dismutase no grupo 7 dias após 0,5 U PPE (i.t.) quando comparados ao controle ao passo que no modelo intranasal as alterações típicas do estresse foram vistas no grupo 1 dia após 3 U de PPE. Atividade da glutationa peroxidase foi aumentada em todos os grupos PPE (i.t.). A exposição à 0,5 U PPE induziu o aumento da iNOS, eNOS e nitrotirosina, sendo revertido no grupo PPE+AMG. Os animais tratados com AMG 1% e os deficientes em iNOS tiveram o enfisema atenuado histologicamente, mantendo o Lm e o Vvair semelhantes ao grupo controle. Os grupos tratados com n-acetilcisteína e aminoguanidina no modelo i.n. tiveram redução do Lm quando comparados ao grupo PPE. Esses resultados sugerem que as vias de estresse oxidativo e nitrosativo são disparadas pela produção de óxido nítrico via iNOS no enfisema pulmonar. A modulação da iNOS parece uma estratégia promissora no estabelecimento do enfisema pulmonar


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A matriz energética mundial é baseada em fontes fósseis e renováveis. No Brasil, o bioetanol é gerado principalmente a partir da cana-de-açúcar. Resíduos agroindustriais (fontes celulósicas ou amiláceas) despontam como biomassas alternativas à cana-de-açúcar, para aumentar a competitividade deste combustível renovável frente aos de origem fóssil e também favorecer a sustentabilidade e a segurança alimentar e energética, pois são ricos em polissacarídeos não diretamente fermentescíveis, abundantes (problema ambiental) e apresentam baixo valor comercial. O farelo de mandioca é um exemplo de resíduo sólido gerado na produção de fécula (amido) e farinha de mandioca que ainda contém, em média, 75% de amido. Consequentemente, deve ser previamente hidrolisado e posteriormente fermentado por leveduras do gênero Saccharomyces para gerar etanol. O objetivo deste estudo foi produzir bioetanol a partir de hidrolisados enzimáticos de farelo de mandioca, usando levedura álcool resistente (AR). Primeiramente, a concentração de açúcares obtida a partir da hidrólise enzimática foi verificada através de um planejamento fatorial completo (24), com triplicata no ponto central, a fim de investigar a influência dos seguintes fatores na hidrólise: concentração de α-amilase (Termamyl 2X), tempo de liquefação, concentração de glucoamilase (AMG 300L) e o tempo sacarificação. A condição de hidrólise mais favorável foi a do ensaio com 0,517 mL de AMG/g amido, 0,270 mL de Termamyl/g amido, 1h de tempo de liquefação e 2h de tempo de sacarificação. O caldo resultante da condição escolhida alcançou altas concentrações de glicose (160 g/L). Os ensaios de fermentação alcoólica foram realizados em duplicata em biorreator de 3L, em regime de batelada, a 30C, 100 rpm e pH 5,5. Cerca de 3 g/L (massa seca) de uma linhagem de levedura álcool tolerante, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen BY4741, crescida por 12h em meio YEDP (2% de glicose) foram usados como inóculo. O mosto consistiu de um litro de hidrolisado (160 g/L de glicose) fortificado com extrato de levedura (1%) e peptona de carne (1%), além da adição de um antiespumante (Tween 80) na concentração de 0,05% (m/v). Em 30 horas de fermentação, a média da concentração de etanol obtida foi de 65 g/L. A eficiência foi de 87,6% e o rendimento e a produtividade foram 0,448 e 2,16 g/L.h, respectivamente. Os resultados indicaram a aplicabilidade do farelo de mandioca como matéria-prima para a produção de bioetanol


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A first assessment ofimportant East China Sea fisheries was carried out using data from 1956 to 1993. Two different data sets were available: 1) catch and effort data taken from landings and boat registrations and 2) catch and effort data from skipper's logs taken at sea. The two sets provided similar trends in CPUE over the study period. Stocks of high value, low volume species have been fished heavily and now produce very low landings or have been depleted (e.g. small and large yellow croaker). Some high volume and low value species have also been heavily fished (e.g. green filefish) while others (e.g. hairtail) are still producing high landings. Surplus production models were fitted to seven stocks. All showed considerable fluctuations in landings around MSY. The green filefish stock had an estimated MSY of around 160,000 tlyr at an effort of 2,500,000 kw and was depleted by a combination of excessive effort (around 4,000,000 kw in 1993) and marked fluctuations in landings (up to 70,000 tlyr above or below MSY). A sustainable policyfor managing ECS fisheries should address the effects ofboth effort and environmental variation.


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Nesta pesquisa, elegemos Alma Infantil (1912) como fonte e objeto de estudo: obra escrita pela poetisa Francisca Júlia da Silva em parceria com seu irmão, o também poeta Júlio César da Silva. A pesquisa busca evocar o cenário literário escolar do entresséculos (XIX-XX) e do início do século XX, em suas particularidades, coordenando o projeto político e pedagógico que conformava as escolas no período com os temas, autores e textos que circulavam nas salas de aula, sobretudo no estado de São Paulo, onde se verifica, no período, a maior incidência de planos e ações pedagógicas. Temos por finalidade exprimir as relações entre Alma Infantil e alguns projetos de nação propostos pelo governo na Primeira República (1889-1930). Alma Infantil, publicado pela Livraria Editora Magalhães no início do século XX é livro para uso escolar, mais especificamente, livro de leitura suplementar. Este material, assim como muitos outros, estava comprometido com a moral e a ordem cívica dos primeiros anos do novo regime, com a exaltação à natureza, aos animais e às riquezas naturais do país, conforme a análise dos poemas indica. O livro dos irmãos Silva, em seus 48 poemas e quatro hinos, apresenta linguagem acessível e adaptada à leitura da criança, de fácil compreensão, conformados por um conceito de moral notoriamente verificado. Em grande parcela dos poemas, encontramos referências a uma linguagem leve, descompromissada com a rigidez e culto à forma diferentemente da que o exaltava. Outrossim, a presença dos hinos em Alma Infantil demarca ainda mais esta unidade patriótica a que o Brasil se propunha compor no entresséculos. Os temas dos hinos estudo, escola, trabalho, pátria - alinham os ideais republicanos de ordem, trabalho e progresso que vigorava no Brasil naquele momento. Sendo assim, através da pesquisa histórica que resultou neste texto, podemos afirmar por meio de análise textual e documental que Alma Infantil é obra confeccionada para uso escolar, como sua própria capa o diz, e mais, é uma legítima amostra do maquinário político educacional dos primeiros anos do regime republicano neste país.


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Polyploid gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, is an excellent model system for evolutionary genetics owing to its specific genetic background and reproductive modes. Comparative karyotype studies were performed in three cultured clones, one artificially manipulated group, and one mated group between two clones. Both the clones A and P had 156 chromosomes in their karyotypes, with 36 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. The karyotype of clone D contained 162 chromosomes, with 42 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. All the three clones had six small chromosomes in common. Group G, being originated from the clone D by artificial manipulation, showed supernumerary microchromosomes or chromosomal fragments, in addition to the normal chromosome complement that was identical to the clone D. The offspring from mating between clones D and A had 159 chromosomes. Comparing with the clone A, the DA offspring showed three extra metacentric chromosomes. In addition, variable RAPD fingerprint patterns and unusual SCAR marker inheritance were, respectively, detected among individuals of artificial group G and in the mated DA offspring. Both the chromosome and molecular findings suggest that genome reshuffling might have occurred by manipulation or mating of the clones.


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Pressure sensitivity of the fiber optic mandrel hydrophone is analyzed in this paper. Based on the theory of elasticity, the mechanism of the pressure response is studied. The influence of the optical fiber on the compliant mandrel on the pressure response is taken into consideration for the first time. The radial deformation of the mandrel under the pressure of the fiber optic and the underwater pressure is analyzed in details. Based on the theory of photo-elasticity, the phase shift of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer is given. The pressure sensitivity is evaluated both theoretically and experimentally, and the results show a good correlation between the theoretical and experimental results.


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稀土配合物由于具有优良的窄带发光性能和较长的荧光寿命,因而在光电学领域比如激光材料或者荧光标记上引起了广泛的兴趣和应用。吸附在固体表面的稀土配合物的发光性质得到了广泛的研究。MCM-48中孔材料是M41S家族中的一种,具有直径20-30A三维结构的中孔孔道,比MCM-41的一维结构孔道更有优势,比如它可以最大可能的避免客体分子的堆积现象。因此本论文中我们研究了将稀土(Eu3+)β-二酮(DBM=dibenzoylmethane)配合物掺杂到纯硅MCM-48以及三种有机基团嫁接的有机-无机杂化MCM-48的孔道中去,得到了各种不同的杂化中孔发光材料。首先烧结后的MCM-48被装载稀土Eu(OBM)3'2H2O配合物之后。XRD结果说明稀土配合物被组装到了MCM-48中,其有序结构因为稀土配合物的进入而受到一定的影响,但是样品仍保持了MCM-48的立方相结构。分别通过吸收光谱和热失重的方法计算了掺杂后的发光MCM-48样品进行洗涤后留在MCM一48中配合物的量。固体漫反射光谱在紫外区有一个OBM配体的Sn基态能级(π)到S1激发态能级份*)的电子跃迁形成的吸收宽带。可见区还观察到E护”离子的4f-4畴征吸收线。与稀土配合物中的OBM配体相比,掺杂MCM-48样品的Sn-S1吸收带均发生蓝移,反映了S1能级向高能方向移动。然后采用了室温两步合成法合成MCM-48,模板剂的去除采用了溶剂萃取法。最佳掺杂浓度为6.98×10-3 mol/l;同时最佳掺杂时间为24小时。在同样的掺杂条件下,稀土配合物在基质中的掺杂量MCM-48>MCM-41>>SiO2。萃取之后的MCM-48在外形上近乎于球形,粒子的直径在0.7-1.2μm之间。粒子显现出多孔的海绵状表面形态,并且具有晶体结构外形,呈菱形十二面体被削去顶端立方体的结构。而且在粒子的表面观察到了类似螺旋结构的孔道,我们认为这是MCM一48所特有的双螺旋型三维孔道结构,这是到目前为止首次报道利用扫描电镜观察到中孔分子筛的孔道结构。荧光光谱结果观察到了激发峰的最大值由于纳米粒子效应出现的蓝移现象。不同基质中的发射系数QZ和04比较可知配合物在三种基质SiO2、MCM-41和MCM-48中环境的极性相差不大。掺杂到中孔MCM-48材料中的稀土配合物的热稳定性比在MCM-41中强,这是由于MCM-48的三维孔道对配合物的保护作用。室温条件下合成的MCM-48分子筛利用后合成嫁接的方法[post-synthesis grajng(PSG)]进行表面修饰,修饰剂选用了带有功能性乙烯基的VTES,链长最短的MTES以及带有氨基的长链NTSED。稀土Eu(DBM)3'2H2O配合物被组装到杂化中孔分子筛材料中。红外光谱与2951核磁共振光谱表明MCM-48的表面被成功的接枝上了有机M下任S,盯任s,N丁s任D基团。与MCM-48相比,MCM-48-R的表面积、孔体积和孔径的减少有以下NTSED>VTES>MTES的顺序。这也许是修饰的有机基团不同的链的长度不同的原因。稀土配合物在这三种有机一无机杂化基质环境的极性比纯硅MCM-48要增大。同时配合物在三种基质的中的QZ的值及发光效率的顺序为:MCM-48-MTES<MCM-48-VTES<MCM-48-NTSED,说明MCM-48经过三种有机硅氧烷修饰之后孔道极性也遵循同样的顺序,可以认为这是由于三种有机基团的链长的不同造成的,链长越长则修饰之后孔道极性增大的就越多。最后通过溶胶一凝胶过程利用提拉法(Dip-coating method)制备了具有中孔结构的SiO2-CTAB-Tb(acac)3透明发光薄膜(Mesostructed Iuminescence thin film,略为MLTF),稀土配合物利用原位合成(In-situ)的办法掺入到透明薄膜中。对薄膜进行热处理过程表明薄膜中的稀土配合物在50℃的时候开始形成。XRO结果表明稀土离子及有机配体的掺入对薄膜中孔相的结构没有太大的影响,荧光薄膜仍保持层状结构。红外光谱结果说明制备的中孔薄膜是由CTAB和硅氧烷聚合物组成的复合薄膜。荧光薄膜的发射光谱给出了Th3+离子的特征发射峰,荧光薄膜中有机配体与丁b离子之间发生了能量传递现象。因为在热处理过程中有机配体逐渐代替了开始与Tb离子配位的OH基团,使得二者间的能量传递更加有效,从而导致了荧光的增强。


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笔式界面软件快速开发工具Visual PBAP(pen-based application)Creator可以根据用户的个性化需求快速设计和开发相应软件,缩短开发周期。一方面,Visual PBAP Creator通过场景和UI编辑方便开发人员和用户确定需求;另一方面,自动生成代码可以缩短开发周期。Visual PBAP Creator以笔式操作平台为软件平台,采用基于场景设计的开发方法,设计结果形成XML格式的文档,通过解析这些XML文档最终生成C代码。实践表明,VisualPBAP Creator可以提高笔式界面软件的开发效率。


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本文主要以花鲈[Lateolabrax.japonicus (C.& V.)]和褐牙鲆[Paralichthys olivaceus(T. & S.)]作为海洋肉食性鱼类的代表种类,根据鱼类生态生理学理论,通过设定不同饥饿时问下因子水平,研究两种鱼类摄食率、排粪率、转化效率和SGR等生态生理效率的状态变化。其目的在于研究高营养级鱼类在海洋生态系统中的下行控制作用(Top-down Effect),以及肉食性鱼类的生态对策与鱼类资源补充机制的相互关系,为深入解析鱼类资源生产力及其持续利用海洋生物资源,提供科学依据。其主要研究结果概述如下:1.花鲈: 饥饿0(对照组)、4、8、12、16d后恢复投喂,过量投喂淡水桡足类,温度为19.5±2.0℃,初始体重为0.61-0.93g,平均体重为0.79g实验周期为28d。1.1饥饿时间对花鲈的体重损失率产生显著影响,受过饥饿的个体的湿重失率 (LR_W)与饥饿时间(t)的关系为:LR_W=2.2164t-3.6634(r~2=0.9767,p9810)(t<36d); 2.1在饥饿结束后的18d中,饥饿18d的个体的SGR显著低于其它各组,饥饿3-15d的实验组的SGR大于对照组,但差异不显著;各组的摄食率差异显著,经受过饥饿的个体的摄食率高于对照组,经受长期饥饿的个体的摄食率显著升高;各组饵料转化率差异不显著,经受过饥饿的各组转化率均低于对照组;经受长时问饥饿(>13d)的个体的排粪率显著大于其它各组,其它各组间排粪率差异不显著;2.2在整个实验周期36d内,对照组与经受3—8d饥饿的实验组的SGR显著大于经受饥饿时间大于lOd的实验组,饥饿3-8d的完全补偿生长,饥饿10-15d 的个体发生部分补偿生长,饥饿18d的个体不能补偿生长;经受饥饿个体的摄食率低于对照组;除了饥饿18d的个体的饵料转化率显著小于对照组外,其它各组的转化率没有显著差异;经受长时间饥饿(>13d)的个体的排粪率显著大于其它各组,其它各组问没有显著的差异。2.3平均体重为2.59g的褐牙鲆,饥饿至不可恢复点(PNR)的时间大于18d。3.花鲈和褐牙鲆在经受饥饿后的体重损失率与饥饿的时间正相关。在实验期间,花鲈体重损失率与饥饿时间成一次线性关系,褐牙鲆体重损失率与饥饿时间成对数函数关系。在饥饿后均会发生补偿生长。3.1比较研究结果,表明在适当时间饥饿后的个体均会发生补偿生长,其超生长速度与饥饿时间密切相关。花鲈在饥饿至不可恢复点的临界状态时发生最强烈的超生长现象,而褐牙鲆则是在饥饿3—5d后恢复投喂时可以观测到最高速度的超生长。3.2经受适当时间饥饿后的个体在短期内,其摄食率大于对照组的摄食强度。曾经饥饿的时间越长,花鲈在饥饿结束后的摄食率越高,褐牙鲆在饥饿结束后的高摄食率持续的时间越长。3.3经受适当时间饥饿后的个体,在短期内的转化率均会大于对照组的转化 效率,且随饥饿时间而加强;高转化效率持续的时间与饥饿时间无关。褐牙鲆的高转化率持续的时间很短,且很快下降至低于对照组的水平,其下降程度与饥饿时问成正相关,经受过度饥饿的花鲈和褐牙鲆转化率显著低于对照组。3.4花鲈的补偿生长是饵料转化率提高的结果;而褐牙鲆的补偿生长的原因则因其经受的饥饿程度而异。从饥饿后恢复投喂较短的时间周期(4d和6d)看,花鲈和褐牙鲆的补偿生长是转化率和摄食率共同提高的结果;但从饥饿后恢复投喂较长的时问周期(12d和1 8d)看,经受短期(4-8d)饥饿的花鲈的补偿生长是转化率显著提高的结果,而经受长期(12d)饥饿的花鲈的补偿生长是转化率显著提高的结果,褐牙鲆则是摄食率显著提高的结果。3.5从整个实验周期来看,对花鲈的饥饿降低了其生长速度和饵料转化率,但对褐牙鲆的短期饥饿(<8d)不会降低其生长速度,也不会影响一定时间(3-13d)饥饿的个体的饵料转化率。