920 resultados para ambient levels of PM2.5
This work characterizes the effects of ambient levels of urban particulate matter (PM(2.5)) from the city of Sao Paulo on spermatogenesis using mice exposed during the embryo-fetal and/or postnatal phases of development. Parental generations (BALB/c mice) were exposed to air pollution in chambers with or without filtering PM(2.5) for 4 months. Animals were mated, and half of the 1-day-old offspring were moved between chambers, which yielded prenatal and postnatal groups. Remaining offspring comprised the non-exposed and pre+postnatal exposed groups. After 90 days, the animals were sacrificed for testis collection and weighing. Optical microscopy was used for the morphometric analyses of the cell counts, spermatogenic cycle, proliferation, and apoptosis. Prenatally exposed animals presented reduced body and testicular weight with an increased gonadosomatic index (GSI). Testicular volume also decreased, as well as the tubular diameter in testes of the same animals. Proliferation, apoptosis, and spermatogenic cycle analyses showed no significant differences among groups. However, the tubules at stage VII of pre- and postnatal animals presented a reduced number of elongated spermatids. Pre+postnatal group presented higher spermatid head retention at stages VIII-XII. These results show that ambient levels of PM(2.5) from Sao Paulo city affect spermatogenesis by damaging sperm production.
Background: Exposure to fine fractions of particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with increased hospital admissions and mortality for respiratory and cardiovascular disease in children and the elderly. This study aims to estimate the toxicological risk of PM2.5 from biomass burning in children and adolescents between the age of 6 and 14 in Tangara da Serra, a municipality of Subequatorial Brazilian Amazon. Methods: Risk assessment methodology was applied to estimate the risk quotient in two scenarios of exposure according to local seasonality. The potential dose of PM2.5 was estimated using the Monte Carlo simulation, stratifying the population by age, gender, asthma and Body Mass Index (BMI). Results: Male asthmatic children under the age of 8 at normal body rate had the highest risk quotient among the subgroups. The general potential average dose of PM2.5 was 1.95 mu g/kg.day (95% CI: 1.62 - 2.27) during the dry scenario and 0.32 mu g/kg. day (95% CI: 0.29 - 0.34) in the rainy scenario. During the dry season, children and adolescents showed a toxicological risk to PM2.5 of 2.07 mu g/kg. day (95% CI: 1.85 - 2.30). Conclusions: Children and adolescents living in the Subequatorial Brazilian Amazon region were exposed to high levels of PM2.5 resulting in toxicological risk for this multi-pollutant. The toxicological risk quotients of children in this region were comparable or higher to children living in metropolitan regions with PM2.5 air pollution above the recommended limits to human health.
Several studies conducted in urban areas have pointed out that road dust resuspension contributes significantly to PM concentration levels. Street washing is one of the methods proposed to reduce resuspended road dust contributions to ambient PM concentrations. As resuspended particles are mainly found in the coarse mode, published studies investigating the effects of street washing have focused on PM10 size fraction. As the PM2.5 mass fraction of particles originating from mechanical abrasion processes may still be significant we conducted a study in order to evaluate the effects of street washing on the mitigation of resuspension of fine particles. The PM2.5 mass concentration data were examined and integrated with the occurrence of street washing activities. In addition, the effect of the meteorological variability, traffic flow and street washing activities, on ambient PM2.5 levels was valuated by means of a multivariate regression model. The results revealed that traffic low is the most important factor that controls PM2.5 hourly concentrations while street washing activities did not influence fine particle mass levels.
Objective: To examine whether there is an association between fetal and/or placental weight and exposure to ambient levels of air pollution in mice. Design: Chronic experiments on mice that were exposed to polluted vs. clean air. Setting: Environmental exposure to atmospheric pollution. Animal(S): Female Swiss mice (n = 70) were maintained at different stages of gestation in an exposure chamber located at an intersection with heavy traffic in a major city in Brazil. Control mice were maintained in a similar chamber, located adjacent to the exposure chamber but equipped with filters for particles and reactive gases. Intervention(s): Animals were divided into six groups as follows: no exposure, exposure to a polluted chamber throughout gestation, exposure to a polluted chamber during the 1st week of pregnancy, exposure to a polluted chamber during the 2nd and 3rd weeks, exposure to a polluted chamber during the 1st and 2nd week, and exposure to a polluted chamber during the 3rd week. Main Outcome Measure(S): At the end of the gestational period, the determination of fetal and placental weight was performed after cesarean section. Result(s): Exposure to air pollution during the 1st week of pregnancy promoted a significant reduction in fetal weight. Mice exposed to polluted air, in any phase of gestation, presented with lower placental weight in comparison to mice maintained in clean chambers. Conclusion(s): Exposure to ambient levels of traffic pollution at early phases of gestation is a determinant for decreased final fetal weight. Placental weight is reduced with exposure to air pollution at any phase of gestation. (Fertil Steril (R) 2008;90:1921-4. (C)2008 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Rationale- Chronic exposure to air pollution has been associated with adverse effects on children`s lung growth. Objectives: We analyzed the effects of chronic exposure to urban levels of particulate matter (PM) on selected phases of mouse lung development. Methods: The exposure occurred in two open-top chambers (filtered and nonfiltered) placed 20 m from a street with heavy traffic in Sao Paulo, 24 hours/day for 8 months. There was a significant reduction of the levels of PM(2.5) inside the filtered chamber (filtered = 2.9 +/- 3.0 mu g/m(3), nonfiltered = 16.8 +/- 8.3 mu g/m(3); P = 0.001). At this exposure site, vehicular sources are the major components of PM(2.5) (PM <= 2.5 mu m). Exposure of the parental generation in the two chambers occurred from the 10th to the 120th days of life. After mating and birth of offspring, a crossover of mothers and pups occurred within the chambers, resulting in four groups of pups: nonexposed, prenatal, postnatal, and pre+postnatal. Offspring were killed at the age of 15 (n = 42) and 90 (n = 35) days; lungs were analyzed by morphometry for surface to volume ratio (as an estimator of alveolization). Pressure-volume curves were performed in the older groups, using a 20-ml plethysmograph. Measurements and Main Results: Mice exposed to PM(2.5) pre+postnatally presented a smaller surface to volume ratio when compared with nonexposed animals (P = 0.036). The pre+postnatal group presented reduced inspiratory and expiratory volumes at higher levels of transpulmonary pressure (P = 0.001). There were no differences among prenatal and postnatal exposure and nonexposed animals. Conclusions: Our data provide anatomical and functional support to the concept that chronic exposure to urban PM affects lung growth.
Objectives: We investigated effects of chronic exposure (2 months) to ambient levels of particulate matter (PM) on development of protease-induced emphysema and pulmonary remodeling in mice. Methods: Balb/c mice received nasal drop of either papain or normal saline and were kept in two exposure chambers situated in an area with high traffic density. One of them received ambient air and the other had filters for PM. Results: mean concentration of PM10 was 2.68 +/- 0.38 and 33.86 +/- 2.09 mu g/m(3), respectively, in the filtered and ambient air chambers (p<0.001). After 2 months of exposure, lungs from papain-treated mice kept in the chamber with ambient air presented greater values of mean linear intercept, an increase in density of collagen fibers in alveolar septa and in expression of 8-isoprostane (p = 0.002, p < 0.05 and p = 0.002, respectively, compared to papain-treated mice kept in the chamber with filtered air). We did not observe significant differences between these two groups in density of macrophages and in amount of cells expressing matrix metalloproteinase-12. There were no significant differences in saline-treated mice kept in the two chambers. Conclusions: We conclude that exposure to urban levels of PM worsens protease-induced emphysema and increases pulmonary remodeling. We suggest that an increase in oxidative stress induced by PM exposure influences this response. These pulmonary effects of PM were observed only in mice with emphysema. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Even though air pollutants exposure is associated with changes in the ocular surface and tear film, its relationship to the clinical course of blepharitis, a common eyelid disease, had not yet been investigated. Our objective was to investigate the correlation between air pollution and acute manifestations of blepharitis. Method: We recorded all cases of changes in the eyelids and ocular surface, and rated clinical findings on a scale from zero (normal) to two (severe alterations). Daily values of carbon monoxide, particulate matter smaller than 10 mu m in diameter and nitrogen dioxide concentrations and meteorological variables (temperature and relative humidity) in the vicinity of the medical service were obtained. Specific linear regression models for each outcome were constructed including pollutants as independent variables (single pollutant models). Temperature and humidity were included as confounding variables. Results: increases of 28.8 mu g/m(3) in the concentration of particulate matter and 1.1 ppm in the concentration of CO were associated with increases in cases of blepharitis on the day of exposure (5 cases, 95% CI: 1-10 and 6 cases, 95% CI: 1-12, respectively). Conclusion: Exposure to usual air pollutants concentrations present in large cities affects, in a consistent manner, the eyes of residents contributing to the increasing incidence of diseases of the eyelid margin. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
There is scant evidence regarding the associations between ambient levels of combustion pollutants and small for gestational age (SGA) infants. No studies of this type have been completed in the Southern United States. The main objective of the project presented was to determine associations between combustion pollutants and SGA infants in Texas using three different exposure assessments. ^ Birth certificate data that contained information on maternal and infant characteristics were obtained from the Texas Department of State Health Services (TX DSHS). Exposure assessment data for the three aims came from: (1) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA), (2) U.S. EPA Air Quality System (AQS), and (3) TX Department of Transportation (DOT), respectively. Multiple logistic regression models were used to determine the associations between combustion pollutants and SGA. ^ For the first study looked at annual estimates of four air toxics at the census tract level in the Greater Houston Area. After controlling for maternal race, maternal education, tobacco use, maternal age, number of prenatal visits, marital status, maternal weight gain, and median census tract income level, adjusted ORs and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for exposure to PAHs (per 10 ng/m3), naphthalene (per 10 ng/m3), benzene (per 1 µg/m3), and diesel engine emissions (per 10 µg/m3) were 1.01 (0.97–1.05), 1.00 (0.99–1.01), 1.01 (0.97–1.05), and 1.08 (0.95–1.23) respectively. For the second study looking at Hispanics in El Paso County, AORs and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for increases of 5 ng/m3 for the sum of carcinogenic PAHs (Σ c-PAHs), 1 ng/m3 of benzo[a]pyrene, and 100 ng/m3 in naphthalene during the third trimester of pregnancy were 1.02 (0.97–1.07), 1.03 (0.96–1.11), and 1.01 (0.97–1.06), respectively. For the third study using maternal proximity to major roadways as the exposure metric, there was a negative association with increasing distance from a maternal residence to the nearest major roadway (Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.96; 95% CI = 0.94–0.97) per 1000 m); however, once adjusted for covariates this effect was no longer significant (AOR = 0.98; 95% CI = 0.96–1.00). There was no association with distance weighted traffic density (DWTD). ^ This project is the first to look at SGA and combustion pollutants in the Southern United States with three different exposure metrics. Although there was no evidence of associations found between SGA and the air pollutants mentioned in these studies, the results contribute to the body of literature assessing maternal exposure to ambient air pollution and adverse birth outcomes. ^
The detailed organic composition of atmospheric fine particles with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) is an integral part of the knowledge needed in order to fully characterize its sources and transformation in the environment. For the study presented here, samples were collected at 3-hour intervals. This high time resolution allows gaining unique insights on the influence of short- and long-range transport phenomena, and dynamic atmospheric processes. A specially designed sequential sampler was deployed at the 2002-2003 Baltimore PM-Supersite to collect PM2.5 samples at a 3-hourly resolution for extended periods of consecutive days, during both summer and winter seasons. Established solvent-extraction and GC-MS techniques were used to extract and analyze the organic compounds in 119 samples from each season. Over 100 individual compounds were quantified in each sample. For primary organics, averaging the diurnal ambient concentrations over the sampled periods revealed ambient patterns that relate to diurnal emission patterns of major source classes. Several short-term releases of pollutants from local sources were detected, and local meteorological data was used to pinpoint possible source regions. Biogenic secondary organic compounds were detected as well, and possible mechanisms of formation were evaluated. The relationships between the observed continuous variations of the concentrations of selected organic markers and both the on-site meteorological measurements conducted parallel to the PM2.5 sampling, and the synoptic patterns of weather and wind conditions were also examined. Several one-to-two days episodes were identified from the sequential variation of the concentration observed for specific marker compounds and markers ratios. The influence of the meteorological events on the concentrations of the organic compounds during selected episodes was discussed. It was observed that during the summer, under conditions of pervasive influence of air masses originated from the west/northwest, some organic species displayed characteristics consistent with the measured PM2.5 being strongly influenced by the aged nature of these long-traveling background parcels. During the winter, intrusions from more regional air masses originating from the south and the southwest were more important.
The detailed organic composition of atmospheric fine particles with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to 2.5 micrometers (PM 2.5) is an integral part of the knowledge needed in order to fully characterize its sources and transformation in the environment. For the study presented here, samples were collected at 3-hour intervals. This high time resolution allows gaining unique insights on the influence of short- and long-range transport phenomena, and dynamic atmospheric processes. A specially designed sequential sampler was deployed at the 2002-2003 Baltimore PM Supersite to collect PM2.5 samples at a 3-hourly resolution for extended periods of consecutive days, during both summer and winter seasons. Established solvent-extraction and GC-MS techniques were used to extract and analyze the organic compounds in 119 samples from each season. Over 100 individual compounds were quantified in each sample. For primary organics, averaging the diurnal ambient concentrations over the sampled periods revealed ambient patterns that relate to diurnal emission patterns of major source classes. Several short-term releases of pollutants from local sources were detected, and local meteorological data was used to pinpoint possible source regions. Biogenic secondary organic compounds were detected as well, and possible mechanisms of formation were evaluated. The relationships between the observed continuous variations of the concentrations of selected organic markers and both the on-site meteorological measurements conducted parallel to the PM2.5 sampling, and the synoptic patterns of weather and wind conditions were also examined. Several one-to-two days episodes were identified from the sequential variation of the concentration observed for specific marker compounds and markers ratios. The influence of the meteorological events on the concentrations of the organic compounds during selected episodes was discussed. It was observed that during the summer, under conditions of pervasive influence of air masses originated from the west/northwest, some organic species displayed characteristics consistent with the measured PM2.5 being strongly influenced by the aged nature of these long-traveling background parcels. During the winter, intrusions from more regional air masses originating from the south and the southwest were more important.
An aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) was deployed for the measurement of the size resolved chemical composition of single particles at a site in Cork Harbour, Ireland for three weeks in August 2008. The ATOFMS was co-located with a suite of semi-continuous instrumentation for the measurement of particle number, elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), sulfate and particulate matter smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5). The temporality of the ambient ATOFMS particle classes was subsequently used in conjunction with the semi-continuous measurements to apportion PM2.5 mass using positive matrix factorisation. The synergy of the single particle classification procedure and positive matrix factorisation allowed for the identification of six factors, corresponding to vehicular traffic, marine, long-range transport, various combustion, domestic solid fuel combustion and shipping traffic with estimated contributions to the measured PM2.5 mass of 23%, 14%, 13%, 11%, 5% and 1.5% respectively. Shipping traffic was found to contribute 18% of the measured particle number (20–600 nm mobility diameter), and thus may have important implications for human health considering the size and composition of ship exhaust particles. The positive matrix factorisation procedure enabled a more refined interpretation of the single particle results by providing source contributions to PM2.5 mass, while the single particle data enabled the identification of additional factors not possible with typical semi-continuous measurements, including local shipping traffic.
Tropospheric ozone (O3), a main component of photochemical oxidants, adversely affects not only human health but also vegetation. To clarify the long-term effects of ambient levels of tropospheric ozone (O3) on photosynthetic components and radical scavenging system in the leaves of cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata L.), two African varieties, Blackeye and Asontem, were grown in open-top chambers and exposed to filtered air (FA), non-filtered air (NF) or non-filtered air with additional O3 of approximately 50 nl l-1. Ambient levels of O3 significantly reduced chlorophyll concentration, quantum yield and activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), thus contributing to the reduction in net photosynthetic rate at the reproductive growth stage of both varieties; with no significant variety difference in the sensitivity to O3. The O3-induced significant reduction in catalase activity was observed in Blackeye at vegetative and reproductive growth stages; and in Asontem at reproductive growth stage. On the other hand, exposure to O3 significantly increased ascorbate peroxidase activity in Blackeye at reproductive stage and did not significantly affect that in Blackeye at vegetative growth stage and that in Asontem at both growth stages. At reproductive growth stage, activities of monodehydroascorbate reductase and glutathione reductase were significantly increased by the exposure to O3 in both varieties. The results obtained in this study suggest that, although ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase and glutathione reductase played important roles in scavenging O3-induced reactive oxygen species in the leaves, radical scavenging ability of these enzymes is not sufficient to avoid detrimental effects of ambient levels of O3 on photosynthesis in both African cowpea varieties.
In urban areas of Brazil, vehicle emissions are the principal source of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The World Health Organization air quality guidelines state that the annual mean concentration of PM2.5 should be below 10 mu g m(-3). In a collaboration of Brazilian institutions, coordinated by the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine and conducted from June 2007 to August 2008, PM2.5 mass was monitored at sites with high traffic volumes in six Brazilian state capitals. We employed gravimetry to determine PM2.5 mass concentrations, reflectance to quantify black carbon concentrations, X-ray fluorescence to characterize elemental composition, and ion chromatography to determine the composition and concentrations of anions and cations. Mean PM2.5 concentrations and proportions of black carbon (BC) in the cities of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Recife, and Porto Alegre were 28.1 +/- 13.6 mu g m(-3) (38% BC), 17.2 +/- 11.2 mu g m(-3) (20% BC), 14.7 +/- 7.7 mu g m(-3) (31% BC), 14.4 +/- 9.5 mu g m(-3) (30% BC), 7.3 +/- 3.1 mu g m(-3) (26% BC), and 13.4 +/- 9.9 mu g m(-3) (26% BC), respectively. Sulfur and minerals (Al, Si, Ca, and Fe), derived from fuel combustion and soil resuspension, respectively, were the principal elements of the PM2.5 mass. We discuss the long-term health effects for each metropolitan region in terms of excess mortality risk, which translates to greater health care expenditures. This information could prove useful to decision makers at local environmental agencies.
Clinical evidence has identified the pulmonary circulation as an important target of air pollution. It was previously demonstrated that in vitro exposure to fine particulate matter (aerodynamic diameter <= 2.5 mu m, PM2.5) induces endothelial dysfunction in isolated pulmonary arteries. We aimed to investigate the effects of in vivo exposure to urban concentrated PM2.5 on rat pulmonary artery reactivity and the mechanisms involved. For this, adult Wistar rats were exposed to 2 weeks of concentrated Sao Paulo city air PM2.5 at an accumulated daily dose of approximately 600 mu g/m(3). Pulmonary arteries isolated from PM2.5-exposed animals exhibited impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine without significant changes in nitric oxide donor response compared to control rats. PM2.5 caused vascular oxidative stress and enhanced protein expression of Cu/Zn- and Mn-superoxide dismutase in the pulmonary artery. Protein expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) was reduced, while tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha was enhanced by PM2.5 inhalation in pulmonary artery. There was a significant positive correlation between eNOS expression and maximal relaxation response (E-max) to acetylcholine. A negative correlation was found between vascular TNF-alpha expression and E-max to acetylcholine. Plasma cytokine levels, blood cells count and coagulation parameters were similar between control and PM2.5-exposed rats. The present findings showed that in vivo daily exposure to concentrated urban PM2.5 could decrease endothelium-dependent relaxation and eNOS expression on pulmonary arteries associated with local high TNF-alpha level but not systemic pro-inflammatory factors. Taken together, the present results elucidate the mechanisms underlying the trigger of cardiopulmonary diseases induced by urban ambient levels of PM2.5. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study aimed to verify the time course of the effects of environmental levels of urban air pollution toxicity on lung arterioles. BALB/c mice (n = 56) were continuously exposed to selective chambers equipped with (filtered, F) or without (non-filtered, NF) filter devices for particles and toxic gases for 24 h/day, over 14, 21, 30 or 45 days. After exposure, we evaluated the lumen-wall relationship (an estimator of arteriolar narrowing), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and endothelin type A receptor (ETAr) expression in the vascular wall and inflammatory influx of the peribronchiolar area. Concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM <= 2.5 mu g/m(3)), nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)), black smoke (BS), humidity and temperature in both the environment and inside the chambers were measured daily. Filters cleared 100% of BS and 97% of PM inside the F chamber. The arteriole wall of the lungs of mice from NF chamber had an increased ETAr expression (p <= 0.042) concomitant to a decrease in the lumen/wall ratio (p = 0.02) on the early days of exposure, compared to controls. They also presented a progressive increment of inflammatory influx in the peribronchiolar area during the study (p = 0.04) and decrement of the eNOS expression on the 45th day of exposure in both vascular layers (p <= 0.03). We found that after 14 days of exposure, the ambient levels of air pollutants in Sao Paulo induced vasoconstriction that was associated with an increase in ETAr expression. These vascular results do not appear to be coupled to the progressive inflammatory influx in lung tissue, suggesting a down-regulation of vasoconstrictive mechanisms through an imbalance in the cytokines network. It is likely that these responses are protective measures that decrease tissue damage brought about by continuous exposure to air pollutants. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.