982 resultados para alpha-thalassemia
Normalerweise eine Störung der ersten Schwangerschaft, ist die Präeklampsie charakterisiert durch eine arterielle Hypertonie (> 140 mmHg systolisch oder > 90 mmHg diastolisch), die in der Regel nach der 20. Schwangerschaftswoche auftritt und von einer Proteinurie begleitet wird [1]. Die Präeklampsie wird als ,,schwer" bezeichnet, wenn sie mit einer wesentlichen Erhöhung des Blutdrucks (> 160 mmHg systolisch oder > 110 mmHg diastolisch), schwerer Proteinurie, Oligurie, Lungenödem, abdominalen Schmerzen, Leberfunktionsstörungen, Thrombozytopenie und visuellen oder zerebralen Symptomen einhergeht. Eine Eklampsie wiederum ist durch die Entwicklung von tonisch-klonischen Anfällen bei einer präeklamptischen Patientin charakterisiert. Bei der Alpha-Thalassämie tritt ein Defekt von 2 oder mehr der 4 Alpha-Globin-Gene auf. Von einer Alpha-Thalassämie minor spricht man, wenn 2 Alpha-Ketten-Gene deletiert sind. Sie tritt häufig bei Menschen aus Afrika, Südostasien, dem westindischen und mediterranen Raum auf. Die Alpha-Thalassämie minor verursacht eine milde bis moderate mikrozytäre Anämie. Wir berichten über eine Patientin mit peripherer okklusiver Vaskulopathie im Rahmen einer kombinierten Präeklampsie und Alpha-Thalassämie minor.
In order to determine the contribution of alpha-thalassemia to microcytosis and hypochromia, 339 adult outpatients seen at Unicamp University Hospital (with the exception of the Clinical Hematology outpatient clinics), who showed normal hemoglobin (Hb) levels and reduced mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin, were analyzed. Ninety-eight were Blacks (28.9%) and 241 were Caucasians (71.1%). In all cases, Hb A2 and F levels were either normal or low. The most common deletional and nondeletional forms of alpha-thalassemia [-alpha3.7, -alpha4.2, --MED, -(alpha)20.5, alphaHphIalpha, alphaNcoIalpha, aaNcoI and alphaTSAUDI] were investigated by PCR and restriction enzyme analyses. A total of 169 individuals (49.9%) presented alpha-thalassemia: 145 (42.8%) were heterozygous for the -alpha3.7 deletion (-alpha3.7/aa) and 18 (5.3%) homozygous (-alpha3.7/-alpha3.7), 5 (1.5%) were heterozygous for the nondeletional form alphaHphIalpha (alphaHphIalpha/aa), and 1 (0.3%) was a --MED carrier (--MED/aa). Among the Blacks, 56 (57.1%) showed the -alpha3.7/aa genotype, whereas 12 (12.2%) were -alpha3.7/-alpha3.7 and 1 (1.0%) was an alphaHphIalpha carrier; among the Caucasians, 89 (36.9%) were -alpha3.7/aa, 6 (2.5%) had the -alpha3.7/-alpha3.7 genotype, 4 (1.7%) presented the nondeletional form (alphaHphIalpha/aa), and 1 (0.4%) was a --MED carrier. These results demonstrate that alpha-thalassemia, mainly through the -alpha3.7 deletion, is an important cause of microcytosis and hypochromia in individuals without anemia. These data are of clinical relevance since these hematological alterations are often interpreted as indicators of iron deficiency.
Nas talassemias alfa, a HbH pode ser detectada, nos eritrócitos do sangue periférico como inclusões celulares quando coradas com azul crezil brillante. Este teste simples é útil para o diagnóstico de talassemia alfa, no entanto, a identificação dos corpos de inclusão de HbH é um processo laborioso e os resultados são altamente dependentes do observador. No intuito de melhorar a identificação das inclusões, foi testado um método alternativo para espalhar as amostras nas lâminas. Amostras de sangue foram espalhadas nas lâminas usando-se o método clássico e o método alternativo. O método alternativo permitiu uma melhor identificação das inclusões de HbH do que o método clássico. Nossos resultados mostraram que o método alternativo é uma opção útil para a pesquisa dos corpúsculos de inclusão de HbH naquelas amostras onde o método clássico não o permite.
Seven unrelated patients with hemoglobin (Hb) H disease and 27 individuals with alpha-chain structural alterations were studied to identify the alpha-globin gene mutations present in the population of Southeast Brazil. The -alpha3.7, --MED and -(alpha)20.5 deletions were investigated by PCR, whereas non-deletional alpha-thalassemia (alphaHphalpha, alphaNcoIalpha, aaNcoI, alphaIcalpha and alphaTSaudialpha) was screened with restriction enzymes and by nested PCR. Structural alterations were identified by direct DNA sequencing. Of the seven patients with Hb H disease, all of Italian descent, two had the -(alpha)20.5/-alpha3.7 genotype, one had the --MED/-alpha3.7 genotype, one had the --MED/alphaHphalpha genotype and three showed interaction of the -alpha3.7 deletion with an unusual, unidentified form of non-deletional alpha-thalassemia [-alpha3.7/(aa)T]. Among the 27 patients with structural alterations, 15 (of Italian descent) had Hb Hasharon (alpha47Asp->His) associated with the -alpha3.7 deletion, 4 (of Italian descent) were heterozygous for Hb J-Rovigo (alpha53Ala->Asp), 4 (3 Blacks and 1 Caucasian) were heterozygous for Hb Stanleyville-II (alpha78Asn->Lys) associated with the alpha+-thalassemia, 1 (Black) was heterozygous for Hb G-Pest (alpha74Asp->Asn), 1 (Caucasian) was heterozygous for Hb Kurosaki (alpha7Lys->Glu), 1 (Caucasian) was heterozygous for Hb Westmead (alpha122His->Gln), and 1 (Caucasian) was the carrier of a novel silent variant (Hb Campinas, alpha26Ala->Val). Most of the mutations found reflected the Mediterranean and African origins of the population. Hbs G-Pest and Kurosaki, very rare, and Hb Westmead, common in southern China, were initially described in individuals of ethnic origin differing from those of the carriers reported in the present study and are the first cases to be reported in the Brazilian population.
Point mutations and small insertions or deletions in the human alpha-globin genes may produce alpha-chain structural variants and alpha-thalassemia. Mutations can be detected either by direct DNA sequencing or by screening methods, which select the mutated exon for sequencing. Although small (about 1 kb, 3 exons and 2 introns), the alpha-globin genes are duplicate (alpha2 and alpha1) and highy G-C rich, which makes them difficult to denature, reducing sequencing efficiency and causing frequent artifacts. We modified some conditions for PCR and electrophoresis in order to detect mutations in these genes employing nonradioactive single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Primers previously described by other authors for radioactive SSCP and phast-SSCP plus denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis were here combined and the resultant fragments (6 new besides 6 original per alpha-gene) submitted to silver staining SSCP. Nine structural and one thalassemic mutations were tested, under different conditions including two electrophoretic apparatus (PhastSystem™ and GenePhor™, Amersham Biosciences), different polyacrylamide gel concentrations, run temperatures and denaturing agents, and entire and restriction enzyme cut fragments. One hundred percent of sensitivity was achieved with four of the new fragments formed, using the PhastSystem™ and 20% gels at 15ºC, without the need of restriction enzymes. This nonradioactive PCR-SSCP approach showed to be simple, rapid and sensitive, reducing the costs involved in frequent sequencing repetitions and increasing the reliability of the results. It can be especially useful for laboratories which do not have an automated sequencer.
Alpha-thalassemia is the most common inherited disorder of hemoglobin synthesis. Genomic deletions involving the alpha-globin gene cluster on chromosome 16p13.3 are the most frequent molecular causes of the disease. Although common deletions can be detected by a single multiplex gap-PCR, the rare and novel deletions depend on more laborious techniques for their identification. The multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) technique has recently been used for this purpose and was successfully used in the present study to detect the molecular alterations responsible for the alpha-thalassemic phenotypes in 8 unrelated individuals (3 males and 5 females; age, 4 months to 30 years) in whom the molecular basis of the disease could not be determined by conventional methods. A total of 44 probe pairs were used for MLPA, covering approximately 800 kb from the telomere to the MSLN gene in the 16p13.3 region. Eight deletions were detected. Four of these varied in size from 240 to 720 kb and affected a large region including the entire alpha-globin gene cluster and its upstream regulatory element (alpha-MRE), while the other four varied in size from 0.4 to 100 kb and were limited to a region containing this element. This study is the first in Brazil to use the MLPA method to determine the molecular basis of alpha-thalassemia. The variety of rearrangements identified highlights the need to investigate all cases presenting microcytosis and hypochromia, but without iron deficiency or elevated hemoglobin A2 levels and suggests that these rearrangements may be more frequent in our population than previously estimated.
Hemoglobinopathies were included in the Brazilian Neonatal Screening Program on June 6, 2001. Automated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was indicated as one of the diagnostic methods. The amount of information generated by these systems is immense, and the behavior of groups cannot always be observed in individual analyses. Three-dimensional (3-D) visualization techniques can be applied to extract this information, for extracting patterns, trends or relations from the results stored in databases. We applied the 3-D visualization tool to analyze patterns in the results of hemoglobinopathy based on neonatal diagnosis by HPLC. The laboratory results of 2520 newborn analyses carried out in 2001 and 2002 were used. The ""Fast"", ""F1"", ""F"" and ""A"" peaks, which were detected by the analytical system, were chosen as attributes for mapping. To establish a behavior pattern, the results were classified into groups according to hemoglobin phenotype: normal (N = 2169), variant (N = 73) and thalassemia (N = 279). 3-D visualization was made with the FastMap DB tool; there were two distribution patterns in the normal group, due to variation in the amplitude of the values obtained by HPLC for the F1 window. It allowed separation of the samples with normal Hb from those with alpha thalassemia, based on a significant difference (P < 0.05) between the mean values of the ""Fast"" and ""A"" peaks, demonstrating the need for better evaluation of chromatograms; this method could be used to help diagnose alpha thalassemia in newborns.
RESMO: Introdução: A anemia de células falciformes doença hereditária, com repercussão multi-orgânica, tem grande variabilidade na sua expressão clínica. Daí o interesse do estudo de indicadores de prognóstico. A investigação realizada foi precedida de um resumo histórico incidindo sobre a compreensão de aspectos fundamentais da doença ao longo dos tempos. Na primeira parte do estudo e após revisão bibliográfica, foram referidos dados da fisiopatologia como base para os estudos que integram a presente dissertação. Abordou-se o estado da arte relativamente às complicações, aos indicadores de prognóstico e à terapêutica utilizada. Objectivos: Constituíram objectivos deste estudo realizado numa amostra populacional representativa: identificar as lesões a nível dos sistemas cardio-respiratório e nervoso central, avaliando-se as respectivas repercussões; avaliar a presença de indicadores de prognóstico entre as variáveis seleccionadas; estudar a eficácia e toxicidade da HU nos doentes com as formas graves da ACF. Para a prossecução destes objectivos foram delineados para além do estudo global três estudos específicos: Estudo 1- repercussão no sistema cardio-respiratório; Estudo 2- repercussão no sistema nervoso central; Estudo 3- terapêutica com hidroxiureia. Doentes e métodos: Procedeu-se a um estudo prospectivo e multi-institucional durante um período de três anos tendo-se seleccionado para a amostra, e de acordo com critérios pré-definidos, 30 doentes com ACF na fase estável da doença, com idades compreendidas entre os sete e os 18 anos, todos de origem africana à excepção de um caucasiano. O diagnóstico baseou-se em técnicas de electroforese e estudo molecular que definiu o genotipo da doença e a presença da delecção da -talassémia assim como os haplotipos da amostra populacional. Foram utilizadas diferentes metodologias para avaliar a existência de lesão pulmonar e cerebral. Através do estudo estatístico foram seleccionadas diversas variáveis como hipotéticos indicadores de prognóstico. Estudo 1. Para determinar a existência de lesão a nível pulmonar usaram-se duas metodologias diferentes, a avaliação da função pulmonar com estudo da saturação da Hb em O2 no sangue arterial e a tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução. Estudou-se também a possível disfunção cardíaca como repercussão da lesão pulmonar, através do ecocardiograma, e os indicadores de prognóstico com significado estatístico para a lesão encontrada. Estudo 2. O desenho deste estudo foi sobreponível ao anterior, mas com metodologia adequada para o SNC. Procedeu-se ao estudo das lesões cerebrais por meio de exames imagiológicos, (RMN-CE e DTC) e de testes psicológicos. Correlacionaram-se as três metodologias utilizadas e a importância de cada uma para a decisão de atitudes terapêuticas preventivas. Estudo 3. Consistiu num estudo aberto prospectivo não controlado com nove crianças e adolescentes com formas graves de ACF, com o objectivo de avaliar a eficácia da terapêutica com hidroxiureia, durante um período de 24 meses. Todos os doentes completaram no mínimo 15 meses de terapêutica, com uma dose final média de 194 mg/K/dia. Resultados globais: Durante o período anterior à investigação caracterizou-se a amostra populacional estudada quanto ao fenotipo genético, clínico e hematológico de acordo com os critérios utilizados por outros investigadores. Verificou-se: predomínio do haplotipo Bantu na forma homozigótica em 53% dos doentes; número total de EVO ≥3/ano em 87,5% dos doentes; crises de sequestração em 18,75%; dactilites no primeiro ano de vida em 31,2%; quadro de sépsis grave apenas num doente; crises de hiper-hemólise em 50%; e STA em 59,38% dos doentes. Quanto ao fenotipo hematológico evidenciaram-se como factores de risco reticulocitose (13,1x103/l) e hiperbilirrubinémia (2,5 mg/dl) e como factores de bom prognóstico a presença de delecção de um gene da -talassémia em 46,9% dos doentes e valor médio de Hb 8,1 g/dl. Resultados dos estudos parcelares: Estudo 1. Deste estudo infere-se que a DPR ligeira foi diagnosticada em 70% dos doentes, uma vez que as alterações da difusão não foram estatisticamente significativas, o estudo dos gases no sangue não evidenciaram resultados anormais e a TCAR evidenciou alterações em 43,3% dos doentes. Apenas num doente se verificou doença pulmonar obstrutiva relacionada com maior número da STA.O estudo da disfunção cardíaca encontrada em 86,7% dos doentes não reflecte a repercussão da DPR a nível cardíaco, podendo estar associada às alterações fisiopatológicas da própria anemia crónica. Encontraram-se indicadores de prognóstico hematológicos e clínicos. Entre os primeiros, valores de Hb ≥8,5 g/dl e de HbF ≥13% foram considerados indicadores de bom prognóstico para a lesão pulmonar. Em relação aos parâmetros clínicos, as STA não foram consideradas indicadoras de prognóstico para a DPR ao contrário do que se verificou com o número de EVO. Pela análise dos parâmetros genéticos e socio-económicos provou-se a ausência de relação estatisticamente significativa com lesão pulmonar. Estudo 2. Pela RMN-CE foram diagnosticados ES em 33,3% com uma localização preferencial na substância branca profunda em 26,6% dos doentes. Relativamente aos parâmetros hematológicos seleccionados, o valor médio da HbF 8,6% constituíu um indicador de bom prognóstico para o aparecimento de ES, enquanto o valor médio de leucócitos 12.39x103/μl foi considerado um indicador de mau prognóstico. No estudo do DTC apenas um doente apresentou aumento da velocidade do fluxo cerebral na ACM igual a 196 cm/segundos, associado a vasculopatia grave. Os testes psicológicos alterados em 80% dos doentes mostraram ser o método mais sensível para detectar alterações do neurodesenvolvimento, mas sem correlação com os ES em 10% dos doentes. Realça-se a baixa percentagem de DTC patológicos encontrados neste estudo em relação ao número elevado de ES e de testes psicológicos alterados, não se verificando concordância entre os três exames. Dos indicadores de prognóstico estudados a -talassémia foi considerada um factor de protecção para o coeficiente de inteligência da escala de Wechsler. Em relação a parâmetros clínicos estudados os doentes com maior número de EVO, tem em média valores inferiores nos testes psicológicos. Estudo 3. Neste estudo verificou-se que o valor médio da HbF aumentou significativamente de 7,0±4% para 13,7±5,3% (p=0,028) ao fim de 15 meses de terapêutica com hidroxiureia. Clinicamente todos os doentes responderam significativamente com uma redução de 80% no número de EVO, 69% no número de internamentos, 76% no número de dias de hospitalização e 67% no número de transfusões. Deste modo comprovou-se não só a eficácia desta terapêutica neste grupo pediátrico como também a falta de efeitos secundários significativos. Considera-se a necessidade de estudos mais prolongados e em grande séries, para com segurança se usar a HU antes que a lesão orgânica se estabeleça, portanto logo nos primeiros anos de vida. Conclusão: Na amostra populacional estudada foram evidenciadas lesões pulmonares e cerebrais na grande maioria dos doentes que condicionaram a sua qualidade de vida. Foram identificados indicadores de prognóstico que poderão eventualmente ditar medidas terapêuticas precoces com o objectivo de diminuir a morbilidade e a mortalidade neste grupo etário. Demonstrou-se que a terapêutica com a HU foi eficaz e bem tolerada----------ABSTRACT: Background: Sickle cell anemia (SCA), a hereditary disease characterized by pain and lifetime multi-organic lesion, is a challenge for all that work with carriers of this disease. The clinical expression variability of SCA is a constant reality and a problem to be solved in the current world of investigation, for which the knowledge of prognostic indicators responsible for the different aspects of clinical evolution diversity wiil be an added value. The study is preceded by a historical summary of the most important factors in the evolution of SCA, which are in themselves, an incentive for future research. In the first part of the study, after an extensive bibliographical revision, physiopathology data is referred to in general and specifically regarding the target organs, that constituted the base for the studies presented in the dissertation. The state of the art for the complications to be studied, the choice of prognostic indicators and the therapeutics application, were approached for the renewed interest in the theme. Aims: In regard to the investigation, the objective was to study the lesions in the most affected organs of a chosen pediatric group, to investigate prognostic indicators for lung and cerebral lesions and to evaluate the protective effect of hydroxyurea in children with severe outcomes. Patients and methods: A prospective and multi-institutional study was carried out during a three-year period, February 1998 to March 2001, with children and adolescents followed up at a Immunohematology Outpatient Clinic of Dona Estefânia's Hospital, Lisbon. Based in predefined criteria, 30 children with SCA were selected in a stable phase of the disease, aged from seven to 18 years old, all of whom were of African origin with exception of one who was Caucasian. The diagnosis was based on electrophoresis techniques and molecular study that allowed to define the genotype, the presence of deletional alpha-thalassemia as well as haplotypes in the population. Different methodologies were used to evaluate the existence of lung and cerebral lesion. Statistical study of the different variables selected the prognostic indicators. In Study 1, to determine the existence of lung lesion two different methodologies were used: pulmonar function study with arterial blood gases determination; and high resolution computerized tomography. Heart dysfunction as a repercussion of lung lesion was also studied through echocardiography, and prognostic indicators were statistically significant for lesions found. The design of Study 2 was similar to Study 1, but with the appropriate methodology for CNS. After neurological examination, which was normal in all patients (control group), cerebral lesions were studied with imagiologic exams (MRN-CE and TCD) and psychological tests. These three methodologies were correlated and the importance of each one in the decision of the therapeutic profilactic attitudes. Study 3 consisted of a controlled prospective open study in children with severe forms of SCA, with the aim of the evaluating therapeutic effectiveness of hydroxyurea, during a period of 24 months. Results: In the global overall study preceding the Studies 1,2 and 3, there were a prevalence of haplotype Bantu (53%) and other risk factors, namely the number of VOC (87,5%), sequestration crisis (18,75%), dactilytis in first year of life(31,2%), hyperhemolysis crisis (50%) and ATC in more than half of the patients (59,38%). This group of bad prognostic indicators, associated with the population of the lower class according to the Graffar scale, demonstrates the importance of primary health care services, information provided to the children and their relatives, as well as the interest in prophylactic therapeutics, specific screening and prenatal diagnosis. Study 1. It was evident from this study that slight RPD was diagnosed in 70% of the patients, because alterations of the diffusion had no statistical significance and arterial blood gases determinations were normal. Only one patient had restrictive lung disease related with numerous ACS. However ACS was not considered a prognostic indicator for RPD, contrary to the number of EVO. HRTC revealed discreet fibrotic lines that could be related with slight RPD, but the lack of correlation of these two exams (33%) supports the value of lung function tests for precocious diagnosis of RPD. Heart dysfunction was found in 86,7% of patients, does not reflect the repercussion of RPD, but with the physiopathology of chronic anemia. Hematologic and clinical prognostic indicators were found. Good prognostic indicators for the non-evolution of RPD with average Hb values of ≥ 8,5 g/dl and average HbF values of ≥13%, respectively. The genetic and social-economic factors had no statistical significance; nevertheless, they were more prevalent among Bantu haplotype (53,3%) in patients with RPD. Study 2. RMN-CE detected SI in 33,3% of the patients, with preferential location in deep white substance in 26,6% and in front lobe in 20%. This distribution can be related to structural aspects of the brain and with the high sensibility of this organ to hypoxia. From the hematological parameters selected, average HbF value 8,6% and average leucocyte count 12.39x103/μl were prognostic indicators with different meaning to SI. The increase in the total bilirubin related to hyperhemolysis clinically explains the genesis of SI In the TCD study, only one patient had increased cerebral flow speed >196 cm/sec in CMA, which corresponded to serious vasculopathy in AngioMR. This patient never present previously neurological symptoms and had several hyperhemolysis crisis and VOC as risk factors. Low percentage of pathological TCD in this study, in relation to the high number of SI and altered tests, although without correlation among the three exams, is probably attributed to factors related to the methodology, aspects of cerebral physiopathology or perhaps a sign of good prognostic if the duration of study had not been so short. TCD should be used as a screening method in the age groups with higher risk of AVC and should never be considered separately in prophylactic therapeutics indication. Psychological tests were the most sensitive method to detect neurodevelopment impairment; in 80% of patients the neuropsychologics tests were altered, but without correlation with SI (10%). Since SI can become evident during the first two years of life and develop with time, the first psychological tests should be carried out between 3 and 5 years of age to timely be referred to special education and stimulation programs. Prognostic indicators to psychological tests were also found: alpha-thalassemia was found to be a protection factor of the IQ, just as other hematologic factors (hematocrit, MGCV and erythrocytes count). In relation to clinical parameters, although without statistical significance, patients with larger number of VOC had average lower scores versus the average in tests, except in TP. Results from different studies were conclusive as to the type of lesion found and the importance of prognostic indicators. Study 3. All the patients completed a minimum of 15 months therapeutic treatment with the final average daily dose of 19±4 mg/kg/day. The average value of the fetal hemoglobin increased significantly from 7,0±3,9% to 13,7±5,3% (p=0.028). The HbF average values increased from 6% to 15% after 15 months of therapeutic treatment. Clinically there was a reduction of 80% in the number of VOE , 69% in the number of hospitalization, 76% in the number of days of hospitalization and 67% in the number of transfusions. Once again the effectiveness of this treatment in this pediatric group, as well as the lack of any significant secondary effects, was evident. The study confirms the need for further detailed research in order to safely effect the appropriate treatment prior to the development of organic lesions, which ideally should be in the first year of life. Conclusions: These results allow us to clarify the importance of either pulmonary lesions or either nervous central system impairment among patients, children and adolescents, with sickle cell anemia. These lesions were demonstrated in most of the patients studied compromising their quality of life and the mortality. The treatment with HU is proved to be effective and having low toxicity.
The primary objective of newborn screening of hemoglobinopathies is the early identification of infants with sickle cell disease, as they are at increased clinical risk. Other goals include the identification of other types of clinically significant hemoglobinopathies and the detection of heterozygous carriers followed by the screening and counselling of family members. We performed a pilot study for the neonatal screening of hemoglobinopathies in 400 samples of cord blood taken from a maternity in Lisbon. We did not find any newborn with sickle cell disease. Six samples were from sickle cell heterozygotes, the respective families were studied and informed. We looked for the presence of alpha-thalassemia at birth in 100 consecutive samples of cord blood, by the presence of Hb Bart's, abnormal red blood cell indices and alpha-globin genotype. The results show an incidence of 10% of alpha-thalassemia (-alpha) carriers and 4% of triple alpha-globin gene carriers. The authors discuss the feasibility of neonatal screening of hemoglobinopathies in a Portuguese-speaking population consisting of a low prevalence of Hb S trait autoclonous group and a high prevalence immigrant minority
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is one of the most common inherited diseases in the world and the patients present notorious clinical heterogeneity. It is known that patients with SCD present activation of the blood coagulation and fibrinolytic systems, especially during vaso-occlusive crises, but also during the steady state of the disease. We determined if the presence of the factor V gene G1691A mutation (factor V Leiden), the prothrombin gene G20210A variant, and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T polymorphism may be risk factors for vascular complications in individuals with SCD. We studied 53 patients with SCD (60% being women), 29 with SS (sickle cell anemia; 28 years, range: 13-52 years) and 24 with SC (sickle-hemoglobin C disease; 38.5 years, range: 17-72 years) hemoglobinopathy. Factor V Leiden, MTHFR C677T polymorphism, and prothrombin G20210A variant were identified by PCR followed by further digestion of the PCR product with specific endonucleases. The following vascular complications were recorded: stroke, retinopathy, acute thoracic syndrome, and X-ray-documented avascular necrosis. Only one patient was heterozygous for factor V Leiden (1.8%) and there was no prothrombin G20210A variant. MTHFR 677TT polymorphism was detected in 1 patient (1.8%) and the heterozygous form 677TC was observed in 18 patients (34%, 9 with SS and 9 with SC disease), a prevalence similar to that reported by others. No association was detected between the presence of the MTHFR 677T allele and other genetic modulation factors, such as alpha-thalassemia, ß-globin gene haplotype and fetal hemoglobin. The presence of the MTHFR 677T allele was associated with the occurrence of vascular complications in SCD, although this association was not significant when each complication was considered separately. In conclusion, MTHFR C677T polymorphism might be a risk factor for vascular complications in SCD.
Hereditary hemochromatosis is a disorder of iron metabolism characterized by increased iron intake and progressive storage and is related to mutations in the HFE gene. Interactions between thalassemia and hemochromatosis may further increase iron overload. The ethnic background of the Brazilian population is heterogeneous and studies analyzing the simultaneous presence of HFE and thalassemia-related mutations have not been carried out. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of the H63D, S65C and C282Y mutations in the HFE gene among 102 individuals with alpha-thalassemia and 168 beta-thalassemia heterozygotes and to compare them with 173 control individuals without hemoglobinopathies. The allelic frequencies found in these three groups were 0.98, 2.38, and 0.29% for the C282Y mutation, 13.72, 13.70, and 9.54% for the H63D mutation, and 0, 0.60, and 0.87% for the S65C mutation, respectively. The chi-square test for multiple independent individuals indicated a significant difference among groups for the C282Y mutation, which was shown to be significant between the beta-thalassemia heterozygote and the control group by the Fisher exact test (P value = 0.009). The higher frequency of inheritance of the C282Y mutation in the HFE gene among beta-thalassemic patients may contribute to worsen the clinical picture of these individuals. In view of the characteristics of the Brazilian population, the present results emphasize the need to screen for HFE mutations in beta-thalassemia carriers.
Alpha thalassemia, the most common monogenic disorder in the world, is characterized by deletions of one (+-thalassemia) or both alpha genes (0-thalassemia) located on human chromosome 16 (16p13.3). The most common case of +-thalassemia is a deletion of 3.7 kb of DNA (-3.7 deletion). It is most prevalent in African and Middle East regions. In the few studies carried out in Brazilian population -3.7 deletion was the most common deletion, mainly in African descendants. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of +- thalassemia (deletion 3.7kb) in adult population from Rio Grande do Norte. We obtained blood samples from 713 unrelated individuals of both genders, aged between 18 and 59 years old. All individuals were born in Rio Grande do Norte. The hematological indices were obtained in an automatic cell counter (Micros 60, ABX Diagnostics). The hemoglobin measurement (A2 and Fetal hemoglobin) and the profile confirmation were carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methodology. Genomic DNA was obtained from peripheral blood leukocytes using Illustra Blood GenomicPrep Mini Spin kit and -3.7 deletion was investigated by PCR. Among the 713 individuals studied, 80 (11,2%) presented +- thalassemia: 79 (11,1%) were heterozygous and 1 (0,1%) homozygous for the -3.7 deletion. Considering the ethnic group, negroes showed the greatest prevalence of +-thalassemia (12,5%), followed by mulattoes (12,3%) and caucasian (9,6%). Statistical comparison of hematological parameters between normal individuals and heterozygous to +-thalassemia showed significant differences in RBC (p<0,001), MCV (p<0,001), MCH (p<0,001), Hb A2 (p=0,007) as well as female hemoglobin concentration (p=0,003). This is one of the first studies to research +-thalassemia in general population of Rio Grande do Norte state and these results attest the importance of investigation of this condition to define the etiology of microcytosis and hypochromia.
The neonatal period is considered the most effective for the screening of hemoglobinopathies. This allows prophylaxis and prevention, improving the patient's survival and guidance of parents and heterozygote carriers. The present work aims at the early detection of abnormal hemoglobins, the establishment of standard analysis and to examine the viability of the prevention program. Blood samples were collected by heel stick and from blood cord of children born in the Hospital de Base São José do Rio Preto, from April 1998 to November 1999. Electrophoresis and cytological, biochemical, cromatographic analyses were made for abnormal hemoglobin characterization. A total of 1,478 neonatal blood samples were analyzed in which 14.62% presented with hemoglobins alterations: 3.32% had Hb S; 0.61% had Hb C; 7.44% were suggestive of alpha thalassemia; 1.55% were suggestive of beta thalassemia, and 1.70% had alpha/beta thalassemia interactions. The samples collected from the blood cord showed better results in all analyses while the blood samples collected by heel stick on filter paper, were applicable to only specific methodologies. The routine laboratory methods allowed identification of the thalassemic and variant forms, and isoelectric focusing presented sensitivity only for variant identification in this age range. The suspected cases were reassessed after six months, which permitted genetic counseling of their family members and clinic attendance. A multidisciplinary approach in programs of this kind is fundamental for its success.
A talassemia alfa é uma anemia hereditária resultante da síntese deficiente de cadeias alfa, provocando um excesso relativo de cadeias beta, que vão formar tetrâmeros identificados como hemoglobina H (Hb H) no indivíduo adulto. Para direcionar o diagnóstico laboratorial desta anemia, a análise dos índices eritrocitários, a eletroforese em acetato de celulose em pH neutro e a pesquisa de corpos de inclusão de Hb H são essenciais. O objetivo deste estudo foi traçar o perfil hematológico, por meio dos índices eritrocitários, dos portadores de talassemia alfa das regiões Sudeste e Nordeste do Brasil. Foram analisadas 1.010 amostras de sangue periférico após consentimento informado. Os índices eritrocitários como contagem de glóbulos vermelhos (RBC), dosagem de hemoglobina (HGB), hematócrito (HCT), volume corpuscular médio (VCM), hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM) e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM) foram fornecidos por aparelhos automatizados com controle de qualidade interno e externo. Para o diagnóstico de talassemia alfa foram utilizados testes de triagem e complementares para talassemias, como eletroforese em pH neutro e pesquisa de corpos de inclusão de Hb H com coloração de azul cresil brilhante. Comparando-se os valores hematológicos observados nos dois grupos, notou-se que, em ambas as regiões, os índices com valores discrepantes foram os níveis de HGB e HCT, sendo a maior freqüência de variação observada entre as mulheres. Nos portadores do fenótipo alfa talassêmico da região Nordeste, todos os índices eritrocitários estavam abaixo dos valores de normalidade. Estes resultados evidenciam a necessidade de melhor avaliação do perfil hematológico de talassemia alfa em diferentes regiões, considerando-se os interferentes ambientais para um diagnóstico mais preciso.