26 resultados para alfentanil
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A medicação pré-anestésica (MPA) é adjuvante da anestesia e diminui tanto a necessidade de concentrações elevadas de anestésicos como a ansiedade perioperatória, produzindo amnésia e contribuindo para estabilidade hemodinâmica. Dentre as drogas administradas na MPA de crianças, encontram-se o midazolam e a clonidina. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar se a MPA com midazolam e clonidina exerce influência no nível de hipnose, avaliado pelo BIS, em crianças após indução anestésica com propofol e alfentanil. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 30 pacientes, com idades entre 2 e 12 anos, estado físico ASA I, submetidos a cirurgias eletivas, que foram distribuídos em 3 grupos: G1 - sem MPA, G2 - midazolam (0,5 mg.kg-1) e G3 - clonidina (4 µg.kg-1), por via oral, 60 minutos antes da cirurgia. Todos os pacientes receberam alfentanil (30 µg.kg-1), propofol (3 mg.kg-1) e atracúrio (0,5 mg.kg-1). Avaliou-se o valor derivado do BIS antes da indução da anestesia (M1) e após a intubação (M2). O método estatístico utilizado foi a análise de variância para idade, peso e altura, e análise de perfil para o BIS, sendo o valor de p < 0,05 considerado significativo. RESULTADOS: Quando se comparou o mesmo momento (M1 ou M2) entre os três grupos, não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Quando se compararam os dois momentos de um mesmo grupo, M1 foi maior que M2 nos três grupos. CONCLUSÕES: A medicação pré-anestésica com midazolam e clonidina não influenciou o nível de hipnose em crianças induzidas com propofol e alfentanil.
Sixteen cats were used to compare the cardiovascular and anesthetic effects of remifentanil (REMT) or alfentanil (ALF) in propofol-anesthetized cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy. After premedication with acepromazine, anesthesia was induced and maintained with a constant rate infusion of propofol (0.3 mg/kg/min). REMT or ALF infusions were administered simultaneously with propofol. Heart rate (HR), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), pulse oximetry (SpO(2)), rectal temperature (RT), and response to surgical stimulation were recorded at predefined time points during anesthesia. Data [mean +/- standard deviation (SD)] were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures followed by a Dunnett's test and Student t-test (P < 0.05). SAP was significantly lower in ALF group than in REMI group. Extubation time was significantly shorter in REMI than in ALF group. Overall infusion rate of REMI and ALF was 0.24 +/- 0.05 mu g/kg/min and 0.97 +/- 0.22 mu g/kg/min, respectively. The combination of propofol and REM! or ALF provided satisfactory anesthesia in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy. (C) 2011 ISFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To determine the behavioral and antinociceptive effects of narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics administered by intravenous injection in horses, 10 thoroughbred mares weighing between 450 and 550 kg and ranging in age from 8 to 13 years old were analyzed. The effects of alfentanil, butorphanol, flunixin, and saline solution on the general activity of the horses were investigated by measuring spontaneous locomotor activity (SLA) and head height (HH) in two behavior stalls. The antinociceptive effects of alfentanil (0.02 mg kg-1), butorphanol (0.1 mg kg-1), flunixin meglumine (0.5 mg kg-1), and saline were determined by measuring skin twitch reflex latency (STRL) after thermal cutaneous nociceptive stimulation. A paired Student t-test was used to compare SLA and HH between the groups of horses receiving different doses of the same drug at various time points. The Tukey test was used to compare the antinociceptive effect of the treatments. Differences were considered significant when P value was <.05. Horses treated with opioid analgesics demonstrated excitation, as shown by a significant increase in SLA at all doses tested and by neighing and demonstrating attentive attitudes with movement of the ears, stereotypical walking, and ataxia in most of the animals. HH was elevated only in animals treated with alfentanil. Antinociception was observed at 5 and 30 minutes after administration of alfentanil and butorphanol, respectively. Increased SLA was observed at 30 and 90 minutes after administration of alfentanil and butorphanol, respectively. We observed no effect on antinociception in horses given flunixin. In conclusion, this study suggests that alfentanil has a faster onset and a shorter duration than butorphanol; however, both drugs are able to stimulate the central nervous system. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: In contrast to hypnosis, there is no surrogate parameter for analgesia in anesthetized patients. Opioids are titrated to suppress blood pressure response to noxious stimulation. The authors evaluated a novel model predictive controller for closed-loop administration of alfentanil using mean arterial blood pressure and predicted plasma alfentanil concentration (Cp Alf) as input parameters. METHODS: The authors studied 13 healthy patients scheduled to undergo minor lumbar and cervical spine surgery. After induction with propofol, alfentanil, and mivacurium and tracheal intubation, isoflurane was titrated to maintain the Bispectral Index at 55 (+/- 5), and the alfentanil administration was switched from manual to closed-loop control. The controller adjusted the alfentanil infusion rate to maintain the mean arterial blood pressure near the set-point (70 mmHg) while minimizing the Cp Alf toward the set-point plasma alfentanil concentration (Cp Alfref) (100 ng/ml). RESULTS: Two patients were excluded because of loss of arterial pressure signal and protocol violation. The alfentanil infusion was closed-loop controlled for a mean (SD) of 98.9 (1.5)% of presurgery time and 95.5 (4.3)% of surgery time. The mean (SD) end-tidal isoflurane concentrations were 0.78 (0.1) and 0.86 (0.1) vol%, the Cp Alf values were 122 (35) and 181 (58) ng/ml, and the Bispectral Index values were 51 (9) and 52 (4) before surgery and during surgery, respectively. The mean (SD) absolute deviations of mean arterial blood pressure were 7.6 (2.6) and 10.0 (4.2) mmHg (P = 0.262), and the median performance error, median absolute performance error, and wobble were 4.2 (6.2) and 8.8 (9.4)% (P = 0.002), 7.9 (3.8) and 11.8 (6.3)% (P = 0.129), and 14.5 (8.4) and 5.7 (1.2)% (P = 0.002) before surgery and during surgery, respectively. A post hoc simulation showed that the Cp Alfref decreased the predicted Cp Alf compared with mean arterial blood pressure alone. CONCLUSION: The authors' controller has a similar set-point precision as previous hypnotic controllers and provides adequate alfentanil dosing during surgery. It may help to standardize opioid dosing in research and may be a further step toward a multiple input-multiple output controller.
BACKGROUND The number of colonoscopies tremendously increased in recent years and will further rise in the near future. Because of patients' growing expectation on comfort during medical procedures, it is not surprising that the demand for sedation also expands. Propofol in combination with alfentanil is known to provide excellent analgosedation, however, its use is associated with respiratory and cardiovascular depression. Acupuncture could be a technique to reduce drug requirement while providing the same level of sedation and analgesia. METHODS/DESIGN The study will be performed as a single centre, randomised, placebo controlled trial. 153 patients scheduled for propofol/alfentanil sedation during colonoscopy will be randomly assigned to receive electroacupuncture (P6, ST36, LI4), sham acupuncture, or placebo acupuncture. Following endoscopy patients and gastroenterologists have to fill in questionnaires about their sedation experiences. Additionally, patients have to accomplish the Trieger test before and after the procedure. Patient monitoring includes time adapted HR, SpO2, ECG, NIBP, exCO2, OAA/S, and the Aldrete score. The primary outcome parameter is the dosage of propofol necessary for an adequate level of sedation to tolerate the procedure (OAA/S < 4). Effectiveness of sedation, classified by satisfaction levels measured by questionnaires is the secondary outcome parameter. DISCUSSION Moderate to deep sedation using propofol is increasingly applied during colonoscopies with a high satisfaction level among patients despite well-known hemodynamic and respiratory side effects of this hypnotic agent. Acupuncture is known to attenuate gastrointestinal discomfort and pain. We hypothesize that the combination of conventional sedation techniques with acupuncture may result in equally satisfied patients with a lower risk of respiratory and hemodynamic events during colonoscopies. TRIAL REGISTRATION This trial is registered in the Nederland's Trial Register NTR 4325 . The first patient was randomized on 13 February 2014.
Objective To assess the effect of halothane (H), isoflurane (I) or sevoflurane (S) on the bispectral index (BIS), and the effect of the addition of meperidine in dogs subjected to ovariohysterectomy. Study design Prospective, randomized, blinded, clinical trial. Animals Forty-eight female mixed-breed dogs, with weights varying from 10 to 25 kg. Methods All dogs were premedicated with acepromazine (A) (0.1 mg kg(-1) IM) or A and meperidine (M) (3 mg kg(-1) IM) and they were divided into six groups of eight animals (AH, AMH, AI, AMI, AS, and AMS). Fifteen minutes after premedication they were anesthetized with propofol (5 mg kg(-1) IV) and then orotracheally intubated. Anesthesia was maintained with halothane, isoflurane or sevoflurane, respectively. The BIS, E`(anest) variables were recorded at 15 minutes after administering pre-anesthetic medication (T0); 10 minutes of anesthesia maintenance (T1); right ovarian pedicle ligation (T2); muscle suturing (T3); skin suture (T4) and 10 minutes after terminating the inhalant anesthetic (T5), respectively. Results BIS values were decreased at all times when compared to the baseline values in all groups (p < 0.05). In the comparative assessment between groups, the values obtained at T0 and T1 were similar for all groups. At T2, the values in AMH were lower than those obtained in AI, AMI and AS (p < 0.05). At the same time significantly higher values were found for AI when compared to AMS (p < 0.01). There was a correlation between the bispectral index and the expired anesthetic fraction in all groups. Conclusions and clinical relevance Within groups given the same inhalant anesthetic the bispectral index was a good indicator for the degree of hypnosis in dogs, indicating a good correlation with the amount of anesthetic and the nociceptive stimulation. BIS was a less reliable indicator of relative anesthetic depth when comparing equipotent end-tidal concentrations between the three inhalants.
Objective-To evaluate the effects of increasing doses of remifentanil hydrochloride administered via constant rate infusion (CRI) on the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane in cats. Animals-6 healthy adult cats. Procedures-For each cat, 2 experiments were performed (2-week interval). On each study day, anesthesia was induced and maintained with isoflurane; a catheter was placed in a cephalic vein for the administration of lactated Ringer`s solution or remifentanil CRIs, and a catheter was placed in the jugular vein for collection of blood samples for blood gas analyses. On the first study day, individual basal MAC (MAC(Basal)) was determined for each cat. On the second study day, 3 remifentanil CRIs (0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 mu g/kg/min) were administered (in ascending order); for each infusion, at least 30 minutes elapsed before determination of MAC (designated as MAC(R0.25`) MAC(R0.5`) and MACR(R1.0`) respectively). A 15-minute washout period was allowed between CRIs. A control MAC (MAC Control) was determined after the last remifentanil infusion. Results-Mean +/- SD MAC(Basal) and MAC(Control) values at sea level did not differ significantly (1.66 +/- 0.08% and 1.52 +/- 0.21%, respectively). The MAC values determined for each remifentanil CRI did not differ significantly. However, MACR(0.25`) MAC(R0.5`) and MAC(R1.0) were significantly decreased, compared with MAC(Basal`) by 23.4 +/- 79%, 29.8 +/- 8.3%, and 26.0 +/- 9.4%, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-The 3 doses of remifentanil administered via CRI resulted in a similar degree of isoflurane MAC reduction in adult cats, indicating that a ceiling effect was achieved following administration of the lowest dose. (Am J Vet Res 2009;70:581-588)
1.Pre-assessment data of the patient A 2-year-old boy, weighing 15 kg was admitted with a history of limited mouth opening(inter-incisor distance of 6 mm), hypoplastic and retrognathic mandible (bird face deformity) and facial asymmetry from left temporomandibular joint ankylosis (TMJA). He was born at term, after an uneventful pregnancy, and there was no report of trauma during caesarean section. No other possible aetiologies were identified. He was scheduled for mandibular osteotomy. Preoperative ENT examination revealed adenotonsillar hypertrophy. 2. Anaesthetic Plan A fiberoptic nasal intubation was performed under deep inhalation anaesthesia with sevoflurane, with the patient breathing spontaneously. Midazolam (0.05 mg.kg-1) and alfentanil (0.03 mg.kg-1) were given and anaesthesia was maintained with O2/air and sevoflurane. No neuromuscular blocking agent was administered since the surgical team needed facial nerve monitoring. 3. Description of incident During surgery an accidental extubation occurred and an attempt was made to reintubate the trachea by direct laryngoscopy. Although the osteotomy was nearly completed, the vocal cords could not be visualized (Cormack-Lehane grade IV laryngoscopic view). 4. Solving the problem Re-intubation was finally accomplished with the flexible fiberscope and the procedure was concluded without any more incidents. Extubation was performed 24 hours postoperatively with the patient fully awake. After surgery mouth opening improved to inter-incisor gap of 15 mm. 5. Lessons learned and take home message Two airways issues present in this case can lead to difficultventilation and intubation: TMJA and adenotonsillar hypertrophy. These difficulties were anticipated and managed accordingly. The accidental extubation brought to our attention the fact that, even after surgical correction, this airway remains challenging. Even with intensive jaw stretchingexercises there is a high incidence of re-ankylosis, especially in younger patients. One should bear that in mind when anaesthetizing patients with TMJA.
Introducción: A pesar de que las combinaciones de Propofol y opioides son ampliamente usadas para inducir y mantener una adecuada anestesia y analgesia, disminuir la dosis del inductor, incrementar la estabilidad hemodinámica y suprimir la respuesta a la laringoscopia y la intubación; no existen estudios que comparen el uso de Anestesia Total Intravenosa manual con Remifentanil - Propofol versus Fentanil - Propofol. Objetivo: Comparar el tiempo de despertar y el tiempo de descarga entre dos técnicas de Anestesia Total Intravenosa manual empleadas en el Hospital Occidente de Kennedy, una basada en Propofol y Remifentanil y otra basada en Propofol y Fentanil controlado por Stangraf. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, en 43 pacientes llevados a cirugía bajo Anestesia Total Intravenosa en el Hospital Occidente de Kennedy. Se analizó la información mediante las pruebas de Shapiro-Wilks, t de Student y U de Mann Withney y los coeficientes de correlación de Spearman y de Pearson, usando SPSS versión 20 para Windows. Un valor de p < 0.05 fue aceptado como estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: Al comparar las dos técnicas, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los tiempos evaluados. El tiempo de despertar promedio fue 10,1 minutos para Fentanil y 10,2 minutos para Remifentanil. El tiempo de descarga para Fentanil fue 11,9 minutos y para Remifentanil fue 11,5 minutos. Conclusiones: El uso de Fentanil - Propofol guiado por Stangraf es equivalente al uso de Remifentanil – Propofol en cuanto a los tiempos de despertar y de descarga. Se requieren nuevos estudios para corroborar estos hallazgos.
Metodología: se realizó un estudio descriptivo para evaluar las ventajas de la técnica regional sobre la técnica general en mujeres ASA 1 y 2 en Hospital Occidente de Kennedy. Se evaluaron los signos vitales, tiempo de recuperación, analgesia postoperatoria y efectos colaterales. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 177 pacientes, 79 con anestesia regional y 98 pacientes con anestesia general. Los resultados en el postoperatorio mostraron que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a manejo de dolor, efectos colaterales, variación en signos vitales. Se encontró una diferencia significativa en el tiempo de recuperación p=0,02 siendo la técnica espinal 20 minutos en promedio más prolongada. Discusión: ambas técnicas suponen una buena opción como técnica anestésica para pacientes llevadas a legrado obstétrico, a pesar que el tiempo de recuperación fue mayor en el grupo de técnica espinal, se obtuvo un mejor manejo del dolor, sin el requerimiento de otros analgésicos durante el postoperatorio.
Introducción: La anestesia total intravenosa (TIVA) es ampliamente usada y reportada en la literatura como técnica para disminuir la respuesta a la laringoscopia e intubación, en la inducción y mantenimiento de una adecuada anestesia, además de una mejor estabilidad hemodinámica y recuperación pos anestésica; sin embargo no existen un gran número de estudios que comparen el uso de TIVA, determinando si existen diferencias en el perfil farmacocinético según el género del paciente. Objetivo: Describir diferencias farmacocinéticas y de los tiempos de despertar y salida a la unidad de cuidados pos anestésicos (descarga), según el género; en pacientes que reciben TIVA, con remifentanil y propofol, orientado por Stangraf. Metodología: Estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal, en pacientes llevados a cirugía bajo TIVA en el Hospital Occidente de Kennedy en el periodo de junio de 2013 a Enero de 2014.Usando SPSS versión 20 Windows, se analizaron los datos mediante pruebas Kolmogorov-Smirnov y Shapiro-Wilk y U de Mann Withney. Un valor de p menor 0.05 fue aceptado como estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: Se aplicaron pruebas de normalidad y no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre género. El tiempo de despertar fue 9.36 minutos para mujeres y 11.26 minutos para hombres. Los tiempos de descarga fueron 10.71 minutos para mujeres y 12.82 minutos para hombres. Discusión. El tiempo de despertar y descarga no es diferente entre mujeres y hombres en los pacientes analizados. Se requieren estudios adicionales entre grupos poblacionales de diversas condiciones farmacocineticas para corroborar los datos.
Comparación de la anestesia espinal con anestesia general endovenosa para legrado uterino obstétrico
Introducción: La elección de la técnica anestésica para cualquier procedimiento quirúrgico debe estar basada en su seguridad, la rapidez para su aplicación, la recuperación óptima para el paciente y minimización de los efectos secundarios, la anestesia raquídea es una técnica anestésica que puede ser utilizada con buenos resultados clínicos y minimas complicaciones . Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional con recolección prospectiva en mujeres clasificadas como ASA I - II y que posteriormente fueron llevadas a la realización de legrado uterino obstétrico por embarazo no viable durante las primeras 12 semanas de gestación, las técnicas anestésicas fueron anestesia espinal o anestesia general endovenosa dependiendo de la elección hecha por el anestesiólogo previo al procedimiento. Se midieron variables hemodinámicas, control del dolor postoperatorio, tiempo de recuperación y complicaciones perioperatorias con el fin de determinar si se presentaban diferencias significativas entre estas dos técnicas anestésicas. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 110 pacientes, 63.6% (n=70) con anestesia general y 36.4% (n40) con anestesia espinal. Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables. Se presentaron menos efectos secundarios con la técnica espinal, hay una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto al dolor a favor de la anestesia espinal (p0,000) Discusión: La anestesia raquídea es una opción viable, sencilla , fácil y eficaz para la realización de legrados obstétricos, se puede realizar con monitorización básica y las complicaciones son mínimas. Se requieren estudios más amplios para determinar el papel de cual es la mejor técnica. Palabras claves: legrado uterino instrumentado, anestesia espinal, anestesia general endovenosa
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os bloqueadores neuromusculares (BNM) são freqüentemente utilizados em anestesia pediátrica e não existe aquele considerado ideal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o rocurônio, o atracúrio e o mivacúrio, em crianças, quanto ao tempo de latência e de recuperação, à interferência sobre as variáveis hemodinâmicas e às condições de intubação traqueal. MÉTODO: Sessenta e sete crianças, estado físico ASA I e II, com idade variando de 2 anos e 6 meses a 12 anos, foram anestesiadas com alfentanil (50 µg.kg-1), propofol (3 mg.kg-1), sevoflurano e N2O/O2 e divididas em três grupos: G1 = rocurônio 0,9 mg.kg-1 (n = 22); G2 = atracúrio 0,5 mg.kg-1 (n = 22) e G3 = mivacúrio 0,15 mg.kg-1 (n = 23). A monitorização do bloqueio neuromuscular foi realizada com o método de aceleromiografia no trajeto do nervo ulnar. Foram estudados: o tempo de latência (TL), a duração clínica (T25), o tempo de relaxamento (T75) e o índice de recuperação (T25-75). A pressão arterial média (PAM) e a freqüência cardíaca (FC) foram registradas em seis momentos, bem como as condições encontradas no momento da intubação traqueal. RESULTADOS: A mediana do TL foi de 0,6 minutos em G1, 1,3 minutos em G2 e 1,9 minutos em G3. A mediana do T25 foi em G1 = 38 minutos, G2 = 41,5 minutos e G3 = 8,8 minutos. A mediana do T75 foi em G1 = 57,7 minutos, G2 = 54,6 minutos e G3 = 13,6 minutos. A mediana do índice de recuperação (T25-75) foi em G1 = 19,7 minutos, G2 = 13,1 minutos e G3 = 4,8 minutos. As condições de intubação traqueal foram consideradas excelentes na maioria dos pacientes de ambos os grupos. Não houve modificações clínicas importantes da PAM e da FC. CONCLUSÕES: O rocurônio, 0,9 mg.kg-1, teve o menor tempo de latência e o mivacúrio, 0,15 mg.kg-1, o menor tempo de recuperação nos pacientes pediátricos anestesiados com sevoflurano. Também, o rocurônio, o mivacúrio e o atracúrio não determinaram alterações hemodinâmicas de importância clínica relevante e proporcionaram excelentes condições de intubação traqueal.