933 resultados para agglomerative clustering


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A method for determining the mutual nearest neighbours (MNN) and mutual neighbourhood value (mnv) of a sample point, using the conventional nearest neighbours, is suggested. A nonparametric, hierarchical, agglomerative clustering algorithm is developed using the above concepts. The algorithm is simple, deterministic, noniterative, requires low storage and is able to discern spherical and nonspherical clusters. The method is applicable to a wide class of data of arbitrary shape, large size and high dimensionality. The algorithm can discern mutually homogenous clusters. Strong or weak patterns can be discerned by properly choosing the neighbourhood width.


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Speaker diarization determines instances of the same speaker within a recording. Extending this task to a collection of recordings for linking together segments spoken by a unique speaker requires speaker linking. In this paper we propose a speaker linking system using linkage clustering and state-of-the-art speaker recognition techniques. We evaluate our approach against two baseline linking systems using agglomerative cluster merging (AC) and agglomerative clustering with model retraining (ACR). We demonstrate that our linking method, using complete-linkage clustering, provides a relative improvement of 20% and 29% in attribution error rate (AER), over the AC and ACR systems, respectively.


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In this paper we propose and evaluate a speaker attribution system using a complete-linkage clustering method. Speaker attribution refers to the annotation of a collection of spoken audio based on speaker identities. This can be achieved using diarization and speaker linking. The main challenge associated with attribution is achieving computational efficiency when dealing with large audio archives. Traditional agglomerative clustering methods with model merging and retraining are not feasible for this purpose. This has motivated the use of linkage clustering methods without retraining. We first propose a diarization system using complete-linkage clustering and show that it outperforms traditional agglomerative and single-linkage clustering based diarization systems with a relative improvement of 40% and 68%, respectively. We then propose a complete-linkage speaker linking system to achieve attribution and demonstrate a 26% relative improvement in attribution error rate (AER) over the single-linkage speaker linking approach.


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A computationally efficient agglomerative clustering algorithm based on multilevel theory is presented. Here, the data set is divided randomly into a number of partitions. The samples of each such partition are clustered separately using hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm to form sub-clusters. These are merged at higher levels to get the final classification. This algorithm leads to the same classification as that of hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm when the clusters are well separated. The advantages of this algorithm are short run time and small storage requirement. It is observed that the savings, in storage space and computation time, increase nonlinearly with the sample size.


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K-means algorithm is a well known nonhierarchical method for clustering data. The most important limitations of this algorithm are that: (1) it gives final clusters on the basis of the cluster centroids or the seed points chosen initially, and (2) it is appropriate for data sets having fairly isotropic clusters. But this algorithm has the advantage of low computation and storage requirements. On the other hand, hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm, which can cluster nonisotropic (chain-like and concentric) clusters, requires high storage and computation requirements. This paper suggests a new method for selecting the initial seed points, so that theK-means algorithm gives the same results for any input data order. This paper also describes a hybrid clustering algorithm, based on the concepts of multilevel theory, which is nonhierarchical at the first level and hierarchical from second level onwards, to cluster data sets having (i) chain-like clusters and (ii) concentric clusters. It is observed that this hybrid clustering algorithm gives the same results as the hierarchical clustering algorithm, with less computation and storage requirements.


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Clustering identities in a video is a useful task to aid in video search, annotation and retrieval, and cast identification. However, reliably clustering faces across multiple videos is challenging task due to variations in the appearance of the faces, as videos are captured in an uncontrolled environment. A person's appearance may vary due to session variations including: lighting and background changes, occlusions, changes in expression and make up. In this paper we propose the novel Local Total Variability Modelling (Local TVM) approach to cluster faces across a news video corpus; and incorporate this into a novel two stage video clustering system. We first cluster faces within a single video using colour, spatial and temporal cues; after which we use face track modelling and hierarchical agglomerative clustering to cluster faces across the entire corpus. We compare different face recognition approaches within this framework. Experiments on a news video database show that the Local TVM technique is able effectively model the session variation observed in the data, resulting in improved clustering performance, with much greater computational efficiency than other methods.


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In this paper, we approach the classical problem of clustering using solution concepts from cooperative game theory such as Nucleolus and Shapley value. We formulate the problem of clustering as a characteristic form game and develop a novel algorithm DRAC (Density-Restricted Agglomerative Clustering) for clustering. With extensive experimentation on standard data sets, we compare the performance of DRAC with that of well known algorithms. We show an interesting result that four prominent solution concepts, Nucleolus, Shapley value, Gately point and \tau-value coincide for the defined characteristic form game. This vindicates the choice of the characteristic function of the clustering game and also provides strong intuitive foundation for our approach.


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A system is described that tracks moving objects in a video dataset so as to extract a representation of the objects' 3D trajectories. The system then finds hierarchical clusters of similar trajectories in the video dataset. Objects' motion trajectories are extracted via an EKF formulation that provides each object's 3D trajectory up to a constant factor. To increase accuracy when occlusions occur, multiple tracking hypotheses are followed. For trajectory-based clustering and retrieval, a modified version of edit distance, called longest common subsequence (LCSS) is employed. Similarities are computed between projections of trajectories on coordinate axes. Trajectories are grouped based, using an agglomerative clustering algorithm. To check the validity of the approach, experiments using real data were performed.


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Non-parametric multivariate analyses of complex ecological datasets are widely used. Following appropriate pre-treatment of the data inter-sample resemblances are calculated using appropriate measures. Ordination and clustering derived from these resemblances are used to visualise relationships among samples (or variables). Hierarchical agglomerative clustering with group-average (UPGMA) linkage is often the clustering method chosen. Using an example dataset of zooplankton densities from the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary, UK, a range of existing and new clustering methods are applied and the results compared. Although the examples focus on analysis of samples, the methods may also be applied to species analysis. Dendrograms derived by hierarchical clustering are compared using cophenetic correlations, which are also used to determine optimum  in flexible beta clustering. A plot of cophenetic correlation against original dissimilarities reveals that a tree may be a poor representation of the full multivariate information. UNCTREE is an unconstrained binary divisive clustering algorithm in which values of the ANOSIM R statistic are used to determine (binary) splits in the data, to form a dendrogram. A form of flat clustering, k-R clustering, uses a combination of ANOSIM R and Similarity Profiles (SIMPROF) analyses to determine the optimum value of k, the number of groups into which samples should be clustered, and the sample membership of the groups. Robust outcomes from the application of such a range of differing techniques to the same resemblance matrix, as here, result in greater confidence in the validity of a clustering approach.


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Non-parametric multivariate analyses of complex ecological datasets are widely used. Following appropriate pre-treatment of the data inter-sample resemblances are calculated using appropriate measures. Ordination and clustering derived from these resemblances are used to visualise relationships among samples (or variables). Hierarchical agglomerative clustering with group-average (UPGMA) linkage is often the clustering method chosen. Using an example dataset of zooplankton densities from the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary, UK, a range of existing and new clustering methods are applied and the results compared. Although the examples focus on analysis of samples, the methods may also be applied to species analysis. Dendrograms derived by hierarchical clustering are compared using cophenetic correlations, which are also used to determine optimum  in flexible beta clustering. A plot of cophenetic correlation against original dissimilarities reveals that a tree may be a poor representation of the full multivariate information. UNCTREE is an unconstrained binary divisive clustering algorithm in which values of the ANOSIM R statistic are used to determine (binary) splits in the data, to form a dendrogram. A form of flat clustering, k-R clustering, uses a combination of ANOSIM R and Similarity Profiles (SIMPROF) analyses to determine the optimum value of k, the number of groups into which samples should be clustered, and the sample membership of the groups. Robust outcomes from the application of such a range of differing techniques to the same resemblance matrix, as here, result in greater confidence in the validity of a clustering approach.


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This research makes a major contribution which enables efficient searching and indexing of large archives of spoken audio based on speaker identity. It introduces a novel technique dubbed as “speaker attribution” which is the task of automatically determining ‘who spoke when?’ in recordings and then automatically linking the unique speaker identities within each recording across multiple recordings. The outcome of the research will also have significant impact in improving the performance of automatic speech recognition systems through the extracted speaker identities.


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Empirical evidence shows that repositories of business process models used in industrial practice contain significant amounts of duplication. This duplication arises for example when the repository covers multiple variants of the same processes or due to copy-pasting. Previous work has addressed the problem of efficiently retrieving exact clones that can be refactored into shared subprocess models. This article studies the broader problem of approximate clone detection in process models. The article proposes techniques for detecting clusters of approximate clones based on two well-known clustering algorithms: DBSCAN and Hi- erarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC). The article also defines a measure of standardizability of an approximate clone cluster, meaning the potential benefit of replacing the approximate clones with a single standardized subprocess. Experiments show that both techniques, in conjunction with the proposed standardizability measure, accurately retrieve clusters of approximate clones that originate from copy-pasting followed by independent modifications to the copied fragments. Additional experiments show that both techniques produce clusters that match those produced by human subjects and that are perceived to be standardizable.


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A new method of finding the optimal group membership and number of groupings to partition population genetic distance data is presented. The software program Partitioning Optimization with Restricted Growth Strings (PORGS), visits all possible set partitions and deems acceptable partitions to be those that reduce mean intracluster distance. The optimal number of groups is determined with the gap statistic which compares PORGS results with a reference distribution. The PORGS method was validated by a simulated data set with a known distribution. For efficiency, where values of n were larger, restricted growth strings (RGS) were used to bipartition populations during a nested search (bi-PORGS). Bi-PORGS was applied to a set of genetic data from 18 Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations from the west coast of Vancouver Island. The optimal grouping of these populations corresponded to four geographic locations: 1) Quatsino Sound, 2) Nootka Sound, 3) Clayoquot +Barkley sounds, and 4) southwest Vancouver Island. However, assignment of populations to groups did not strictly reflect the geographical divisions; fish of Barkley Sound origin that had strayed into the Gold River and close genetic similarity between transferred and donor populations meant groupings crossed geographic boundaries. Overall, stock structure determined by this partitioning method was similar to that determined by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA), an agglomerative clustering algorithm.


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Background: Ineffective risk stratification can delay diagnosis of serious disease in patients with hematuria. We applied a systems biology approach to analyze clinical, demographic and biomarker measurements (n = 29) collected from 157 hematuric patients: 80 urothelial cancer (UC) and 77 controls with confounding pathologies.

Methods: On the basis of biomarkers, we conducted agglomerative hierarchical clustering to identify patient and biomarker clusters. We then explored the relationship between the patient clusters and clinical characteristics using Chi-square analyses. We determined classification errors and areas under the receiver operating curve of Random Forest Classifiers (RFC) for patient subpopulations using the biomarker clusters to reduce the dimensionality of the data.

Results: Agglomerative clustering identified five patient clusters and seven biomarker clusters. Final diagnoses categories were non-randomly distributed across the five patient clusters. In addition, two of the patient clusters were enriched with patients with ‘low cancer-risk’ characteristics. The biomarkers which contributed to the diagnostic classifiers for these two patient clusters were similar. In contrast, three of the patient clusters were significantly enriched with patients harboring ‘high cancer-risk” characteristics including proteinuria, aggressive pathological stage and grade, and malignant cytology. Patients in these three clusters included controls, that is, patients with other serious disease and patients with cancers other than UC. Biomarkers which contributed to the diagnostic classifiers for the largest ‘high cancer- risk’ cluster were different than those contributing to the classifiers for the ‘low cancer-risk’ clusters. Biomarkers which contributed to subpopulations that were split according to smoking status, gender and medication were different.

Conclusions: The systems biology approach applied in this study allowed the hematuric patients to cluster naturally on the basis of the heterogeneity within their biomarker data, into five distinct risk subpopulations. Our findings highlight an approach with the promise to unlock the potential of biomarkers. This will be especially valuable in the field of diagnostic bladder cancer where biomarkers are urgently required. Clinicians could interpret risk classification scores in the context of clinical parameters at the time of triage. This could reduce cystoscopies and enable priority diagnosis of aggressive diseases, leading to improved patient outcomes at reduced costs. © 2013 Emmert-Streib et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Flow in geophysical fluids is commonly summarized by coherent streams, for example conveyor belt flows in extratropical cyclones or jet streaks in the upper troposphere. Typically, parcel trajectories are calculated from the flow field and subjective thresholds are used to distinguish coherent streams of interest. This methodology contribution develops a more objective approach to distinguish coherent airstreams within extratropical cyclones. Agglomerative clustering is applied to trajectories along with a method to identify the optimal number of cluster classes. The methodology is applied to trajectories associated with the low-level jets of a well-studied extratropical cyclone. For computational efficiency, a constraint that trajectories must pass through these jet regions is applied prior to clustering; the partitioning into different airstreams is then performed by the agglomerative clustering. It is demonstrated that the methodology can identify the salient flow structures of cyclones: the warm and cold conveyor belts. A test focusing on the airstreams terminating at the tip of the bent-back front further demonstrates the success of the method in that it can distinguish fine-scale flow structure such as descending sting jet airstreams.