989 resultados para advanced production
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2014
An Advanced Planning System (APS) offers support at all planning levels along the supply chain while observing limited resources. We consider an APS for process industries (e.g. chemical and pharmaceutical industries) consisting of the modules network design (for long–term decisions), supply network planning (for medium–term decisions), and detailed production scheduling (for short–term decisions). For each module, we outline the decision problem, discuss the specifi cs of process industries, and review state–of–the–art solution approaches. For the module detailed production scheduling, a new solution approach is proposed in the case of batch production, which can solve much larger practical problems than the methods known thus far. The new approach decomposes detailed production scheduling for batch production into batching and batch scheduling. The batching problem converts the primary requirements for products into individual batches, where the work load is to be minimized. We formulate the batching problem as a nonlinear mixed–integer program and transform it into a linear mixed–binary program of moderate size, which can be solved by standard software. The batch scheduling problem allocates the batches to scarce resources such as processing units, workers, and intermediate storage facilities, where some regular objective function like the makespan is to be minimized. The batch scheduling problem is modelled as a resource–constrained project scheduling problem, which can be solved by an efficient truncated branch–and–bound algorithm developed recently. The performance of the new solution procedures for batching and batch scheduling is demonstrated by solving several instances of a case study from process industries.
A indústria automóvel exige, em geral, elevados índices de produtividade e qualidade. Para corresponder às exigências deste tipo de indústria, são requeridos métodos avançados de produção, tentando eliminar ao máximo operações que não gerem valor acrescentado e que possam introduzir problemas no processo de garantia da qualidade. A maquinagem por arranque de apara é um processo utilizado de forma intensiva na indústria automóvel. No entanto, enquanto em componentes críticos como o motor, os processos estão já altamente otimizados, o mesmo não se verifica na maior parte dos sistemas periféricos, normalmente realizados por empresas mais pequenas que gravitam em torno dos principais fornecedores da cadeia de produção de automóveis. Os sistemas responsáveis pela movimentação dos limpa pára-brisas e elevação dos vidros, entre outros, encontram-se neste grupo. Este trabalho visa essencialmente otimizar o processo de maquinagem de componentes periféricos de automóveis, sujeitos a diferentes operações em vários planos. No entanto, e tal como em muitas outras situações relacionadas com a variedade de versões existentes na indústria automóvel relativamente a cada sistema, pretende-se que o processo seja suficientemente versátil para poder ser aplicado em vários componentes de uma mesma família de produtos, necessitando de um número de ajustes o mais baixo possível. O estudo passou por uma análise profunda das similaridades geométricas dos diferentes componentes, análise dos planos de maquinagem de cada componente, operações envolvidas, elencagem da necessidade específica de ferramentas, elaboração de gabaritos de fabrico e apresentação da solução final, a qual passa pela introdução de um 4º eixo e do seu controlo através do sistema CNC já existente, assim como pela elaboração de novos programas.
Catalunya és un país energèticament dependent d'altres països. A part d'això, la seva producció i el seu consum d'energia provenen de fonts no renovables. Catalunya queda molt lluny de la majoria de països europeus els quals tenen un desenvolupament molt avançat en quan l'explotació de les energies renovables. Segons estudis de l'IDAE i l'ICAEN a les llars espanyoles i catalanes, al voltant d'un 25% del consum d'energia és per part d'electrodomèstics i d'il·luminació. El present treball estima el consum energètic dels pisos a la Vila Universitària 1 i fer una proposta de reducció de consum per mitjà d'un canvi d'electrodomèstics. Aquesta proposta ha estat efectiva ja que el consum estimat es redueix un 50% aproximadament canviant alguns dels electrodomèstics que hi ha actualment per altres de més eficients. Alhora, s'ha dut a terme un concurs d'estalvi energètic juntament amb una campanya de sensibilització de la mateixa temàtica que també busca la disminució del consum energètic en els pisos i, resulta ser quelcom efectiu donat que hi ha hagut una reducció d'un 32% aproximadament en mitjana del consum energètic als pisos. Sembla ser molt important la conscienciació de la gent ja que permet reduir el consum energètic amb un cost econòmic zero.
The aim of the current study is to consider the need of capital and labour in Finnish basic industry within the next thirty years. The connection between capital and labour need of basic industry in the 1980's and 1990's is reviewed by using financial statements. A model of the relationship between investments and rate is built and the future need of labour in basic industry is outlined. The model about the profitability of work reducing investments when the rate varies describes the past development in companies. In Finland automation and advanced production technology have made it possible to replace work with capital in a large scale. In basic industry the need for capital can be forecasted to grow quicker than the need for labour. Economies of scale in the use of labour can be attained, because in the future one consolidated company will employ less people than two individual firms before.
This study aimed to evaluate the growth of plants and the precocity of strawberry production under different root pruning intensities at planting time. Bare roots plants with 12 millimeters crown diameter produced in nurseries from the Patagonia region, Argentina were used. The planting was carried out on May 12th 2010 into experimental plots with non-fumigated soil. The treatments consisted of three cultivars (Camarosa, Florida Festival and Camino Real) and three pruning intensities (1/3, 2/3 and no pruning) on the total root length of the plants. The experimental design used was a randomized block design in a 3x3 factorial arrangement with three replications and 12 plants per plot and density of 11.1 plants m-2. Mature fruits were harvested from July 15th to December 14th 2010 and the production of fresh fruit was determined. There was no significative interaction between cultivars and pruning intensity. 'Camarosa' and 'Florida Festival' plants showed precocity and had the most abundant and heavier fruits during the precocity period. The different root pruning intensities did not affect the assessed variables. It was concluded that, in order to facilitate strawberry planting of the cultivars Camarosa, Florida Festival and Camino Real root pruning is possible, with no damages on plant growth and development, precocity and early fruit production.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de diferentes doses de N em cobertura (0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1) sobre as características agronômicas de diferentes cultivares de arroz de terras altas (Caiapó, Primavera, Confiança, IAC 202 e Carisma) sob irrigação por aspersão durante os anos agrícolas 2003/04 e 2004/05, em área experimental da FCAV - UNESP - Jaboticabal (SP). Os cultivares Caiapó, IAC 202 e Carisma são os de maior produtividade, com o Primavera não respondendo ao incremento da adubação nitrogenada; o IAC 202 e Carisma são possuidores de índice de colheita mais elevado e responsivos ao nitrogênio aplicado em cobertura, sugerindo-se indicá-los para sistemas produtivos mais evoluídos; o cultivar Caiapó demonstra ser mais eficiente em absorver e utilizar o N contido no solo, sugerindo sua indicação para sistemas produtivos de menor aporte de tecnologia.
Greenhouse gases emitted from energy production and transportation are dramatically changing the climate of Planet Earth. As a consequence, global warming is affecting the living conditions of numerous plant and animal species, including ours. Thus the development of sustainable and renewable liquid fuels is an essential global challenge in order to combat the climate change. In the past decades many technologies have been developed as alternatives to currently used petroleum fuels, such as bioethanol and biodiesel. However, even with gradually increasing production, the market penetration of these first generation biofuels is still relatively small compared to fossil fuels. Researchers have long ago realized that there is a need for advanced biofuels with improved physical and chemical properties compared to bioethanol and with biomass raw materials not competing with food production. Several target molecules have been identified as potential fuel candidates, such as alkanes, fatty acids, long carbon‐chain alcohols and isoprenoids. The current study focuses on the biosynthesis of butanol and propane as possible biofuels. The scope of this research was to investigate novel heterologous metabolic pathways and to identify bottlenecks for alcohol and alkane generation using Escherichia coli as a model host microorganism. The first theme of the work studied the pathways generating butyraldehyde, the common denominator for butanol and propane biosynthesis. Two ways of generating butyraldehyde were described, one via the bacterial fatty acid elongation machinery and the other via partial overexpression of the acetone‐butanol‐ethanol fermentation pathway found in Clostridium acetobutylicum. The second theme of the experimental work studied the reduction of butyraldehyde to butanol catalysed by various bacterial aldehyde‐reductase enzymes, whereas the final part of the work investigated the in vivo kinetics of the cyanobacterial aldehyde deformylating oxygenase (ADO) for the generation of hydrocarbons. The results showed that the novel butanol pathway, based on fatty acid biosynthesis consisting of an acyl‐ACP thioesterase and a carboxylic acid reductase, is tolerant to oxygen, thus being an efficient alternative to the previous Clostridial pathways. It was also shown that butanol can be produced from acetyl‐CoA using acetoacetyl CoA synthase (NphT7) or acetyl‐CoA acetyltransferase (AtoB) enzymes. The study also demonstrated, for the first time, that bacterial biosynthesis of propane is possible. The efficiency of the system is clearly limited by the poor kinetic properties of the ADO enzyme, and for proper function in vivo, the catalytic machinery requires a coupled electron relay system.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the production of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from patients with supraglottic laryngeal cancer before and after surgical treatment. METHODS: Fourteen patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer were studied. Cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated during the preoperative and late postoperative periods were stimulated with concanavalin A and Bacille Calmette-Guerin, and the supernatant concentrations of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 were measured. RESULTS: For non-stimulated cultures, the interferon-gamma levels produced by the preoperative period and the late postoperative period cultures were lower than the levels produced by the control group cultures. The interferon-gamma levels after stimulation with concanavalin A were higher in the late postoperative period cultures than in the preoperative evaluation cultures. Stimulation with Bacille Calmette-Guerin led to the production of similar levels of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by all cultures; thus, stimulation increased the levels of interferon-gamma produced by both the preoperative and postoperative cultures relative to the levels produced by the corresponding unstimulated cultures. CONCLUSION: Patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer exhibit an in vitro deficiency in interferongamma secretion by mononuclear cells. Stimulated cells seem to recover this function during the postoperative period.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the production of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from patients with supraglottic laryngeal cancer before and after surgical treatment. METHODS: Fourteen patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer were studied. Cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated during the preoperative and late postoperative periods were stimulated with concanavalin A and Bacille Calmette-Guerin, and the supernatant concentrations of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 were measured. RESULTS: For non-stimulated cultures, the interferon-gamma levels produced by the preoperative period and the late postoperative period cultures were lower than the levels produced by the control group cultures. The interferon-gamma levels after stimulation with concanavalin A were higher in the late postoperative period cultures than in the preoperative evaluation cultures. Stimulation with Bacille Calmette-Guerin led to the production of similar levels of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by all cultures; thus, stimulation increased the levels of interferon-gamma produced by both the preoperative and postoperative cultures relative to the levels produced by the corresponding unstimulated cultures. CONCLUSION: Patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer exhibit an in vitro deficiency in interferongamma secretion by mononuclear cells. Stimulated cells seem to recover this function during the postoperative period.
The thesis aims to expose the advances achieved in the practices of captive breeding of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Aspects investigated concern both approaches livestock (breeding selection, response to hormonal stimulation, reproductive performance, incubation of eggs) and physiological aspects (endocrine plasma profiles of players), as well as engineering aspects. Studies conducted on various populations of wild eel have shown that the main determining factor in the selection of wild females destined to captive breeding must be the Silver Index which may determine the stage of pubertal development. The hormonal induction protocol adopted, with increasing doses of carp pituitary extract, it has proven useful to ovarian development, with a synchronization effect that is positively reflected on egg production. The studies on the effects of photoperiod show how the condition of total darkness can positively influence practices of reproductions in captivity. The effects of photoperiod were also investigated at the physiological level, observing the plasma levels of steroids ( E2, T) and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and the expression in the liver of vitellogenin (vtg1 and vtg2) and estradiol membrane receptor (ESR1). From the comparison between spontaneous deposition and insemination techniques through the stripping is inferred as the first ports to a better qualitative and quantitative yield in the production of eggs capable of being fertilized, also the presence of a percentage of oocytes completely transparent can be used to obtain eggs at a good rate of fertility. Finally, the design and implementation of a system for recirculating aquaculture suited to meet the needs of species-specific eel showed how to improve the reproductive results, it would be preferable to adopt low-flow and low density incubation.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
This thesis describes the production of advanced materials comprising a wide array of polymer-based building blocks. These materials include bio-hybrid polymer-peptide conjugates, based on phenylalanine and poly(ethylene oxide), and polymers with intrinsic microporosity (PIMs). Polymer-peptides conjugates were previously synthesised using click chemistry. Due to the inherent disadvantages of the reported synthesis, a new, simpler, inexpensive protocol was sought. Three synthetic methods based on amidation chemistry were investigated for both oligopeptide and polymerpeptide coupling. The resulting conjugates produced were then assessed by various analytical techniques, and the new synthesis was compared with the established protocol. An investigation was also carried out focussing on polymer-peptide coupling via ester chemistry, involving deprotection of the carboxyl terminus of the peptide. Polymer-peptide conjugates were also assessed for their propensity to self-assemble into thixotropic gels in an array of solvent mixtures. Determination of the rules governing this particular self-assembly (gelation) was required. Initial work suggested that at least four phenylalanine peptide units were necessary for self-assembly, due to favourable hydrogen bond interactions. Quantitative analysis was carried out using three analytical techniques (namely rheology, FTIR, and confocal microscopy) to probe the microstructure of the material and provided further information on the conditions for self-assembly. Several polymers were electrospun in order to produce nanofibres. These included novel materials such as PIMs and the aforementioned bio-hybrid conjugates. An investigation of the parameters governing successful fibre production was carried out for PIMs, polymer-peptide conjugates, and for nanoparticle cages coupled to a polymer scaffold. SEM analysis was carried out on all material produced during these electrospinning experiments.
This work evaluates the environmental performance of using pulp and paper sludge as feedstock for the production of second generation ethanol. An ethanol plant for converting 5400 tons of dry sludge/year was modelled and evaluated using a cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment approach. The sludge is a burden for pulp and paper mills that is mainly disposed in landfilling. The studied system allows for the valorisation of the waste, which due to its high polysaccharide content is a valuable feedstock for bioethanol production. Eleven impact categories were analysed and the results showed that enzymatic hydrolysis and neutralisation of the CaCO3 are the environmental hotspots of the system contributing up to 85% to the overall impacts. Two optimisation scenarios were evaluated: (1) using a reduced HCl amount in the neutralisation stage and (2) co-fermentation of xylose and glucose, for maximal ethanol yield. Both scenarios displayed significant environmental impact improvements.