934 resultados para additional absorption
20 at.% Yb:YAG single crystals have been grown by the CZ method and gamma-ray irradiation induced color centers and valence change of Fe3+ and Yb3+ ions in Yb:YAG have been studied. One significant 255 nm absorption band was observed in as-grown crystals and was attributed to Fe3+ ions. Two additional absorption (AA) bands located at 255 nm and 345 nm, respectively, were produced after gamma irradiation. The changes in the AA spectra after gamma irradiation and air annealing are mainly related to the charge exchange of the Fe3+, Fe2+, oxygen vacancies and F-type color centers. Analysis shows that the broad AA band is associated with Fe2+ ions and F-type color centers. The transition Yb3+ Yb2+ takes place as an effect of recharging of one of the Yb3+ ions from a pair in the process of gamma irradiation. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Defects in as-grown U3+ : CaF2 crystals grown with or without PbF2 as an oxygen scavenger were studied using Raman spectra, thermoluminescence glow curves, and additional absorption (AA) spectra induced by heating and gamma-irradiation. The effects of heating and irradiation on as-grown U3+: CaF2 crystals are similar, accompanied by the elimination of H-type centers and production of F-type centers. U3+ is demonstrated to act as an electron donor in the CaF2 lattice, which is oxidized to the tetravalent form by thermal activation or gamma-irradiation. In the absence of PbF(2)as an oxygen scavenger, the as-grown U3+:CaF2 crystals contain many more lattice defects in terms of both quantity and type, due to the presence of O2- impurities. Some of these defects can recombine with each other in the process of heating and gamma-irradiation. (c) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Gamma-ray irradiation induced color centers and charge state recharge of impurity and doped ion in 10 at.% Yb:YAP have been studied. The change in the additional absorption (AA) spectra is mainly related to the charge exchange of the impurity Fe2+, Fe3+ and Yb3+ ions. Two impurity color center bands at 255 and 313 nm were attributed to Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions, respectively. The broad AA band centered at 385 nm may be associated with the cation vacancies and F-type center. The transition Yb3+ -> Yb2+ takes place in the process of gamma-irradiation. Oxygen annealing and gamma-ray irradiation lead to an opposite effect on the absorption properties of the Yb:YAP crystal. In the air annealing process, the transition Fe2+ -> Fe3+ and Yb2+ -> Yb3+ take place and the color centers responsible for the 385 nm band was destroyed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The absorption spectra of the undoped Y2SiO5 and Eu3+-doped Y2SiO5 crystals grown by the Czochralski technique were compared before and after annealing and, similarly, the unannealed and annealed crystals after gamma-ray irradiation. The absorption bands of Eu2+ ions with peaks at 300 and 390 nm were observed in the as-grown Y2SiO5:Eu3+ crystal. These peaks were more intense in H-2-annealed and irradiated Y2SiO5:Eu3+ crystals. The additional absorption peaks at 260 and 320-330 nm which were attributed to F color centers and O- hole centers were observed in irradiated undoped Y2SiO5 and Y2SiO5:Eu3+ crystals, respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The absorption spectra of undoped Y2SiO5 crystals were studied before and after gamma-irradiation. After gamma-irradiation, the additional absorption peaks at 260-270 and 320nm were observed in as-grown and H,annealed Y2SiO5 crystal, but it did not occur in air-annealed Y2SiO5 crystal. These absorption peaks were attributed to F color centers and O- hole centers, respectively. Owing to more oxygen vacancies and color centers in H-2-annealed Y2SiO5 crystal than that in as-grown Y2SiO5 crystal after gamma-irradiation, the additional absorption peaks were more intense in the former than that in the latter. With the irradiation dose increasing from 20 to 220kGy, the intensity of additional absorption peaks increased.
Our work focuses on experimental and theoretical studies aimed at establishing a fundamental understanding of the principal electrical and optical processes governing the operation of quantum dot solar cells (QDSC) and their feasibility for the realization of intermediate band solar cell (IBSC). Uniform performance QD solar cells with high conversion efficiency have been fabricated using carefully calibrated process recipes as the basis of all reliable experimental characterization. The origin for the enhancement of the short circuit current density (Jsc) in QD solar cells was carefully investigated. External quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements were performed as a measure of the below bandgap distribution of transition states. In this work, we found that the incorporation of self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) interrupts the lattice periodicity and introduce a greatly broadened tailing density of states extending from the bandedge towards mid-gap. A below-bandgap density of states (DOS) model with an extended Urbach tail has been developed. In particular, the below-bandgap photocurrent generation has been attributed to transitions via confined energy states and background continuum tailing states. Photoluminescence measurement is used to measure the energy level of the lowest available state and the coupling effect between QD states and background tailing states because it results from a non-equilibrium process. A basic I-V measurement reveals a degradation of the open circuit voltage (Voc) of QD solar cells, which is related to a one sub-bandgap photon absorption process followed by a direct collection of the generated carriers by the external circuit. We have proposed a modified Shockley-Queisser (SQ) model that predicts the degradation of Voc compared with a reference bulk device. Whenever an energy state within the forbidden gap can facilitate additional absorption, it can facilitate recombination as well. If the recombination is non-radiative, it is detrimental to solar cell performance. We have also investigated the QD trapping effects as deep level energy states. Without an efficient carrier extraction pathway, the QDs can indeed function as mobile carriers traps. Since hole energy levels are mostly connected with hole collection under room temperature, the trapping effect is more severe for electrons. We have tried to electron-dope the QDs to exert a repulsive Coulomb force to help improve the carrier collection efficiency. We have experimentally observed a 30% improvement of Jsc for 4e/dot devices compared with 0e/dot devices. Electron-doping helps with better carrier collection efficiency, however, we have also measured a smaller transition probability from valance band to QD states as a direct manifestation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle. The non-linear performance is of particular interest. With the availability of laser with on-resonance and off-resonance excitation energy, we have explored the photocurrent enhancement by a sequential two-photon absorption (2PA) process via the intermediate states. For the first time, we are able to distinguish the nonlinearity effect by 1PA and 2PA process. The observed 2PA current under off-resonant and on-resonant excitation comes from a two-step transition via the tailing states instead of the QD states. However, given the existence of an extended Urbach tail and the small number of photons available for the intermediate states to conduction band transition, the experimental results suggest that with the current material system, the intensity requirement for an observable enhancement of photocurrent via a 2PA process is much higher than what is available from concentrated sun light. In order to realize the IBSC model, a matching transition strength needs to be achieved between valance band to QD states and QD states to conduction band. However, we have experimentally shown that only a negligible amount of signal can be observed at cryogenic temperature via the transition from QD states to conduction band under a broadband IR source excitation. Based on the understanding we have achieved, we found that the existence of the extended tailing density of states together with the large mismatch of the transition strength from VB to QD and from QD to CB, has systematically put into question the feasibility of the IBSC model with QDs.
In farbstoffsensibilisierten Solarzellen (DSSC) spielen Chromophore, die als Lichtsammel- und Energie-/Elektronentransfersysteme fungieren, eine zentrale Rolle. Phthalocyanine mit ihren intensiven Absorptionsbanden um 400 nm und 700 nm besitzen großes Potential für die effektive Sensibilisierung von Solarzellen. Trotz ihrer vielversprechenden physikochemischen Eigenschaften und intensiver Bemühungen erreichen Phthalocyanin-sensibilisierte Solarzellen nicht die Effizienzen, die bisher mit anderen Chromophorklassen erzielt werden konnten. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Entwicklung effizienter Lichtsammelsysteme für DSSC auf der Basis von Aza-substituierten Phthalocyaninen, sogenannten Pyrazinoporphyrazinen, verfolgt. Ein besonderer Fokus lag dabei auf einer Verbesserung der Absorptionseigenschaften der Chromophore im Bereich ihrer intrinsischen Absorptionslücke zwischen den Maxima um 400 nm und 700 nm. Um diese optische Lücke zu schließen wurden komplementär absorbierende BODIPY-Farbstoffe kovalent an synthetisch maßgeschneiderte Porphyrazine gebunden. Insgesamt wurden sechs neue Porphyrazin-Sensibilisatoren synthetisiert und photophysikalisch sowie elektrochemisch charakterisiert. Alle in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Porphyrazine tragen sterisch anspruchsvolle Tri(p-tolyl)propinyl-Gruppen um Agglomerationen zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus wurden die Porphyrazine peripher entweder mit Hydroxy- oder Carboxygruppen als Bindungsstellen für oxidische Materialien ausgestattet sowie mit sechs BODIPY-Auxiliarfarbstoffen funktionalisiert, deren Substitutionsmuster variiert wurden. Zur Darstellung der komplexen Porphyrazine wurde eine Syntheseroute erarbeitet, die statistische Cyclisierungen unterschiedlicher Dinitril-Vorstufen beinhaltete und es ermöglichte, funktionelle Gruppen erst am vorgeformten Makrocyclus einzuführen. Die photophysikalische Untersuchung der hochfunktionalisierten Farbstoffe erfolgte über UV/Vis- und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie. Im Fall der BODIPY-Porphyrazin-Hybride schließt die zusätzliche Absorptionsbande der peripheren BODIPY-Einheiten die intrinsische Absorptionslücke der Porphyrazine. Die Hybride zeigen somit eine breite Absorption über den gesamten sichtbaren Spektralbereich mit hohen Extinktionskoeffizienten von ca. 4·10^5 M^−1cm^−1. Mittels Fluoreszenz- und Anregungsspektren wurde ein photoinduzierter Energie-transfer von den BODIPY-Einheiten auf den Porphyrazinkern nachgewiesen. Das elektrochemische Verhalten der BODIPY- und Porphyrazin-Verbindungen wurde mittels Cyclo- und Square-Wave-Voltammetrie untersucht. Die Effizienzen der Lichtenergieumwandlung wurden mit Hilfe von selbst-hergestellten und standardisierten farbstoffsensibilisierten Solarzellen bewertet. Alle Solarzellen zeigten eine messbare Photoaktivität unter Bestrahlung. Die Wirkungsgrade der Zellen lagen jedoch alle unter 1 %. Generell führten die Carboxyl-funktionalisierten Porphyrazine zu besseren Wirkungsgraden als die analogen, mit der tripodalen Ankergruppe ausgestatteten Derivate. Die mit Hilfe von Adsorptionsisothermen ermittelten Bindungskonstanten der Adsorption der Farbstoffe auf der TiO2-Oberfläche zeigten, dass beide Hafteinheiten eine feste Verankerung der Chromophore auf den TiO2-Elektroden ermöglichten. Insgesamt wirkte sich die Präsenz der peripheren BODIPY-Farbstoffe positiv auf die Wirkungsgrade der Solarzellen aus, jedoch nur in geringem Maß. Dieses Ergebnis wurde hauptsächlich auf die geringe Energiedifferenz zwischen der Leitungsbandkante des TiO2 und den LUMO-Energieniveaus der Chromophore zurückgeführt. Zusätzlich scheinen konkurrierende Prozesse wie die direkte Photoelektroneninjektion von den BODIPY-Einheiten in das TiO2 eine wichtige Rolle zu spielen. Neben der Anwendung in DSSC wurde die Wechselwirkung der Porphyrazine mit Graphen untersucht. Hierzu wurden A3B-Porphyrazine mit Pyrenyl-Seitenketten ausgestattet, die eine nicht-kovalente Verankerung des Chromophors auf Graphen ermöglichen. UV/Vis- und Fluoreszenzmessungen gaben u.a. erste Hinweise auf eine elektronische Kommunikation zwischen den beiden Hybridpartnern.
The Austrian government may have failed in its efforts in 2005 to have ‘privileged partnership' inserted into the European Union's framework for accession negotiations with Turkey, but this did not prevent the country's Chancellor, Wolfgang Schussel, from claiming that ‘for the first time ever, we have set an extra condition which will yet be very important in the future for Europe, namely the ability of the Union to take in new members'. Indeed, since its inclusion in the framework for negotiations, the EU's ‘capacity to absorb' new members is referred to as a new criterion for further enlargement of the European Union (EU). When opponents of Turkey 's membership, like Schussel, celebrate the emphasis on the EU's ‘absorption capacity', Turks generally regard it as specially-designed extra obstacle to their membership aspirations even if the EU's ‘absorption capacity' is a permanent agenda item whenever the EU discusses enlargement. This article explores the origins of this – supposedly new – condition and argues that the increased emphasis on the EU's ‘absorption capacity' can be explained by the shifts in the dynamics of EU enlargement.
Portable water-filled barriers (PWFBs) are roadside appurtenances that are used to prevent errant vehicles from penetrating into temporary construction zones on roadways. A numerical model of the composite PWFB, consisting of a plastic shell, steel frame, water and foam was developed and validated against results from full scale experimental tests. This model can be extended to larger scale impact cases, specifically ones that include actual vehicle models. The cost-benefit of having a validated numerical model is significant and this allows the road barrier designer to conduct extensive tests via numerical simulations prior to standard impact tests Effects of foam cladding as additional energy absorption material in the PWFB was investigated. Different types of foam were treated and it was found that XPS foam was the most suitable foam type. Results from this study will aid PWFB designers in developing new generation of roadside structures which will provide enhanced road safety.
The plastic collapse response of aluminium egg-box panels subjected to out-of-plane compression has been measured and modelled. It is observed that the collapse strength and energy absorption are sensitive to the level of in-plane constraint, with collapse dictated either by plastic buckling or by a travelling plastic knuckle mechanism. Drop weight tests have been performed at speeds of up to 6 m s-1, and an elevation in strength with impact velocity is noted. A 3D finite element shell model is needed in order to reproduce the observed behaviours. Additional calculations using an axisymmetric finite element model give the correct collapse modes but are less accurate than the more sophisticated 3D model. The finite element simulations suggest that the observed velocity dependence of strength is primarily due to strain-rate sensitivity of the aluminium sheet, with material inertia playing a negligible role. Finally, it is shown that the energy absorption capacity of the egg-box material is comparable to that of metallic foams. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To obtain accurate information from a structural tool it is necessary to have an understanding of the physical principles which govern the interaction between the probe and the sample under investigation. In this thesis a detailed study of the physical basis for Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy is presented. A single scattering formalism of EXAFS is introduced which allows a rigorous treatment of the central atom potential. A final state interaction formalism of EXAFS is also discussed. Multiple scattering processes are shown to be significant for systems of certain geometries. The standard single scattering EXAFS analysis produces erroneous results if the data contain a large multiple scattering contribution. The effect of thermal vibrations on such multiple scattering paths is also discussed. From symmetry considerations it is shown that only certain normal modes contribute to the Debye-Waller factor for a particular scattering path. Furthermore, changes in the scattering angles induced by thermal vibrations produces additional EXAFS components called modification factors. These factors are shown to be small for most systems.
A study of the physical basis for the determination of structural information from EXAFS data is also presented. An objective method of determining the background absorption and the threshold energy is discussed and involves Gaussian functions. In addition, a scheme to determine the nature of the scattering atom in EXAFS experiments is introduced. This scheme is based on the fact that the phase intercept is a measure of the type of scattering atom. A method to determine bond distances is also discussed and does not require the use of model compounds or calculated phase shifts. The physical basis for this method is the absence of a linear term in the scattering phases. Therefore, it is possible to separate these phases from the linear term containing the distance information in the total phase.
A series or Ta2O5 films with different SiO2 additional layers including overcoat, undercoat and interlayer was prepared by electron beam evaporation under the same deposition process. Absorption of samples was measured using the surface thermal lensing (STL) technique. The electric field distributions of the samples were theoretical predicted using thin film design software (TFCalc). The laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) was assessed using an Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm with a pulse length of 12 ns. It was found that SiO2 additional layers resulted in a slight increase of the absorption, whereas they exerted little influence on the microdefects. The electric field distribution among the samples was unchanged by adding an SiO2 overcoat and undercoat, yet was changed by adding an interlayer. SiO2 undercoat. The interlayer improved the LIDT greatly, whereas the SiO2 overcoat had little effect on the LIDT. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The theoretical analysis of intersubband optical transitions for InAs/ InGaAs quantum dots-in-a-well ( DWELL ) detectors are performed in the framework of effective-mass envelope- function theory. In contrast to InAs/ GaAs quantum dot (QD) structures, the calculated band structure of DWELL quantitatively confirms that an additional InGaAs quantum well effectively lowers the ground state of InAs QDs relative to the conduction-band edge of GaAs and enhances the confinement of electrons. By changing the doping level, the dominant optical transition can occur either between the bound states in the dots or from the ground state in the dots to bound states in the well, which corresponds to the far-infrared and long-wave infrared (LWIR ) peaks in the absorption spectra, respectively. Our calculated results also show that it is convenient to tailor the operating wavelength in the LWIR atmospheric window ( 8 - 12 mu m ) by adjusting the thickness of the InGaAs layer while keeping the size of the quantum dots fixed. Theoretical predictions agree well with the available experimental data. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.