962 resultados para actual situation
Situation calculus has been applied widely in arti?cial intelligence to model and reason about actions and changes in dynamic systems. Since actions carried out by agents will cause constant changes of the agents’ beliefs, how to manage
these changes is a very important issue. Shapiro et al. [22] is one of the studies that considered this issue. However, in this framework, the problem of noisy sensing, which often presents in real-world applications, is not considered. As a
consequence, noisy sensing actions in this framework will lead to an agent facing inconsistent situation and subsequently the agent cannot proceed further. In this paper, we investigate how noisy sensing actions can be handled in iterated
belief change within the situation calculus formalism. We extend the framework proposed in [22] with the capability of managing noisy sensings. We demonstrate that an agent can still detect the actual situation when the ratio of noisy sensing actions vs. accurate sensing actions is limited. We prove that our framework subsumes the iterated belief change strategy in [22] when all sensing actions are accurate. Furthermore, we prove that our framework can adequately handle belief introspection, mistaken beliefs, belief revision and belief update even with noisy sensing, as done in [22] with accurate sensing actions only.
Le Japon connaît depuis les années 1980 un certain nombre de difficultés liées au taux de natalité qui sont parmi les plus faibles dans le monde. Face à cette situation, le gouvernement japonais rejette la faute sur les femmes qui, selon le gouvernement, perdent les valeurs familiales et deviennent de plus en plus égoïstes. Ce changement, serait dû, entre autres, à un niveau plus haut niveau d’éducation et à des attentes croissantes tant au niveau personnel que professionnel. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous attacherons, à l’aide de différentes théories sur la faible natalité, à démontrer que s’il y a effectivement eu un changement au niveau des valeurs familiales, ces derniers n’expliquent pas entièrement la situation actuelle. Ainsi, nous touchons ici à la situation économique, au manque d’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes dans les différentes sphères de la vie et, enfin nous parlerons des changements au niveau des valeurs.
CIRO ROBERTO MORENO S. EN C.S – “Minas Peñitas”. Es una empresa en el sector minero energético. Este sector se ha caracterizado en Colombia como uno de los más importantes de inigualable crecimiento y con un gran potencial, ya que no solo le trae grandes beneficios a la economía del país, sino que es un sector distinguido por generar grandes niveles de empleo. De este modo CIRO ROBERTO MORENO S. EN C.S – “Minas Peñitas” tiene grandes oportunidades de crecimiento y perdurabilidad, pero debe tener en cuenta que tiene que estar preparada y en las mejores condiciones en todos los aspectos posibles. El propósito del presente trabajo de análisis de la empresa CIRO ROBERTO MORENO S. EN C.S – “Minas Peñitas” es de identificar la forma cómo se desarrollan todas las actividades de la empresa y así determinar el desempeño de estas, para identificar las fortalezas y debilidades presentes, para establecer un plan de mejoramiento en todas las actividades de la cadena de valor y por lo tanto en el plan de negocio de la compañía. La meta de este trabajo no solo fue analizar la situación de la empresa, sino también mostrar las condiciones de la minería de carbón y su comportamiento a nivel mundial y nacional, datos que no se tienen muy claros por parte de empresa y por lo tanto no se le ha dado la suficiente importancia a esta clase de información para beneficio de la misma; sin embargo de acuerdo a las mejoras propuestas en las falencias encontradas en los temas de comunicación y manejo de información en la empresa se espera que si CIRO ROBERTO MORENO S. EN C.S – “Minas Peñitas” considere aplicarlas de la mejor forma, lo cual le traerá grandes beneficios y cumplir con la visión establecida por la empresa.
Este trabajo está enfocado en conocer y analizar la situación laboral de los relacionistas públicos. Iniciando por las bases teóricas, nos dirigimos a comprender el título de esta carrera: “Comunicación social en Relaciones Públicas y publicidad”, principalmente me he enfocado en la importancia de las Relaciones Públicas. Considerando que es una rama en evolución y una disciplina que cuenta con una presencia esencial en el seno de las organizaciones, contribuye a la gestión estratégica de la comunicación de cualquier organización. Mediante encuestas se analizarán las siguientes variables: formación académica, ejercicio profesional, graduados que trabajan por cuenta propia, grado de pertenencia a la Institución y aspectos complementarios. Cada una de las variables ha servido para inferir la situación real en la que se encuentra un Relacionista Público dentro de nuestro contexto citadino y nacional, tanto como reconocer sus debilidades y fortalezas frente a una carrera en constante evolución y de prometedores logros.
The increasing use of biodegradable devices in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine means it is essential to study and understand their degradation behaviour. Accelerated degradation systems aim to achieve similar degradation profiles within a shorter period of time, compared with standard conditions. However, these conditions only partially mimic the actual situation, and subsequent analyses and derived mechanisms must be treated with caution and should always be supported by actual long-term degradation data obtained under physiological conditions. Our studies revealed that polycaprolactone (PCL) and PCL-composite scaffolds degrade very differently under these different degradation conditions, whilst still undergoing hydrolysis. Molecular weight and mass loss results differ due to the different degradation pathways followed (surface degradation pathway for accelerated conditions and bulk degradation pathway for simulated physiological conditions). Crystallinity studies revealed similar patterns of recrystallization dynamics, and mechanical data indicated that the scaffolds retained their functional stability, in both instances, over the course of degradation. Ultimately, polymer degradation was shown to be chiefly governed by molecular weight, crystallinity susceptibility to hydrolysis and device architecture considerations whilst maintaining its thermodynamic equilibrium.
Normative influences on road user behaviour have been well documented and include such things as personal, group, subjective and moral norms. Commonly, normative factors are examined within one cultural context, although a few examples of exploring the issue across cultures exist. Such examples add to our understanding of differences in perceptions of the normative factors that may exert influence on road users and can assist in determining whether successful road safety interventions in one location may be successful in another. Notably, the literature is relatively silent on such influences in countries experiencing rapidly escalating rates of motorization. China is one such country where new drivers are taking to the roads in unprecedented numbers and authorities are grappling with the associated challenges. This paper presents results from qualitative and quantitative research on self-reported driving speeds of car drivers and related issues in Australia and China. Focus group interviews and questionnaires conducted in each country examined normative factors that might influence driving in each cultural context. Qualitative findings indicated perceptions of community acceptance of speeding were present in both countries but appeared more widespread in China, yet quantitative results did not support this difference. Similarly, with regard to negative social feedback from speeding, qualitative findings suggested no embarrassment associated with speeding among Chinese participants and mixed results among Australian participants, yet quantitative results indicated greater embarrassment for Chinese drivers. This issue was also examined from the perspective of self-identity and findings were generally similar across both samples and appear related to whether it is important to be perceived as a skilled/safe driver by others. An interesting and important finding emerged with regard to how Chinese drivers may respond to questions about road safety issues if the answers might influence foreigners’ perceptions of China. In attempting to assess community norms associated with speeding, participants were asked to describe what they would tell a foreign visitor about the prevalence of speeding in China. Responses indicated that if asked by a foreigner, people may answer in a manner that portrayed China as a safe country (e.g., that drivers do not speed), irrespective of the actual situation. This ‘faking good for foreigners’ phenomenon highlights the importance of considering ‘face’ when conducting research in China – a concept absent from the road safety literature. An additional noteworthy finding that has been briefly described in the road safety literature is the importance and strength of the normative influence of social networks (guanxi) in China. The use of personal networks to assist in avoiding penalties for traffic violations was described by Chinese participants and is an area that could be addressed to strengthen the deterrent effect of traffic law enforcement. Overall, the findings suggest important considerations for developing and implementing road safety countermeasures in different cultural contexts.
Restoring a large-scale power system has always been a complicated and important issue. A lot of research work has been done on different aspects of the whole power system restoration procedure. However, more time will be required to complete the power system restoration process in an actual situation if accurate and real-time system data cannot be obtained. With the development of the wide area monitoring system (WAMS), power system operators are capable of accessing to more accurate data in the restoration stage after a major outage. The ultimate goal of the system restoration is to restore as much load as possible while in the shortest period of time after a blackout, and the restorable load can be estimated by employing WAMS. Moreover, discrete restorable loads are employed considering the limited number of circuit-breaker operations and the practical topology of distribution systems. In this work, a restorable load estimation method is proposed employing WAMS data after the network frame has been reenergized, and WAMS is also employed to monitor the system parameters in case the newly recovered system becomes unstable again. The proposed method has been validated with the New England 39-Bus system and an actual power system in Guangzhou, China.
Lanak planteatzen duen galdera, hezitzaileek bere eginbeharraren inguruan hausnartzera bideratuta dago. Egungo sistema kapitalistaren barruan hezkuntzak duen erabilera desestali nahian, bizi dugun egoera aztertu egin da eta erabiltzen diren kontrol mekanismoak. Egoera honen aurrean, behar den hezkuntza erantzuna zabaldu nahi da, Paulo Freireren pedagogia eragilearen (problematizatzailearen) ildoan. Horretarako, aspektu teoriko nagusiak zehaztu dira eta ikuspegi kritikoa praktikan jartzeko esperientziak aurkeztu. Gure pedagogia erresistentziaren pedagogia izan behar du, egun kapitalismoak isiltasunera eta deshumanizaziora bultzatzen dituen pertsona horiek hitza berreskura dezaten. Lan hau beraz, ekarpen didaktikoa da hezitzailearen eginbehar konplexu eta arduratsuan laguntzeko, bere erantzukizun soziala gain har dezan.
A farmácia comunitária ocupa um importante espaço no cenário da saúde pública brasileira, como local de dispensação de medicamentos e de contínua promoção do consumo de medicamentos para a população. Nesses estabelecimentos, o usuário busca através do consumo de produtos, prescritos ou não, o restabelecimento da sua saúde. O farmacêutico é o profissional de saúde com formação específica sobre medicamentos e que, pelo imperativo da legislação sanitária, é colocado como responsável técnico, nesse lócus. Qual sua motivação para ingressar nessa carreira? Como é a sua práxis e qual a realidade percebida por ele nesse cotidiano? Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar a concepção que os farmacêuticos responsáveis técnicos, atuantes em farmácias comunitárias do estado do Rio de Janeiro, têm sobre a sua prática profissional e como essa visão pode estar relacionada à implementação de práticas focadas no paciente, tais como a Atenção Farmacêutica. Foram realizadas 15 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com farmacêuticos responsáveis técnicos de farmácias do estado do Rio de Janeiro, representando a seguinte tipologia: farmácias de rede estadual, de rede local e familiar. A categorização do discurso dos farmacêuticos mostrou, pelo menos, quatro convergências: a deficiência no processo de formação acadêmica, a prática farmacêutica migrando para o paciente, as contínuas dificuldades da população quanto ao uso de medicamentos e o conhecimento superficial do conceito de Atenção Farmacêutica. Pensa-se que a realidade encontrada possa não ser muito diferente da de grande número de farmácias comunitárias do próprio estado do Rio de Janeiro, sendo necessário fazer reflexões sobre esse tema, para nos conduzir a um momento de discussão sobre quais elementos poderão vir a garantir, que a práxis farmacêutica se insira com complementaridade nos serviços de saúde.
[ES]El objetivo de este TFG es estudiar la situación actual de los conceptos ética y sostenibilidad dentro de la disciplina de la dirección de proyectos e investigar cuál es el papel de estos valores dentro del plan de estudios de la ETSI (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería) de Bilbao. Para ello el trabajo de documentación se complementará con entrevistas realizadas a gente relevante del centro que ayudarán con su visión y experiencia sobre el tema. Tras recopilar esta información se presentará una propuesta de cambio en el método de evaluación para considerar estos aspectos en los trabajos finales de los alumnos de esta escuela.
[eus] Azken hamarkadetan egon diren aldaketak direla eta, gaur egungo gizarteak, pertsona sortzaileak eskatzen ditu, beraz, oraingo erronkei erantzuten dien hezkuntza baten beharrean gaude. Honetarako, pertsonen interes eta trebetasunetatik abiatzen den hezkuntza behar dugu, sormenari eta adimen emozionalari lekua uzten dion hezkuntza, hain zuzen ere. Hau lortzeko, lehenik eta behin gure inguruko zentroen egoera aztertu eta beste motatako esparruetara jo da, hauen ezaugarriak, zailtasunak eta aukerak ezagutzeko asmoz. Aipatutako bi gaitasun hauek pertsonengan duten garrantzia ikusita eta zenbait lekutan nola lantzen dituzten aztertu ostean, emaitzak jasoko dira gure inguruko zentroetan, sormena eta adimen emozionala bultzatzen duen metodologia baten ezaugarriak eskeintzeko. Aipatuko diren, jarduera motak eta irakasleen papera Hezkuntza Sortzailea oinarritzat izango dute, pertsona guztien berezitasunak, interesak eta trebetasunak kontuan hartzen dituen hezkuntza izanik.
在大量调查、分析与研究的基础上 ,结合中国经济发展中城市快速发展面临的一系列地质灾害 ,采用自然科学与社会科学相互交叉的方法 ,分析了城市地质灾害的危害性及对城市发展的影响 ,根据中国城市发展的实际情况和 2 0 0 1年以后的远景目标 ,因地制宜地提出了整治城市灾害的基本对策与管理措施 ,为国家制定城市发展远景规划和奋斗目标提供基本思路
Based on amount of field investigation and laboratory analysis, this paper emphasized on the establishment of soil improvement benefit evaluation models. It is pointed out that the benefit evaluation models can be simulated by taking litter biomass, mean diameter of breast high (D), mean height (H) and (D 2H) as independent variables and taking comprehensive benefit evaluation index as dependent variable. The models vary with different independent variables and can be chosen to use according to actual situation.